Omaa tietä etsimässä Italiassa, Intiassa ja Indonesiassa

by Elizabeth Gilbert

Other authorsTaina Aarne ((KÄÄnt.))
Paperback, 2008



Call number



Helsingissä : Otava, 2008.


Biography & Autobiography. New Age. Travel. Nonfiction. HTML:The 10th anniversary edition of one of the most iconic, beloved, and bestselling books of our time from the bestselling author of City of Girls and Big Magic, Elizabeth Gilbert. Elizabeth Gilbert's Eat Pray Love touched the world and changed countless lives, inspiring and empowering millions of readers to search for their own best selves. Now, this beloved and iconic book returns in a beautiful 10th anniversary edition, complete with an updated introduction from the author, to launch a whole new generation of fans. In her early thirties, Elizabeth Gilbert had everything a modern American woman was supposed to want�husband, country home, successful career�but instead of feeling happy and fulfilled, she was consumed by panic and confusion. This wise and rapturous book is the story of how she left behind all these outward marks of success, and set out to explore three different aspects of her nature, against the backdrop of three different cultures: pleasure in Italy, devotion in India, and on the Indonesian island of Bali, a balance between worldly enjoyment and divine transcendence.… (more)

Media reviews

Gilbert is suffering from shattered confidence. Who hasn't been there? Who hasn't cried on a bathroom floor, sure that our life is over at 32? Gilbert's beauty is that she isn't exceptional; she's just an ordinary gal with a broken heart and gift for writing.
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Lacking a ballast of gravitas or grit, the book lists into the realm of magical thinking: nothing Gilbert touches seems to turn out wrong; not a single wish goes unfulfilled. What's missing are the textures and confusion and unfinished business of real life, as if Gilbert were pushing these out of
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sight so as not to come off as dull or equivocal or downbeat.
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Your book was recommended by a friend, and he's right in saying this story is awesome. Why don't you try to join N0velStar's writing contest?

User reviews

LibraryThing member elliepotten
Oh, how glad I am that I discovered this book, at this time, in this place, right here and now. Elizabeth Gilbert would say that the pieces were falling into place exactly as they were meant to. There were so many negative reviews that I went into this journey with scepticism and entirely accepting
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the idea that I might hate it - but it ended up changing my life for the better. No word of a lie.

Liz Gilbert went through a messy marital disintegration, then a messy divorce, and rolled into a messy relationship, and no matter how much she tried to clean things up she was pretty much at rock bottom. What she wanted, when she managed to delve that far, was to regain her strength, find peace, and ultimately achieve the perfect balance between spirituality and pleasure in her life. The best way to do this? Four months in Italy eating, drinking and being merry; four months in India, living in an Ashram and finding inner peace; and finally, four months in Bali, under the watchful eye of an old medicine man, finding her balance.

Well, once our Liz had gotten over that miserable early stage of laying out her despair (we've all done that, and to be fair it didn't go on THAT long), it was an exquisite journey and I felt privileged to be along for the ride, learning as she learned, understanding as she understood. In Italy she regained her strength, ate pasta, learned Italian, made friends, and came back to life. In India she learned the art of meditation, new ways of looking at life, and found peace. And in Bali she honed everything she had gained so far: generosity, spirituality, friendship, enjoyment of life. And there, too, she finds love again.

The book is split into 108 mini-chapters, like the ancient beads used to count mantras, making it easier to absorb each morsel of what Gilbert has to say, whether it is about her learning, her past, or her ideas. She is quite honest about her joy and sadness, her virtues and her vices, the parts she enjoys and the aspects she struggles with. Like everyone, she has her misgivings about certain elements of her journey, but she is never afraid to voice those misgivings, or to admit when she is wrong.

All in all, I found this to be fresh, honest and inspiring. I had bits of paper dotted through the book by the end, marking things I wanted to go back to and write down for the future. I think 'Eat, Pray, Love' may have changed my life. I learned so much and found so many things to think about within these pages. Having an anxious personality and still suffering agoraphobia, I've already found myself using some of the techniques Gilbert used to find her peace - and they work! She's reminded me of who I want to be, how stuck I am in my own fear so much of the time, and how I lose the chance of enjoyment and peace as a result. Now I feel like I can take steps in the right direction again without being afraid.

How I can I offer any better review than that?!
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LibraryThing member karynwhite
Seriously disappointing. This book was recommended by a couple of intelligent women I know. However, I found this to be the most boring book I have attempted to read. I got to page 101 and figured there are too many good books out there to waste more time reading this one.

