
by Cornelia Funke

Paper Book, 2006



Call number



Helsingissä : Otava, 2006.


Now thirteen, Meggie "reads" herself into Inkworld, where she, her family, and the characters in the book face chaos and danger as the original creator of the world frantically tries to redirect the story.

User reviews

LibraryThing member jolerie
In this second book of the Inkheart series, Cornelia brings us back to the deeply magical realm of Inkworld, where fire can be lured by our voices to dance and perform, where tightrope walkers perform their trade so high in the skies that their fingers can almost grace the clouds above. This time
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around, Meggie and her father are no longer just reading about Inkworld, but by a series of unfortunate events, find themselves playing a part in the story itself. In this new world, Meggie, Mo, Dustfinger, and his faithful shadow Farid, find themselves facing a host of enemies, some familiar, some new. The story becomes a race against time with Meggie and Mo facing the difficult decision of which world do they belong to - a choice that may not be theirs to make.

I quite enjoyed this second book in the series and my doubts and fears that it would not stand up to the first book was quickly allayed. Inkspell had the same wonderful combination that was present in Inkheart of quirky characters and exciting plot sequences. In some ways the series reminds me a lot of traditional stories that we used to read as children where the beauty of the books lies in simple things like colourful characters we grow love and characters we instinctively despise - no gimmicks and fancy tricks needed. There is sense of familiarity with the books, like friends we've known our whole lives, but also a sense of discovery as the story unfolds in ways I hadn't expected. The mark of a book worth reading is the fact that I want to find out what happens to the characters after I've turned the last page of the book and so with anticipation I will dive right into Inkdeath.
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LibraryThing member andreablythe
This is part two in the Inkheart trilogy, and it is just as well-plotted and complex as Inkheart. Dustfinger finds another reader to read him back into the Inkheart novel. Farid, desperate to follow, finds Meggie to read them both in. Once inside the book Meggie is enchanted with the beauty and
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magic, but is homesick, and so seeks out Fengolio to write the words that will allow her to go home. And Meggie's father and mother have their own set of adventures.

The tightly woven plot is entirely character driven. The characters (from villains to heroes) act according to their nature and to their own desires, and their choices drives the action forward. I found this book thoroughly enjoyable and fascinating and I can't wait to read Inkdeath, the final book in the trilogy.
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LibraryThing member dbhutch
This is book two of Ink heart, that being said it was a good book with different twists. Finding the author of the Ink heart book they come up with a plan to write more in to the book for Mo to read so Capricorn can not kill them all.
LibraryThing member melydia
Meggie and Farid enter the Inkworld in search of Dustfinger and find it much changed from the lands described in Inkheart. A new reader, Orpheus, has started reading people into and out of books. Meanwhile, Mortola and Basta are still on the hunt for Mo. Unlike the previous book, this story takes
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place almost entirely within the Inkworld, and it is a fantastic place. I wanted so badly to visit, even with all the danger involved. And I fell a little bit in love with most of the characters, most especially the impulsive Farid. And oh, I was so happy to already have the third book on hand to start immediately after this one. Some may find Inkheart a little slow, but Inkspell is anything but. So much fun.
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LibraryThing member AJBraithwaite
Liked it better than Inkheart - the plot seemed tighter and the characters more well-rounded. Daughter is still reading 'Inkdeath', so will have to wait for a while to see how the series ends...
LibraryThing member hippieJ
This book is even better than the first! its so good i absolutely love it this whole series is amazing. i recommend reading inkheart first though or u really wont understand a thing. its a really great book and again, one of the few i rate a five.
LibraryThing member knielsen83
After a month of listening to this book, I finally finished it. The sequel to Inkheart, this book was amazingly different, taking place mostly in the world of a book. This book moves quickly, with a lot of interesting situations and characters. The book left off with a bit of a cliffhanger, so I
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hope the author has been working on the third in the series.
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LibraryThing member bookwormygirl
Inkspell holds all the love of books, magic, and adventure that Inkheart did. What a fantastical sequel. In this one, Meggie, Mo, Resa and Farid are actually in the Inkworld. With them, we travel the Wayless Woods, see the Castle of Night, meet the Adderhead, the Laughing Prince (Prince of Sighs)
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and even Cosimo the Fair.

