The New Husband

by D. J. Palmer

Ebook, 2020



Call number



St. Martin's Press (2020), 384 pages


"A riveting new thriller about the lies we tell ourselves from the author of Saving Meghan. Just because you love someone doesn't mean you know them. Nina Garrity learned that the hard way after discovering that her missing husband, Glen, had been leading a double life with another woman. But Glen's gone-presumably drowned while fishing on his boat-so she can't confront him about the affair or any of his other misdeeds. A year and a half after the accident, Nina considers herself a widow, even though the police never found a body. Following a chance encounter with Simon Fitch, a teacher from her daughter Maggie's middle school, Nina finds love again and has hopes of putting her shattered life back together. Simon, a widower still grieving the suicide of his first wife, has found his dream girl in Nina. His charm and affections help break through to a heart hardened by betrayal. Nina's teenage son, Connor, embraces Simon as the father he wishes his dad could have been, but Maggie sees a far darker side to this new man in their lives. Even Nina's good friends wonder if Simon is supremely devoted-or dangerously possessive. But Nina is committed, not only to her soon-to-be new husband but also to resuming her former career as a social worker. Before she can move forward, however, Nina must first clear her conscience that she's not making another terrible choice in a man. In doing so, she will uncover the shocking truth: the greatest danger to her, and her children, are the lies people tell themselves"--… (more)

User reviews

LibraryThing member Cherylk
I must admit that I was not a fan of Mr. Palmer's second book. After reading the first and really enjoying it, I was looking forward to reading this book. What did not work for me was how naïve, Nina came off. She had many signs hitting her in the face and she ignored them all. Than, when she was
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confronted with the truth; she acted as if she was surprised.

Simon was not likable at all. This is the point but he also was not a very good liar. He would act like a gentleman one moment and the next he would lose his temper. Nina was in an emotional abusive relationship and she went with it. Nina's actions frustrated me so much that I found myself yelling at her constantly and getting even turned off by her.

While, this book may not have been a winner for me. I do look forward to the next book by Mr. Palmer as I know he can write.
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LibraryThing member susan.h.schofield
I really struggled with this book. It was slow to start and just very predictable. You knew who the bad guy was from the beginning and even what was supposed to be the big shocking twist wasn't that shocking. The behavior and actions of Nina's character, especially being that she was a mother and a
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social worker, were so unbelievable. If you are looking for a psychological thriller, there are definitely a lot of better options out there. Thanks to the St. Martin's Press for the ARC.
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LibraryThing member Darcia
Unpopular opinion: The New Husband is yet another domestic suspense novel that made me want to toss the book in my pool.

Pacing is quite slow to start, picking up about midway and exploding in implausible insanity toward the end.

I liked Maggie, Nina’s teenage daughter, who is the only character
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with a shred of sense. Nina needed a good slap. She perfectly fits the TSTL (too stupid to live) character profile. And I wanted Simon to die a horrible death from the very beginning.

The plot, though, is where this book totally lost me. I saw the major twist coming, but I so wanted to be wrong. Then that twist happened, and my brain spewed the entire list of words I can’t say in public. From there, things got ridiculous. I couldn’t take anything seriously, and my eyes hurt from all the rolling they did.

So, total disappointment for me. But lots of readers have loved this one, and you might too.

*I received a review copy from the publisher.*
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LibraryThing member SigmundFraud
The New Husband by D.J. Palmer is a domestic novel as well as a mystery of sorts. It starts slowly but by the denouement it is filled with violence, murder and torture. I must admit the end was hard to take. A woman's husband disappears while fishing off his boat. Blood is found and he is presumed
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to be dead. The woman takes up with a new man who is a teacher in the local high school. He eventually moves in with her and her two children, a daughter who can't stand him and a son who gets along with him. I found him a little too solicitous to his companion which made me suspicious which was warranted. I will leave it to you to find out what happens. I enjoyed the book but didn't find it compelling
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LibraryThing member khal_khaleesi
I love a good thriller, so when I found out about The New Husband by D.J. Palmer, I was all over it! This was a book that I knew I had to read. Luckily, I was not disappointed at all.

Nina's husband Glen disappeared after going out on his boat. No one was ever able to locate Glen's body although
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Nina presumes him to be dead. About two years later, Nina finds love with Simon Fitch, a teacher at her daughter's middle school. Simon is absolutely perfect for Nina, but Maggie, Nina's daughter, knows something is very wrong with Simon. Is Simon actually who he says he is or is Nina over her head?

