
by Claudia Gray

Paperback, 2010



Call number



HarperCollinsChildren'sBooks (2010), Paperback, 256 pages


Sixteen-year-old Bianca, a new girl at the sinister Evernight boarding school, finds herself drawn to another outsider, Jared, but dark forces threaten to tear them apart and destroy Bianca's entire world.

User reviews

LibraryThing member librarianm
When I picked up Evernight, I wasn’t really sure what to expect. Other than reading a review or two, I didn’t know that much about the book or the author, so I didn’t have any expectations. In a way that was the best thing, because halfway through the story I wanted to throw the book across
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the room. At one point, I did put Evernight down, not because it was a bad story but because I couldn’t believe what Ms. Gray had done.

While reading the first half of Evernight, it felt like the narrator, Bianca, had forgotten to mention an important piece of information or maybe took for granted that the reader might not know everything. The plot was definitely not awkward or lacking in any way, it just felt like I was missing something. Then all of a sudden there is this major revelation - that’s when I put the book down - that pretty much twisted the plot on its side. It was just genius. Ms. Gray lays out all the information (everything really is there, it just depends on your interpretation) and then surprises you. After the important scene, I went back and looked for the clues I had either missed or misinterpreted and there were quite a few. It really was a clever twist.

The characters were all wonderfully written; you really got a sense of who they were, this was true for the main protagonist all the way to the secondary characters. I loved how Bianca dealt with the “in crowd” by pretty much ignoring them, and focusing on what was important to her. She did manage o end up with a group of friends that included both outcast Raquel and very popular Balthazar.

Of course, not all the relationships were of the friendship variety, there was also a bit of romance. Bianca and Lucas were a great couple, as soon as they met each other; I wanted them to be together. It’s not that they needed another person to make them complete, because they were great on their own, but together they just shined. Lucas drew Bianca out of her shell and Bianca gave Lucas something to really care about. They have become one of my favorite book couples.

I enjoy reading books with twists and in this area, Evernight did not disappoint. Ms. Gray gives the reader not one, but two huge story changing twists. The ending leaves room for sequel (of which there are two, Stargazer and Hourglass). I can’t wait to see what happens next for Bianca and Lucas.
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LibraryThing member 4sarad
I liked the story more than I liked the writing. The book had some twists that made it unique among other vampire books, but several things in the execution drove me nuts. The main character assumed a lot of things "He thought they kidnapped me a a baby," which I don't know how she arrived at that
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conclusion when the boy didn't tell her any of that. I also felt like there was too much of the author in the story. I had a very hard time believing the main character was a teenager and instead kept picturing the author, which really takes you out of the story. There were also little mistakes like two characters standing next to each other in a small room and the main character says "she was tall, taller than Lucas, maybe." Maybe? They're standing right next to each other and you can't tell?? Anyways, the story was pretty good if you can ignore things like that.
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LibraryThing member krau0098
This book was more of a romance than a fantasy. That being said it was well-written and kept my attention. It rehashes some subject matter than has (kind of) been visited before in other books. It reminded me a lot of the Twilight series and of The House of Night series. Although it was much higher
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writing quality than the House of Night series.

Bianca is forced to enroll in the Evernight Academy when her parents move there to become teachers. She doesn't like the academy and doesn't seem to get along with the students there. That's until she bumps into Lucas; Bianca and Lucas seem to have a connection with each other that is beyond a normal teenage crush. With Lucas there Bianca thinks she may just be able to make it through a year at the Academy.

I had one huge problem with this book. I will try my best not to put any spoilers in here... So, let's just say that the revealing of both Bianca's family secret and the school's secret came right out of left field. I wasn't expecting it. To me the book before the secret was revealed and after the secret was revealed, was almost written like two different books. This really bothered me; I almost went back to read the first half of the book over again because I wanted to make sure it remained consistent with the second half of the book. I didn't though, and it still bothers me that there was such a style shift mid-book.