For some reason it took me a while to get into it and I struggled with the first 100 pages or so, but once it got going I couldn’t put it down. I liked the budding romance between Meggie and Farid. All the new characters introduced made the story all the more enjoyable. With a new nemesis and some of the old one’s being back, Inkspell takes us to a higher and more dangerous level. The ending was a bit sad (why did it have to be my favorite character?) - but I have high hopes that Inkdeath will turn it all around and wrap it up to my satisfaction. :D
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LibraryThing member ashooles
This was definitely my favourite out of the three books. I loved Inkheart and Inkspell was not a disappointent at all. i loved every second of this book.
LibraryThing member MrsBond
The characters from Inkheart find themselves in Inkworld. Favorite characters Meggie and Dustfinger are featured prominently throughout the text as new and old enemies make their lives challenging. Story contains plenty of adventure, suspense, magic and romance. The tale wraps up some lose ends
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while setting up the next installment, Inkdeath. This book could have used another round of editing -- too many commas and oddly formed sentences, especially in the last few chapters.
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LibraryThing member willowcove
An excellent series, though volume two was my least favorite.
LibraryThing member VaBookworm87
I finally finished InkSpell. I have to say, I’m a bit disappointed. Not in the story- the story was good! However, for some reason, this book wasn’t able to hold my interest. If I get into a book, I can’t put it down. I will stop all other activities (watching TV, hanging out, internet
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surfing, etc) to curl up and read my book. My typical pace is 1-3 days to read through a book. This one took me weeks! I don’t understand, because it was a truly good story.

I will admit that Cornelia Funke is the master of dragging things out. Events for which a couple of pages would suffice were chapters long! As with InkHeart, she seems to be determined to kick off every chapter with a quote from a book. Again, a nice idea, but she uses random quotes which are completely irrelevant to the plot. Of the entire book, however, those seemed to be the only things that made me dislike it. I would like to better understand what an "Inkspell" is. It is mentioned almost in passing in the book, "Doesn't that sound like an inkspell?" but that was all! You can't name a book after something and then never tie it in!

I like how the book isn’t all from one point of view. The chapters cycle through each primary character, presenting what is going on with them. This does make the story longer, but it makes it nice because you can be in on any action taking place with any of the characters in InkWorld. I love the characters too! They’re all so unique! And the names! Dustfinger, Silvertongue, Two-fingers, Cloud Dancer, the Adderhead… Everyone has a name that signifies what they do (i.e. Cloud Dancer is a tightrope walker).

The story is fascinating, focusing in on the ability to read a person into a story and then trying to get through the story and back home. Unfortunately for the character, the story has developed a mind of its own, so getting home is harder than originally planned. It’s a great adventure in a fantastic world, and personally I’d give anything to be in a similar situation!

I honestly don’t know if I would recommend this story. On the one hand, it is a great story. It has an interesting plot, unique characters, an interesting setting and lots of adventure. On the other hand, it took me longer to read this book than any other has in a long time because it wouldn’t engage me. Perhaps I’m just not in the mood for this genre right now? I’ll hold off on reading InkDeath for now and see if I enjoy it more when I’m in more of a fantasy mood.
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LibraryThing member drebbles
At the end of "Inkheart" Dustfinger still hadn't found his way back into the world Mo had read him out of. He desperately wants to go back and finally finds someone, Orpheus, who reads him back into the ink world. But Dustfinger leaves Farid, his apprentice, behind and Farid wants to be with the
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man he has grown to love like a father. Meggie longs to visit the ink world and is able to read herself and Farid there, leaving behind Mo and Resa, her parents, and her Aunt Elinor. But Mo and Resa soon find out that they cannot escape the ink world as they too are read there.

At 635 pages, and the second part of a planned trilogy, "Inkspell" is truly a work of epic proportions. The length may be a bit off putting for some young readers, but many will be pulled into the fantasy world and will keep reading to find out what happens next. And plenty does happen, "Inkspell" is basically a tale of good versus evil and there are many battles and other excitement along the way.

Meggie is a good, strong character, loving and loyal, if a bit headstrong. Of her parents, Mo is the strongest character, perhaps because Meggie is closer to him than she is to her mother. Readers learn more about Dustfinger and why he is so anxious to return to a world that he knows will be fatal to him. Fenoglio, the author of "Inkheart" (the book within the book) can be annoying at times and by the end I was hoping he would write himself out of the book! Poor Aunt Elinor barely makes a cameo appearance; it's almost as if Cornelia Funke didn't know what to do with her. The villains are all purely evil, especially Basta and the Adderhead. As long as the book is, Funke seems to skip over some of the parts that seem the most interesting, for example, there's much talk about how dangerous Night-Mares are, but they are never shown.

Parents should be aware that there's a great deal of violence in this book. Not only are there wars, but people are shot, stabbed, and burnt and not all survive. "Inkspell" is a great fantasy, but may be a bit upsetting for younger readers.
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LibraryThing member Coffeehag
It took me over two years to finish this book because I became so annoyed with the flipping back and forth from one thread of the story to another. I put the book down for a year and a half. When I returned to it, however, I did enjoy the second half. Funke's characters are quite distinctive, and
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she has novel ideas. I enjoyed the idea of a novel swallowing up its author and several other people. I am interested enough in the story to continue with the third volume, but I will take a break from this trilogy before I do.
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LibraryThing member girlaboutbooks
I'm very happy to say that I liked this book so much more than Inkheart.