There is no plot.The
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conversation style is draining and childlike.

The whole me, me, me, selfish outlook of the author just grated on me.
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LibraryThing member shelleyraec
A shallow, narcissistic exploration of love and spirituality by a shallow, narcissistic woman. I had to push myself through much of the book but I could have forgiven her if she had learnt anything about responsibility, empathy or altrusim. But sadly it ends where she began - certain that her
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happiness is all that matters.
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LibraryThing member dlgoldie
Am I the only woman over 50 in the US that found this book incredibly narcissistic and annoying??
LibraryThing member lindseyrivers
I agree with all of those saying this book is overly self-indulgent. I really thought I would love this book but I just couldn't relate to the author at all. How many women have gone through this same kind of crisis? And now, how many women can afford the luxury of spending a year traveling abroad
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and finding her "inner self"? REAL women just have to pick themselves up by the boot straps and go on with life. This book took me forever to read because I kept yelling at the author (internally of course) and closing it. I will give her credit for being witty, and for having some interesting thoughts about heaven/hell and divinity. Otherwise, I think it will be a very long time (like never) before I read another of her books.
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LibraryThing member elizabeth.a.coates
I have become known in a class I am taking at the University of Toronto for my masters in Information as the "girl-who-hates-eat-pray-love". In my opinion, it does not even deserve a full star. I confess, I only read a thrd of the book, her trip to Italy, and then had to stop or else watch my brain
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cells melt. This book is the epitome of a novel churned out for mass-consumption precisely because the author thinks it is what people (namely females) want to read.

This book is autobiographical. It's supposed to be an unusual type of travel literature about Elizabeth Gilbert's adventures living in 3 different countries (all beginning with "I") in a year and discovering herself in the process. I thought I was picking up some light reading to take on vacation but found that it was past the point of light reading and was also written to be taken extremely seriously.

The protagonist is both self-important and flippant. Her problems are displayed as these huge, consuming issues that no one has ever experienced before. I'm sorry but you are not the first person to decide not to have kids or to get a divorce. She makes this grandiose decision to travel to 3 specific countries and discover a different side to herself in each (ie. in Italy she wants to focus on pleasure). Luckily, she happens to have enough money to take a year off life and do this.. Also, in Italy, be prepared to get a play-by-play of every single thing she eats.

There are problems with both the story itself and with the writing. Every cliche you can imagine happening on a trip to Italy happens in this book from the Tandem-language-exchange twins to a "profound" moment with an old lady on a bench. Some memorable examples of awful writing:

-At one point she says she hears her ex-husband in her mind scoffing at her for giving up their marriage for good food. She answeres him out loud. -I guarantee she did not actually answer him out loud. It seems like Gilbert read this writing cliche somewhere and thought it would sound romantic or something...

-Another time she's in Italy feeling happier and she "wakes up laughing" - Who wakes up laughing? Honestly... Is that even possible?