Overall this was a fun, well-written, easy to read book. I didn't think it was incredibly creative; I think it's rehashing too much of a type of young adult genre that we already have a lot out there for. Some of the aspects of the world created here are interesting but they didn't really blow me away. The characters were interesting also but not especially engaging.

As for whether or not I will read the next book in the series (if there is one). I don't know. There is potential for some interesting storytelling here. But at the finish of this book I wasn't dying to read the next one.
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LibraryThing member Samanthasrai
Pretty woeful. Boring in most parts, and fairly unoriginal and by-the-book, despite the 'twist'. As I have found with a lot of teen supernatural romance, the love between Bianca and Lucas is not really justified. I don't think the author conveyed just why they were so in love and why they would go
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through everything they did for each other and even why Bianca knew it was just destined to be after knowing him for a week. I'm all for teen romance but you've got to give me more than 'I was so attracted to him I couldn't think.' Other reviewers are right - it just gets creepy and a little pathetic.

There were a few clever lines and a nice setting which I think the author could have done more with.
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LibraryThing member TheLibraryhag
Bianca is annoyed with her parents when they move her away from her hometown to the mysterious and gloomy Evernight school. The fact that her parents will be there too, as teachers, only helps a bit. The majority of the students are incredibly beautiful and impossibly rich, making Bianca feel like
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a complete outcast. Things start looking up when she meets the handsome Lucas Ross. However, Lucas is all charm one moment and ignores her the next. Regardless of that, Bianca can not fight the chemistry that draws her too him despite his odd behavior.

I really enjoyed this book. The writing is tight and I found the characters believable. Bianca is compelling as the odd man out at the school. There are plenty of twists to keep turning the pages and the romance is not icky teen stuff. There is sexual tension but the book is still age appropriate. I am looking forward to the sequel.
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LibraryThing member littleton_pace
Oh, Evernight... if you tried to be kind of like Twilight but hopefully not enough so people would make the comparison; you failed.

Firstly I should say, this author isn't a horrible writer, descriptions are good, tension builds quite well, settings are very clear. But when it comes to characters
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everything goes wrong.

For starters, the lead character Bianca seems to be a mish-mash of three or four conflicting personalities depending on the situation she's in; she starts out as timid, and then for some reason grows bold immediately.

Big spoiler here - Bianca is the vampire. About halfway through the book we discover this; she is one of only a handful of children actually born to vampire parents per century. As this is the first book in the series, I can only hope this goes into more detail but I don't hold out much hope. As the author has made mention that though Bianca's birth is rare, it's certainly not the only one, I as a reader am lead to believe that two dead beings in vampires conceived a child; and that this can happen for no apparent reason.

I don't think I can properly explain how much I don't believe the relationship with Bianca and Lukas. Think Edward and Bella, if Bella was the vamp but still the same weepy, sappy, pithy character. Without him; she feels lost; her life has no meaning unless she's with him, yawn, blah, vomit. Who are these boring women who have nothing in their lives but to wait for some mysterious guy to come and change their life?

Bianca's parents, who are both vampires, love to play records and dance and are quite happy drinking animal blood. That's another thing; the vampire lore of this book is totally skewed. While it's apparent fiction that holy water is dangerous to vampires, for some reason vampires can't cross water :S:S Is water good or bad then? I have read a LOT of fiction and mythology about vampires, and the romanticized view that people have of them nowadays makes me cringe. Vampires are dead. Pure and simple; that fact doesn't change. And the way these vampires apparently just want to live as humans makes no sense.

Back to Bianca for a second, the girl is completely out of her time. Even though she was born to vampire parents who are thousands of years old, she herself has been growing as a normal child with the destiny of becoming a vampire, but the girl goes mental over an antique brooch. Like all 16 year-olds :S

Another issue that mirrors the one I had with Twilight is that Bianca is more than happy to leave her comfortable life with her parents whom she adores and run off with Lucas (whom we discover is a vampire hunter and was sent to find out the secrets of vampires, yet when Lucas introduces Bianca to his vampire hunting family; they are all blissfully aware of what Bianca truly is. Bad vamp hunting if you can't spot one that's right in front of you).

