Bay of Sighs

by Nora Roberts

Paperback, 2017



Call number




London : Piatkus, 2017.


"To celebrate the rise of their new queen, three goddesses of the moon created three stars, one of fire, one of ice, one of water. But then they fell from the sky, putting the fate of all worlds in danger. And now three women and three men join forces to pick up the pieces Mermaid Annika is from the sea, and it is there she must return after her quest to find the stars. New to this world, her purity and beauty are nothing less than breathtaking, along with her graceful athleticism, as her five new friends discovered when they retrieved the fire star. Now, through space and time, traveler Sawyer King has brought the guardians to the island of Capri, where the water star is hidden. And as he watches Annika in her element, he finds himself drawn to her joyful spirit. But Sawyer knows that if he allows her into his heart, no compass could ever guide him back to solid ground... And in the darkness, their enemy broods. She lost one star to the guardians, but there is still time for blood to be spilled the mermaid s in the water and the traveler s on the land. For she has forged a dangerous new weapon. Something deadly and unpredictable. Something human."--publisher.… (more)

User reviews

LibraryThing member bemislibrary
If you looking for a mindless escape from reality, Roberts delivers in this second book of the Guardian Trilogy as she continues to explore paranormal relationships through Annika’s interactions with her companions, Bran, Riley, Sawyer, Sasha, and Doyle. Reminiscent of the Fellowship of the Rings
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by J.R.R. Tolkien, the group is on a quest to save the world, but the similarities end there. The characters are likeable but very shallow. Following the formula of her other series, there is a conflict, some fulfilling sex, and good versus evil activity. Unfortunately, this volume reads like a first draft with dashes and ellipsis used to move conversations along.
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LibraryThing member kmartin802
The second book in the Guardians trilogy finds our group of six in Capri searching for the second falling star. The one concentrates of the romance between Sawyer and Annika. This is a romance that seemingly has a built-in ending date. Annika is a mermaid who was given legs so that she could take
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part in the quest to find the stars but will return to the sea in three months without them. Sawyer has a device that lets him travel in space and time.

Sawyer is reluctant to begin a relationship with Annika for a number of reasons. The primary one for him is that Annika is new to life on land and dealing with humans. He sees her as an innocent in need of protection. Despite her lack of familiarity with humans, Annika is a woman who knows what she wants.

Our villain, the dark goddess Nerezza, has found herself a human partner in Andre Malmon who is a bored killer who has had previous run-ins with Sawyer and with Riley. If he weren't so irredeemably evil, I could feel sorry for him because his relationship with Nerezza changes him for the worse. But Malmon makes his bargain eagerly and ends up changed and enslaved to her.

Since one of the main viewpoint characters in this one isn't human, we get a lot of Annika's joy and curiosity. We also get a lot of opportunities to see her struggling with idioms and customs of humans. For example, she has a very different way of dealing with nakedness and talking about sex. Luckily, her new sisters Riley and Sasha are there to clear up some of her confusion.

Again, this story is trademark Roberts in the relationships she builds between the characters and their acceptance of each others strengths and weaknesses. Friendships matter in a Roberts book. I can't wait to read the next one both to see the end to their quest and to see the relationship that is coming next.
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LibraryThing member CLDunn
I loved the first book in this Guardians series and I do love the six main characters. However, this book just didn't hold my interest.
The six are back and this is Sawyer King (time traveler) and Annika's (mermaid) story. I did enjoy their story but the fights with the evil Nerezza and a new evil
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character Malmon were rushed and there was no drama with them like there was in the Stars of Fortune Book 1. This book just wasn't interesting to me. I will read Book 3 because I want to read Riley & Doyle's story but just to complete the series.
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LibraryThing member jmchshannon
Nora Roberts is one of those authors whose work I will automatically purchase. I love her characters, her dialogue, her suspense, her romance. I particularly love when she dives into the paranormal world, and her Three Sisters’ Island trilogy as well as her Circle trilogy are among my all-time
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favorites. Her stories always end up being comfort reads for me, so it was with great anticipation I opened the second book of the Guardians trilogy, Bay of Sighs

Sadly, it fell flat for me. There are all of the usual hallmarks of her novels, but none of them seem to click together. There is less witty banter and too much hand-wringing. The connection between Annika and Sawyer seems stilted with too much time spent worrying about their future together. Meanwhile, the action and adventure are less suspenseful and more predictable. There is almost more time spent discussing the food the group eats than the actual mission of finding the second star. The whole thing is missing that spark which makes her stories so good.

Some of the issue lies with Annika. As a mermaid experiencing life as a human for the first time, it is understandable that her view on things and her grasp of the English language is not on par with an adult. However, an entire book surrounding Annika and her pidgen English is a bit too much. Her speech reads like a toddler, and it is too easy to see her as a toddler given her overall innocence and complete faith in the mission and her teammates. Even the way the others treat her support this idea that she is innocent and child-like. Therefore, when the action dips into the sexier side, those scenes and the dialogue that ensues become more than a bit uncomfortable with a hint of a pedophilia vibe to it. Then there is the case of mermaid sex, which I simultaneously trying to forget and to understand.