Again, did not like the book. However, everyone is talking about it and several people I know did enjoy it. Read it for yourself and decide what you think!
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LibraryThing member nbarman
EPL is a superficial book which reinforces the old stereotypes of the confused, wayward, yet ever adventurous American soul. Liz is in the presumable search to "find herself"; she is wont to display grandiose gestures of saving the world through individual acts of alleged kindness. But in reality,
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she is someone obliviously conducting an Orientalist romp through the Old World, engaging in an exercise of mockery and condescension while completely unaware of the realities around her. Although Liz is earnest, forthcoming, and honest about communicating the inner workings of her mind, her naïveté is downright embarrassing. Liz is to spirituality, for example, what Sarah Palin is to politics. That is to say, opinionated, verbose, windy and full of meaningless pyscho-babble.
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LibraryThing member AgneJakubauskaite
Brilliant! I loved everything about this book starting from the whole idea of a spiritual journey to the witty and extraordinarily engaging writing style. It's not that the author's and my situations are similar (not even close!), but somehow it was so easy for me to relate to this book that it
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kind of felt that I myself went through a spiritual journey while reading it.
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LibraryThing member SallyApollon
Ultimately I found this book self-indulgent & disappointing. Truthfully, I struggled with jealousy that this self-centered woman got to travel & write for a year, when I thought I could do better....
LibraryThing member guiltlessreader
I wish I had never caught that interview on evening where Oprah was interviewing Elizabeth Gilbert. Apparently Oprah was so enamored by the book that she devoted 2 entire shows to it!I was actually enjoying the Italian leg when I had to watch that fated show. But I had a strange feeling that the
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book was contrived. Do you go on a journey self-discovery by PLANNING to go to 3 countries, with the eat-pray-love so wonderfully fit together? Methinks not.
She's quite funny. But it can get tiresome quick. Trying to be witty chapter after chapter will definitely get old sooner or later.
Don't get me wrong. I enjoyed her descriptions of travelling and how honest she is that she is not living the life she wants (maybe carrying it a tad far with her lovemaking and masturbation). It has its moments. Give it a try. But I think this is the last Gilbert book I'll read!
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LibraryThing member mdinbc
While I liked the idea of finding oneself, I found the author too self obsessed, and a whiner. She left her husband for another relationship and left him to 'go find herself', but spent the whole year crying over them and how she missed them and loved them. No sympathy from me. I actually gave up
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reading the middle and skipped to the end.
the descriptions of the places and food were excellent. I did go see the movie and enjoyed it, but still found the protagonist too self possessed.
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LibraryThing member Esther.Szeben
Possibly the worst book I ever read. I don't actually want to give it the benefit of any more time. I wasted a few hours of my life reading this book, time I will never get back.
LibraryThing member edwinbcn
This book is not about Rome, Bali or Indonesia. It is all and only about the author's navel staring. What a pathetic drag-on of self-complaint. The cover should have warned me (eating ice-cream on a bench in Rome). Perhaps this is what is called chick-lit? If so, the epithet would be well-chosen.
LibraryThing member ParadisePorch
In her early thirties, the Elizabeth Gilbert “went through a divorce, a crushing depression,(and) a failed love.” To recover, she embarked on a year-long trip around the world, alone. Her plan: to spend four months in each of Italy (to experience pleasure), India (to explore spirituality), and
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Bali (to find life balance).

The premise of this “memoir of self-discovery” is a fascinating idea, but Gilbert moans throughout of the terribly hard times that she endured that precipitated the trip.

Give it up, Liz. Lots of women have found themselves suffering through divorce, depression & failed affairs. Many have had children in tow. Most have not had the luxury to quit their jobs & travel self-absorbedly for a year.

That being said, Gilbert does write with grace and humor and provides a fascinating chronicle of the details of her journey.

Gilbert spent her first four months in Rome doing only what would give her pleasure. Because this type of indulgence goes against the grain of traditional North American thinking, she grappled for weeks with guilt & inability to relax.

Her Italian friends, though, convinced her that she should master bel far niente - “the beauty of doing nothing”. And so she bypassed fashion, opera, cinema, fancy automobiles and even art to concentrate on only two things: eating beautiful food and speaking “as much beautiful Italian as possible”.

She spent her days walking the streets of the city, studying her index cards of Italian words, attending Italian language classes, eating with friends (including the wonderfully-named Luca Spaghetti), meeting & talking to Giovanni–a student who posted a notice to find someone to practice his English with–and buying & cooking lovely food. During this time, Liz gained “the twenty-three happiest pounds of her life”.

Gilbert had booked the second four months in an ashram in India. Here she pursued a rigorous routine that included rising every morning at 3:00 for 4:00 a.m. group meditation sessions, and spending hours each day in assigned tasks of “selfless service” (hers was to wash the temple floors) and in the meditation caves –“dark and silent basements with comfortable cushions, open all day and night, to be used only for meditation practice.”

It was in these meditation caves that Gilbert found her greatest personal revelation: kundalini shakti –“a union with God delivered in a meditative state through an energy source that fills the entire body with euphoric, electric light”. She describes herself after such an experience as being “ravenously hungry, desperately thirsty, (and) randier than a sailor on a three-day shore leave”.

Here I must admit a personal bias. While I have no doubt that many people, including Gilbert, experience these manifestations, I do not believe that it is a union with the true God, the Creator of the universe.

These months seem to me to be the most indulgent of her year, despite the austere lifestyle. Is it really necessary for people to be able to stop off their daily lives and meditate for hours on end, day after day, to find God? What of the hundreds of millions of people in the world who spend every waking moment in the arduous task of providing food & shelter for themselves & their families? Are they denied a relationship with the Almighty? Is the Guru who spent 18 hours meditating each day throughout his childhood more entitled than anyone else?

