Little Secrets: A Novel

by Jennifer Hillier

Ebook, 2020



Call number



Minotaur Books (2020), 342 pages


"Overwhelmed by tragedy, a woman desperately tries to save her marriage in award-winning author Jennifer Hillier's Little Secrets, a riveting novel of psychological suspense. "Suspenseful and compelling-Hillier is a masterful storyteller." -Chevy Stevens All it takes to unravel a life is one little secret... Marin had the perfect life. Married to her college sweetheart, she owns a chain of upscale hair salons, and Derek runs his own company. They're admired in their community and are a loving family-until their world falls apart the day their son Sebastian is taken. A year later, Marin is a shadow of herself. The FBI search has gone cold. The publicity has faded. She and her husband rarely speak. She hires a P.I. to pick up where the police left off, but instead of finding Sebastian, she learns that Derek is having an affair with a younger woman. This discovery sparks Marin back to life. She's lost her son; she's not about to lose her husband, too. Kenzie is an enemy with a face, which means this is a problem Marin can fix. Permanently"--… (more)

User reviews

LibraryThing member kulmona
Thanks to NetGalley and St. Martin's Press for this review opportunity.

Little Secrets. Everybody has them. But, some are not so little.

It just takes a second. A second of distraction leads to a parent's worst nightmare.

It's "the most wonderful time of the year" but not for Marin and Derek. Their
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four-year-old son Sebastian aka "Bash" has been abducted from a bustling Seattle market. The worst part : the authorities have zilch. Suspect's identity unknown, not even gender. No vehicle identification. No helpful camera footage.

The first 48 hours after a child goes missing are critical, yet frantic. As time goes by, the trail goes cold and the chances of the child returning home safely grow slim. Life must go on for the loved ones of the missing. Or a semblance of it anyway. They go through the motions. There are good days and bad. They blame themselves. They are judged by others, even family and friends. Just like that, all is forgotten, and they are labeled "bad parents." Their affluent status(Marin owns a chain of high-end beauty salons frequented by wealthy clients and Derek is CEO of his own successful business, PowerOrganix) is of no help. Rather, they take flak for getting special treatment.

Marin and Derek deal in their own way, separate...but together. Their self-medication techniques disparate, and to a great degree, destructive. The college sweethearts' and golden couple's seemingly perfect relationship and life in ruins. When a child is harmed, it is often the kiss of death for a relationship.

Hillier has done it again with this absorbing thriller. Only when I was almost to the end did, what appeared to be mismatched pieces of the puzzle, start coming together.
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LibraryThing member Bookworm842
It's not often that a book comes along and completely blows me away, however Little Secrets did just that. Once I'd read the first few pages I found it extremely difficult to put down, even for a few minutes and staying up later than I should have just to read a few more chapters wasn't even
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Jennifer Hillier brings an astoundingly fast paced thriller full of tension throughout and concluding with a massive shocking twist that I didn't see coming at all.

Little Secrets is a fictional thriller about a mother's (Marin) loss and her emotional status after the kidnapping of her child. Jennifer Hillier did a brilliant job in writing about the grieving group and of those who have lost a child and I found such empathy with each and every group character and how they dealt with their emotional turmoil. Now you may be thinking that Little Secrets sounds more of a book that will have you sobbing your eyes out, you'd be wrong. Although there are some sensitive issues written this is a thriller, and the thriller begins when Marin discovers her husband is having an affair.
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LibraryThing member amysan
Fun and well written psychological thriller. I hadn't read any of Jennifer Hillier's books before, but after reading this one, I requested some from the library.
LibraryThing member Darcia
"Contrary to popular opinion..." seems to be my epithet.

This book is being praised by almost all early reviewers. I didn't like it.

Maybe I'm just contrarian by nature. I feel those rotten tomatoes you're all virtually hurling at me.

From the synopsis, we know Marin's young son was kidnapped and
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never found, her husband is now having an affair, and she fixates on that affair as something to which she can direct her rage. I wanted to empathize with Marin's situation. I wanted to care about her. But I found her to be unlikable and, worse, the kind of woman I want to slap upside the head.

