Princess Diaries, Volume X: Forever Princess

by Meg Cabot

Hardcover, 2009



Call number




HarperTeen (2009), Hardcover, 383 pages


Although she has recently completed a 400-page romance novel, Princess Mia, in her last month of high school, has yet to pick a college, find a prom dress, or decide if her boyfriend J. P. is really The One.

User reviews

LibraryThing member TLHelen
This is the last book of the Princess Diaries series that made Meg Cabot famous. For those who've been living under a rock, this series is about a freshman in high school - Mia Thermopolis - who finds out her estranged dad is the Prince of a tiny (made-up) European principality Genovia. The series
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follows her coming of age, and having to deal with her psycho grandmother, best friends, boyfriends and crazy cowboy therapists. The books are written in the form of a diary; everything in first person, and really colloquial language. There are so many 'OH MY GOD's and 'EEEEEEEEEE!'s that it's possible to drown in them.

I really like these books, because though they may be incredibly unbelievable and at some points, quite childish, it's fun. And there's a Happily Ever After.

If you're quite a mature reader and don't want to deal with inane everyday struggles of your average New York Princess, then leave these alone. If you're like me and appreciate a happy ending to a silly little fantasy world,these are for you. I think I'm at the point with this series where I'm just skimming through the books and re-reading my favourite chapters; they're my equivalent to a day at the spa for relaxation.
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LibraryThing member Runa
Pre-Review Warning: This review is not intended to be any sort of formal review. It is a reflection of my thoughts immediately after reading this book, and therefore, there will be caps-locking and excessive exclamation marks. Adjust your mood accordingly.

Oh, I went into reading this
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with cynicism. Grandmere or Louie were going to die. There was no WAY Mia would come out of this with a boyfriend (I was highly supporting the idea that she'd end up "self-actualized", realizing she didn't need a guy to be awesome). I...did not see this ending well. But, as has happened quite a bit lately, I fell in love. Maybe it's because of personal issues. I'm going through senior year, the same crazy college rush Mia's going through, with some similar personal problems as well. I really don't know. But this book reminded me once and for all why I read YA, and why I am proud to call myself a Princess Diaries fan--why I am proud to scoff at those who laugh and say it's all cliche. Screw them. They don't know a good book, obviously. They don't know a book that relates to the readers, that attracts millions of girls and tells them "hey, go out there and do your OWN thing". They'd rather be reading 'the classics', the ones that will have no immediate impact on their lives. Hm. Sucks to be them.
The book started out slow. Mia was with J.P. and the person she had become was not a very great one. Slowly but surely as Michael re-enters the picture, the book picks up the momentum found way back in the very first volume that launched this epic story, and Meg Cabot does not lose momentum. Everything ends...perfectly. It's not a "perfect" happily ever after (J.P. is probably not too happy at that moment), but...well, yeah, it really is. It's the most genuine, realistic happily ever after Meg Cabot could give her characters, and boy did she deliver. Did the woman channel Barack Obama on that last page or what?
Give her a hand. Good luck, Mia, we'll see you another day.

Rating: I only wish I could go higher than a 5/5.
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LibraryThing member kirbyowns
Forever Princess, by Meg Cabot, is the tenth book in the Princess Diaries series. This book picks up with Mia after 2 years of her not writing in her journal. She picks right back up as a senior in high school who has matured considerably. Mia’s life continues to have the ups and downs of any
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Princess, who is a high school senior, has brought democracy to her country, and finds that her ex-boyfriend has returned from Japan. While not my favorite of the series, Forever Princess still holds the reader until the very end. Will Mia find her happy ever after, and if she does will it be with the right boy? You’ll have to read Forever Princess to find out.
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LibraryThing member scoutlee
Princess Mia and her friends are back for their senior year. Finals, prom and graduation are days away and everyone has senioritis. As everyone is excited to leave AEHS and start college, Mia is struggling with being honest with herself and her friends. She's been dishonest about her college
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acceptance and her senior project. Michael's return from Japan sets in motion a chain of events that forces Mia to finally be honest and see what has been in front of her all these years.