Nonetheless, Gilbert found her months in the ashram very fulfilling.

The last third of the year found Gilbert in Bali where she traveled basically on a whim, to see again an ancient medicine man who had told her on a previous trip that she would return. She spends many days sitting with the medicine man, Ketut, while he dispenses both physical & spiritual “cures”.

She admits to having no other plan for her time here, but luckily finds an English artist’s house for rent after a few weeks in a hotel. The house & gardens are lush, as is the surrounding countryside. Bali reveals itself to be Gilbert’s Eden - her paradise, which word she points out “comes to us from the Persian (and) means literally a ‘walled garden’.”

And it is in Bali that she “takes a lover”, a Brazilian named Felipe who amazes her because he is so “old” (52). She had thought she “was old and divorced” (PUH-leez!) but finds that she is, in fact, young and beautiful.

At the end of the assigned year, Felipe proposes to her that they attempt to ”build a life together that’s somehow divided between America, Australia, Brazil & Bali.” (His business is in Bali, his kids close by in Australia, other family & the gems which feed his business in Brazil.) Gilbert calls it a “whole new theory of traveling: A, A, B, B. Like a classic poem, like a pair of rhyming couplets.” And so she feels as if she has found the life balance that she has been seeking.

Gilbert makes her living as a writer and is an accomplished wordsmith who writes with wit and warmth. She deftly shares the emotions that lie at the core of her experience. Although I found the entire experiment to be extravagant and self-indulgent, I do think that Eat, Pray, Love is a thought-provoking read.
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LibraryThing member jessieb30
It should have just been called Eat. It would have made a much better book. But seriously. Very much enjoyed the introduction and character growth in Italy. Nearly started to skim my way through India. Then I was rolling my eyes through the cliche of Bali.
LibraryThing member AJBraithwaite
Elizabeth Gilbert is an excellent writer, no doubt about that. She has a real gift with communicating in all forms, it seems, and making friends with them. I came across this book through a TED talk she gave. I don't think I would have picked it up otherwise (the word 'pray' in the title would have
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been enough to put me off). But her talk was funny, intelligent and entertaining - so the book was bound to be the same things.

And it is. I learnt a bunch of new stuff - 'paradise' means 'walled garden' for example. Now that's very interesting: beautiful, exclusive, not for everyone... And Elizabeth's eye for detail and empathy for her fellow human beings suffuse the work.

My discomfort with the book stems from its whole premise. Here is a woman who has been damaged by two unfortunate relationships. There's no suggestion of any physical violence, drunkenness, drug-use or anything. Just two love affairs that didn't work out. Then she gets to travel, on a salary, for a year, in amazing places, to sort herself out. The poverty and wretchedness of some of the characters she describes is so stark in comparison, that one can't help but think 'For God's sake, woman, can't you see how incredibly lucky you are?'.

So yes, I enjoyed the book. But it left me feeling depressed by the contrast between her over-analysed and therapied life and those of the rest of the world who have to just get on with living as well as possible without such luxuries.
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LibraryThing member CSMcMahon
After reading only a few pages, I began asking myself why? Why did I feel compelled to read this? Why would I want to go see a movie made from this book? Why were so many people giving this book such good reviews.

I just don't get it. So Liz wakes up one day when she's in her early 30s and realizes
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she doesn't want to be married. She doesn't want to live in the suburbs. She wonders how did she get there.

Is it just me or does anyone else have the Talking Heads Once in a Lifetime running through their head?

Haven't we all had a moment in our lives when we think, how did I get here? Or this is not where I expected to be?

I guess I might have enjoyed this book if I didn't find Liz so annoying. She begins the book by stating that she isn't going to go into the details of her marriage or divorce but goes on and on in several parts of the book about how her ex made the divorce difficult. She makes it clear that she was responsible for earning the bulk of the income and buying the house. How is this not saying anything about your ex? I couldn't help but feel awful for her ex-husband.

Who wouldn't want to take a year off when times get tough and travel the world? I just couldn't get past my annoyance with her. I wanted to smack her. There are so many people dealing with bigger problems.

