The Plains of Passage

by Jean M. Auel

Paperback, 2002



Call number



Coronet Books (2002), Paperback, 976 pages


Fiction. Literature. Thriller. Historical Fiction. HTML:Ayla, the heroine first introduced in The Clan of the Cave Bear, is known and loved by millions of readers. Now, in The Plains of Passage, Ayla�s story continues. Ayla and Jondalar set out on horseback across the windswept grasslands of Ice Age Europe. To the hunter-gatherers of their world�who have never seen tame animals�Ayla and Jondalar appear enigmatic and frightening. The mystery surrounding the woman, who speaks with a strange accent and talks to animals with their own sounds, is heightened by her uncanny control of a large, powerful wolf. The tall, yellow-haired man who rides by her side is also held in awe, not only for the magnificent stallion he commands, but also for his skill as a crafter of stone tools, and for the new weapon he devises, the spear-thrower. In the course of their cross-continental odyssey, Ayla and Jondalar encounter both savage enemies and brave friends. Together they learn that the vast and unknown world can be difficult and treacherous, but breathtakingly beautiful and enlightening as well. All the pain and pleasure bring them closer to their ultimate destination, for the orphaned Ayla and the wandering Jondalar must reach that place on earth they can call home. As sweeping and spectacular as the land she creates, Jean M. Auel�s The Plains of Passage is an astonishing novel of discovery, danger, and love, a triumph for one of the world�s most original and popular authors. This eBook includes the full text of the novel plus the following additional content: � An Earth�s Children� series sampler including free chapters from the other books in Jean M. Auel�s bestselling series � A Q&A with the author about the Earth�s Children� series.… (more)

User reviews

LibraryThing member sailordanae
Jondalar and Ayla leave the Mamutoi and travel across Europe. They meet people along the way. That's it for the plot. Drags considerably for long sections between communities, and these parts are well worth skipping as they are incredibly tedious. Just skip and go straight to the sections where
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they interact with other people. .

If you liked the people Jondalar met in Valley of Horses, then you'll want to read this one. It's not for people who haven't read the earlier books in the series, and if you thought Mammoth Hunters was tedious then you should skip this one all together. For fans of the previous three ONLY.
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LibraryThing member surreality
Plot: The plot is very well buried under description, unrelated scenes and subplots. The story doesn't feel as though it is moving much at all. Any momentum is sacrificed to depiction of prehistoric life that slows the plot down whenever something begins to happen.

Characters: Mary Sue and Marty
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Stu, plus assorted side characters who never outgrow the stereotypes they are built on. Characterization is not happening here.

Style: Far too much description and not nearly enough action. The book feels disjointed and the scenes don't seem to lead up to anything. Badly written sex scenes. Scenes from earlier books get recycled, similarly enough that they make me wince.

Plus: As with all the books in the series, the descriptions of stone age life.

Minus: It drags. Oh, it drags. A bit of plot would do wonders.

Summary: Don't pick this up if you expect action or adventure. Or some kind of a story, even.
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LibraryThing member timepiece
While I did enjoy this book as a continuation of the series, and for the information about medicinal plants and survival techniques, it definitely was too heavy on description and too light on plot. I found myself skimming pages at a time, looking for the action to start up again after a
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much-too-long passage about mammoths, or verdant valleys, or karst landscapes.

It was nice to revisit the characters from The Valley of Horses, but this book needed a better editor.
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LibraryThing member jayne_charles
Anyone who has got this far in the series knows what to expect of these books, and this instalment does not surprise or disappoint. Though Ayla eases off on the inventing spree and concentrates on being a one-woman UN peacekeeping force (somewhere between Kofi Annan and Marjorie Proops methinks)
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she still manages to invent a sexual position or too and come within a whisker of inventing the umbrella. Not at the same time I hasten to add.

Being serious, this novel was one heck of an achievement - to take two characters the full width of a continent, in a time when none of the infrastructure we would recognise today was in existence, and manage to convey the enormity of that journey without the story becoming hopelessly samey and boring. I admit there were times in the first few hundred pages when I felt myself turning into that kid in the back of the car that keeps whining 'Are we nearly there yet?'. Keep going, though, and the action starts, about halfway in.

