Sense and Sensibility (Wordsworth Classics)

by Jane Austen

Paperback, 1998



Call number




Wordsworth Editions Ltd (1998), Edition: Reprint, Paperback, 320 pages


Classic Literature. Fiction. HTML: When Mr. Dashwood dies, he leaves his second wife and her three daughters at the mercy of his son and heir, John. John's wife convinces him to turn his step-mother and half-sisters out, and they move to a country cottage, rented to them by a distant relative. In their newly reduced circumstances Elinor and Marianne, the two eldest daughters, wrestle with ideas of romance and reality and their apparent opposition to each other. Elinor struggles in silent propriety, while Marianne is as violently romantic as her ideals. Life, however, teaches the girls to balance sense and sensibility in their approach to love and marriage. Sense and Sensibility was Jane Austen's first novel to be published, in 1811. It has been adapted for film and television many times, most notably in Ang Lee's 1995 film adaptation..… (more)

User reviews

LibraryThing member beserene
One doesn't really review Jane Austen, so much as bask in the elegance and wit of her prose and wonder at such auspicious beginnings. 'Sense and Sensibility' was Austen's first published novel -- though she had written significant juvenalia and an unpublished epistolary novel, 'Lady Susan', before
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writing this one -- and as many other LTers have noticed, her craft still bears a little youth when this freshman effort is compared to her greater masterpieces. Even so, there is nothing bad, or even mediocre, about the book.

Anyone who has ever had a sister can appreciate and connect with Austen's two heroines, Elinor and Marianne Dashwood. The two, early in the novel, are opposites in perspective, expression and, of course, sense. Marianne is the angsty teenager, Elinor the elder, calmer, more pragmatic young adult. For sisters, their relationship is relatively typical: the younger drama queen thinks she knows it all; the elder goody two-shoes frets in overly-maternal fashion and tries to gently enlighten her sister about how the world really works. Of course, in the context of the reserved Regency period, their interactions are much more sedate than the melodrama to which 21st century television has accustomed the current reader, but genuine emotion -- love, heartbreak, frustration, respect, injury -- pervades their connection.

The core of the novel is the transformation of these two young women. Over the span of the plot, they become each a little bit more like the other (with significant transformative weight given to the common sense and reserve of Elinor, who is the obvious role model throughout -- she becomes a little bit more open, like Marianne, while Marianne becomes a great deal more like her in comparison) and each a little wiser in the world. Of course, the mechanism of their respective transformations involves romantic love, foolishness and family interference, as much of life does.

The gentlemen who provide agency of transformation range from the tragically selfish Willoughby to the solidly dependable Edward. For my money, however, the ideal male figure in the novel is Colonel Brandon, who offers up a mysterious and sad history that could have graced a Gothic character, combined with gentlemanly manners, unflagging devotion, and a quiet, eternal romanticism. Each of these characters is fleshed with particular realism but highlighted with a certain glow of the ideal that makes them appealing when the novel needs them to be so.

The true masterpieces of this particular Austen novel, however, are the characters who are utterly untouched by any ideal. However fond we might be of our heroines and their love interests, it is the rest of the cast -- each character pocked and pitted with personality quirks ranging from the quixotic to the flat-out bitchy -- that makes the book a genuine pleasure. From the early chapters, in which Fanny Dashwood's snipes about money and property prompt the reader's ire and humor, through the hilarity of Mrs. Jennings' ridiculousness, to the deliciously snide self-righteousness of Miss Lucy Steele, the novel is thoroughly populated with satire and social indictment. Austen's eye for the true ridiculousness of humanity makes the genius here.