I found the plot for The New Husband to be entertaining even though I also found it fairly predictable. While the plot is similar to other books, Palmer does a fantastic job at adding his own voice to the story. There were a couple of little plot twist I didn't predict to be fair, and the pacing was done brilliantly. I felt like every loose end was tied up by the end of the book and was explained very well. The descriptive use of text has me transported right into the middle of the setting for every scene in The New Husband.

The characters in The New Husband all had plenty of depth and were very fleshed out. I loved Nina, but so many times I wanted her to really pry more into Simon's background instead of taking him at face value. It was easy to see why she wanted to trust him since she was in love with him though. I loved how Nina's curiosity eventually got the better of her, and she did start digging up info on Simon. Simon seemed like a complete psychopath to me. I loved how well he was written, but I was constantly second guessing everything Simon said. I wanted to be wrong about him. I loved how Maggie was willing to investigate Simon from the get go. Something about him didn't sit right with her, and she acted on it. Whenever everyone else was jaded when it came to Simon, Maggie saw right through him. I did feel that Maggie sometimes acted younger than her actual age though based on how her thoughts were written.

Trigger warnings include profanity, gas-lighting, mentions of sex (although not graphic), gun use, alcohol use, violence, attempted murder, and murder.

The New Husband will definitely leave you on your toes as well as turning the page wanting to know more. Although the plot is fairly predictable, it has a great cast of characters who hold their own. I would definitely recommend The New Husband by D.J. Palmer to those who love a story that sucks them right in!
(A special thank you to the publisher for sending me a paperback ARC of The New Husband by D.J. Palmer. I was not required to write a review.)
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LibraryThing member juju2cat
This book was quite the thriller! We presume from the title that the new husband has issues and boy, does he. I was very impressed with the characterizations, especially Maggie the daughter and her friend Ben O'Dell. The end left me feeling a bit put out but this was all in all a very good read.
LibraryThing member vintage-series-Lisa
*********** SPOILER ALERT*********

Well, this was a great book!
Sometimes reviews become difficult for me to write because I have trouble finding what to say. This book's review was not difficult at all.
First of all, it grabbed me from the start. It kept my interest until the end. I did not want
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it to end! I wanted to know more. I wanted to know what happened to Allison and to the baby.

After Nina's husband disappears from a fishing outing, she had thought he was dead. 3 months later, she falls in love with Simon. A very charming man, he was perfect. The relationship moves rather quickly and Nina's family and friends do not agree with the rapid progression and her moving in with him so quickly. But, they support her anyways.
8th grade Maggie, Nina's daughter, hates Simon. They were always butting heads. There was so much tension in the house, that Nina starts to see a therapist at the recommendation of one of her friends.
Now, the red-flags begin. His true colors were starting to surface. He is the example of a classic covert narcissist psychopath. Their first date was the love-bombing stage. It was so sickening. Nina was blinded by love and all of the attention. Then the narc kicked in...numerous calls to her work, jealous rage, blame-shifting, scapegoating, controlling, manipulation, gas-lighting to make her look crazy, isolation from her friends and family, walking on eggshells, etc...she kept getting feelings that things were not right.

Major plot twist, ch 29, when we find out that Simon has Glen held captive in the basement.!
We find out that Simon had been stalking them and Glen was the victim of a well- planned set-up. Simon tried to kill Nina's therapist, he killed his brother and planted Glen's DNA on her. Simon purposely made Maggie sick by making brownies with peanut oil in them knowing that Maggie was deathly allergic to nuts. And he took her EpiPens out of her bag. He comes to the rescue with her pens while she was almost dead. This led Nina to finally pay attention to her gut feelings and the advice that Hugh gave her before he was killed.

So much more happens in this story that I don't want to tell everything. I will leave it up to the reader.
I found myself talking out loud and shaking my head many times throughout the book.
There are many triggers here for me as I lived this way previously. This book really hit home for me. Well-written. Great character development. I felt like I personally knew them. This book totally exhausted me when I was finished though. I felt like I went through it personally.