Here's the thing: When a woman finds out her already-distant, also unlikable husband is having an affair, I absolutely can't empathize when she rages about the [insert all vulgar words here] other woman, while vowing to do whatever it takes to keep said cheating husband. Please. Have some self-respect.

Then we take a huge leap into crazyland, as Marin crosses way beyond a place where I can feel even minimal compassion.

This book is drama times ten. We have plot holes and large leaps in plausibility. None of the characters have much in the way of redeemable personality traits, much less likability. They all deserve to live in one big commune, annoying each other for eternity.

Then again, if you love revenge fiction, regardless of whether the revenge is directed to the most deserving, you might be with the many readers who loved this book.

I'm now off to join Witness Protection, where I'll be safe from rotten tomatoes and angry readers.

*I received a review copy from the publisher, via NetGalley.*
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LibraryThing member tamidale
This was not what I was expecting in the best way possible. In the opening chapter, readers learn that a little boy is kidnapped right out from under the watchful eyes of Marin, his mother. At a crowded market, it is next to impossible to trace what happened to him.

Fast forward to a year after the
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kidnapping, Marin is trying to cope and her marriage has taken a drastic turn. Both she and her husband are keeping secrets from each other. Marin has hired a private detective to help find her little boy and has not shared this with her husband.

Her husband has his own way of dealing with the pain—in the arms of a younger woman. Marin’s private detective discovered the affair during her investigation and the repercussions of this juicy piece of information lead to an explosive turn of events.

I found this to be a very satisfying thriller and highly recommend it to other readers. I was dreading the subject of a child abduction, but found the author handled this in a very sensitive way.

Many thanks to NetGalley and St. Martin’s Press for allowing me to read an advance copy and give my honest review.
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LibraryThing member Mickey-Mattioli
Before picking up Little Secrets, I was coming off of a dark romance binge so this was a highly anticipated and much needed break to get back into my bread and butter; psychological thrillers.

No matter the genre (except for maybe literary fiction) I am the kind of reader that must binge read. I
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never want to forget plot details, specific traits about characters or even how the book makes me feel. These are important details that add to my enjoyment of the story.

That said, Little Secrets, turned me into an emotional mess. One chapter I am grief-stricken to learn that a mother’s worst nightmare has come true and I immediately can sympathize with Marin’s pain, and in the next I am white-hot angry to find out about Derek and McKenzie Li––the other woman. I cannot blame Marin for the feelings or thoughts she even has. She has lost her precious child and fears she is losing the only other connection to him that she has; her husband.

As this story unfolds, Marin is faced with choices that no one ever believes they will have to make. Between a husband-stealing mistress, attempting to reconcile a marriage, the never-ending mystery behind a missing boy, and a “fixer” who can solve at least one of those problems, Marin begins to unravel and is tempted to make a decision that could end at least some of her pain.

I found this story to be so emotionally triggering, and it truly can be for any mother to live through this kind of trauma in Little Secrets. Though I am not a mother, I found myself feeling traumatized and it is quite a feat to create those feelings in your readers. Jennifer Hillier narrates this book through such a scope that evokes such suspenseful and emotional disturbance that it makes it impossible to stop reading. Though I was able to hypothesize the twist and ending, I still found great enjoyment in the writing and the unfolding of such a dark and disturbing tale of heartbreak, mystery, and betrayal.

This is the first book of Jennifer Hillier’s that I have ever read and I have no clue why! After completing Little Secrets it surely will not be the last.
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LibraryThing member GrandmaCootie
Little Secrets is another masterpiece from Jennifer Hillier. It’s described as a domestic suspense tale or a psychological thriller, but it’s so much more. As with all of Hillier’s books, it’s a fast-paced, heart-pounding, pulse-racing story that reveals something you didn’t expect on
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every page, which means you can’t stop turning pages and once you pick it up you can’t put it down.