Overall, while some may not find this to be a quick and bright as Austen's pinnacle, the novel does present a rich reading experience, authenticity of emotion, and brilliant satirical observations. Granted, I am biased, as a Jane Austen fan of long-standing and having read the novel several times, but for me the bottom line is this: 'Sense and Sensibility' is exactly what a classic ought to be.
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LibraryThing member Smiler69
Sisters Elinor Dashwood, the elder and reasonable one, and Marianne Dashwood, the younger and impetuous one, are at the heart of this romantic novel. Their father has passed away, leaving the bulk of his fortune to his son John from a previous marriage, entrusting him with the care of his sisters
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and step-mother. But John's wife Fanny, a selfish and wonderfully disagreeable woman, soon convinces him that the best he can do is to give them nothing at all and store away the bulk of his inheritance for their young son's future prosperity. Money plays a large part in this novel, as does the importance of marrying into it, and the sisters, with their limited fortune must consider marrying well. While taking a walk one day, Marianne trips and falls to be immediately rescued by the dashing young Willoughby, who conveniently happens to be walking by at that moment. With all the ardour of her immaturity and spirit, and with Willoughby's constant attention, Marianne falls hopelessly in love and it is quickly assumed that the young couple are engaged to be married, but Marianne is soon bitterly disappointed by the young playboy and much drama ensues. Meanwhile, Elinor discretely pines after her Edward only to discover one day that he is secretly engaged, but she suffers in silence as Marianne stomps around pouting and crying bitter tears and falls dangerously ill from a broken heart. Many complications ensue. Then, many sudden convenient plot twists occur, and both ladies find love and eternal wedded bliss and material comfort after all. The End.

This was my fist Jane Austen novel and I was at first immediately charmed by her irony and the witty dialogue, in particular when describing the unpleasant Fanny Dashwood and other secondary characters, such as Edward's fiancée Lucy Steele. But the drama! The bitter disappointments! The dashed hopes which are magically restored! It was too much like a soap opera for me and I couldn't help but groan and wish for zombies to come in and bite people's heads off, even though zombies really aren't my thing. Will I read more Austen novels? Yes, I plan on reading Pride and Prejudice next. Am I likely to be counted among Austen's legions of devoted fans? Not likely, if I don't find a stronger injection of irony thrown into the mix. But one can always hope.
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LibraryThing member lyzadanger
At this point I feel like I could easily write a computer program to write a passable Austen novel. Sure, she's droll and she invented an entire genre; she made social commentary where social commentary was otherwise essentially impossible for someone of her gender and station.

I'm just kind of done
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with Austen. Engagements and secret affairs and dances and going to London during the season. Families full of daughters. Country estates.

All good. All well-written. All in all an easy and quick read. The good guy generally wins. The good girl always does. The good girl then serves to deliver slightly heavy-handed moral allegory. Not that the morals are in any way not those that we should strive for--it's just a bit of a pretty picture.

Highlights include the adolescent pleasure that the emotional middle daughter Marianne takes in the intensity of her deepest heartbreak, coming down with the inevitable serious fever after distraught, long, solo walks in wet long grass, moping in an estate's chintzy, teen-pathos-eliciting, faux-Grecian 'temple.' Sir John Middleton with his sherry-fueled grins and hunting dogs makes a gorgeous caricature of the jolly English landed gentry.

Unlike in Pride and Prejudice, however, Austen's jibes at the banal conceit of certain characters lack the subtlety that her later novels have. Funny, yes, biting, still, but so obvious as to be somewhat dulled in their impact. But, in its defense, the book's characters, at least some of them, are flawed in some appealing ways: Elinor's holier than thou moralizing, their mother's mawkish mothery-ness, and Willoughby's--well, I'll leave it to you to find out about Willoughby.
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LibraryThing member LisaMaria_C
Sisters are usually important in Austen's books, although they're not always close, and are usually in the background. This book is unusual in having two contrasting heroines in Elinor and Marianne. Unlike say Elizabeth and Jane of Pride and Prejudice the two Dashwood sisters here both grow and
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learn from the other and are of equal importance to the story. The book is interesting in its themes of prudence versus passion for which the sisters make perfect exemplars and foils.

If this sounds dry--well, almost no Austen novel is without a large leavening of humor--just look at the second chapter where by degrees, their sister-in-law convinces their half-brother not to help them so that finally she has him convinced their needs are so modest they "will be much more able to give you something." That's typical of Austen. The sharp characterizations that are so funny because they're timeless in their illustrations of human foibles and how being scrupulously polite and socially correct can cover pettiness, cruelty while being of itself at times comic and ridiculous.

I'll admit Elinor is my favorite. The one in the family who is sensible in a family of sentimental romantics. Who doesn't have much room to assert her own feelings because someone has to be the grownup. But I feel for Marianne too. I don't, like some, feel she "settled." I think she simply grew through her experiences to appreciate qualities that would have been lost on her earlier.