It's got more action, adventure, thrill and there are more interesting characters! The world inside Inkheart, or what they call "Inkworld" was finally revealed after Farid and Meggie followed Dustfinger.

I was inlove with the
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way Cornelia crafted the Inkworld, the places, the names (Her Ugliness, The Laughing Prince, Clouddancer etc.,) and the it's own history.

I totally understand Meggie for being stubborn and not listening to Mo even after he told her not use her ability to get herself inside the Inkworld because honestly, if I'm a Silvertongue myself, I'd be tempted to get inside such a magical world too! The attraction between Meggie and Farid, though, felt hollow. I didn't feel any spark. I've been wanting to feel what they feel for each other but there's a lacking I guess between the two of them. On the other hand, Dustfinger is such a wonderful character, he's a deserving of a protagonist and he's definitely my favorite character from the trilogy.

The pacing of the story, too, is way more better than the first book which is very helpful since it has 600 and plus pages.

The ending of the book left such a huge loose end and I can't wait to read the last book, Inkdeath.

I'm giving this a rating of 4.00 out of 5. Do I recommend it? Definitely! Especially to those who didn't like much the first book, give this one a try, it might change your mind.
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LibraryThing member riverwillow
The second book in the Inkheart series. This is a much darker book than the first, Capricorn and the Shadow may be gone but the main characters have been transported into the Inkworld and now face the Adderhead. Funke effortless plays with an author's relationship with their characters, I love how
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Fenoglio despairs as his characters slip from his control as the world becomes reality. A wonderfully imaginative book and one that stimulates the imagination.
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LibraryThing member savageknight
Not as captivating as the first book (Inkheart). Not as big a payoff as I expected. Hopefully, the series will go out with a bang with the trilogy's finale.
LibraryThing member Cecrow
Vast improvement on the first volume, which had almost dissauded me from reading this sequel. The action moves from Earth to the Inkworld and the story consequently improves in every way. The villains are more dangerous, the plot more interesting and less repetitive, the characters more compelling.
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I'm still not clear on some of the rules behind how much Fenoglio can manipulate events, but I don't think he's very clear on this himself and I suspect we may never get all of the answers about that. Unlike after the first book, I'm looking forward to the next, aided further by an ending that clearly sets the stage for the last in the trilogy, Inkdeath.
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LibraryThing member Bellarock
INKSPELL is a perfect way to add to INKHEART and tell the life of Meggie even further.
LibraryThing member silverheron
One of the main things that enjoyed about this book is its over all theme of "The Butterfly Effect' At least I think that is what it is called. The essence of this theory is that if you went back in time and stepped on one butterfly how would the future ultimately be changed. I guess if you enter
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into a story it is sure to get a bit mixed up. I like the fact that the inkworld characters were more fully developed in this book and I believe should better prepare us for what is coming in the third. Over all I really enjoyed the book and am looking forward to Inkdeath.
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LibraryThing member nm.fall07.m.ottele
This book was good but to long for my taste, the book was the kind that made you want to read more. I would recommend this book to people who have a lot of time on there hands, and that like to read a lot. This book is not only long but its hard to walk away from. It paints a clear picture in your
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head like you are there. This book is interesting and the author did a phenomenal job on the detail. i wish i didnt have to returnit, and i wish i got to finish it.
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LibraryThing member bluesalamanders
I liked it. I thought this was better than the Inkheart - particularly since, as I reread my review, I liked the last quarter of Inkheart best. I look forward to the release of the final book.
LibraryThing member numbert
The excellent sequal to the book "Inkheart" this book is definetly worth reading. For anyone who has read Inkheart this book actually takes you into the "Inkworld" to see all the things only metioned in Inkheart. It has deffinet charector changes(and not always for the better). This book is much
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darker than the original, but still an excellent read.
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LibraryThing member Omrythea
The second in a series, Inkspell continues the story of Meggie and her family, some of whom have the talent of being able to transport characters in and out of stories by reading books out loud. Now Meggie’s entire family is trapped within the story. The author of the book that started the whole
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adventure is also inside the tale, trying to rewrite his story to control the evil villains that prevail. Great danger awaits Meggie’s family and friends as numerous plot twists unravel.
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LibraryThing member jenzbookshelf
My kids and I read this book together. We enjoyed the first book in the series, Inkheart, but we were disappointed with the second book, Inkspell.

There was entirely too much swearing and adultery for a kids' book. Luckily, I was reading it aloud and could edit on the fly. The main characters also
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seemed much too full of hate and anger for a children's book. Perhaps if/when we read the third book, we'll feel different about this book. But I'm still bothered by the swearing and adultery since this book is marketed to the 12 and under crowd.
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Soaring Eagle Book Award (Nominee — 2007)
Locus Award (Finalist — Young Adult Novel — 2006)
Indies Choice Book Award (Winner — Children's Literature — 2006)
Colorado Blue Spruce Award (Nominee — 2007)


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Physical description

666 p.; 21 cm



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