The end is typical of the series too - I could have predicted exactly where the author would leave it! The next volume is now top of my 'want to read' list.
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LibraryThing member jennmurphy
This book gets a little hard to stick with due to all the pages devoted to description of the landscape. Still a bit better than the last book in the series in my opinion. It seems almost like an introduction to the next book, as it really just sets the stage for it.
LibraryThing member scoutmomskf
A reread of this book. I always enjoy this series, and this book is probably my favorite. Ayla and Jondalar have made the decision to leave the Mamutoi and make the trip back to Jondalar's home. Along the way they meet up with several other groups of people, some good and some not.

Ayla is nervous
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about leaving the Mamutoi, who have adopted her and given her a family of her own. But she loves Jondalar and will go with him despite her qualms. Because she was raised by "flatheads" after her own family died in an earthquake, she frequently faces prejudice from those who don't understand. However, she is always able to win over her detractors by way of her healing skills or personality.

Jondalar started out his Journey with his brother, but ended up with Ayla after a cave lion killed his brother and injured him. While happy to be with Ayla, he is homesick for his own people and convinces Ayla to come with him. After spending several months with the Mamutoi, it is time to move on. Having made the Journey this far, Jondalar knows the way back home and is anxious to get there.

I liked the descriptions of the land and animals that they saw along the way, but my favorite parts were when they encountered other people. The first of these are the Sharamudoi, with whom Jondalar and his brother had stayed before. They arrive to find that the wife of the leader has been hurt and Ayla immediately steps into healer mode to help her. She is successful, of course, which puts her in good graces with the rest of the people. I also enjoyed the reactions to Ayla's wolf and horses. They stay for awhile with the group, who want them to stay, but Jondalar insists that they keep moving.

The next group they encounter are the S'Armunai, with a welcome that is not so pleasant. The leader of the group is a woman who stole the leadership and is mentally unbalanced. Jondalar is captured and is confined with the other men. He does what he can to help the other men while he tries to figure out how to escape and find Ayla. Meanwhile, she has been looking for him, and watches the camp for several days while trying to find the best way to rescue him. How she does so is very dramatic and intense. Of course, she also insists on staying long enough to treat those who have been injured and neglected, before they leave to continue their Journey.

Next up are the Losadunai, who live at the edge of the glacier Jondalar and Ayla must cross to get to his home. Again, they are warmly welcomed and treated well. I enjoyed seeing Ayla getting to know everyone. There is also some drama involving a young girl who was assaulted by some young men. Ayla's empathy helps the girl move past it and embrace her future. As Ayla and Jondalar continue their journey they run into those same young men who have attacked a Clan (flathead) man and woman. After reading them the riot act and sending them on their way, Ayla treats the injured man as they share their fire and a meal. I liked how seeing Ayla with a man of the Clan helped Jondalar understand her a little better.

There is danger as they cross the glacier at the end of the winter. The arrival of spring temperatures can cause dangerous melting, putting them at greater risk of injury or death. After several close calls, they make it off the glacier, to the home cave of some of Jondalar's family. A bit of a romantic tangle is present with a young woman there that adds a bit of angst. Ayla also encounters a man of "mixed spirits" half clan and half Other, who reminds her of her son Durc, left behind in the first book of the series. I really enjoyed their connection and seeing Ayla ease his anger about the way his mother was treated. After a brief period with them, they at last reach Jondalar's home, with a cliffhanger ending as we wait to see how they are welcomed.

I always enjoy seeing Ayla win over new people, and this book was no exception. I also loved seeing reactions to the animals, especially Wolf. I especially loved his part in the rescue of Jondalar from the S'Armunai. It is also really sweet to see Wolf with the various children.

This was not my first reread of this book and it won't be the last.
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LibraryThing member lesleydawn
Definitely the weakest book of the series. It's 757 pages of traveling across the pre-historic steppes.
LibraryThing member edella
Jean Auel's The Plains of Passage, the fourth volume in the Earth's Children sequence, is one of the most massive yet (running to nearly 1,000 pages) and has all the sweep and vigour of the earlier books in the series. There are few writers who demonstrate the sheer range and ambition of Auel in
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the fantasy field. The Clan of the Cave Bear was a truly ground-breaking work, with its sweeping historical saga crammed with the kind of detail that had never been seen before in the genre. The Valley of Horses and The Mammoth Hunters continued to enthral readers with their breathtaking panoplies of an ancient world.
The Plains of Passage continues the epic description of our civilisation as it was 25,000 years ago. Auel's protagonists Ayla the orphan and Jondalar the traveller decide to forsake the comfort and safety of life with the mammoth hunters by the Black Sea, and set out on a daunting odyssey. Their plan is to traverse a continent, heading for the Cro-Magnon settlement which Jondalar called home as a young man. Their journey across unimaginable distances is fraught with spectacular dangers, and their only companions are the half-tame Wolf, the magnificent stallion Racer and the mare Whinney.