That's the way of the Austen novels and rather why I love them. Love isn't something that solves problems and brings on the happy ending but an experience that, even when you're disappointed, widens and deepens you so you become wiser and so more capable of happiness. At least if you blend a bit of a romantic sensibility with a modicum of sense.
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LibraryThing member Cait86
When I first read Sense and Sensibility several years ago, I thought it was okay, but nowhere near as good as Pride and Prejudice, one of my favourite books. Now, after reading much more of Austen's works, and rereading this, her first published novel, I can without a doubt say that I hate Sense
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and Sensibility.

Why? Well, first of all, I dislike every single character. The "bad" characters are wimpy in their deviousness, and the "good" characters are ridiculously naive. Elinor's sense makes her preachy, and Marianne's emotional sensibility causes her to make a complete fool of herself. She is adored by all, but I cannot understand why - I mean, the girl is such a ninny that she nearly dies just because a man leads her on. And Elinor, who loves Edward, is so proper that she never tells him how she feels, and is ready to let him marry another woman.

Next, I feel as though these characters are merely sketches of the much more entertaining characters in Pride and Prejudice. Willoughby is a lesser version of Wickham, Mrs. Dashwood a tamer Mrs. Bennett, and Colonel Brandon a less romantic Mr. Darcy. Sense and Sensibility was like rough work for the masterpiece that is Pride and Prejudice. Even some of the storylines are similar, particularly the scandal involving Willoughby.

Of course, Sense and Sensibility is still an Austen novel, and so it is still beautifully written. No one quite compares with Jane when it comes to manipulating words, and so this novel was a pleasure to listen to - music to the ears. But, I'm a reader who cannot subsist on good writing alone; I need a story and characters I can care about, and here, Austen fails.

Note: Of course, this is all just my opinion. I know lots of people love this book, and I have had an especially trying week, which may have made me a more disgruntled reviewer than normal!
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LibraryThing member maneekuhi
I was attracted to this book by the film version starring Emma Thompson. I had watched snippets of it, and found it to be charming, witty, humorous, and very interesting, versus the dull, stilted, talky story I expected. So now it is years later and to break up my usual diet of crime fiction, I
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read this 400 page novel, one of Austen's seven, over four days. I will read more Jane Austen! What did I like? The prose was beautiful, never boring, though sometimes I got so lost in the words that I lost track of the point. I fully utilized Kindle's "definition" feature, and looked up perhaps five times the usual number, but with pleasure. The characters were very interesting, though saints or sinners with no gray between. And the rich detail about people's behaviors and motivations.....I came away feeling that an hour with Jane Austen and she would have looked into my soul and known me better than I. I enjoyed discovering words no longer in use, as well as expressions used 200 years ago that I had thought were made up by my father's generation, e.g., "blockhead". I noted the sheer enjoyment that was shared when meeting friends and loved ones, and how thoroughly people (for the most part) enjoyed visits, both announced and unexpected, and how much pleasure there was in walks in the countryside. In the end, good triumphs over evil, but there is a minor character, an innocent victim, whose future will not be all roses. Completed 8/18/11, rated 4.5
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LibraryThing member xicanti
Two sisters experience the trials and tribulations of love.

Sense and Sensibility was Jane Austen's first published novel. It contains all the elements that have made her such an enduring literary figure: well-drawn characters, elegant prose, nice romantic tension and sheer readability. Though not
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as well-liked as Pride and Prejudice, it's a wonderful novel capable of standing tall on its own merits.

Austen employs a fairly standard structure here: she presents the two sisters, Elinor and Marianne, as embodiments of particular worldviews. Elinor has a great deal of sense; she's practical, down-to-earth and considerate of others. Marianne is mostly concerned with what the world can do for her; she's passionate, articulate, and throughly committed to living life her way. Austen uses the novel's events to soften each sister's character, bringing them both to a middle point at which Elinor has gained some passion and Marianne has gained some sense.

These events are primarily romantic and, as is Austen's usual wont, there are problems aplenty. The atmosphere is always rife with tension as both sisters discover and deal with terrible truths about their suitors. The book can be read as a simple, literary romance novel, filled with the usual sorts of mistakes and moments of forgiveness.

This is far from a one-dimmensional novel, though. One can easily delve deeper. Personally, I found that Austen did some interesting things with the whole idea of self-control. As the characters live in a very formal, polite society, it's often impossible for them to say what they really think. This leads to some wonderful dialogue as each character dances around their true meaning, finding some way to express themselves without breaking any social rules or being untrue to themselves. This results in some absolutely hilarious moments, and not a few heartbreaking ones.

