Rikoksia ja hiekkakakkuja

by Jennifer Weiner

Other authorsHilkka Pekkanen (Translator)
Paperback, 2009



Call number




Helsinki : Loisto : WSOY, 2009


Having relocated to an alienating Connecticut suburb after a mugging in her native New York City, wife and mother Kate Klein undertakes a murder investigation during her children's school hours when a local mom is killed.

User reviews

LibraryThing member raspberrybee
This book had so much promise! I read the summary and I thought, "I can't wait to read this!" What a disapointment. The lead character is SO ANNOYING. I could not root for her at all. She was constantly pining after an old flame and she constantly complained about how much she hated her current
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life in the suburbs. She even went on to wish she could just leave her kids.

The plot made no sense and the ending came out of nowhere. This book was crap.
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LibraryThing member emhromp2
This book was a minor disappointment, Weiner's other books are just better. I like the idea, however, that she's trying something different here: Desperate Housewives goes miss Marple.
LibraryThing member edhead
Overall, an enjoyable read, but it could have used a little more editing.
LibraryThing member WittyreaderLI
When I first discovered Jennifer Weiner, it was the book "Good in Bed" sitting on my friend's dresser in her college dorm room. I asked her about the book and she said she loved it. And I read it and loved it too. Since then, I've tried to read Weiner's follow ups: In her Shoes, and Little
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Earthquakes, but I could not get into either one. I began reading Goodnight Nobody with mild skepticsm. ANd sadly, she's 1 for 4. This book started out being a fun and interesting read but quickly turned into a chore, where I actually ended up skipping to the end just to find out who did it. Picture Desperate Housewives but with less interesting pronnounced housewives and a sad sack of a protagnist.
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LibraryThing member ktptcruisin
A thrilling twist on her usual storyline, but still pure Weiner and as such terrific writing and a great story!
LibraryThing member bookmindful
Pleasant enough and fun to read but at the end it left me unsatisfied. She's better at non-mystery chick lit.
LibraryThing member seka760
Although a huge fan of Jennifer Weiner, not a huge fan of this book. I'm not a big mystery reader, so I was slightly turned off in the first place. But this book is just not up to Weiner's past accomplishments. Some patrons have told me that they don't like her and my response is, if this is the
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only book you read, you're not getting the full Jennifer experience. Although this was a must read for me, I didn't like it all that much. I'm looking forward to more "true" Jennifer titles.
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LibraryThing member rcooper3589
After reading a series of intense books I wanted something a little on the lighter side, and having read "Good in Bed" and "In Her Shoes" in the past I knew "Goodnight Nobody" would be perfect. And I was right! Like her previous novels, Weiner is able to mix drama and comedy amazingly. Kate, the
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main character, is wonderfully well-rounded and a sympathetic/understanding hero. And like Weiner's other books, Kate isn't the skinny, pretty and popular woman on the block. She's human. ...Basically, Weiner didn't dissapoint and I reccomend "Goodnight Nobody" to both people who have and haven't read her previous books!

