Collected Short Stories of Saki (Wordsworth Classics)

by Hector Hugh Munro (Saki)

Paperback, 1999



Call number




Wordsworth Editions Ltd (1999), Edition: New edition, Paperback, 512 pages


The buttoned-up world of the British upper classes is exploded by the brilliance, wit and audacity of Saki's bomb-like stories. In 'The Open Window' an imaginative teenager gives a visitor the fright of his life. In 'The Unrest Cure' the ordered home of a respectable country gent is rocked to its core. And 'Laura' expresses the hope of revenge via reincarnation. For punchlines, twists, satire and pure mirth, Saki's stories are second-to-none.

User reviews

LibraryThing member figre
In the introduction to this book is included the statement, “Saki’s short stories of urbane malice are like a fine dessert wine – they should be sipped, and savoured slowly; so intense are they that to read them at one sitting may induce a kind of literary dyspepsia.” I could not agree
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more. I approached this collection in such a fashion and cannot imagine trying to quickly read through this collection. Each story is a gem, and should be admired and reflected upon similar to the way one approaches gems – looked at from every side in order to fully appreciate the beauty; because these are beautiful pieces and each will have its own resonance and attraction.

Saki’s wry commentaries about life and subtle twists to bring them to conclusion are each a crafted work of art. Sure, not all are masterpieces. But, even when not quite hitting the mark, there is still enjoyment in watching the craftsman at work. And just about the time you think you have a handle on Saki’s humor, along comes a chilling story about werewolves, or a ghost story, or a collection about the war that shakes you from the comfortable satire evident in other pieces. It is easy to try and pigeonhole Saki’s work, but this full collection will help anyone broaden their understanding. Nowhere is this more evident than in the novels. Neither is what one would expect from Saki. While the wryness is still evident, neither has the lightheartedness the short stories bring forward. The first (The Unbearable Bassington) tells the tragedy of the British stiff upper lip in regards to a wayward son, and the second (When Willam Came) was an alternate history where Germany had taken over England. I will always retain the image from one of the later chapters where a displaced Englishwoman watches the Union Jack raised in a far away land. At first, I almost lowered the rating of this book because of the inclusion of these pieces. (Saki’s writing becomes a bit much in the short novel format), yet the skill was still there, the stories were still moving, and they have both haunted me after the reading.

Whether just now discovering Saki or already a fan, this is the ultimate book. Collections of complete works often have weak points (no one can always get it right), but the weak points in this one excels the best of most other authors’ works.
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LibraryThing member isabelx
I love Saki, and this book included some very funny tales that hadn't made it into the 'best of' collections that I have read in the past, as well as a few duds.
LibraryThing member liehtzu
This is a really enjoyable collection of Victorian/Edwardian-era satire, the prose is wonderful and the humour bitingly apt for its time and culture. Think Oscar Wilde though not quite as adept. As window into a class system (as satirised by Wilde, by GBS -think Pygmalion, P.G. Wodehouse's –
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think Jeeves and Wooster) this is a witty eye-opener. There is something unfinished or under developed in some of the satires, as if the author got fed up half way through and having made his point couldn’t be bothered to polish it off; but don’t let that deter you. This will bring a wry smile to your lips – and what lovely English.
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LibraryThing member julsitos2
The guy is on the same level as that of Chekov and Maugham. Almost all of his stories are full of morbid wit and sarcasm that all other Edwardian tales (think: The Little Princess) seem too stiff and wooden. His style is akin to that of aristocratic English authors, but never a difficult read like
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that of Dickens. Highly Highly recommended!!
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LibraryThing member bexaplex
I started this collection thinking of Saki as a more transparently malicious version of P.G. Wodehouse; he eviscerates pompous society women in a few pen-strokes. The cruelty is always justified by character defect or wrong behavior on the part of the person being skewered, and the lively children
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(or perpetual-adolescents) — friends of animals — always prevail. I agree with one critic, quoted in the biography of Saki by E.M. Munro: "Munro's understanding of children can only be explained by the fact that he was in many ways a child himself: his sketches betray a harshness, a love of practical jokes, a craze for animals of the most exotic breeds, a lack of mellow geniality that hint very strongly at the child in the man. Manhood has but placed in his hands a perfect sense of irony and withheld all other adult traits."

Some of the these stories are masterful. In a few sentences, Saki paints a few characters with precision and sets up a conflict into which the antagonist wanders, usually unaware, with hilarious results.

