Flashman 08: Flashman in the Great Game

by George MacDonald Fraser

Paperback, 1989



Call number




Plume (1989), 336 pages


One of literature's most delightful rakes is back in another tale of rollicking adventure and tantalizing seduction. The plucky Flashman's latest escapades are sure to entertain devotees as well as attract new aficionados.

User reviews

LibraryThing member jztemple
The recent death of George McDonald Fraser has brought a close (maybe permanent, maybe not?) to this delightful series of books. I have had the pleasure of following this series every since the release of the first book back in the sixties. The Flashman novels combine history (including substantial
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endnotes) with sex, action, adventure and the secret pleasure of enjoying the exploits of one of the most notoriously popular non-politically correct characters of 20th Century literature. Flashman is a womanizer, a coward, a scoundrel and a cheat, but in the novels, which are all narrated by Flashman himself, he is utterly honest with his readers. He is a man not proud of his faults, but certainly unabashed about them.

The Flashman novels could be dismissed as sensationalized light reading , but Fraser cleverly tied his character into most of the major events of the last sixty years of the nineteenth century, a Victorian Zelig or Forrest Gump. Flashman casually mentions this minor detail or that simple observation, then Fraser in his assumed role as editor of the Flashman papers meticulously explains in the endnotes how these mentions by Flashman confirm the truth of his narrative, since only if Flashman was there could he have known about this fact or that. Fraser's endnotes also round out the historic details of the narrative, giving background and elaboration to the history-as-I-lived-it tales told by Flashman. It all works wonderfully, even if you somewhat suspect that some details are being outrageously fabricated.

I very strongly recommend these books to anyone who has an interest in history and is willing to keep an open mind towards the womanizing and the language (the n-word appears quite a bit, but completely in character for Flashman). I would suggest the best way to read them is in order of publication. This doesn't follow Flashman's own life chronology, but the books published later often make reference to previous editions of the "Flashman Papers" and so is more fun for the reader to follow.
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LibraryThing member dougwood57
'Flashman in the Great Game' takes our man Flash to India just as the Great Mutiny (aka Sepoy Rebellion) was about to get under way in 1857. Fraser is really in top form here. I've read about half the Flashman books and this one is topped only by the original.
LibraryThing member jztemple
The recent death of George McDonald Fraser has brought a close (maybe permanent, maybe not?) to this delightful series of books. I have had the pleasure of following this series every since the release of the first book back in the sixties. The Flashman novels combine history (including substantial
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endnotes) with sex, action, adventure and the secret pleasure of enjoying the exploits of one of the most notoriously popular non-politically correct characters of 20th Century literature. Flashman is a womanizer, a coward, a scoundrel and a cheat, but in the novels, which are all narrated by Flashman himself, he is utterly honest with his readers. He is a man not proud of his faults, but certainly unabashed about them.

The Flashman novels could be dismissed as sensationalized light reading , but Fraser cleverly tied his character into most of the major events of the last sixty years of the nineteenth century, a Victorian Zelig or Forrest Gump. Flashman casually mentions this minor detail or that simple observation, then Fraser in his assumed role as editor of the Flashman papers meticulously explains in the endnotes how these mentions by Flashman confirm the truth of his narrative, since only if Flashman was there could he have known about this fact or that. Fraser's endnotes also round out the historic details of the narrative, giving background and elaboration to the history-as-I-lived-it tales told by Flashman. It all works wonderfully, even if you somewhat suspect that some details are being outrageously fabricated.

I very strongly recommend these books to anyone who has an interest in history and is willing to keep an open mind towards the womanizing and the language (the n-word appears quite a bit, but completely in character for Flashman). I would suggest the best way to read them is in order of publication. This doesn't follow Flashman's own life chronology, but the books published later often make reference to previous editions of the "Flashman Papers" and so is more fun for the reader to follow.
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LibraryThing member santhony
Our intrepid hero, Harry Flashman, is back for volume five of the Flashman Papers, a narrative of the life and times of one of the most ne’er-do-well wastrels to ever grace the pages of a published autobiography.