Overall, this is most certainly worth your time. Recommended.
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LibraryThing member antiquary
I used to like this, but the last time I reread it, it seemed to me that Austen let the two best characters marry the wrong people, when they should have married each other.
LibraryThing member justabookreader
Jane Austen wrote two of my favorite books --- Sense & Sensibility and Pride & Prejudice. Each time I re-read them, (yes, I am a serial re-reader) I am overcome by the amount of emotion she can fit on a page. Sense & Sensibility ranks right up there for me with the best of the tearjerkers.

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and Marianne Dashwood are incredibly close sisters but could not be more different. Elinor is strong and reserved, Marianne is emotional and prone to outbursts on any opinion she might have. They are opposites in many ways with the exception of their love lives which can be described as nothing more than shambles. Elinor is in love with Edward and she feels, and her family is assured, that she will someday be his wife. Marianne falls for a man named Willoughby . He is dashing, daring, and falls amicably in love with Marianne soon after their first ill-fated meeting. Her happiness is not meant to last and, after leading her on, he leaves her with no warning.

When an opportunity arises for the sisters to be in London, Marianne readily agrees much against the more strident arguments of Elinor to stay at the cottage with their mother. It is in London that Willoughby is sited and Marianne’s hopes rise only to be completely dashed when it is rumored that he is to marry someone very rich, something Marianne is not and has no hope to ever be. The death of their father and the miserly ways of their half brother, John, have left the Dashwood women rather less endowed.

While in London, Marianne goes into a stupor on finding out about Willoughby and Elinor does her best to care for her. Unbeknownst to Marianne, Elinor is experiencing much the same torment --- she has heard from an acquaintance, Lucy Steele, that Edward is engaged. In fact, he is engaged to Lucy and Elinor is forced to listen to her drivel about their difficulties in not being able to express their love openly and to marry. Elinor is strong under the strain but somehow, while reading, you just wish she would sit and give in to her emotion but she doesn’t. That is the beauty in reading Austen, she pulls at the heartstrings but her characters can take it.

An illness strands Elinor and Marianne on their way home but thanks to the help, and love, of a family friend, they are reunited with their mother and return home where each has time to recover from their love ordeals. After a few weeks, Elinor is surprised by Edward and an offer of marriage she had convinced herself was impossible and Marianne finds happiness in love in the place she least expected.

The one thing I adore about the Austen novels I have read are the characters and this book does not fall short. The Dashwoods’ sister-in-law, Mrs. John Dashwood (Fanny) is probably one of the most conniving and annoying characters in the book. Her cheap nature, mean spiritedness, and jealously for the sisters is appropriately aggravating. In one scene, she complains about having to give away the good china when she of all people is forcing the Dashwoods from their beloved home now that her husband has inherited it upon of the death of his father. She plays a very small part but is unforgettable for me and one character I cannot stand to come across. She is so conniving she is wonderful and makes you want to hate all sister-in-laws even if you love you own.

Why do I re-read this book over and over? Each time I find something new to love. I feel more and more each time for Marianne and the deep depression she falls into over losing Willoughby and what she thought, and was led to believe, would happen between them. Willoughby becomes more and more of a rascal, to use a proper Austen term, and so viciously cruel that Marianne’s torment becomes even greater. And dear Elinor, the strong sister who seems capable of running the world if given the chance with her calm and cool demeanor, to suffer so in silence almost to the end is just heart wrenching. When the happy ending arrives you almost want to celebrate and cry along with the characters.
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LibraryThing member EmScape
An altogether satisfying classic novel. Sisters Elinor and Marianne Dashwood, left with little income following the death of their father, go to live with some distant relations and meet men they wish to engage. However, there are complications, as both seem to be quite unsuitable.
I was
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continually struck by the eloquence with which this book is written and the gracious manner in which the primary characters endeavored to conduct themselves. Did people really speak to each other that way in that era? How interesting that even one described as ‘illiterate’ can issue such a statement as "I am sure you think me very strange, for enquiring about her in such
a way, but perhaps there may be reasons--I wish I might venture; but however I hope you will do me the justice of believing that I do not mean to be
impertinent." The articulacy of the text was almost confusing at first because the poor standards by which most modern authors express themselves is what I am used to reading and speaking. However, that difficulty was soon overcome, and I found _myself_ both speaking and writing with greater vocabulary and altered cadence.