Apparently Bianca and Lucas love each other, and for some reason keep saying it at the end of the book... but I don't feel it; the relationship is nothing to me. And once Lucas is gone; Bianca reverts to this boring, pining little girl whose pouting because the "love of her life who she's only known for a few months" is gone.

Back to characters for a second. There's a random girl who Bianca doesn't really mesh with, who after a chapter set a month later is now Biancas BFF. There's no connections here! Nothing ties to anything else! It's like the author had pieces of an idea and just stuck them together without realizing there should be some connection between the ideas. Another common thread in these books is how the apparently awkward, outcast that is our heroine, Bianca, who has never been the interest of the opposite sex, suddenly has two of the most popular and hottest guys of the school going after her. Screams of a sad author playing out a schoolgirl fantasy, I'm afraid.

I own the second book; and out of guilt for paying money for it I will read it; and I can only hope the sappy dialogue disappears because there is actually some merit in the story underneath the boring Romeo&Juliet love between the main characters.

I hated Twilight for the same reasons I didn't like this book; so in theory, if you like Twilight you'll like this :)
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LibraryThing member wagner.sarah35
Evernight is yet another paranormal YA novels dealing with vampires, no surprise there. Evernight Academy, a New England boarding school, is filled with secrets and characters with secret agendas. Bianca feels that she doesn't fit in, she becomes close to another outcast Lucas, and they embark on a
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doomed romance. The thing I found frustrating about this novel was that about half-way through a great deal of information is suddenly revealed and in a way that makes Bianca seem like an unreliable narrator. While Evernight is not a bad read, it felt so similar to other books in the genre and lacked a sense of originality.
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LibraryThing member JRlibrary
Ming lent this book to me, and I'll definitely order it for the library. A girl attends Evernight Academy, where her parents both teach. There are a couple of great twists in the story, and clearly, this is only book one. I'm glad I didn't know that it was a series, because then I might have
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anticipated the way the book ended. Don't want to spoil it by telling you any more. It's a great read, and I think kids will really enjoy it.
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LibraryThing member librarypenguin
Bianca Olivier was forced to leave her childhood home and move with her parents to the campus of Evernight, an elite private school in New England. Her parents have accepted jobs teaching for the school and she will be a new student. Things are rough as Bianca struggles to fit in to the school that
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has dramatically divided itself socially between a wealthy majority and a small group of new students from varying backgrounds. The only bright spot is Bianca’s developing relationship with Lucas, an outspoken new student who rebels against the majority.

Evernight is an intense, fast-paced supernatural romance with dark overtones. The story is far from predictable and surprises on more than one occasion. However, it felt as though the author strained to conceal some secrets throughout the book, making behavior by main characters seem unusual once all is revealed. Overall, readers will find the book hard to put down and the fairly open ending will leave many looking for more. Fans of the Twilight series, especially, will enjoy another forbidden supernatural romance.
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LibraryThing member miki
I really wanted to enjoy this book. I love urban fantasy, I love boarding school stories, I love characters like the Bianca that Claudia Gray has created here, and I love the conflicts she has placed in their paths.

What I detest, on the other hand, is when authors hang too much of the plot on
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tricks like withholding information from the reader, especially information that the 1st person narrator / protagonist is fully familiar with. In the end, coming out with "Oh, by the way, I'm a vampire, didn't I tell you?" halfway into the book isn't any less a cheap trick than ending one with "And it was all a dream...."

Tricks like this leave me with little faith in the world the author is creating -- when suspense builds, I can't trust that it is legitimate suspense, rather than just another trick. After all, most of the suspense early on in the book turns out to be nothing more than the author choosing to only tell us bits and pieces of what Bianca knows. In a setting with so much potential for genuine conflict and tension, there's no excuse for that.
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LibraryThing member MisfitRhi
Evernight is one of those books I would probably have never purchased. The book's blurb really didn't draw me in enough to win me over. It simply didn't do the story justice. Now that I have read the book I know that when I was seventeen I would have LOVED this book immensely. It was great to sit
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down and read this one and remember what it's like to be that age, when a kiss was so much more than just a kiss.