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LibraryThing member saffron12
I loved this book. If this is the end of the Princess Diaries books, it is a wonderful ending! After having read all the other books, I was hoping that Mia would have a happy ending, and she does. Well done.
LibraryThing member francescadefreitas
It's over, it's over, it's over! (end Michael Caine impression)
I read all of the Princess Diary books over a year, and I was so glad to get to the end. No more will I have to fret about Mia's relationships and career prospects!
This was a very satisfying conclusion, and the dreaded sex was firmly
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off screen. (At this point it would be like watching my sister 'do it'!) The sudden fast forward to the end o her final year was a little confusing at first, but it fit the plot - Mia was busy writing something other than her diary for a while.
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LibraryThing member Denaid
I tore out a page- Sorry Meg Mothers read this one before you give it to your young daughters,
LibraryThing member mjmbecky
In this final book in the series, Mia has really matured in so many ways. She is in her senior year, attempting to have her romance novel published (without people knowing that she, the princess, is behind it), dating J.P., and still battling feelings for the recently returned Michael (her first
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This final and most exciting of the Princess Diaries' series was a delight to read. I loved the wrap up and the charming romance of it. As a reader, you finally have let go of Mia being a simple young girl that you want to watch and chuckle at, to a young lady that you hope gets the fulfillment of all her dreams. I genuinely loved this conclusion to the series and now can't wait to read Princess Mia's novel!
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LibraryThing member skier123
Mia is pulled back into her old life when Michael is back from Japan, and in her life again. He is now a celebrity. Everyone likes him. But Mia already has the dream boyfriend, who is taking her to the prom. She won't need Michael. He is just her friend. Right?
LibraryThing member hobbitsies
In the tenth, and final (for now) book of the Princess Diaries series, Mia is a senior, but she’s still has some growing up to do. A lot of things are going on in her life – she has to pick a college to attend, her father is running against her cousin for Prime Minister of Genovia (which is
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completely her fault), prom to worry about, her birthday coming up, and she’s receiving an endless amount of rejection letters from publishers about her senior project, aka her first novel. And the lies she’s constantly telling certainly aren’t helping. However, when a certain someone comes back into town, and possibly into her life, Mia finally realizes it’s time for her to grow up and tell the truth to her family, friends, and herself.

As a dedicated reader of the Princess Diaries series, and having reread it many times, I can say, without a doubt, that Princess Diaries, Volume X: Forever Princess is a brilliant conclusion to a brilliant series. Mia finally figures her life out, but she does it in the quirky way she normally does things. She makes many mistakes and tells an incredible amount of lies on the journey there, but she gets there, and the ending is great. The book is a great read, and definitely the way Mia should have gone out. While I didn’t quite like Mia’s explanation for the two year gap in the timeline, I understand completely Meg Cabot’s reasoning for it, and the awesomeness of a certain boy in the story made up for it. Once again, Forever Princess was the perfect ending, and Meg Cabot did a great job. I even liked Ransom My Heart, which isn’t really my cup of tea.
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LibraryThing member Jasprit
I cant believe this was the last book in the series :( Meg definately has to write some more! something that would follow mia through college!! this book was hilarious as usual, each book gets better and better, I was surprised about J.P. but the book ended perfectly!
LibraryThing member mcollier
This book came out early in my bookstore, so I went ahead and bought it. It is so good!!! This is my favorite PD book. Michael comes home from Japan, things heat up with Mia and JP, and Mia also publishes her own romance novel. Will Mia end up with Michael or JP?? All questions are answered with
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solid ending.
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LibraryThing member benuathanasia
I'm thrilled to finally be done with the main body of this series. I felt it rather insulting (and horrifically inappropriate) for Cabot to continuously push her next book within this book. Even worse though, was that it was a tawdry romance that she's marketing to teenagers (and let's face it, in
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many cases, children)! I really want to slap Ms. Cabot for such low-brow tactics.