MY FAVORITE QUOTE: Why did I doubt that in all of her adventures Miss Marple had never once obtained an important clue by pretending to have the shits?
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LibraryThing member Brandie
great, quick read for me! I thought it was a good book - and probably every mother has once felt like the character in this book (being that every one else seems to be so together and yet she is not). And if no one else has, well I have!
Great light read!
LibraryThing member tresca
I just finished reading another Jennifer Weiner novel (Good in Bed) right before this one and I found I enjoyed that one much more. The writing is still quite good and the characters will definitely pull you in. Unfortunately, here, Weiner tried to have dual plot lines, one involving a murder
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mystery. Honestly, if I wanted a murder mystery, I would have picked one up instead. Her endings could also use a bit more resolution for my tastes.
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LibraryThing member rainbowdarling
My feelings about this book are mixed. On the one hand, I really very much enjoyed the murder mystery storyline. It was thrilling in a way that most of the books that I read aren't, without being greatly frightening. On the other hand, there are a lot of loose ends to the story that are left
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unresolved at the end of the book. The characters vacillated between being interesting and complex to being irritatingly simple and shallow. Overall, I enjoyed the story but was left somewhat unsatisfied by the way that it lacked resolution in some areas of established subplot.
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LibraryThing member mmardis
Brain candy for sure. I enjoyed this book thoroughly and it was the perfect book for a vacation. I don't consider it to be high literature and I'm not sure that I learned anything from the book, but I can't complain. I had some moments of not quite buying the rebel-friend Janie Segal character and
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her patter seemed a bit canned. The sex scene was a bit nauseating since the narrator had spent much of the book describing her repellent appearance to the reader. I'd have liked more description of Ben, too, since he ultimately gets the girl.
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LibraryThing member bibliophile26
A murder mystery with a Connecticut housewife as the sleuth. A bit of a stretch, but still an entertaining read
LibraryThing member NancyJak
I'm surprised that I enjoyed this book. I really looked forward to seeing what happened. Sometimes I have to just suspend reality and it worked for me here.
LibraryThing member bookstar
An unexpected guilty pleasure. A fast read with a twist. Written much like Weiner's other books, and in the style that helped land her the chick lit title, Goodnight Nobody adds an interesting twist as the main character struggles with a mystery while also raising children, questioning her
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relationship with her husband and overall struggling to find herself. It's a fast-paced read that's a great escape from the everyday.
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LibraryThing member whoot
not a great book, even with expectations of just being entertained....
LibraryThing member LivelyLady
So how could a "who-dun-it" be funny? Especially with a murder involved??? But somehow Jennifer Weiner pulls it off with Kate, the New York transplant to a Connecticut suburbia, stumbling across the murdered body of another woman. Sprinkled throughout are Kate's disparaging remarks about her own
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clumsiness and disorganization compared to the polished and perfect other mothers in the neighborhood. Funny, interesting and light!!
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LibraryThing member cefeick
Weiner's first foray into mysteries isn't terrible. I found it quite entertaining. It is, after all, told in her characteristic voice. But as a mystery, it was only so-so, not edge-of-your-seat suspense.
LibraryThing member urduha
Although I like the idea of the book (the suburban mom turned Nancy Drew), I hated Kate. I believe whodunits should have an inspiring protagonist, which Kate certainly could never be. Could she be more needlessly conflicted? So she doesn't like housework, hire a cleaning lady! So she gets tired of
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taking care of her 3 kids all under 5, hire a nanny! These are not moral choices, yet she stumbles through her life feeling guilty and unable to satisfy herself. She seems to be waiting for her husband to do that. Her constant complaining is truly annoying when she is living in an expensive house in an expensive neighbourhood with a husband who, although too busy to pay her too much attention, basically is not a bad guy. Her contempt for the other stay-at-home mothers, while somewhat understandable, is hypocritical on her part because most of the time she is laments that she's not more like them. I found too immature to be interesting, and not in the least bit inspiring
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LibraryThing member kphillips12
Very boring. Not well written, murder mystery in yuppie town.
LibraryThing member birdsam
Good, light fiction. Well written and interesting. I felt everything tied up a little too quickly at the end though. Will definitely try the author's other books.
LibraryThing member miyurose
I have mixed feelings about this book. Story-wise, it wasn't bad. However… I know Jennifer Weiner's books are supposed to be "fat girl does good" sort of things, but I got sooooooo tired of the references to her weight. I felt like every page had some reference to her thighs being larger than her
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husband's, or her being the biggest person in the room, or some other badly hidden reminder that she doesn't have a perfect body.

I haven't written Weiner off yet. I have one more book of her's to read (In Her Shoes, I believe), but if it's written the same as this one I'm not going to bother with any others.
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LibraryThing member Fantasma
A big disappointment!
I'm a huge Jennifer Weiner fan, and this book has nothing the other ones had. She tried a different style, to write a mystery, and I don't think she suceeded, it's too weak, it doesn't have enough suspense and most of the time we don't really care about what's happening.
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didn't like the main caracter, usually they are strong and very enjoyable females, this time I just wanted to smack Kate! And most of the other 'members of the cast'...
The ending was awful. When you finally discover who killed Kitty, it's not really a surprise, even if it wasn't already a suspect. Then, the other mystery that existed in Kittys life is resolved in a stupid, stupid way, IMO. And as for what Kate decides to do with her life, well, who cares, right? As you end the book not knowing!

Anyway, it was not a good "reading time" for me either, so maybe I'd enjoyed the book more in another occasion. It took me 10 days to read a 370 pages book... :oS
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LibraryThing member KC9333
Chick lit mystery. Sometimes the commentary on surburbia is laugh out loud funny, other times the novel is a frustrating tale of a whiny woman who can't find joy in her life and blames her marriage. With no idea what she is doing, Kate barrels ahead, questions suspects, and puts her kids at risk to
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investigate a murder. Hard to believe and just so so ......
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LibraryThing member denina
Entertaining, but the ending left me unsatisfied. The whole Evan-storyline was totally forgotten - I'd have wanted a resolution of some kind to that.
Why did she stay with her husband, even though she wasn't happy with him. I don't judge her decision, but I would have liked to hear her
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explain it to herself at least.
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Physical description

478 p.; 17.8 cm


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