As so often in Auel's work, it's the brilliantly evocative scene-setting that makes her narratives of high adventure so impressive. Characterisation is, as always, functional rather than inspired, but it's perfectly suited to the Technicolor landscapes the reader is confronted with.
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LibraryThing member dragonasbreath
For me, Plains is the slowest, most boring of the set.
We still have meticulous research and interesting story line, it's just a little bare of action for me.
We DO meet some interesting characters and see what can happen when the balance of power goes out of whack in a village.
LibraryThing member john257hopper
Though still retaining much of the magic of the first three books of the series, I have to say this was my least favourite of the four I have read so far. This was mainly down to the first 300 pages which feature no human characters other than the two regulars and just contain too much endless
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description of the landscape and flora and fauna. The writing of the latter is high quality and obviously very well researched, but just a bit too much. The encounters with other groups of people are good, though one can occasionally get a little tired with Ayla and Jondalar's near perfection in almost all things. This said, I still rate this book very highly and look forward to Book 5.
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LibraryThing member JoReads
I felt she repeated many of the descriptions in previous it was slow going. I found myself skipping large sections of passages just to get to the good part.
LibraryThing member jezmynne
wonderful interlude between epic stories, historically accurate and well written. the story is well developed and detailed without tedium, but is my least favorite of the Earth's Children series
LibraryThing member catsinstacks
After hearing very good reviews about Jean Auel, I was excited to read my first book by her. The opportunity came on a long auto trip and a friend brought the book on CD. Truely, I have mixed feelings about it. The story line is very good and kept my interest. However, the long discussions about
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botany, geology and ecology seems long and unnecessary. I found myself wanting these passages to end so that Auel would get back to Ayla and Jondalar's adventures. All said, I look forward to reading another in the series.
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LibraryThing member Sherri
UUUGGGGHHHHH! A trial. Very difficult to stay with it, a bit too much detail on the grasses and trees...
LibraryThing member marion7
I loved this book. It's my favourite in the series. I thought Jean M Auels depiction of the landscape was extroadinary. To me it felt like I was actually moving through the landscape with her characters.
LibraryThing member mnleona
Ayla and Jondalar continue their journey to his home.
LibraryThing member Gilmore53
Ayla, Jean M Auel, prehistoric fiction, clan of the cave bear,
LibraryThing member MaryRunyan
Wow!! Again Jane Auel knows how to tell a story! I lived through all of the books like it was me in Ayla's place and loved every moment!
LibraryThing member tinalouisehapp
like travel and new characters. also like ayla's sixth sense.
LibraryThing member mssbluejay
The style is the same as the previous three books in the series, which at this point is familiar, repetitive, and unimaginative.
LibraryThing member eaglesong3
I gave the book three stars because you can literally open it up to half way (on an digital reader I believe it was about 62%) and not miss anything interesting. That is, of course, unless you like 10 straight pages describing the grass. I must give credit to the sheer mass of research that Auel
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seems to have done and to the physical dedication to her research that I have seen mentioned in interviews. That still doesn't make me OK with the sheer amounts of information she shares about the environment. It paints a beautiful and detailed picture but this is the first time EVER that at 340k word book has taken me over a month to read due to the mind numbing stretches of descriptive text. Having said that, I would only have given the book 2 stars (equivalent of the 40% of the book I enjoyed) but for the fact that those final 40% were so wonderful that I gave it an extra star. I absolutely LOVE the characters and interactions that Auel writes and am looking forward to the next book in the series as it appears she will be around people throughout.
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LibraryThing member scoutmomskf
A reread of this book. I always enjoy this series, and this book is my favorite. Ayla and Jondalar have decided to leave the Mamutoi and make the trip back to Jondalar's home. Along the way, they meet up with several other groups of people, some good and some not.

Ayla is nervous about leaving the
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Mamutoi, who have adopted her and given her a family. But she loves Jondalar and will go with him despite her qualms. Because she was raised by "flatheads" after her own family died in an earthquake, she frequently faces prejudice from those who don't understand. However, she can always win over her detractors through her healing skills or personality.

