Haunted (The Mediator, #5)

by Meg Cabot

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Publisher Unknown, Kindle Edition


Sixteen-year-old Susannah Simon is a mediator, one who communicates with the dead, and she also happens to be in love with Jesse, a nineteenth-century ghost.

User reviews

LibraryThing member AllAndAnyBooks
A great book by Meg Cabot once again. She's always been one of my favorite authors and she does not disappoint.
When it comes to the mediator series, it's one of my favorite series by her and this fifth book just thickens the plot and makes sure that us readers will stay hooked for forever.
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always liked Suze's character and Jesse is a special case altogether. Their relationship is interesting and I like the kind of forbidden aspect of it.
Also, even though this series is meant for kids, I do love it a lot and I'm 23. In my opinion this series is full of humour and teenage girl problems and it is hilarious but also quite exciting and a bit scary at times. This book is the perfect way to relax after a long day at work or at school or whatever.
I loved it and I cannot wait to read on and see what happens to Jesse and Suze and even Paul.
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LibraryThing member Kaethe
The plot enthickens. Suze's nemesis, is now registered in her school, and vying for class vice-president (which neither of them really wants, amusingly). Meanwhile, there are ghosts to bust, fraught encounters with dangerous boys, the usual.

I marked this on my middle grade shelf, because really,
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these books are squeaky clean. I'd feel perfectly fine handing it off to my ten-year-old, who loves Buffy.
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LibraryThing member cmurph1
Despite some contrived plot twists and plodding dialogue, this is an inventive tale about a high-schooler's coming to grips with her supernatural gift--helping the dead reach their afterlife.
LibraryThing member BookWhisperer
Young Adult book, very interesting story line. Had to read all of the books one after another. Young girl that has the ability to see ghosts. She actually shares her room with one. This story follows this relationship along a rollercoaster of emotions and problems. Only to find that love with
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LibraryThing member Jenson_AKA_DL
Suze is being haunted, but by more than ghosts. It is a recurring nightmare of that place and what had almost happened there, all thanks to the devil incarnate, Paul Slater. So, imagine Suze's surprise when her personal demon shows up as the new student at Juipero Serra Mission Academy. And, just
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when she thinks things can't get worse, Paul makes his intensions for his new matriculation known, which has little to do with mediating ghosts and everything to do with Suze.

I will say that there wasn't a clear and vivid plot point much beyond Paul Slater's less than honorable intentions towards Suze in this story, but it was still an extremely engrossing tale. I particularly loved Suze's fashion failure in choosing to wear Jimmy Chos to school and becoming the walking wounded because of it. Just goes to show you looks aren't everything. I love the interaction between Jesse and Suze and the inevitable confrontation between Jesse and Paul. Granted, even though this one is rather a bridge story between books 4 and 6, and not something that could stand on its own, as part of this series it is a wonderful installment in a fantastic teen-ghost-romance tale.
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LibraryThing member midnighttwilight101
The Mediator Series by Meg Cabot is about a girl that can see ghosts. This becomes a little tricky when she moves from New York to California only to find a gorgeous ghost is already living in her bedroom. Not only does Suze have to deal with Jesse there is another ghost trying to kill people at
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her school. I loved these books, Suze was so down to earth and Jesse was so crushable.
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LibraryThing member tjsjohanna
Bad guy is still here - I really don't like him and can't quite figure out why Suze would have anything to do with him - good looks and all. Less mediating mystery and more character development in this installment, which I always enjoy.
LibraryThing member willowwaw
Book kept my excitement the whole while reading it. Very fun and fast book! I can't wait to read the next in the series!
LibraryThing member tuffstuff08
One of the best installments in this series!
LibraryThing member HHS-Students
Reviewed by Jennifer (Class of 2012)
It's about a girl who is a mediator to ghost. She deals with a ghost from her older stepbrother's college, that happens to want to kill his "alive" brother for living. Along with her ghost best friend who wants to kill Paul Slater, the other mediator that is now
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trying to get her attention. In this book Suze deals with it all working miracles only a 16-year-old can.
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LibraryThing member edspicer
It's a good love story and ghost story. It looked interesting. Q4P4 AHS/Olivia L.
LibraryThing member Darrol
The idea of differing grades of mediator (mediator and shifter) was interesting, I guess. But I still have trouble with the continuing relationship between Jess and and Susannah.
LibraryThing member stephxsu
I swear, this series just get better and better. In this installment of Suze’s life in Carmel, California, the delectably dangerous Paul Slater reenters her life just when she thinks she will never see him again. Paul is the Devil in a hot bod—or so Suze believes as she recalls the past summer
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when Paul tried to kill her and make her ghostly sweetheart, Jesse, disappear forever.

Paul claims to know what, exactly, they are, why they communicate with ghosts and what else they can do. But Suze doesn’t know why he’s so intent on teaching her about their similar powers. Unless he’s lonely…? Is that why he so creepily continues to talk to her even after her many rejections of him? Is that why he kisses her the day he invites her over to his place under the pretense of learning more about mediators?