Bianca's parents have uprooted her from the comfort of the city she was raised in and brought her to Evernight Academy. As a biology and a history teacher for the school, her parents will be teaching the snooty private school kids and it is because of them that she will be attending the school. From her very first day she feels like an outsider. A theme I'm sure few teens would scoff at. In the midst of her attempt to run away that first day she meets Lucas Ross, an attractive bad-boy and fellow new-comer to the school.

Smitten by the enigmatic boy, Bianca hopes she has won his friendship but it is a while before she can get his attention again. Her roommate, Patrice, is part of the in-crowd and attempts to pull Bianca in but it is with the outcasts like herself and Lucas that she feels the most at home. Treading the fence between the insiders and the outsiders, Bianca wonders where she really belongs. When the story unfolds it is quite interesting where it is she finds herself and though predictable the build-up was very well written and executed.

What can I say? This book surprised me. I was expecting another Twilight (sorry Twilight fans, but it's not my favorite vampire story out there) or Vampire Academy but this book blended what I felt were the best of those two worlds. If you're a fan of either series I think you'll enjoy this book. I'm uncertain whether there will be a sequel or not but if Gray writes more vampire teen romances I will certainly be inclined to read them now that I've seen what she can do. And for those of you who are curious there isn't any sex in this one, though it is mentioned as a desire. I've seen many requests for vampire teen reads without the sex so sorry if that was too spoilery for some of you.
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LibraryThing member ilysfmxemmiexbby
The story was a bit unrealistic. Bianca could possibly have everything going great for her when Balthazar is hitting her. Yet, she choses Lucas over him. I can understand that he was the first person she met at the school, and he was practically her best friend, but Cladia made Balthazar seem
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unresistable. Any girl would chose him over Lucas.

Another thing, they made Raquel seem like Bianca's best friend, yet Grey barely mentioned her in the story. She also could have put a little more detail in Raquel being stalked.

But other than that, props for Claudia Grey! ^.^
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LibraryThing member kayceel
Interesting concept - I was underwhelmed at first, but a twist made it all better! A definite read for Twilight fans.
LibraryThing member EKAnderson
Evernight Academy is as secluded as it can get, tucked away in a corner of new England miles away from the nearest small town. Bianca isn't happy to be enrolled. Her parents just got teaching jobs at Evernight, and while high school isn't that great to begin with, she imagines boarding school will
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be even worse- especially in a place as Gothic and creepy as this school. But on one of her first nights, Bianca meets Jared - he's also a new student, and he doesn't seem like the "Evernight Type" (beautiful, perfect, and snooty). As their friendship develops, Bianca realizes that she really likes him, which is going to be a huge problem, since Bianca and Jared are as different as two people can get.

Gray's narrative is smooth and careful, foreshadowing the mid-novel twist without giving anything away. Her characters are well-written, and though there are times where their mannerisms are a tad hard to believe, on the whole Evernight presents a fun take on an established mythology. This is the first in a series that Gothic fantasy fans don't want to miss out on.
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LibraryThing member craphael
This book was really good once I got into it. The different twist and turns are really interesting and keep you reading. Bianca is a 16 year old girl , that's starting a new school called Evernight boarding school, Bianca an outsider is drawn to another outsider, Jared. A relationship has started
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but there is secrets that will tear these two apart.
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LibraryThing member rj_anderson
if you have any interest in contemporary YA fantasy and particularly if you're into vampires (which I myself am not, so take that as evidence that this book is a great read), you need to check out Claudia Gray's Evernight (HarperTeen, May 2008).I already knew that Claudia was an excellent writer
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from reading some of her short stories, so I wasn't surprised that I enjoyed her rich and vivid but never overblown narrative style; I also expected the plot would be complex yet readily comprehensible and her main characters believable and sympathetic with flashes of wry humor, which proved true on all counts. But I thought myself very clever for anticipating where the plot was going and what was "really" up with some of the characters -- and I was wrong, wrong, WRONG. There's a twist about halfway through the story that made me literally drop the book and scream right out loud with the delicious shock of it -- and yet it didn't come out of left field, it was perfectly set up. I love books that play (or prey) on my expectations like that, so I have to give Claudia Gray big kudos for this one.Evernight is the first in a series of four, and I can't wait to see how the next part of the story develops!
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LibraryThing member fayeflame