The worst day of Marin Machado’s life happened almost a year and a half ago. Her four-year old son Sebastian was kidnapped from Seattle’s Pike Place Market. Of course she blames herself: it was the holiday, busy, crowded, Seb was whining for candy, she was harried, looking for gifts and looking at her phone. She and her husband took all measures to try and find Seb, but postings, newspaper ads, offer of rewards, nothing worked and Seb is gone. And the perfect life, perfect marriage, perfect careers, perfect family is gone. Marin can’t move on although everyone, tells her to do so, and she hires a private investigator to pick up where the police left off, gave up in her estimation.

And the investigator has news. But not the news Marin wants or expects. Derek, her beloved husband of 20 years, is having an affair. With a much younger woman. Talk about betrayal, the final straw, the thing she just can’t deal with. But maybe she can. She is impotent to do anything about Seb’s disappearance, but she’s not powerless to do something about this. Despair turns to rage. She will get rid of that woman. She’s not going to lose everything. So she sets things in motion.

And we’re off. To say much more would spoil the story. Nothing, nothing, nothing is certain. Just when you think you’ve found that one person that can be trusted or that one scenario that is true, an aha moment pops up and all those little hints you missed fall into place and you wonder why you didn’t see it. Now you know. But then it happens again – and again. Until you can hardly bear the suspense.

Little Secrets is a wild ride. Strong plot, fast pace, riveting characters, a flood of emotions. You’ll feel Marin’s hurt and betrayal, Derek’s helplessness and hopelessness, Marin’s friend Sal’s frustration and Derek’s lover Kenzie’s ambition and hope.

I received an advance copy of Little Secrets from the author via NetGalley. All opinions are my own. I recommend this and anything author Jennifer Hillier writes with hesitation.
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LibraryThing member SimplyKelina
I was sent this book from the publisher/publicity team. My ratings and reviews will be my own personal opinions and are in no way influenced by publishers or authors who may have sent me books to review.

When this first started, I really thought it was going to be a thriller mainly around a
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kidnapped child. However; this was more of a story around infidelity. If you do not like reading stories around cheating, you will not like this one. It also touches on grief and other missing children (very broad and nothing too graphic; more so a look into the parents of missing children).

There really was not too much action in this one. It was fast paced and I actually read it in one sitting. It did keep my attention, but I wanted a little more out of it when it came to the action. I started to piece together the big plot twist around the half way point, but only parts of it. I did not see one aspect of it and how it all came together in the end which was nice.

Overall, this was a pretty good read.
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LibraryThing member Cherylk
I am a fan of this author. I can still remember, Creep. After that book, I was hooked and could not get my hands of anything Ms. Hillier wrote. This is the first time that I was not fully engaged in a book by this author.

I did not really understand why Marin was bent out of shape about her
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husband, Derek sleeping around on her. He did not show any reason as to why he loved Marin or was good for her. When Marin did find out about Derek's mistress, it seemed tame on the actions that she took. In fact, the mistress was a bit more bold with breaking into their home.

While, I was not as thrilled with this book, I am still a fan. I look forward to the next book from this author.
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LibraryThing member fredreeca
Marin’s little boy is missing. It’s been over a year and she is struggling to accept it. She has hired a private investigator to keep looking after the police investigation has gone cold. From this investigation, she discovers her husband is having an affair. Marin does something to fix this
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Marin is a character which pulls at your heart. You just want to hug her and at the same time…you want to shake her. She makes some questionable decisions. But, you understand why. Marin is definitely an enigma.

There is so much I want to say about this book, talk about wicked! It just keeps twisting till it cannot twist any more. I have never been a fan of books where a child is missing. I will be honest…I am surprised I did not put this story aside. It is just not what I like to read. But, this book just keeps coming at you. It does not stop!

I loved another book by this author called Jar of Hearts. Check it out as well. It is fantastic. Little Secrets is a good story but it does not carry the intensity which Jar of Hearts does. But, you cannot go wrong with either book.

If you are looking for a book which keeps you guessing, THIS IS IT!

I received this novel from the publisher for a honest review.
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LibraryThing member LoriKBoyd
I think I’m a little late to jump on this author’s bandwagon, but I might just start by driving it! Stayed up late last night to finish it. Worth it. The is every parents worst nightmare (missing child), my heart was in my throat throughout the entire book. I don’t know how many times I was
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saying No. I thought the author did a great job of showing how this set of parents each handled this horrible issue in their particular mindset and background. It’s easy to say “I would never do that” when not faced with this situation or resources. The characters are flawed, realistic and broken.