I was also surprised that I could find a tale consisting mostly of the conversations between the idle members of British society so suspenseful. I found myself invested in the characters and their eventual happiness so much that I was quite eager to turn the page.

Highly recommended. Compared to this, the romantic tales of the 21st century are vulgar and coarse.
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LibraryThing member koeniel
Perhaps because I was very much impressed by the romance of Lizzie Bennet and Fitzwilliam Darcy in Pride and Prejudice, I read through the first part of Sense and Sensibility with a bit of a disappointment, as I felt this book didn't have as forceful emotion and love and wittiness as Pride and
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Prejudice. I felt Sense and Sensibility a lot more sedate. This book’s heroine Elinor is the master of calmness and restrain, more like Jane Bennet, Lizzie’s older sister in Pride and Prejudice. She has not the wittiness and spirit of Lizzie. Elinor’s beau Edward has the reserve of Mr Darcy, but not his dashing look or richness. However, a proof to Jane Austen's masterful writing, even before reading half of the book I was as hooked, as spellbound, as when I read Pride and Prejudice. Reading this book I was again drowned in Jane’s world; and it was very difficult to get out of it.

This time it’s the love stories of the Miss Dashwoods, Elinor and Marianne. The heroes are Edwards Ferrars and Colonel Brandon. The black sheep this time is Willoughby (who resembles Wickham from Pride and Prejudice).

Jane successfully gives a faithful and acute portray of the 18th century England, giving us a detailed look at the view of the society at that time about man and woman relationship, about family, about money and virtue. As in Pride and Prejudice (which was actually published two years after this book), in Sense and Sensibility it is very clear how dependent women are financially on their families or husbands. Not a situation to be envied on.

It is very interesting as well to see how view has change over the time from then to now. The Dashwood sisters seem to forgive Willoughby’s conducts toward Marianne more easily after it was known that he left her for money. They hated him more when they thought that he was only pretending to fall in love with Marianne. I would’ve hated him no less if a guy is to leave me for financial reason! Maybe in those days people have resigned to the fact that fortune often obstructs love. Maybe this is the reason that Willoughby’s long defence of his attitude to Elinor is not depicted in the modern film adaptation (1995, starring Emma Thompson, Kate Winslet, Hugh Grant and Alan Rickman).

It is interesting to see Jane’s descriptions of mothers. It doesn’t seem that she has a very good opinion on them. In Pride and Prejudice Mrs Bennet is borderline annoying in her stupidity. In this book Mrs Dashwood is kind and smart enough, but still too romantic to be wise.

Perhaps Jane’s books including this one is always well liked because it appeals to our romantic sides, and also in her books the good will always be rewarded and the bad punished. Goodness of heart, wisdom and sense prevail.
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LibraryThing member JechtShot
I finally made it through Sense and Sensibility, but I must say it was quite a struggle. Jane Austen has a wonderful way with words, but I think it is safe to say that I grew to hate just about every character in the novel by the end. Elinor - the sense of the operation, was prim, proper dull and
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boring. Marianne - aka sensibility, was the extreme opposite of Elinor and I was praying she would be struck by a runaway horse and buggy within moments of being introduced to her, but sadly this was not to occur. The remaining women were primarily gossip junkies stalking the countryside for their next fix. The men of Sense and Sensibility not much better with the exception of Mr. Palmer. Palmer had the good sense to hide in the background and ignore the whole lot. I may give Austen another shot, but this reader needs a little time away.
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LibraryThing member cbl_tn
Sense and Sensibility illustrates well the old saying "appearances can be deceiving." Sensible Elinor appears to feel things less deeply than passionate Marianne, who pursues what she admires and avoids what she does not with equal zeal. However, in allowing her feelings to govern her behavior,
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Marianne is insensitive to the feelings of others, while Elinor, by doing what is expected of her in social situations, suffers all the more. Not only does Elinor do the right thing even when it is difficult and painful, she does it for the right reasons. I'm glad for Elinor's sake that she ends up with the man she loves. I can't help thinking, though, that she deserves a better man than Edward, and I find myself agreeing with many of her friends and relations that Colonel Brandon would have been a good match for her.
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LibraryThing member Liladillerauthor
One of my favorites of all time!!