The only thing this book made me want to do was plan a trip to Italy and watch Under the Tuscan Sun which is a much better story about finding oneself and the search for love.
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LibraryThing member dnewsome
Immediately fell in love with this book. Devoured it entirely within two days. It's good for light reading and something I would suggest to read as a pick-me-up.
LibraryThing member Kryseis
Liz Gilbert is incredibly lucky, wealthy and beautiful. Yet, despite all this, she is extremely unhappy with her life and she takes a journey to find God and to find herself, in Italy, in an ashram in India and in Bali. It's very well-written; Gilbert's prose is engaging and amusing, as well as
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informative. Her description of her struggles with meditation and fluttering thoughts is very relatable. Having some familiarity with Buddhism and yoga, I find Gilbert's descriptions of Eastern religion very accurate. It makes everything very accessible and really gives the reader a glimpse into that world. I found that it was a worthwhile journey to go on with her.

I've read a lot of reviews of this book that take issue with how superficial everything seems. There's an aspect of it in this book, in that Liz Gilbert can fix herself and leave behind the sad self that was ravaged by a messy divorce and addictive relationship, because she has the money to do it. She can afford to go to Italy and India and Bali and spend a whole year finding herself. So it seems like the message that the book sends is that your inner problems and your quest to find God/yourself can be solved by throwing money at it. And throwing money at things is kind of what Gilbert does; at her husband to facilitate the divorce, to learn Italian, to go to Italy, to go to India, etc. However, the real message is that she is able to find herself, not because of the money and the food and the travelling, but in spite of it.

A familiar cycle to most people is the thing where you are unhappy with your life/career/significant other/family and, instead of doing something like switching careers/abandoning ship/etc, you fill your mind and your time with distraction. For example, some people amass books, some people knit, some people buy appliances on credit from box-shaped stores, like Gilbert. Eventually, regardless of whether or not they've attained momentary happiness through filling their heads with escapist fiction, filling their houses with yarn, or appliances, they realize that it doesn't help and they're sad and they can see the source of the sadness (life/career/family/etc) again. And the cycle reboots.

It's a cycle that is 1) perpetuated by money and willingness to throw money at life's problems and 2) address in many Eastern religions. For example, in Buddhism, this cycle is samsara, when interpreted as stages in mental development. It's very interesting that these two things come together in this book. I think the real journey is that Gilbert is able to find herself despite all the distractions of wonderful food, the Italian language, the outward appearances of enlightenment in an ashram (there's a feel of "it's oh so austere, so many rituals, so suited to self-discovery - I must be enlightening myself just by being here"), and the exoticness of Bali.

If you're lost and you're looking for a way to find yourself, this book is not a guide. It's simply someone else's journey and will surely be a disappointment if you expect to follow her steps and find self-discovery and peace for yourself. Otherwise, it's a great read and shows many interesting aspects of various cultures in a friendly, humorous tone.
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LibraryThing member KC9333
Those who read this novel seem to fall into two camps - inspiring novel of self discovery or self indulgent justification for running away. Put me in the second group. The author is an entertaining writer but her selfishness is epic. By the end I was so tired of all the whining I wanted to smack
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her. It is easy to walk out on responsibilites and commitments and certainly nothing to be celebrated. I had to force myself to finish this book. I should have taken the auhtors advice and done what made me happy and thrown it in the trash.
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LibraryThing member pw0327
I picked this book up on a lark and was pleasantly surprised. It wasn't until after I started reading that I realized that this book has the earmarks of the newly ubiquitous genre so disdainfully labeled: "chick lit".

Fortunately, all signs to the contrary, Eat, Pray, and Love is so much more than
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that. Elizabeth Gilbert is a fine writer with a lot to say about a lot of things. She is also absolutely courageous in exposing her rawest emotions on the pages of the book.

This book takes many forms and combine them in a mishmash. Her way of structuring the contents into 108 short essays is mostly successful with an occasional flicker of annoying cloyness. Itr could have been a lot worse. This book is a travelogue, a description of her sojourn into her spiritual life, and a excruciating description of her emotional state as she fought through her coming to terms with her divorce. The added descriptions of her sweet relationship at the end of the book serves as her declaration that she is actually doing well, much to her own amazement, and a nice fairy tale touch to the journey.

As a travelogue, Ms. Gilbert is pretty business like, she never did quite make me want to go to India, but she certainly did make me think about it. Italy and Bali are no brainers, I wanted to go before I even cracked open the spine on the book.