Marin and Derek are living the life....wealthy, successful, parents to adorable 4 year old Sebastian. Their life is totally turned upside down when ‘Bash’ is abducted days before Christmas. What transpires next shows what stress does to the individuals and the couple itself, and the lives of those close to them. And, how little secrets will destroy.

Thanks to Ms Hiller, Minotaur Books and NetGalley for this ARC. Opinion is mine alone.
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LibraryThing member amandanan
So many unlikeable characters, but I can see this as a movie or miniseries.
LibraryThing member jfe16
Review of uncorrected digital galley

When Marin Machado lets go of her four-year-old son’s hand to answer a text, little Sebastian vanishes.

Sixteen months later, her son is still missing, the case has gone cold, and Marin’s attempted suicide --- twice. When the private investigator she’s
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hired contacts her, the information isn’t about Sebastian, it’s about her husband, Derek.

And the news isn’t good.

Can Marin’s marriage withstand another blow? Will Marin ever have any answers? And will she ever find out what happened to Sebastian?

Although populated with mostly flawed, unlikable characters, this pulse-pounding thriller is certain to keep readers glued to their seats, turning pages as quickly as possible. Several unexpected plot twists keep the story moving in unexpected directions and though Marin is prone to making seriously questionable decisions, it’s easy for readers to empathize with a mother despairing over her missing child.

Marin lives what seems to be the perfect life, but it doesn’t stand up to close inspection. There are secrets, deceptions, lies, and some cringe-worthy moments. But the captivating narrative draws readers in and keeps them spellbound as the suspense deepens. Astute readers will identify the antagonist before the big reveal, but this compelling story expertly weaves its various threads together to create a can’t-put-it-down tale of diabolical surprises.

Highly recommended.

I received a free copy of this eBook from St. Martin’s Press / Minotaur Books and NetGalley
#LittleSecrets #NetGalley
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LibraryThing member bookworm12
Compulsively readable. I couldn’t put this one down. A woman’s 4-year-old son is kidnapped, which is any parents’ worse nightmare. What follow is a twisty novel about an affair and a whole lot of secrets. Someone spoiled the twist in an online review, which was a bummer, but it still hit the
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spot as a quick distracting read.

“And that’s what life is these days, isn’t it? A series of slips and catches, mistakes and remorse, a constant juggling act of pretending to feel okay when all she wants to do is fall apart.”
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LibraryThing member JRlibrary
Although I “solved” this super early in the book, I still really enjoyed it. The only thing that stopped me from giving it a five was the social status of Derrick and his wife. Because large amounts of money were so insignificant to them, I had a hard time relating to the way they acted and
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thought. I can’t imagine having bags of $250,000 to just throw away.
I also had a really hard time believing that her best friend Sal/JR would kidnap Sebastian just because he needed money. I feel like he would’ve found some other way to get the money and his explanation of why the kidnapping was extended to months and months wasn’t really plausible to me.
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LibraryThing member Jen_Bartels
Great suspenseful mystery! Characters you can care about (or not, if you decide) and a story that isn't overly complicated but threw me off a couple of times. The writing style was very informative without all the overly descriptive language I swear authors only use to hit some imaginary page
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requirement. I recommend to anyone looking for a good mystery and will also seek more from this author.
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LibraryThing member gpangel
Little Secrets by Jennifer Hillier is a 2020 Minotaur publication.

This is not your ordinary missing child saga-

Marin and Derek are living a charmed life. Both have successful careers, are upwardly mobile, and even recognizable out in public. They have a beautiful little boy, named Sebastian, who
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is the light of their lives…

Until he’s abducted by a man dressed as Santa…

From that moment on, Marin’s life turns upside down. She goes through the motions, but has lost interest in life. Just when she thinks things couldn’t be more grim, the private detective she has hired makes an uncomfortable discovery….