Here is a sampling of the language at the time in some of my favorite quotes:
1. “Nor I,” answered Marianne with energy, “our situations then are alike. We have neither of us any thing to tell; you, because you do not communicate, and I, because I conceal
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2. She [Fanny] took the first opportunity of affronting her mother-in-law on the occasion, talking to her so expressively of her brother’s great expectations, of Mrs. Ferrars’s resolution that both her sons should marry well, and of the danger attending any young woman who attempted to DRAW HIM IN; that Mrs. Dashwood could neither pretend to be unconscious, nor endeavor to be calm.
3. “Shyness is only the effect of a sense of inferiority in some way or other. If I [Edward] could persuade myself that my manners were perfectly easy and graceful, I should not be shy.”
4. “Brandon is just the kind of man,” said Willoughby one day, when they were talking of him together, “whom every body speaks well of, and nobody cares about; whom all are delighted to see, and nobody remembers to talk to.”
5. Elinor blushed for the insincerity of Edward’s future wife, and replied, “This compliment would effectually frighten me from giving any opinion on the subject had I formed one. It raises my influence much too high; the power of dividing two people so tenderly attached is too much for an indifferent person.”
6. “…I [Mrs. Jennings] have had such good luck in getting my own children off my hands that…if I don’t get one of you at least well married before I have done with you, it shall not be my fault.”
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LibraryThing member quigui
Now, this one was just boring.

I found the characters to have little depth, and the plot was hardly novel. Despite this, the characters (or at least Marianne) do evolve a bit to reach the unsurprising ending: they all make good marriages (makes me wonder if there is more to life than that).

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opinion: watch the movies/mini-series and you'll be more entertained than with the book.

On another note, I'm not sure what Sense and Sensibility and Sea Monsters is about (I suppose there will be sea monsters in it, but after my experience with Pride and Prejudice and Zombies I am in no rush to find out), but if anyone wants to make a remake of this book in which little Margaret turns out to be an evil murderess possessed by the devil, killing everyone on revenge because they spend the entire book ignoring her, I'll read it. Because I'm not entirely sure why there was a need for a third sister if she is to be forgotten during most of the book.
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LibraryThing member aharey
Sense and Sensibility tells the story of the Dashwood family and journey through various trials and tribulations. The story centers on two parallel plots- Marianne Dashwood’s passionate love for Willoughby and Elinor Dashwood’s quiet love for Edward Ferrars.

Sense and Sensibility, the first
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novel of Jane Austen’s to be published, was written in 1811 and is an excellent example of what is known as a novel of manners. It deals with the behavior and manners of the gentry of Regency England, which had strict codes of conduct and dealt harshly with anyone who broke those codes. Sense and Sensibility shows this through the scandalous behavior of Marianne and Willoughby. Marianne flouts the code in order to live by her passions, while her sister, Elinor, follows the code strictly, never allowing anyone to know the depths of her feelings.

I truly love this novel. The characters are fresh and original, the plot is never contrived, and the resolution to the stories is fulfilling. I especially love the character of Colonel Brandon (although that may be due to Alan Rickman’s portrayal).
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LibraryThing member The_Hibernator
This is the story of two very different sisters: Elinor is a sensible (yet secretly passionate) young woman who must continuously reign in the wild passions of her mother and sisters - especially Marianne whose head is filled with romantic notions of one-true-love and tragedy. When their father
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suddenly dies with their newly-acquired estate entailed away to their half-brother John, the sisters are left destitute. John and his wife Fanny descend upon the mourning family within a fortnight and make the sisters and mother feel like unwelcome guests in their beloved home. Elinor soon forms an attachment with Fanny's brother Edward, but Fanny doesn't approve of Elinor's lack-of-fortune-or-name. So the family moves away to a cottage, leaving Edward behind. Poor Elinor must struggle with her own worries about Edward while at the same time monitoring the expensive of the house and trying to reign in the wild, all-consuming attachment of Marianne to the dashing young Willoughby. The romantic hopes of both girls spiral downwards as more and more obstacles appear.

I love this story because I've always admired Elinor for both her passion and her ability to handle all problems that come her way. I also admire Colonel Brandon for his devotion to Marianne despite her ecstatic preference for the younger, handsomer, and less reserved Willoughby. This time around, I also really appreciated Marianne's character. Her youthful ideas about love were cute - and realistic for many girls of 16. :) Her development throughout the story was extraordinary. I loved the way she slowly, cluelessly, began to understand the world around her. I don't admire her, but I think she's cute and very funny. And, frankly, a more interesting character than Elinor (due to her development-of-character).