Meanwhile, Suze’s relationship with the hot ghost who haunts her room, Jesse, has been awkward and littered with silences. It seems to have been this way ever since they kissed several weeks ago. Despite the strain in their friendship as a result, Suze can’t help but fall more in love with Jesse every day, even though she knows that loving a guy who’s been already dead for 150 years won’t bode well for her future. To make matters worse, once Jesse finds out that Paul has recently transferred to Suze’s school, there could be the blowout of a lifetime, as two hot, headstrong forces collide with one another in a battle for, much to her surprise, Suze’s heart.

HAUNTED is full of fun and romance with a paranormal twist. I am a hearty proponent of the impossible romance between Suze and Jesse, but Paul definitely makes this series all the more interesting. Gotta love Meg Cabot and her wonderful characters.
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LibraryThing member megan_harnett
I think this is a new record for me. I finished a book in under 3 hours. It was a short book but it was entertaining and fast paced. I liked this book the best out of the series so far. I am excited to read the last one in the series to find out what happens next!!
LibraryThing member Kaethe
The plot enthickens. Suze's nemesis, is now registered in her school, and vying for class vice-president (which neither of them really wants, amusingly). Meanwhile, there are ghosts to bust, fraught encounters with dangerous boys, the usual.

I marked this on my middle grade shelf, because really,
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these books are squeaky clean. I'd feel perfectly fine handing it off to my ten-year-old, who loves Buffy.
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LibraryThing member chymekeeper
cant wait to read book 6
LibraryThing member Gigi55455
Great book, I LOVED all of her books that I have read, but this series was a personal favorite!
LibraryThing member Nitzan_Schwarz
I love this series, truly I do.
I loved this book as well, and I'm glad we got some Jesse hotness in it. What I didn't like was Paul, and Suze annoyed me a couple of times in the book. Stop mentioning that you felt something. You really shouldn't feel anything toward someone like Paul, especially
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when you have someone like Jesse around. And she acted stupid - going to his house and such. God. Well, all ended well, now she just needs to do something about the fact that, well...
Her Boyfriend is Dead, and no one but her can see him...
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LibraryThing member Nextian
Easily the most angst-ridden book of the series. Thus the lower score. I do not like Paul, although I do have to give him credit for being one of the most two-faced villains I've read in a while.
LibraryThing member wealhtheowwylfing
Sarcastic, violent and overly concerned with her appearance, Suze is a fairly likeable heroine. But after five books of her rehashing the same "does he like me?" bs about her ghost roommate Jesse and babbling about what expensive preppy clothes she's wearing, I've basically lost patience. These are
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light, fluffy books, but each one has less and less actual plot.
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LibraryThing member mrsdanaalbasha
Is it possible to be haunted by someone who isn't even dead?

Suze is used to trouble, but this time she's in deep: Ghostly Jesse has her heart, but Paul Slater, a real flesh-and-blood guy, is warm for her form. And mediator Paul knows how to send Jesse to the Great Beyond. For good.

Paul claims he
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won't do anything to Jesse as long as Suze will go out with him. Fearing she'll lose Jesse forever, Suze agrees. But even if Suze can get Jesse to admit his true feelings for her, what kind of future can she have with a guy who's already dead?
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LibraryThing member tldegray
Paul is the new boy in town and just like before he wants Suze. Not just to date, though, he wants her to be more than a mediator. He wants her to be what he calls "a shifter" and use her ghostly powers not to help people on their way but to rip them off just like he does. Naturally she doesn't
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trust him after he left her and Jesse in "the hallway" to die.

Jesse does not like Paul. Jesse has good reason to not like Paul. Jesse and Paul have many fights in public leading to lots of confusion about what's going on and to CeeCee figuring out some things about Jesse she otherwise wouldn't have known. The book ends with a kiss and otherwise it was completely unsatisfying. Cabot's into an arc with Paul and it's one I didn't find particularly interesting.
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LibraryThing member princess-starr
This was actually the second book in the Mediator series that I picked up (don’t ask how I managed that one), so a lot of the plot from the previous three books were lost on me. In the Darkest Hour review, I mentioned that Paul is an undeveloped character, and it really shows in this book. Most
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of his motivation runs on “If I hit on Suze and harass her enough, she’ll fall for me!” Which is honestly, not a good addition to a love triangle—the whole point is that both men are desirable. All Paul has going for him is that he’s hot. And he has more information on mediators and what they do.

Speaking on that, one of the weakest points in this entry is the use of shifters and what they do. Paul dances around the subject while Suze jumps to her own conclusions about her powers. (I have my own thoughts, but will save them for fan theorizing.) There’s no real use of shifting until the climax, and more questions are brought up than answered. If this book had been combined with the final one, I think it would have been more effective—your mileage may vary with the omnibus edition on that. Plot wise, I did enjoy the book a lot, even if the main plot with Craig and his brother was ripped off from Ordinary People. There was a lot more side character development, especially with CeeCee and her realization of Suze’s relationship with Jesse.
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LibraryThing member SandyAMcPherson
Not an improvement over Book 4. As the involvement of the Paul character develops, I'm thinking his personality is very inconsistent with previous behaviour. For me, along with the emphasis on a greatly silly romance, I am probably done with the series now. The rating reflects my personal POV,
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while acknowledging that I am not the target audience.
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