About Derek…

Suddenly, Marin is quickened, energized again She’s got a singular mission now. She’s already lost too much- she's not about to let another woman take her husband, too-

And she’ll do whatever is necessary…

Jennifer Hillier popped up on my radar with ‘Jar of Hearts’, - a book that made me sit up and take notice. While my sophomore foray into Hillier’s dark and twisted imagination felt less raw and much more polished, it was nevertheless a tense cat and mouse thriller ride!!

The book grabbed me right from the start, but then it seemed to shift gears, and Marin begins to morph into an entirely different person, obsessing over her husband’s lover, rather than on her missing child.

Curiously, her anger is hyper- focused on the other woman, and not Derek. It was an interesting character study, and a puzzling, shocking, tense and incredibly absorbing tale.

The characters are not especially likable, but that seemed fitting to the story, although there was no one to root for, really. Redemption, though, can be equally satisfying.

Overall, a taut, twisted, crazy psychological thriller! Will be reading more Hillier books in the future!

4 stars
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LibraryThing member rmarcin
This was a very quick and engrossing read. Marin is with her 4 year old son, Sebastian (Bash), in a crowded Pike Place Market in Seattle. She is distracted for a moment, and her son disappears. Frantic, she searches everywhere, but her son is gone and her perfect marriage to Derek threatens to
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Fast forward about a year, and Marin and Derek are distant to each other. They cannot get past the fact that their son was taken. Marin is in counseling and meeting with support groups of people who have also is dealing with a missing person in their life. Marin relies on her best friend and former lover, Sal, to keep her positive. Sal is still in love with Marin, and hopes that she will eventually come back to him. When Marin discovers that Derek is having an affair with a young woman, Kenzie, she confides in Sal. Sal knows Julian, who offers to take out a hit for Marin.
This book is full of secrets. Marin keeping the knowledge of the affair secret, Derek keeping Kenzie secret, and many more. It is a tense novel, but very quick!
#LittleSecrets #JenniferHillie
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LibraryThing member Jynell
After reading Jar of Hearts by the same author, I was unsure if anything by her could live up to the excitement in my head. At the beginning of the book, I was a bit turned off as it seemed to focus a lot of Marin's heartache over her son being taken. However, my thriller-loving friends encouraged
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me to push on and that it really would get better.

As always, they were correct. Having just finished, I feel absolutely surprised by the ending. I love how raw the words and emotions feel when Jennifer writes them, how attached to the characters I become... How sharing multiple viewpoints doesn't feel like it's taking away from the story.

By about 75% in, I wasn't sure if I was rooting for Derek and Marin to stay together or to split. I know that losing a child can be traumatizing for any marriage, but the secrets and truths kept from each other certainly had a way of pulling them apart.

I listened to this on audio and I want to give kudos to the narrator for her beautiful voice bringing the story alive. Her voice is soulful, if that's even a way to describe it, and it was enjoyable.

Will this have a happy ending? You'll have to read it to find out!
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LibraryThing member GeauxGetLit
4.5 stars. As a mom this book had me on the edge of my seat glued. I finished in one sitting. Every parents worst nightmare comes true as her 4yo son is taken by Santa Claus from her in the mall. 15 months later still no sign from her son but she has discovered her husband is having an affair.
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Twists and turns galore and you won’t believe what really happens.
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LibraryThing member srms.reads

Over a year ago, a Christmas shopping trip to Pike Place Market in Seattle ends in a nightmare for Marin Machado when her four-year-old son Sebastian disappears without a trace. Video footage indicates Sebastian was taken by someone dressed as Santa Claus but without any other leads/probable
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suspects the police have been unsuccessful in their search for the little boy. Marin blames herself for letting go of her son’s hand to attend to a call from former college boyfriend/ current close friend Sal. Marin and her husband Derek are a power couple- both successful and wealthy, but losing their son fractures their marriage with Marin falling into depression and seeking help from a therapist and a support group after a failed suicide attempt, while Derek deals with his grief differently. Unbeknownst to Derek, Marin has hired a private investigator to help find out what happened to Sebastian. It comes as a sad shock to Marin when her investigator informs her that her husband is having an affair with aspiring artist/furniture designer twenty-four-year-old McKenzie “Kenzie” Li, who has a penchant for older married men from whom she demands huge sums of money in exchange for her silence once they decide to end the affair. Marin is not willing to lose her husband and diligently starts stalking her husband's mistress – both online and even showing up at the café where she works. Funnily enough, Kenzie knows exactly who Marin is when she walks into the café but pretends not to recognize her. In a moment of weakness, Marin confides in Sal who tells her about a man, a “fixer” who could “help” take care of her problem.