I will definitely read more from this author.
I received an ARC copy of this book by the author in return for my honest review. Thank you so much!
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LibraryThing member techeditor
The second half of THE NEW HUSBAND by DJ Palmer is what gets this book high marks and great reviews. But you have to be patient when you read the first half and hope that the second half will be good enough to make it worth the wait. It is. (But I rate on the basis of both halves, not just the
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When this book opens, Glenn has been missing for nearly two years, leaving his wife, Nina, and two teenage kids, Conner and Maggie, to wonder what happened to him and how they could live on the little savings he left. Simon stepped in to woo Nina soon after Glen's disappearance. He has promised to take care of the family financially so won Nina over too quickly. Now he and Nina have purchased a home, and Simon wants to marry Nina. Conner likes Simon; Maggie despises him.

The first half of THE NEW HUSBAND establishes Simon's obsession with Nina and Maggie's hate of Simon. Although Nina does not ignorantly go along with every one of Simon's sweet-sounding demands, she still cannot see what 13-year-old Maggie does. Although Palmer doesn't explicitly say so, if the reader is the least bit perceptive, she will realize that Simon is, indeed, a bad guy and young Maggie is smarter than her mom. Admittedly, though, Nina does finally look into Simon's past before the halfway point of the book. This isn't a complete exercise in frustration.

So this goes on for 170-some pages. In the second half of the book, the reader sees just how bad Simon really is.

I've said enough. I'll say no more. But I'm glad I read both halves.

I won an advance reader's copy of THE NEW HUSBAND from St. Martin's Press.
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LibraryThing member tamidale
This new thriller by DJ Palmer may take a bit to get going, but once it does, there is not a dull moment! It definitely fits the definition of a thriller.

When Glen Garrity goes missing, everyone assumes he must be dead—even his family. His wife Nina eventually begins a relationship with a middle
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school teacher named Simon. The children, Connor and Maggie, have two distinctly different feelings about Simon.

As time goes on the relationship between Simon and Maggie becomes very tense. Simon and Nina are having trouble as well, because of Maggie and because of Nina’s lingering feelings for Glen and her reluctance to go ahead and marry Simon.

Eventually Maggie gets Connor involved in a scheme to find out some things about Simon. Things within the family soon reach a dangerous level and thankfully Connor is able to make a decision that saves his family.

Along with the family’s loyal dog, Daisy (my favorite character), they all soon learn what really happened to their dad and what secrets Simon has been hiding. The ending was so tense, that I had to put the book down and walk away for a bit!

For sensitive readers, there are some violent scenes and references to domestic abuse. Readers who love a great thriller, will enjoy this one. It may be a bit predictable, but I still found it quite an exciting read.

Many thanks to NetGalley and St. Martin’s Press for allowing me to read an advance copy and give my honest review.
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LibraryThing member kulmona
Thanks, NetGalley and St. Martin's Press for my ARC.

Too good to be true. Sounds cynical, but, more times than not, this adage fits.

Nina's world changed when her husband was declared missing. It was a routine weekend morning, until the police officers showed up at her front door, bearing good
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news...and bad.

Then, a couple years later(too soon for some), Nina finds a new love in Simon. Although she' is wary, Simon isn't exactly a stranger(he teaches at her daughter's school and they had previously met at a school event). But he's evasive about his past, claiming it was too painful and Nina doesn't want to pry. She should have.

In the best of times, a blended family is an adjustment. But, add to that, a shift of residence and the uncertainty surrounding Glen, Nina and her two children, Maggie and Connor, have a lot to grapple with. Granted, Glen was far from a perfect husband and father but still...they feel the loss, acutely. But, the Glen they lost is far different from the Glen who is missing.

Her family and friends mean everything to Nina. They are her support system and she just wants everyone to at least TRY to get along. And, she wants to take a stab at rejuvenating her social work career. As a modern, independent woman, being totally reliant on a man does not sit well with her. But, balancing personal and professional life is easier said than done. Something's gotta give and Simon's mixed messages aren't helping. As expected, there are conflicts and Nina often finds herself caught in the middle. She ignores her instincts, to her detriment

Told from varying perspectives, the plot shifts smoothly in time from the present to flashbacks. Even though I could often predict what would happen next, it was an entertaining read with some good life lessons.
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LibraryThing member Emily_Wai_Catan
Nina Garrity was devastated when her husband, Glen, disappeared – presumably drowned because police couldn’t find his body – when he was out fishing on his boat at Carson one day.
After more than one and a half years, Nina moved on with her life, finding her new love, soon-to-be- new husband,
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Simon Fitch; and hoped to rebuild a loving family with him and her two children, Maggie and Conner…
However, Nina slowly learned that she was being isolated from her social circle, her job, outside world… To make things worse, something horrendous had happened to her therapist that almost killed her! Nina’s life was turned upside down when she discovered layer after layer of dark secrets and lies about Glen as well as Simon!! Were there more unthinkable disasters coming her way?