How do I feel about the collection? The antagonists are often women (although girls are in a different category, apparently), and Saki skewers suffragettes, in particular, with regularity. It is certainly easier to find this humorous now that I can vote, although I admit those weren't my favorite stories. To me the autocratic aunts which haunt these stories and which are drawn from Munro's life seem sad, rather than powerful, making the casual cruelty toward them in bad taste. Am I imagining something that isn't there, or does the sadness come from Saki himself? In 'Excepting Mrs. Pentherby' Saki describes a communal country house where many couples reside for a season, sharing expenses. The house owner hires a woman to be annoying so that everybody's wives quarrel with her and there isn't a constantly shifting set of alliances. This is basically the plot of every reality show ever. At the end, the scheme is revealed to the owner's sister-in-law, who expresses one last burst of anger at the hired woman, but also at her brother-in-law, which Saki tries to deflect ("I think you are the most odious person in the whole world," said Reggie's sister-in-law. Which was not strictly true; more than anybody, more than ever she disliked Mrs. Pentherby. It was impossible to calculate how many quarrels that women had done her out of.) This is not a great, successful, story — the sister-in-law is not ridiculous enough to have deserved the prank, and the entire thing relies on one's supposed assumption that women (more than men) like to quarrel with each other. At the end I felt badly for the sister in law, which was obviously not the stated intention, although that emotion comes from the way that the sister-in-law is portrayed as mostly blameless.

This is the first Saki that I've read, and It probably would have been smarter to start off with a smaller curated collection. But this large volume piqued my interest, and I believe those less-well-known stories gave me a better glimpse of the author.
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LibraryThing member PhileasHannay
The 1993 Wordsworth edition (with Max Beerbohm on the cover) is awful.

First, the print strained my eyes -- the first time that's ever happened to this lifelong reader.

Second, it was riddled with misprints, and I finally gave up and bought the Penguin edition when I found that at least one page
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was missing (with a copy of an earlier page in its place).

The stories are excellent, but you need to read them in a different edition to this one.
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LibraryThing member GrazianoRonca

Sredni Vashtar is a short story written between 1900 and 1914 by Saki (Hector Hugh Munro).

This story is collected in this volume and also in an audiobook: Classic Chiiling Tales.

A 10-year-old boy called Conradin lives with his guardian Mrs. De Ropp. Conradin’s
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is very hard because of his guardian, so he invents a new religion for himself. The idol of this religion is a palecat-ferret. Conradin named it Sredni Vashtar.

‘Do one thing for me, Sredni Vashtar.’: this is the Conradin’s prayer and the idol obeys to him.

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The Open Window was collected with other short stories in 1914.

A girl of fifteen tells to a visitor about her weird family.

Girl: ‘Out through that window, three years ago to a day, her (= girl’s aunt) husband and her two young brothers went off for their day’s shooting.
They never came back.’ (p.289)

Girl: - Here they are at last (she cried)

- In the deepening twilight three figures were walking across the lawn towards the window. … A tired brown spaniel kept close at their heels.

The ghost: - Who was that who bolted out as we came up?

The aunt: - A most extraordinary man … and dashed off without a word of good-bye …
One would think he had seen a ghost.

The girl: - I expect it was the spaniel.
He was once hunted into a cemetery somewhere … by a pack of pariah dogs. (p.291)
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LibraryThing member Tilda.Tilds
Hysterically funny with Saki's good old-fashioned dry English wit. A collection of stories with rarely a miss and most will make you laugh out loud if you share Hector Hugh Munro's sense of the ridiculous.
LibraryThing member Mouldywarp
Nearly every story a delight - highly recommended entertainment!
LibraryThing member leslie.98
I found that Saki's humor worked better for me when I read his short stories than listening to them in audio. Frederick Davidson & Nadia May did an acceptable job narrating (though Davidson was not as good as May)...
LibraryThing member DanielSTJ
Complete and utter trite.

Avoid at all costs.
LibraryThing member cpg
Nice characterization: Witty horror stories somewhat in the style of Stephen King or Brian Evenson.

Mean characterization: Stories for Sadists.

Defense: "You knew what I was when you picked me up."

Me: Yes, I guess I did.
LibraryThing member librisissimo
I've read other collections of Saki, and love his droll wit and surprising twists.
LibraryThing member leslie.98
I found that Saki's humor worked better for me when I read his short stories than listening to them in audio. Frederick Davidson & Nadia May did an acceptable job narrating (though Davidson was not as good as May)...


Original publication date


Physical description

512 p.; 7.7 inches


1853260711 / 9781853260711

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