Sydänyön tuolla puolen

by Sidney Sheldon

Other authorsHilkka Pekkanen (Translator)
Paper Book, 1977



Call number



Hki : Suuri suomalainen kirjakerho, 1977.


Fiction. Suspense. HTML: "A total, love, hate, revenge...Read It." A native American wife finds herself caught in a game of terror, passion, and revenge. The players in this game: her husband, Larry Douglas, a handsome aviator whose career went... Noelle Page, a mysterious French actress who has never forgotten the past...and, finally, Constantine Demiris, a Greek magnate who ties them all together..

User reviews

LibraryThing member kjharrison
This book was so trashy that I loved every word. The story is so outrageous that you have to keep reading to see how far it will go. You will not be able to put this book down.
LibraryThing member MsNikki
You deserve a break from your stressful life, read and enjoy.
LibraryThing member moonstormer
great read! i couldn't put it down! maybe not the highest brow writing, but thoroughly enjoyable.
LibraryThing member GAYLEGREY
Martha's surprising pick. Very 70's trashy.
LibraryThing member Summermoonstone
Noelle Page was encouraged to believe she was born into a noble gentry but she was born in a fishing village in Paris. Her Papa sells her when she reaches puberty. She escapes and meets and falls madly in love with American flyer Larry Douglas during WWII. He deserts her but she is so in love with
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him her life is consumed with revenge. She becomes a supermodel and movie star then finally mistress to mega-rich Constantin Demeris

She meets up again with Larry who doesn't remember her. He is a cruel, indifferent man and is the private pilot for Demeris. He is now married to Catherine who is a dreamer and should really have married Bill Fraser who truly loves her

These lives collide as the story goes from a poor French fishing village to Paris, to Hollywood, then to Athens where Demeris (Noelle's lover)engineers an ending that only truly rich people can provide.
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LibraryThing member CateBookworm22
This is one of my favorite books from one of my favorite authors.Really loved it! This I highly recommend.
LibraryThing member bcrowl399
I love this story. It's great fun to read and the movie is good, too. It's typical Sidney Sheldon fare, but very well done.
LibraryThing member DocWalt10
Really enjoying the book. First book for this author. Two main female characters, one in America and one in France during the start of WW II. Each discovering themselves.
LibraryThing member IceMaiden786
This book was absolutely brilliant.

It's the first Sidney Sheldon book I read, handed down to me by my mum. Though this probably wouldn't be something I'd choose from a pile of books initially, but because it was recommended to me I gave it a go. And the blurb did sound intriguing but it didn't do
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the book justice. It certainly didn't prepare me for what I got.

Noelle and Catherine, the two main female characters were very different and yet very similiar too. They both love the same man, Larry Douglas, though for the life of me I couldn't see why. Sure if I saw him I'd probably be drooling too but his personality can only be defined in these words, 'arrogant, selfish, womanizing jerk.' And then some.

He's a charmer that's for sure and at times he has his 'good guy' moments but seriously ladies, he's NOT worth it.

Noelle was an interesting character but I found reading her parts uncomfortable at times, because I couldn't imagine how someone could do some of the things she did. Like kill her baby -purposely delaying it until she was further along in pregnancy just so the innocent baby would feel pain- with a coat hanger- just to get back at Larry. How would that get back at him? He never even finds out about it! I mean seriously, that is just SICK. I don't care what Larry did to you that was wayyyyyyy over the top. And just out of curiosity, was it me or was the moment she found out Larry had betrayed her a little puzzling? I had to read it a few times to work out what the huge discovery had been. He'd gone to a club, instead of meet her. It sounds bad, but not THAT bad (unborn baby killing) bad
And yet she has a good heart too. She helps Israel Katz. I liked her a lot then and began to sympathize with her a little more, until she and Larry met up and began plotting their evil scheme. And then I sympathized with her again at the end.

Catherine is my kind of girl. Sure she messes up, but she's funny and cracks jokes to cover up her errors and embarrassment. Her clumsiness is cute and she's quite graceful about it. Plus she has confidence issues (like Noelle, but different) which Sidney (Who I had at first thought was a female author) portrayed beautifully. Especially for a man writing about every woman's lack of self-confidence whether to do with their body like Catherine, or sense of worth like Noelle.
Catherine made me laugh a lot, especially when she finally gets the chance to lose the big V and has a severe case of thought-to-mouth-vomit. Love her! And I found myself much closer to her than anyone else throughout the book. I like her fella too.

The plot was well thought out, even though it had a lot in it, I couldn't put it down. It was informative but not longwinded. When it was fast paced it didn't draw it away from the emotions and the plot, when it was slow paced it merely increased the suspense and the urge to know more.

After reading only one book Sheldon is the Man, to me anyway. I will continue to give his books a chance even if they don't match up to this one. It'll be pretty hard to do that so I won't blame him if he doesn't. :D

5 out of 5 stars for me. And I'm looking forward to reading the sequel. I hope it isn't one of those series that makes me think he should have kept it as one book. We shall see.
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LibraryThing member christinejoseph
Noelle, Larry, Constantin, Catherine
excellent story of love and intrigue

In Paris...Washington...and a fabulous villa in Greece, an innocent American girl becomes a bewildered, horror-stricken pawn in a game of vengeance and betrayal. She is Catherine Douglas, a woman caught in a web of four lives
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intertwined by passion as her handsome husband pursues an incredibly beautiful film star...and as Constantin Demeris, a legendary Greek tycoon, tightens the strands that control them all...
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LibraryThing member HenriMoreaux
The Other Side of Midnight is a fantastic piece of writing. It's hard to believe it was written in the 1970s as it is so different to other books of the time that I have read.

The book is runs from 1919 to 1947 with the majority taking place in the late 30s mid 40s. Whilst it takes place during
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World War 2, it is not about the war itself, rather, it follows the paths of three characters. One of whom is innocent, another who seems innocent and becomes a hateful product of her environment and a third who has no regard for anyone but himself.

The ending is perfection.
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LibraryThing member anacskie
Ahhhh....the very first Sidney Sheldon book I've read way back when. But I still re-read again and again.
LibraryThing member anacskie
Ahhhh....the very first Sidney Sheldon book I've read way back when. But I still re-read again and again.
LibraryThing member soosthemoose
An actually scary book about revenge, manipulation and betrayal.


Original language


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Physical description

343 p.; 22 cm


9516431097 / 9789516431096
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