The two-year difference between the preceding book and this one feels like a cop-out. Mia has obviously undergone some great growth, but the audience never gets to see how she achieved this growth. I feel like Cabot cheated.
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LibraryThing member princess-starr
First criticisms first. One of the things that I really wasn’t a fan of in this is the huge derailing of JP. Again, he really only exists to set up a LOVE TRIANGLE!!!! that ultimately doesn’t lead anywhere. This is the one problem I have with Meg Cabot’s YA books; she makes it so obvious who
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the main character will end up with. (Surprisingly subverted in some of her adult books, as we will see.)

My one big complaint about the series as whole—the fact that almost all of the books occur too closely with one another—is actually fixed in this book, taking place a year and a half after book nine. Except now, I want to know what happened in the year and a half! I wanted to see Mia and JP’s relationship grow, how the Genovian public reacted to the revelation of a constitutional monarchy, how Mia finally starts maturing. It’s handwaved as that Mia was so busy writing her own book that she didn’t have time or feel like writing, which okay, I can see, but we couldn’t have one or two little updates in the time between? No? (We had to have separate books detailing Valentine’s Day, Christmas and Mia’s charity trip, but not for the important shit? Really?)

I did like the slightly more mature and jaded tone of the book. Having slammed my head against the last three books, it was refreshing to see Mia look and evaluate her mistakes and accept them as her flaws. Michael’s returning was great, even if it was to fulfill the Triumphant Childhood Friend trope. The whole book is a big grand finale and it revels in it. Much like book three, it’s one where I can’t help but cheer on Mia as she earns her ending.

It was a little sad when I finally picked this up for the first time and read it. I mentioned in the review for Book One that it’s one of those books that, surprisingly, ended up affecting me so much. And as I read through the series, between pumping my fist with fangirlish joy or tearing my hair out at the different plot twists, I still think that this one of those series where a young reader can pick it up and see a little bit of themselves in the characters. Personally, I noticed that a lot of my frustration came from the fact that I was already way beyond Mia emotionally, but the fact that I can still pick up the early books and still enjoy them on the same level as I did when I was fifteen has to say something.
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LibraryThing member librarybrandy
As Mia's senior year draws to a close, Genovia's princess has a number of things on her mind, and a number of lies on her conscience: she needs to pick which college she's going to (she was accepted everywhere she applied, but told everyone she was rejected everywhere), find a publisher for her
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senior project (not the 400-page book on the history of olive exporting in Genovia as she's told everyone, but a lengthy historical romance novel), and find a way to be head-over-heels in love with JP, her boyfriend of almost 2 years, because they really ought to be perfect together. Meanwhile her dad is running for Prime Minister of Genovia (and trailing in the polls to his own cousin), Lilly is still not speaking to her for reasons unknown, and a certain ex-boyfriend is back in Manhattan and making Ma as weak-kneed as ever, despite the presence of her boyfriend, whom she loves... doesn't she?

This last installment of The Princes Diaries is very much more of the same--Mia's angsting over boys, friends, school, and her dream of being a writer. Her voice is clear and consistent, but shallow--surprisingly so for someone so concerned with environmental and social issues. There's a bit of name-dropping (high-end brand names of clothing and accessories, mainly) to keep the reader from ever forgetting that this is a group of ridiculously privileged teenagers. Mia is stronger than she's been in previous books, but she's still not a strong female character--not someone I'd hold up as a role model for what a girl should aspire to, anyway. There is an implication here that the only way to be truly happy is to have a romantic partner--even while Mia is lamenting her lack of spark with JP, never once does she think "I should go it alone for a while"--instead it's always "this was so easy with Michael." For someone constantly seeking self-actualization, Mia is remarkably dependent on her friends and boyfriend to do the heavy lifting on her psyche. Naturally everything works out perfectly in the end, but this owes more to Mia's friends' machinations than any deliberate actions on her own part. A breezy end to a fluffy series (I'm ashamed to admit I've read them all); recommended only where interest in the series remains high.
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LibraryThing member scote23
I don't know, I was a little disappointed with this one. I've read every book in the series, and there were certain things Cabot did in this one that irked me. Still, I had a hard time putting the book down. It's not going to stop me from still trying to read every single one of Meg Cabot's books.
LibraryThing member steffiindrajana
Mia finally growing up (again). following this series when mia just found she is a princess of genovia and now she give democracy to the country by giving them a chance to vote their leader (prime minister). How she can manage her relationship with lily, her childhood bestfriend, and with her love
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life with michael (and JP).