Bianca wants to escape. She's been uprooted from her small hometown and enrolled at Evernight Academy, an eerie Gothic boarding school where the students are somehow too perfect: smart, sleek, and almost predatory. Bianca knows she doesn't fit in. Then she meets Lucas. He's not the
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"Evernight type" either, and he likes it that way. Lucas ignores the rules, stands up to the snobs, and warns Bianca to be careful--even when it comes to caring about him. ""I couldn't stand it if they took it out on you,"" he tells Bianca, ""and eventually they would."" But the connection between Bianca and Lucas can't be denied. Bianca will risk anything to be with Lucas, but dark secrets are fated to tear them apart . . . and to make Bianca question everything she's ever believed.
i really liked this book it was so ummmm...it had an elegance to it(if that make any sense)I loved the characters, cross star lovers, and the vampires. the story of beautifully written. Favorite character is Lucas. It did leave me on a Big cliff hanger, whats gonna happen to Bianca and Lucas?........
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LibraryThing member chibimajo
First in a series? Evernight Academy is the home for vampires, a safe place where they can learn about the ever-changing world and technology without sticking out. This year, they've added some normal human students into the mix. There is a twist roughly halfway through the book, which you are very
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much expecting, but the writing or the character changed a bit after that and I had to force myself to finish it. But then again, I'm not a big fan of vampire romances anyway. Recommend to Twilight fans.
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LibraryThing member Herenya
If I was to equate reading Evernight to anything, it would be stealing some icing from the container I found in the back of the cupboard. And eating it. I know I probably shouldn't be doing this, I'll probably regret it later, but it's sweet and addictive and... and...

Okay, so "sweet" is perhaps
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not the right word for Evernight. And I didn't find it at the back of the cupboard. It showed up on my LibraryThing recommendations, I looked it up on Amazon and read the first few pages, which caught my interest. So I reserved it at the library.
Bianca been uprooted from her small hometown and enrolled at Evernight Academy, where her parents are now teachers - an eerie Gothic boarding school where the students are somehow too perfect. Bianca knows she doesn't fit in.

Evernight does some things well. The first is create and maintain a sense of mystery, suspense and unease. It taps into some other things successfully - feeling you don't fit in, feeling you are a loser; fascination with boarding school (and eerie Gothic buildings); fascination with those who are rich and the perfect (no matter how snobbish and self-centred they are); and fascination with young men who don't play by the rules and display a protective streak (making statements such as "I couldn't stand it if they took it out on you, and eventually they would.") Some might be generally teeange-girl-only fascinations, but the story appeals to them, none the less.
There are a couple of pull-the-carpet-out-from-under-your-feet revelations. I was half-expecting them - which is to say, I was expecting there to be twists, but they were never quite what I had guessed. The main revelation didn't irritate me, although I do think the story would have been had there not been that deception. The story lost something once the mystery after the first revelation, but from that point onwards, it was not black-and-white; it had complexities without a clear solution.

It is, obviously, a vampire novel (the title, the prologue and the mood at the beginning of the first chapter reminded me so much of Twilight I had to laugh.)
However, this is where it is worth mentioning that, I don't like vampires. Really don't like them. With good reason - I'm one of those sick-at-the-sight (or thought) of-blood types. I have read some vampire novels and liked them, (such as Robin McKinley's wonderful novel Sunshine), but it was inspite of the vampires, not because of them.

