Bambi vs. Godzilla: On the Nature, Purpose, and Practice of the Movie Business (Kindle Sample)

by David Mamet

Ebook, 2008



Call number




Vintage (2008), 272 pages


Playwright and screenwriter Mamet gives us a subversive inside look at Hollywood from the perspective of a filmmaker who has always played the game his own way. Who really reads the scripts at the film studios? How is a screenplay like a personals ad? Whose opinion matters when revising a screenplay? Why are there so many producers listed in movie credits? And what do those producers do, anyway? Refreshingly unafraid to offend, Mamet provides hilarious, surprising, and bracingly forthright answers to these and other questions about virtually every aspect of filmmaking, from concept to script to screen. He covers topics ranging from "How Scripts Got So Bad" to the oxymoron of "Manners in Hollywood." He takes us step-by-step through some of his favorite movie stunts and directorial tricks, and demonstrates that it is craft and crew, not stars and producers, that make great films.--From publisher description.… (more)

Media reviews

Entertainment Weekly
For a guy who writes such succinctly explicit dialogue, his prose can get grossly verbose. Mamet's observations on the film industry aren't exactly illuminating — he's shocked, shocked, to find that there's greed and bad taste going on here — but at least he offers some savvy words of wisdom to
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prospective screenwriters.
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1 more
In "Bambi vs. Godzilla," Mr. Mamet indulges his contempt for producers more fully, saying that a typical member of the species flourishes without possessing any discernible talent other than rapaciousness. Mr. Mamet claims that he has seen producers practice "theft, fraud, intimidation, malversion
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. . . with such regularity that its absence provokes not comment but wonder." This is one of the book's milder passages.
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User reviews

LibraryThing member drmarymccormack
It's so cool to get an insider's view of film making. David Mamet has written s many wonderful plays and screenplays, it's nice to read a non-fiction work. I do not like Mamet's politics but his writing is good.
LibraryThing member thebacklistbook
This essay is a scathing review of the movie industry. I could not get past page 192 if you literally lit a fire under my behind. David Mamet's opinionated nature comes through loud and clear; to the point that it is painfully obvious that he is writing about particular people without ever actually
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naming them. I just could not read any more of that poor person getting so thoroughly lampooned.

I do however agree with his position on the audition though. A jury cannot decide what an audience will like, only an audience can do that. Which is why the movie industry is so hit and miss. For example The Mortal Instruments: City of Bones. There are those who love the movie cast and want none other, and those like me who hated Jonathan Reese-Myers as Valentine and can't wait for the TV reboot.

While Mr. Mamet does make some valid arguments he gets more than a little preachy, and, at the end of the day, too bombastic for me to bother finishing the essay.
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