Pimeän äänet

by Mary Higgins Clark

Other authorsPirjo Äijälä
Paper Book, 1985



Call number



Helsinki Tammi 1985.


A young woman, on the threshold of a career that leads her to Washington, discovers that her questions about her childhood have unlocked a dangerous secret.

User reviews

LibraryThing member DSlongwhite
Interesting, but not highly recommended. A young woman moves to Washington, D.C. to the family home where her parents were murdered when she was a baby.
LibraryThing member frozenplums
This is easily one of my favorite Mary Higgins Clark books. I love the characters, I love the plot, I love the romance.

Pat has a very real personality. She's not overly sweet, or naive, or bitter. She's clearly scared, but she's stubborn, too, and that gets her into some interesting situations. The
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plot is interesting and realistic. I find in a lot of suspense thrillers that everything is connected no matter how silly, and that was not the case in this one. And the romance was not some mysterious, instantaneous attraction. It felt plausible. It also was not the main focus of the story, so perhaps that's why it felt like a more realistic, slow building romance.

I really love this book. I recommend it to all types and ages!
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LibraryThing member harrietbrown
Things I Learned: Nothing I can think of ...

Comments: Second book in a week with a religious fantatic at its center. Dan Brown's religious fanatic was easier to understand. This one's motives were murkier. I don't really know where the religiosity came from. Also it was very sensationalistic in its
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portrayal of a HOMICIDAL MANIAC!!! Yes, she actually used those words. Apparently everyone who commits murder has to be insane, with murky motives - no one is simply a cold-blooded killer. Are all killers crazy and does that make all crazy people killers? I have to wonder if this is the general public's view of folks with a psychiatric diagnosis - that we're all potential ax murderers. But this book was written back in 1984, so hopefully people are more enlightened these days.

That aside, it was a page-turning read. The girl gets her guy in the end. MHC earned her title, "Queen of Suspense."
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LibraryThing member debbieaheaton
In Clark’s mystery suspense novel, journalist Pat Traymore moved to Washington to produce a TV series surrounding Senator Abigail Jennings, destined to be the first woman vice president of the United States. Teaming with Congressman Sam Kingsley, Pat delves into the senator’s background only to
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find dark secrets that could easily destroy her up-and-coming career. But more sinister are the connections Pat stumbles across that appear to be connected to her own childhood nightmare.

Chilling…you can’t put it down until the last page.
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LibraryThing member christinejoseph
good mystery always draws you in

Top investigative journalist Pat Traymore is in Washington, finding out all she can about the woman tipped to become the first female Vice-President. But she is also trying to exorcise painful childhood memories by visiting her old family home.
LibraryThing member KimSalyers
love her books and this was a ok book
LibraryThing member KimSalyers
love her books and this was a ok book


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