Does Marin know what she is getting into? How far will Marin go to save her marriage? What happened to Sebastian? Will Marin ever get to know the truth behind her son’s disappearance? Do the people she trusts truly have her best interests at heart?

Jennifer Hiller’s Little Secrets is a well-paced, engrossing read, with a cast of equally unlikeable characters and enough suspense to keep you holding on till the very last page. Jennifer Hillier definitely knows how to create complicated characters and build suspense in a novel. The narrative flows seamlessly and is full of twists and turns and red herrings that make for an exciting read. While the twists were good, I should mention that a few of them felt contrived. Though I guessed the final reveal midway through the story which did dampen the excitement for me a bit, I was surprised more than once as the story progressed.

Overall, while I did like Little Secrets, I did not love it as much as I did Jar of Hearts, which is the first Jennifer Hillier novel that I read.
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LibraryThing member Carol420
The story begins with any parent’s worst nightmare: the disappearance of a child. This is a story about grief and how we respond when our lives are shattered, and the desperate measures we turn to when we cannot accept the new reality in which we have found ourselves. This is a psychological
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suspense story with a big, beating heart of its own at the core. The story centers around a married couple, Marin and Derek, who have a picture-perfect life. They have it all. A successful business, a beautiful home, and a young son, Sebastian, whom they absolutely adore. Then one day, on a busy afternoon at the Pike Place Market in Seattle, Marin is distracted for just a moment by a text message from Derek, and Sebastian disappears. Every parent's unthinkable occurrence has taken place...Sebastian is gone...kidnapped. A desperate search takes place, but no luck. Sebastian is nowhere to be found. Now we "fast forward" one year later, and the trail has gone cold. Still Marin refuses to give up on her son and hires a private investigator to keep the investigation alive. One day the investigator finds something unexpected. She discovers that Marin’s husband is having an affair and has been for some time. The rage that follows this discovery gives Marin a new reason to live. She will devote herself to uncovering the extent of her husband’s betrayal and seek her revenge. This is a story where readers are almost better off going into it with as little information as possible. It's loaded with entertainment along with a couple of genuinely surprising twists and reveals. Jennifer Hillier has, written a story with a blend of thrills and lots of heart, tension, and emotion. A gripping, heartbreaking psychological suspense story that will keep you up reading well into the night. If you are a fan of psychological and domestic suspense...I'm almost sure you will like learning these Little Secrets
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LibraryThing member niquetteb
This is a novel about a woman losing her child in a crowd, finding out her husband has been cheating on her for 6 months and how she handles these life bumps. The book is put into the category of a thriller. I found it to be a page turner and a good story, I would label it simply as a novel.
LibraryThing member Spiritrider1101
Good quick read

Its a solid read. Don't really see the ending coming. I read it in one day, and give it a solid 3
LibraryThing member PaulaGalvan
Little Secrets is an intense and gripping novel that hooked me until the end. The story follows Marin and Derek Machado, a wealthy and successful couple whose four-year-old son, Sebastian, goes missing. As they struggle to cope with the overwhelming grief and guilt, they find themselves
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experiencing anger, doubt, and emotions they never thought they were capable of. When the police and FBI abandon the search for their son, Derek seeks comfort outside of his marriage while Marin grows closer to her long-time friend, Sal. Both harbor secrets from themselves and each other that ultimately lead their lives toward chaos. The plot is full of unexpected twists and turns, and the author captures the pain of uncontrollable loss with great insight. Little Secrets is a heart-wrenching tale that will take you on a journey through Marin and Derek's ordeal and toward an ending that will leave you satisfied.
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Anthony Award (Nominee — Novel — 2021)


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