So whilst I enjoyed it - and will probably read the sequel, if only to find out what happens next - Evernight is not really my cup of tea. The, er, vampire-ness bothered me. I'm neither recommending it, nor not recommending it, because I thought it was enjoyable and silly and terrible (in a I-can't-believe-I'm-reading-this way)and found all references to drinking blood disturbing... I cannot make up my mind as to whether I liked it or not.
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LibraryThing member rivkat
Bianca’s the new student and fish out of water at exclusive Evernight Academy. But things aren’t as they seem, not even Lucas, the hot boy who seems equally exiled to the fringes. I know the author, so I’m biased, but I found this a clever twist on the teen vampire genre, more clever as I
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thought about it.
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LibraryThing member knielsen83
I was a bit surprised by this book. There was a certain twist in the middle that I didn't quite see coming. Of course, it all made sense when explained and looking back on what was happening. Basically this is a story about a girl whose parents have sheltered her all her life and now she is going
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to an intimidating boarding school where her parents are professors. She meets a boy and then some supernatural things happen and well... I simply cannot wait for the sequel.
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LibraryThing member ReaderigirlReviews
I really, really, really loved this book! There were a few things that didn't really make sense to me, but the story moved along fabulously and at that point I really didn't care about the weird bits because I loved the story so much. I read it staight through and I finished it in about 2 days
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because I literally couldn't put it down! Great read! ^_^
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LibraryThing member camelliacorner
Well written , plenty of surprises, good storyline, great characterisation
LibraryThing member dasuzuki
I have mixed feelings about this book. I picked it up actually because I read the blurb about Stargazer and it sounded great. While Evernight was not bad it did not really grab me and pull me into the story. Bianca’s and Lucas’s characters were ok but it was the supported cast that caught my
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interest. I really would like to learn more about Balthazar and I really like Vic and Raquel.

The twist of who Lucas really is was interesting and what Bianca is hiding about Evernight from Lucas was a shock. So I do want to see how this affects Luke’s and Bianca’s relationship. I will still pick up Stargazer since the concept of this series sounds exciting and I know the first books in series generally do have to do a lot of set up. So I am withholding judgment on the series until I read Stargazer. Sorry for the wishy-washy review but I really don’t feel strongly one way or another.
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LibraryThing member bookbutterfly9
Evernight Academy is an exclusive private school with gothic architecture and unexplainable sense of foreboding. Sixteen year old Bianca wants to run away when her parents take teaching positions and move there. She meets the mysterious Lucas in the forest whom she falls for with extreme intensity.
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Bianca is a small town girl, who is inexperienced and naive and has a hard time fitting in at Evernight. She finds allies among other outcasts, but especially so in Lucas, an angry and overprotective boy who makes one wonder what secrets of his own he is keeping.
I enjoyed Evernight and immediately read the sequel Stargazer after finishing the first book. However, it really seemed odd to me that the author waited until the middle of the book to drop a major bombshell regarding vampires. I think it's strange to have a narrator keep something like that from the reader and then all of a sudden constantly refer to it as if you had that understanding between you from page one. It should've been revealed from the beginning in my opinion. My only other gripe was the intensity of how Bianca fell so instantaneously for Lucas. She merely looked at him and was madly in love. That seemed a little cheesy to me but I understand being a teenager and meeting your first real "love". I just wish it had been explained better. In my opinion, Balthazar was a way more appealing suitor with a more multifaceted character, and I kept hoping things would turn in his favor. Other than that, I did enjoy Evernight. There are also a lot of unanswered questions about Evernight Academy itself, and it's unusual mix of students that I am extremely eager to come to the bottom of as well. Bianca's relationship with her family is another strong pull of the novel and should be interesting to see how the characters grow and evolve.
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Original publication date


Physical description

256 p.; 7.64 inches


0007355319 / 9780007355310
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