To be honest, this book is just as much a favorite as Pride and Prejudice. Yes. That is right. I ADMIT that I like this book just as much (possibly a little more) than the beloved P&P.
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LibraryThing member ritaer
The quiet pleasure of a rereading of a well-known work.
LibraryThing member gwendolyndawson
Two penniless but genteel sisters, Elinor and Marianne, struggle to find suitable husbands. Marianne suffers from too much sensibility (romantic idealism) while Elinor suffers from too much sense (pragmatism, rationality). Eventually, both sisters learn to find a middle ground. Perfectly Austen.
LibraryThing member atimco
Sense and Sensibility was my first Jane Austen novel, for the simple reason that it leads off the one-volume edition of her works that I was able to snag for about 30 cents at a library booksale. I had no idea it would be the gateway to an immersive new world I had not previously imagined (and when
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I say immersive, I mean it; I finished this one-volume edition of Austen's six novels plus Lady Susan over the course of the following two weeks).

The plot is well known and tells the story of the Dashwood family, a mother and three daughters left nearly destitute by the death of Mr. Dashwood and the laws that precluded their inheriting any significant portion of his fortune. The two elder Miss Dashwoods, Elinor and Marianne, must find a way to live in a world that afforded women very few options. The two sisters could not be more different: Elinor orders her life and behavior according to common sense, while Marianne is ruled by her sensibilities and emotions. Their adventures and misadventures in love and the world of fashion during the Regency is beautifully rendered, with layers of meaning and thought and humor under even the smallest interactions and conversations. I never knew someone could write like this.

Pride and Prejudice seems the obligatory favorite of Austen's novels and I do love it very much, but Sense and Sensibility will always vie for first place in my Austenian affections. Imagine reading Austen with no background knowledge, no movie versions in your head, no knowing what the characters are going to do or where the plot is going to go. It was an amazing literary experience and one that cannot be manufactured. Five stars isn't enough to express my love for this novel. I will simply say: thank you, Jane Austen.
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LibraryThing member tjsjohanna
Ms. Austen tells an engaging tale and illustrates two very different ways of conducting oneself in the society of her time. While Marianne is engaging and not afraid to let the whole world know how she feels about everything, Elinor's story makes the case for observing the mores of the time. Some
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would say Elinor doesn't fully "feel" her joys and heartaches, but I think the story does a good job of showing just how detrimental to herself Marianne's excesses are. I really liked, however, how kind and loving Elinor is to both her mother and sister. She disagrees with their emotional excesses, but it doesn't separate her from them, or even cause her to blame them for the burdens they require her to shoulder.
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LibraryThing member Cecrow
For a novel that is two hundred years old, it hasn't lost its shine. Granted, I'd introduce the central characters more clearly at the start and update some of the language (probable reasons why practical jokers who submit it to publishers today find the manuscript rejected), but it all moves right
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along. Mr. and Mrs. Palmer are standouts, such a hilarious couple - her silliness and his grumpiness - I could read their dialogue all day, and I've certainly seen echoes of it in other works that came after.

I'm on the 'sense' side of the divide, personality-wise, but even I have to admit it's Elinor's behaviour that has fallen by the wayside in the two centuries since. What sister now who cared for her sibling's welfare would only apply for her mother to inquire what was wrong? Or not share that she too was experiencing a similar disappointment, so they might commiserate, instead of feeling bound by promise to a stranger? I also have a melancholy feeling about Marianne's harnessing of her sensibility, and her being surprisingly denied a fairy-tale ending (however much Austen tries to dress up the one she assigns while moralizing.) To me it sounds like all the wind has gone out of her sails, a woman surrendering her life's pleasures to a nunnery. This is the template that Thakeray so blatantly defied with Becky Sharp a few decades later.
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LibraryThing member rhymeswithlisten
I realized it was about time to read something by Jane Austen. Having seen the movie with Emma Thompson and having friends who were great fans, I chose Sense and Sensibility. I both listened to and read this novel.

Sense and Sensibility was written by Jane Austen and published in 1811. Austen lived
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in Regency Period England, was one of eight children of an Anglican rector. Publication was costly for Austen and she published anonymously. Only her family knew she was aware of the fact that she penned these works. On a positive note, Austen was able to maintain privacy throughout her life. As an observer of her environment, Austen produced many literary works, including Sense and Sensibility, where her quick wit and eye for details creates a great document of society and times of Austen's day.