This installment picks up where the fourth volume left off; Flashman has returned to
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England following his adventures in the Crimean War and the Russian Steppes only to find himself confronted by a menacing figure from his recent past, the dastardly, cold bloodedly murderous Count Ignatieff. The Count is on a supposedly diplomatic mission, but is suspected of fomenting rebellion in the British Raj. Our man Flash is dispatched to the region, for the purpose of gathering intelligence and, if the situation presents itself, assassinating the troublesome Count. All of this, of course, horrifies Flashman, as it promises to be dangerous duty.

As in the previous Flashman novels, our Harry is revealed as the premier coward and opportunist of his era; faults which he quite willingly admits and even boasts of. Much as a prior day Forrest Gump, he has a way of finding himself among the most powerful and famous personages of his era, as he takes part in the great events of the period, in this instance, the infamous Indian Mutiny of 1857.

From the first embers of rebellion at Meerut and on to Jhansi and ultimately Cawnpore and Gwalior, Flash cheats death again and again, though taking great pains to avoid danger at every turn. Despite his best efforts, he only enhances his reputation as a fearless and honorable servant of the British Crown, ultimately receiving a Victoria’s Cross and knighthood for his trouble.

Aside from uproarious fun and games, the Flashman series is set against historical events and actually serves as an educational experience, as in this case, where the events of the Indian Mutiny were not previously known to me. On to volume six of the Flashman Papers.
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LibraryThing member antiquary
Flashman in the mutiny --predictably cowardly at times, but involved with the beautiful and dashing rebel Rani of Jhansi, who nowadays, so my Indian students tell me, is a national or at lest regional hero. I doubt they would approve of this version of her, though it is admiring in its way. Flashy
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(in INdian disguise) predictably almost gets blown off a cannon a a rebel by the British.
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LibraryThing member DinadansFriend
Just what I needed that summer, mindless fun. Who was it used to swear "By the Great Harry!' At any rate, just as much fun as "Kim", and a good deal less earnest. read twice so far.
LibraryThing member varielle
Another fun adventure with our favorite despicable Flashman. In this mash up of the late stages of the Raj, there are Russian villains with designs on India and Flashy's life as well as a fetching Rani with a fondness for swings. There are many first hand accounts of this period and Fraser weaves
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the facts into the narrative with his usual skill. Flashman goes under disguise for most of the book passing himself off as a Pathan soldier witnessing the Great Sepoy Mutiny and all it's bloody consequences. In spite of his cowardly heart, dear Harry shows some genuine compassion, sentimentality, wisdom, and dare I say it, bravery. Quite shocking, I know.
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LibraryThing member Matteocalosi
This is the first Flashman book set in India after the debut, this time our antihero is sent on a fool's errand by Palmerston to investigate rumors of russkies spreading trouble in the colonies. The usual sequence of unwilling heroics follows.
Flashy is pretty much a straightforward hero in this
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one. Sure, it's all against his will, but nothing he does in this book contains any of the malice of some of his acts of the previous ones, he even displays true empathy at several points in the novel!
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LibraryThing member SeriousGrace
We have been following Harry Flashman through his adventures (the Afghanistan War, encounters with Count Bismarck and Lola Montes, the African slave trade and the Crimean War). This time the year is 1856 and he is caught up in the Great Indian Mutiny and this is, by far, his bloodiest adventure
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yet. Flashman has been chosen to be a secret agent to discover who is cooking up the rebellion. Thanks to his knowledge of various languages and his ability to blend in with the natives Flashy is able to discern the enemy is none other than his old nemesis, Count Nicholas Pavlevitch. Once again, coward Harry Flashman is in the thick of it, battling Russian spies, secret assassins, rampaging mutineers and Thugs. But, that doesn't mean he doesn't have time for a quick roll in the hay with prostitutes and even Lakshmaibai, the "Jezebel of Jhansi." Some things never change.
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Original language


Original publication date


Physical description

336 p.; 5.4 inches


0452263034 / 9780452263031

Local notes


series: #08 flashman
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