As a description of a spiritual journey, she had mixed results. Not entirely her fault though. This kind of narrative is incredibly difficult and words are not enough to evoke the kind of transcendance and enlightenment that one experiences. In addition, the coming knowledge of the self does not come in a moment of miraculous clarity. Cherubs don't come out of the heavens, organ music doesn't blare, but the happiness is evident but incredibly difficult to describe. So I will say that she was as effective as any other at describing her own spiritual discoveries.

It is in her narratives of her own reaction to her divorce and her observations of herself reacting to all that had happend and was happening that she truly shines. She was perhaps a little quick to be self deprecating when describing her emotional trip to her own recovery from her emotional roller coaster ride - others have pointed that out too- but she was very honest about what she was feeling at the time and did a beautiful job of portraying the difficulties she faced emotionally and what made the difference in her thinking.

Overal, it was a fine read. I came away from the experience with an better understanding of all three portions of the book and I have gained an admiration for the author and her writing.
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LibraryThing member LyzzyBee
13 May 2010 - acquired from The Story Exchange in exchange for... a story

So, the way I got this book was more interesting than the book itself! An artist in Birmingham runs something called The Story Exchange, an informal, occasional event where you go and type out a story on an old-fashioned
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typewriter, give it in to the Story Exchange and get a free book in return (yes, I told her about BookCrossing, and she now labels all the books with BookCrossing IDs too!). Anyway, I'd been curious about this book about a journalist who decides to cure herself of... herself by exploring the world and what it has to offer in terms of material and spiritual goods and balance, so decided to pick it up.

Unfortunately, although many, many people loved this book, I found it empty and hollow. It all seemed so self-indulgent, and the fact that she could afford to undertake this journey because of getting a book deal to describe it made it a bit fake for me. She didn't really try to gain wisdom and peace from helping other people, said she wasn't going to describe her marriage then went a bit too much into it, and I just didn't like it. Oh - it reminded me of Julie & Julia, another "quest" book by a New York journalist - maybe I just don't like New York journalists (sorry). I didn't like Sex & the City either!

Anyway, I did persist with this and I did enjoy some of the descriptions, but I realised I was reading it a) because I read quickly and b) because it was handy for my handbag and I'm a bit unbalanced of TBR in favour of large hardbacks at the moment. Which don't seem compelling reasons to recommend it.

Will be registered on BookCrossing and passed along!
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LibraryThing member nikitasamuelle
Elizabeth Gilbert says that she structured her book as a japa mala, strings of beads to assist devout Hindus and Buddhists in prayerful meditation. The book is divided into three sections--Italy (Eat), India (Pray), and Indonesia (Love)--with 36 tales per country, 108 in all, with an introduction
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serving as bead 109 on her japa mala.

It's a perfect structure because the book so often parallels meditative practice. Gilbert starts by clearing her life, paring down to the essentials for a year overseas. She begins her journey in Italy with physical restoration and reasserts control over her life and emotions. In India, she works on her soul and learns how to quiet her mind. After struggling so hard for control, she realizes she must let go to experience peace. Finally, in Indonesia, she transcends all the pain of past failures to find contentment and love.

While all of that sounds so serious, the book is surprisingly funny. I often found myself laughing while crying; it's that kind of book. It's also a delightful travelogue of Italy and Bali. Throughout the book, Gilbert's love of people and her desire to experience other cultures on their own terms makes her all the more interesting and likable.

I recommend this book highly for anyone who likes to travel, who's interested in other cultures, who needs restoration after the end of a relationship, who's looking for happiness, or who just wants to laugh.
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LibraryThing member heidialice
The author goes through a messy divorce, and in the process, decides to go on a journey exploring her passions in life: all things Italian (including the language and food), her personal spirituality in India, and discovering the meaning of pleasure, and ultimately love, in Bali.

Told with deep
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honesty, courage, a sense of humor and most of all, humility, Gilbert is a woman who inspires. This is the best sort of memoir: not a hint of self-indulgence, no white-washing in sight. It's many stories, and can be enjoyed as a fine example of each: travelogue, food-logue, personal/psychological journey, and love story. For anyone who loves food or travel, has fought depression, or wants their faith in humanity restored, this is the book to go to!
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LibraryThing member MoiraStirling
Interesting concept, but told by an absolute nutter. I kept thinking, "Wow. This woman has some serious issues." The snapshots of Italy, India and Bali I thoroughly enjoyed. I admired the author for the gutsy leap she took in striking it out on her own. But I did find myself withdrawing from her on
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a clinical level thinking that something was definitely awry in her psyche.
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394 p.; 18 cm


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