Jondalar started his Journey with his brother but ended with Ayla after a cave lion killed and injured him. While happy to be with Ayla, he is homesick for his own people and convinces Ayla to come with him. After spending several months with the Mamutoi, it is time to move on. Having made the Journey this far, Jondalar knows the way back home and is anxious to get there.

I liked the descriptions of the land and animals that they saw along the way, but my favorite parts were when they encountered other people. The first is the Sharamudoi, with whom Jondalar and his brother had stayed. They find that the leader's wife has been hurt, and Ayla immediately steps into healer mode to help her. She is successful, of course, which puts her in good graces with the rest of the people. I also enjoyed the reactions to Ayla's wolf and horses. They stay for a while with the group, who want them to stay, but Jondalar insists that they keep moving.

The next group they encounter is the S'Armunai, with a welcome that is not so pleasant. The leader of the group is a woman who stole the leadership and is mentally unbalanced. Jondalar is captured and confined with the other men. He does what he can to help the other men while he tries to figure out how to escape and find Ayla. Meanwhile, she has been looking for him and watches the camp for several days while trying to find the best way to rescue him. How she does so is very dramatic and intense. Of course, she also insists on staying long enough to treat those injured and neglected before they leave to continue their Journey.

Next is the Losadunai, who live at the edge of the glacier Jondalar and Ayla must cross to get to his home. Again, they are warmly welcomed and treated well. I enjoyed seeing Ayla getting to know everyone. There is also some drama involving a young girl who some young men assaulted. Ayla's empathy helps the girl move past it and embrace her future. As Ayla and Jondalar continue their journey, they run into those same young men who have attacked a Clan (flathead) man and woman. After reading them the riot act and sending them on their way, Ayla treats the injured man as they share their fire and a meal. I liked how seeing Ayla with a man of the Clan helped Jondalar understand her a little better.

There is danger as they cross the glacier at the end of the winter, and the arrival of spring temperatures can cause dangerous melting, putting them at greater risk of injury or death. After several close calls, they make it off the glacier to the home cave of some of Jondalar's family. A bit of a romantic tangle is present with a young woman, which adds a bit of angst. Ayla also encounters a man of "mixed spirits," half clan and half Other, who reminds her of her son Durc, left behind in the series' first book. I enjoyed their connection and seeing Ayla ease his anger about how his mother was treated. After a brief period with them, they finally reach Jondalar's home, with a cliffhanger ending as we wait to see how they are welcomed.

I always enjoy seeing Ayla win over new people; this book was no exception. I also loved seeing reactions to the animals, especially Wolf, and I especially loved his part in the rescue of Jondalar from the S'Armunai. It is also adorable to see Wolf with the various children.

This was not my first reread of this book, and it won't be the last.
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LibraryThing member bcrowl399
loved all of the books in this series. So well written and so well researched. There was a lot for me to discover her, even in "middle age". I know it's overused, but this series is truly classic.
LibraryThing member Krista23
We continue following Ayla on her quest to find others like herself. She is not alone in this book and comes to learn how others live, mate, learn and make things. She discovers that there are many types of shelters and many types of people.
LibraryThing member bdtrump
I would give this one star, but every so often there's a couple passages that I find genuinely interesting. There's no sugar coating it this time, The Plains of Passage is overwritten, oversexed, and hopelessly redundant in many places. Ayla and Jondalar have all the same conversations dozens of
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times over to the point of nausea.

The charm that was The Clan of the Cave Bear is dead. Dead and buried. Ayla has become a demigod superhero of a protagonist with virtually no flaws, a superhuman intellect, and excessively ridiculous ability to amaze everyone she meets. Jondalar, on the other hand, is wanted by virtually everyone, yet seems incapable of learning anything new. The character development and tension of Book 1 is replaced by a work that could have been written in 100 pages, yet was stretched into 700.

This book made me depressed to the point that I wouldn't continue onward in Ayla's journey...but at the same time, I'm almost to the finish line. Who knows, maybe I'll just read 1 in every 10 pages and count my losses?

Jean Auel is too talented for this.
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LA Times Book Prize (Finalist — Fiction — 1990)


Original publication date


Physical description

976 p.; 6.85 inches


034082445X / 9780340824450
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