Sense and Sensibility quickly focuses on the Dashwood family. Patriarch Henry Dashwood dies and leaves all his money to his son and first marriage child, John Dashwood. Henry does not much provide for his second wife and his three daughters due to the dictates of the time. Although Henry prevails upon John to take care of his wife and daughters Elinor, Marianne, and Margaret, are homeless and have meager income. John's wife talks John out of giving his stepmother and half sisters more and the Dashwood females are invited to live with distant cousins - the Middletons of Barton Park. Sensible Elinor is saddened by this departure since she and her sister-in-law's brother, Edward Ferrars, have become quick friends. Nonetheless, Elinor and emotional, romantic Marianne meet many new people including retired officer Colonel Brandon and the dashing John Willoughby. Willoughby rescues Marianne during a rain storm in which she twisted her ankle. Marianne and Willoughby seem the ideal match until Willoughby has some business to attend to in London. Now, the Dashwoods meet the Steele sisters with whom they have a common relative in Lady Middleton. Lucy Steele turns out to be secretly engaged to Edward Ferriers of all people. Are the Dashwoods doomed or is there true light at the end of the tunnel for them?

While I found the style and relationships of the characters and times to be more stiff and formal than I prefer, I found Sense and Sensibility to be a rewarding read. The form is classic and the problems are not just products of Austen's day. We see problems like this today. I particularly enjoyed Elinor's wit and candor. Austen seemed to have written what she knew and it is commendable.

Obviously, I see the title as alternate names for Elinor (Sense) and Marianne (Sensibility). There is more to this, though. Elinor can be likened to the Age of Reason while Marianne is the figurehead for the ensuing Romantic Era. However, Austen shows the reader that the Age of Reason and the Romantic Era love each other and go hand in hand. They live by one another and have each other's back. These Ages are sisters. Ultimately, you cannot appreciate Romanticism without Rationalism and vice versa.
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LibraryThing member jaimjane
Elinor and Marion, two very different sisters need the same thing. A husband. The way they love and support each other along with their mother and other young sister in their worsened circumstances is so beautiful. I love this story!
LibraryThing member CBJames
Jane Austen can make me gasp out loud. As much as I read I don't gasp out loud very often while reading, but Jane Austen can make me do it with just a single word.


With Jane Austen it's not what is said but what is not said that matters. Hers is the art of reference, of the knowing
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glance. The surface is overwhelmed by what is going on beneath. The most well respected writer of romance in English Austen never once depicted a single kiss, she didn't have to. Her art has nothing to do with kissing; her art is about getting the kiss. No kiss could ever hope to live up to the expectation. The thrill comes not from the actual kiss, but from finally knowing there's going to be one.

Can you tell I'm a bit of a Janeite?

Jane Austin's first novel Sense and Sensibility (1811) is the story of two sisters, Elinor and Marianne Dashwood, young women who have lost their income. After the death of their father they are forced to leave their family estate and settle in a small cottage owned by a friendly relation. There they meet Mrs. Jennings, a widow of some fortune, who takes them under her wing and makes finding them suitable husbands her special project. Each sister falls in love with a man who is already pledged to another. Elinor falls for a genuinely good man who is not at all romantic while Marianne falls for a questionable man who is very romantic. Sense and Sensibility. This is a Jane Austen novel so there is little question about how it will all end, but it's the journey that matters, not the destination. The journey is wonderful.

It's been a few years since I read a Jane Austen novel so I'd forgotten how funny she is. In the opening chapters Elinor and Marianne's half brother has a long discussion with his wife about what to do for the pair. How much of an income should he give them. His wife answers each of his generous suggestions with a detailed explanation of why it's too much, how it would only hurt them to have such a high income or such a quality home eventually convincing him to leave them nothing but the small income their mother can provide. Mrs. Jennings, the well-meaning but meddlesome widow, is certainly a stock character, but she is so funny that this reader didn't care. I just wanted more of her. 19th century novels are big enough that they can accomodate a character or two whose sole purpose is to provide laughter.

The first of the four novels published in her lifetime, Sense and Sensibility is often listed as lesser Austen. This may be true, but that's a bit like comparing a 24 carat diamond with a 28 carat one, isn't it. It's still a diamond.
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Original publication date


Physical description

320 p.; 7.7 inches


1853260169 / 9781853260162

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