When you start to read the book, you know the ending because it is really obvius. But it is ok because you want the ending to be like that. A happily ever after. Like the fairy tale story we read when we was a little child. Reading this final series make me feel "ending" a chapter of my teenage life
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LibraryThing member GraceZ
Okay, I loved this ending to the series, but still feeling a little silly for having read it. What can I say, besides... GREAT fun, good job Meg Cabot on rounding out the series (except for the thing about all of her crowd going to Ivy League colleges or similar, which is totally ridiculous), and I
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was very happy with the way things turn out.
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LibraryThing member NinjaTat
Don't bother, just watch the movie instead.
LibraryThing member sszkutak
Ah the end, kind of... I know Meg Cabot has another book in this series but this was the original end of the series and it only kind of felt like it. BUT I LOVED IT.
Mia finally gets it together and does things for herself. She determines what she wants after high school and goes for it and I am so
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proud of her - is that weird to say about a character? oh well I am.

In this final (kind of) installment, we catch up with Mia in her senior year of high school, so a few years were skipped but in the book the reasoning is good - she hasn't been keeping a journal so thus no Diary entries for us to read. Instead she has been working on her senior project and just handling life. Mia decides that she is going to become a writer no matter what and so her project is a romance novel and under a pen name she sends it out to be published. Then there is her own romance with J.P., he seems like a great choice, well until Michael comes back and pretty much sweeps her off her feet. So she has to make a few life decisions and pick a college too. Even through all of her stress Mia handles everything pretty well and it all falls into place as it should for a princess. This was a wonderful end to Mia's high school diaries and I am very curious how the next book will pick up.
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LibraryThing member sszkutak
Ah the end, kind of... I know Meg Cabot has another book in this series but this was the original end of the series and it only kind of felt like it. BUT I LOVED IT.
Mia finally gets it together and does things for herself. She determines what she wants after high school and goes for it and I am so
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proud of her - is that weird to say about a character? oh well I am.

In this final (kind of) installment, we catch up with Mia in her senior year of high school, so a few years were skipped but in the book the reasoning is good - she hasn't been keeping a journal so thus no Diary entries for us to read. Instead she has been working on her senior project and just handling life. Mia decides that she is going to become a writer no matter what and so her project is a romance novel and under a pen name she sends it out to be published. Then there is her own romance with J.P., he seems like a great choice, well until Michael comes back and pretty much sweeps her off her feet. So she has to make a few life decisions and pick a college too. Even through all of her stress Mia handles everything pretty well and it all falls into place as it should for a princess. This was a wonderful end to Mia's high school diaries and I am very curious how the next book will pick up.
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LibraryThing member MynTop
I really enjoyed this addition to the series. The constant will they or won't they really added to the anticipation of the book. Finally seeing what it was about J.P. that rubbed me the wrong way was enlightening. And although I spent much of the series disliking Lilly, it was nice to see her and
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Mia cordial...for Mia's sake. I thought this was the end of the series (other than some novellas) but seeing another book is coming out next year has me very excited.
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Original publication date


Physical description

383 p.; 8.55 inches


0061232920 / 9780061232923

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