D.J. Palmer has brilliantly weaved plenty of twists and turns into this gripping thriller “The New Husband” that keep one on edge! I loved his “Saving Meghan” and “The New Husband”, both full of compelling plots! D.J. Palmer is a stunning author with great potential and I truly looking forward to reading his future thrillers!
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LibraryThing member SilversReviews
A new house, a new neighborhood, a new “boyfriend” for mom, but nothing but hatred for Maggie.

Having Simon, the new boyfriend, move in with them wasn’t something Maggie liked because she extremely disliked him. She just wasn’t comfortable around him and felt something was not quite
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Since her father was never found after a boating accident, things had been rough, but this seemed worse.

As the days go on, Maggie sees more things happening that seem like control on Simon's part.

Why can’t her mother see this especially since Simon always said subtle things indicating that her mother shouldn’t go back to work because she couldn’t handle the house and a job.

As we look back, Maggie's father wasn't much better since he had been lying to her mother as well.

As we get to know the characters more…

1. Nina needed to wake up and listen to her daughter.

2. Connor needed to be more aware of what was going on.

3. Maggie needed to keep questioning her impressions of Simon.

4. And Simon needed to leave.

Can you tell I didn't like Simon? He was such a manipulator.

I kept wondering and worrying about what his real plan was and what he was going to do next.

Tension, ill will, subtlety, lies, and suspense abound in THE NEW HUSBAND.

The tension throughout the book was very strong but the ending tension was so strong, you will be talking out loud to the characters and having your blood pressure rise. 5/5

This book was given to me by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.
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LibraryThing member arlenadean
Title: The New Husband
Author: D. J. Palmer
Publisher: St. Martin's Press
Reviewed By: Arlena Dean
Rating: Five

"The New Husband" by D. J. Palmer

My Speculation:

As I started reading 'The New Husband,' I found each chapter kept my attention turning the pages and on the edge of your seat, seeing
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what was coming next in this mystery, thriller, suspense fast-paced read. I will say that this author gives the reader a good read of the mind of a sociopath who loved 'playing games with people's minds and emotions.'

That Simons showed how he could play with one's minds as he manipulates so well in this story; however, this didn't happen with Maggie. Now, why was that?

Be ready for one nightmare of terror with many twists and turns you will not see coming.
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LibraryThing member jfe16
Review of uncorrected digital galley

Glen Garrity, missing for some eighteen months, deserted his family, presumably for a life with another woman. But since so much time has passed, the lack of a body has not stopped his wife, Nina, from considering him dead. After all, his fishing boat, with a
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great deal of blood on its deck, was floating on the lake with only the family dog, Daisy, on board. Everyone believes Glen fell overboard and drowned.

Despite her children’s misgivings, Nina has moved on. Her relationship with middle school teacher Simon Fitch seems headed toward marriage. They’ve bought a house together and the four of them are living there. Connor seems to accept Simon, but Maggie does not. She’s certain her father will return.

Nina, looking forward, resumes her social work career. But Simon is unhappy with this decision and, as Nina strives to please the new man in her life, she soon discovers that Simon’s apparent devotion hides something more dangerous. Nevertheless, she’s determined to find a way to make things work.

But what will happen when Nina discovers the sinister secrets Simon holds? What happens when everything she though she knew turns out to be a lie?

Well-developed, believable characters populate this story of closely-held secrets and deception and, although there are moments when Nina makes some cringe-worthy decisions, this top-notch thriller is sure to keep readers on the edge of their seats. The plot, with its revelations readers simply won’t see coming, takes readers in unexpected directions and the unfolding of this twisted tale is sure to keep the pages turning as fast as possible.

Highly recommended.

I received a free copy of this eBook from St. Martin’s Press and NetGalley
#TheNewHusband #NetGalley
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LibraryThing member BettyTaylor56
This book is possibly the BEST thriller of the year! It kept me interested from beginning to end. A real page-turner.

Nina’s husband has disappeared. It is not known if he drowned or just abandoned her and their two children, Maggie and Connor. Then Simon, a widower, enters her life. He seems
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perfect – prepares her favorite food, anticipates her every need, makes her feel special. Connor adores him, Maggie detests him. Maggie won’t give up hope that her father is alive and will one day return to them.