To be fair, this may be a case of having too high expectations. However, there is a general lack of urgency to the group’s search that indicates to me as if Ms. Roberts’ focus was not quite there while writing this one. In fact, the search for and subsequent finding of the star are so rushed and such a small portion of the novel, one wonders if we could have skipped this novel altogether. One can only hope this was indeed a filler novel, and the trilogy finale ends up being as stellar as the rest of the novels we have come to love from Ms. Roberts.
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LibraryThing member N.W.Moors
Bay of Sighs is the second book in the Guardian Trilogy. The first book, Stars of Fortune, was okay, very similar to the O'Dwyer trilogy, but the characters were different enough that I enjoyed it.
Now we have the second pairing looking for the Water Star, Annika the mermaid and Sawyer the time
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traveler. They are likeable enough, but I didn't feel their characters developed much, especially as Annika was very childlike and Sawyer just kind of a good guy. I especially had trouble with one scene where they have sex, but Annika is wearing her tail. It was just weird, not romantic as Ms. Roberts usually writes.
I want to see how the next book ends, but this is definitely not my favorite series by Ms. Roberts.
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LibraryThing member wyvernfriend
In common with several of Nora Roberts trilogies with 6 characters this concentrates on the next couple, Annika the Mermaid and Sawyer King, they're on the island of Capri and searching for the next star, the Star of Water and Nerezza sends a terrible foe to chase them.

It's a bridging novel, the
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characters are learning more about themselves and about the others and there are a fair few training montages, still fun moments and some tension, and yes the relationship goes through some pretty predictable moments. Entertaining and fun
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LibraryThing member Mrslabraden
The Bay of Sighs continues the Guardians' Trilogy. After finding and hiding the first of the three stars, the guardians are led to the island of Capri to look for the second. The search leads them to watery caves surrounding the island. Bran and Sasha have cemented their relationship, and in this
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book, Sawyer and Annika take center stage. Sawyer, whose has the ability to use a magic compass to take them to other places and times finds himself falling for Annika the mermaid chosen by her people to be part of the quest for the three stars. Nerezza has found an ally in Malmon who is also Sawyer's nemesis. Their quest leads them to the mythical Bay of Sighs, but the guardians, especially Sawyer and Annika, face difficult tests along the way that threaten to put an end to their newfound love.
This is another good entry in the Guardian's Trilogy leading to the third and final book, The Island of Glass.
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LibraryThing member JillKenna
I read this book very quick but I think it was a great second book in the trilogy. I think I may have liked this second book better than the first. Maybe it's because we've already had one book with these characters so we're just getting to know them better as the trilogy goes on. I cannot wait to
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read the last book in the trilogy to see how the story ends.
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LibraryThing member BillieBook
This felt more like a bridge between books one and three than a novel in its own right. There was some vague plot stuff, that came to a rather quick and easy conclusion. And Annika, though a charming character, is written in such a way as to come across as not emotionally or mentally mature enough
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to enter into an adult sexual relationship, so the romance between her and Sawyer felt a little squcky. I expect, and usually get, more and better from Nora Roberts. this was just sort of disappointing and should probably be only two stars, but it was still a comfort-food read, so that earned it a little leeway.
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LibraryThing member ladypembroke
Annika is my favourite character in this trilogy -- she is so full of joy and life and honesty. For once, a romance series that does not allow the "can't be honest with my feelings" trope. Really refreshing. Looking forward now to the conclusion on the mystery. Since there hasn't been the
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instantaneous chemistry between the last pair of characters that there was with the first two pairs, I'm not sure where Roberts is going to go with them.
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LibraryThing member sanyamakadi
This one was my least favorite of the trilogy, because it spent too much time (in my opinion) on the evil god and her minions, which could have been spent with our heroes searching for the stone. It took place in one of my favorite locations ever, Capri, but I have to wonder if Nora Roberts has
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ever been to Italy, as she continually talks about group eating pizza American style (with everyone taking slices out of the same pie), while any restaurant in Italy only serves individual sized pizzas, so each person eats her own.
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LibraryThing member ftbooklover
The Bay of Sighs continues the Guardians' Trilogy. After finding and hiding the first of the three stars, the guardians are led to the island of Capri to look for the second. The search leads them to watery caves surrounding the island. Bran and Sasha have cemented their relationship, and in this
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book, Sawyer and Annika take center stage. Sawyer, whose has the ability to use a magic compass to take them to other places and times finds himself falling for Annika the mermaid chosen by her people to be part of the quest for the three stars. Nerezza has found an ally in Malmon who is also Sawyer's nemesis. Their quest leads them to the mythical Bay of Sighs, but the guardians, especially Sawyer and Annika, face difficult tests along the way that threaten to put an end to their newfound love.
This is another good entry in the Guardian's Trilogy leading to the third and final book, The Island of Glass.
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LibraryThing member Lauren2013
Bay of Sighs
3 Stars

Series note: The events continue immediately following those in the first book. Bay of Sighs cannot be read as a standalone.

The search for the Water Star takes the Guardians to the island of Capri off the coast of Italy where they await the goddess Nerezza's new assault. Little
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do they know the horrific weapon she plans to use against them. As the bonds between the six grow stronger, two in particular struggle with their feelings for each other - Annika, the mermaid, whose time on land is limited, and Sawyer, the traveler, who fears losing his heart to a woman who will soon be gone.

Unfortunately, this installment suffers from middle book syndrome. The first 2/3s are rather slow and very little happens except for training and some build-up toward the showdown with Nerezza's monstrous new pet. The final 1/3, however, is very exciting with some truly intense and suspenseful moments.

Annika and Sawyer's romance is sweet, and it is impossible not to care about them and the virtually insurmountable obstacle that they face. Nora's solution is quite inventive although it isn't all that realistic or believable. Then again, this is fantasy, so a healthy suspension of disbelief is required. Speaking of Annika, she is simply adorable, and her discussions with Sasha and Riley about men and sex are hilarious.

Overall, not one of Nora's better sequels, but I am eager to find out more about Doyle's past and to see what is in store for him and Riley.
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Physical description

339 p.; 19.8 cm



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