The book is very suspenseful and fast-paced, and since I loved the characters (except for Simon, of course) I was on the edge of my seat over their safety. Maggie stole my heart. She is grieving the loss of her father, being bullied at school, and sees a side of Simon that neither her mother nor her brother sees. She tries to warn them, but they will not believe her. Once you start it, this is book is very hard to put down. This book is the perfect blend of secrets, lies and manipulation.

I highly recommend this book if you love thrillers. I look forward to this author’s next release.

Thank you to Shelf Awareness and St. Martin’s Press for the advance copy.
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LibraryThing member carole888fort
The New Husband by D.J. Palmer is a stunning thriller. The minute you start reading this book, there is a feeling of foreboding and dread but you don’t know why. Nina Garrity’s husband Glen has disappeared, leaving everyone wondering if he left intentionally or may have met with foul play. She
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later finds out that he has had an affair with a local waitress. A year and a half later, Nina falls in love again and moves her family in with Simon Fitch. She is thrilled with the new relationship: he seems to know her so well and is devoted to making her happy. Her daughter instantly exhibits dislike towards Simon and her son enjoys spending time with him, making for a tense household. The plot cannot be discussed here but I think that you will not regret reading The New Husband. It is simply unpredictable and an absolute thrill-ride. Highly recommended. Thank you to St. Martin’s Press and NetGalley for the e-ARC in exchange for an honest review.
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LibraryThing member KimD66
I received this book as an ARC. I really wanted to love this book! However....Well begin with the good? Or bad?

GOOD: The writer is good. Really good. In general. Great, solid writing. Great description. Authentic dialog. And a relatively interesting story once the protagonist, Nina, got her act
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BAD: Nina, Nina, Nina. What a contradiction! Her relationship with her daughter, Maggie, just does NOT ring true. I simply cannot comprehend a mother disregarding the genuine concerns of her daughter! Dismiss her every word and pass it all off as a "phase".

ESPECIALLY as Nina is "trained to recognize" signs of abuse. She actually THANKED her social work training for sharpening her observation skills. This after TWO YEARS of being manipulated without a SINGLE CLUE!!

Frustrating, to say the least.

One singular character stood out for me. - I believe the 6 pages Allison's story took up provided the essential point of the book.

Maybe I'm too close to the subject matter. There is no AHA moment. The whole cycle of abuse was way too condensed. Recovery way too quick.

I honestly can't wait to read a new D.J. Palmer book, because she's got what it takes.
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LibraryThing member susan0316
Things are not always what they seem to be. Nina's husband had been gone for 18 months. He disappeared on a fishing trip and all that was found was his bloody boat - was he dead or did he run away with the woman he was having an affair with. Now, much to her parents and her best friends dismay,
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Nina has bought a house with Simon who appears to be the best husband ever. He wants to take care of her and her two children, he is loving and attentive - all the things that her husband hadn't been. Her 16 year old son really likes Simon and they spend a lot of time together. Her13 year old daughter, Maggie, wants her dad and there is no way that she will allow Simon to take her dad's place. Her reluctance to accept Simon is keeping the household in a turmoil and Nina and Simon both work to make her accept Simon but Maggie sees something sinister in him -- is she missing her dad or is Simon not really the perfect boyfriend that Nina thinks he is???

This is a fun book to read - there are lots of twists and turns and even though I guessed the ending early, I wasn't aware of how cruel this person could be (not going to tell you who). My favorite character was Maggie - she knew something was wrong with her Mom's new boyfriend and went out of her way to prove it to her mom. Nina was pretty naive and missed some important clues until things got so bad, she could no longer ignore them. This is a great book to read to take you away from everything that's going on in the world right now.
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LibraryThing member jpeterman
What a ride! I'm not normally one for the psychological thrillers, but this one kept me interested all the way through! I was hooked from the first chapter, though it did slow down for a bit after that, when we're learning everything we need to know. I have an advanced reader's copy (thanks, St.
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Martin's Press!!), so this may have changed with the final publication, but the chapters do change character POVs rather without warning, so that did confuse me every time for a sentence or 2.

The writing is excellent, and the dialogue is realistic. There are quite a few authors who just cannot get dialogue to read naturally. D.J. Palmer isn't one of them.

I'm so glad I got to take this journey on a book I wouldn't have picked up normally. I received this advanced reader's copy from St. Martin's Press in exchange for my honest opinion.
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LibraryThing member GrandmaCootie
I am in agreement with another posted review of this book. I tried to like it. I really did. It had a good premise, domestic thrillers are the thing now, and I like to listen to an exciting audiobook when I take my daily walk. But the more I listened and came to know the characters, the lower my
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rating went, and the behavior of some of them at the book’s end was just distasteful and unacceptable to me, which accounts for my 2-star rating. I finished it because I wanted to know who survived and who didn’t. if I had been reading a paper copy instead of listening to an audiobook I probably would have just flipped to the last chapter.

I don’t know if this is a new author or not, but the book has the feel of inexperience. There is just way too much duplication – instead of a description or reference to set the scene, it goes on and on. It’s as if the author wants to include every possible phrase or scenario or bit of knowledge a character might have.

The characters don’t ring true. I am willing to suspend disbelief – it’s fiction, after all – but this was beyond what I could ignore. On the one hand Nora knew pretty much everything and knew the lingo to go with it. How to do excellent online research, tail a suspect, avoid being scammed, she fell right back into the job she left many, many years before; you name it, she knew about it and could do it. But this is the same indecisive woman who fumbled around doing who knows what for a year and a half after Glenn disappeared and then ended up moving her family in with Simon, knowing as much about him as you would after a first date. Is he good, is he bad? Who knows? Well, daughter Maggie says she knows, but Nora won’t listen. Maggie is in junior high but her character feels more like a high schooler. A spoiled, whiny high schooler. It was eventually too much of a stretch to imagine a girl about 12 years old behaving as Maggie did. Son Connor is kind of just there. He likes Simon so provides the balance to Maggie’s loathing of him. And Nora can’t figure anything out, and when she starts to, she is inept, even with all her self-proclaimed expertise.

Once the story got going the suspense ramped up and stayed at that level. There were several surprises that I did not anticipate. I was drawn into the story and wanted to find out how things ended. Had it not been for the poorly-developed, unrealistic characters I might have enjoyed it. However, the behavior of the characters at the end is entitled, selfish, and just wrong and totally spoiled it for me.

Thanks to Macmillan Audio for providing a copy of The New Husband via for my honest review. I appreciate the opportunity to listen and regret I could not provide a more positive review. All opinions are my own.
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LibraryThing member kmjessica
This is a great book. Kept me wanting more all the way through and I liked the ending a lot.
This isn't the kind of story that you seam to read over and over again. It was what I was expecting from the tittle but it did not make the story any less enjoyable. The author had a way of giving the
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characters just the right personality to pull off the book. Its a 5 star for sure!
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LibraryThing member Vanessa_Menezes
One of the best psychological thriller I have read after a long time!! The main message which stands out is about how well you know someone whom you love ??

It kind of reminded me of an advice which my dad always gave me, " You only get to know the depth of the water only once you enter into it and
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you get to know the true self of a person only once you have lived with them."

Overall it was a really satisfying read for me!!
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LibraryThing member NeedMoreShelves
Turns out I am not a huge fan of the "stupid woman gets duped by the charming man" trope.
LibraryThing member Jen_Bartels
I always find it difficult to review mystery novels, because I live in fear or the spoiler, and I know mystery lovers like myself will be able to read between the lines and pick up on clues that may spoil the experience for them as well. So this is why I just leave vague feelings of the book and
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hope it helps a little.
Pretty predictable, with a few twists I didn't see coming, though in hindsight I should have. However, I enjoyed the writing very much and I liked several of the characters. Not overly gratuitous in the love scenes or the violent scenes so readers averse to overly graphic descriptions of either will be pleased.
All in all I will read more of this author as they do have a nice style, and I would recommend this to anyone looking for something more than a cozy but not some gritty thriller.
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LibraryThing member BookAnonJeff
Starts Slow Then Gets Explosive. This is one of those that is a very slow burn at first - things maybe feel a bit off, and there is more of a sense that a particular character is pretty dark without any real evidence at first. Then just before the 50% mark, the game changes completely and we spend
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the rest of the book waiting for various characters to catch up to what the readers now know. Strong use of an Autistic character in that he is shown to be perfectly "normal", just Autistic. The one jarring part in at least the ARC copy I read (which could very easily be fixed before publication, so if it is fixed in your version, just ignore this comment) is that the perspective shifts at random chapter beginnings can be a bit jarring and perhaps a label could be used to better identify what is happening. (Note that the chapter is from whatever singular perspective, but the character that may be narrating a given chapter can and does change.) Ultimately everything builds to an explosive yet satisfying ending. Very much recommended.
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