
by Polly Shulman

Hardcover, 2006



Call number




Putnam Juvenile (2006), Hardcover, 212 pages


Julie and Ashleigh, high school sophomores and Jane Austen fans, seem to fall for the same Mr. Darcy-like boy and struggle to hide their true feelings from one another while rehearsing for a school musical.

Media reviews

With so tidy a happy ending, "Enthusiasm" might fairly be described as escapist fantasy. The literary allusions throughout add a sense of fun and frothiness. As a plot point, however, Julie's obtuseness to Parr's obvious infatuation with her seems a bit forced.

User reviews

LibraryThing member atimco
I picked up Polly Shulman's Enthusiasm on the glowing recommendation of a fellow LibraryThinger. It was touted as a fun read inspired by Jane Austen's Pride & Prejudice — and I guess I'm a sucker for descriptions like that. But any book that cites Pride & Prejudice as a primary influence is
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already set up to fail, and this is no exception.

Julie's best friend, Ashleigh, is an Enthusiast. From candymaking to King Arthur to the Little House on the Prairie, Ashleigh's bursts of enthusiastic interest usually include Julie being dragged along for the ride. Which is all right, until Ashleigh becomes enthusiastic for one of Julie's enjoyments — Jane Austen. Overnight Ashleigh decides to think, dress, and behave like an Austen heroine, and this of course includes attending a ball to meet young gentlemen. Julie is doubtful about Ashleigh's scheme to gate-crash a dance at a local boys' prep school, but somehow it all turns out happily and the girls find themselves striking up quite a friendship with some of the young men they meet there. Unfortunately, they fall for the same one — and Julie undergoes a Fanny-Price-like martyrdom at the hands of her best friend (not that Shulman refers to anything in Austen's body of work outside of Pride & Prejudice). How will it all end??? Rather predictably, as it turns out.

I didn't like the way that Jane Austen is used to justify the girls' obsession with boys, and how being boy-crazy is presented as normal and healthy and necessary. I didn't like the casual, no-commitment kissing with an older guy who was already in a relationship with someone else. I really didn't like Parr coming up into Julie's bedroom and sharing her bed for the night (funny how it was so utterly impossible to get more blankets to stay warm, or turn up the heat or something). It reminded me of that awful scene in one of Stephenie Meyer's Twilight books in which Bella must snuggle up to Jacob (to keep from freezing to death, of course!) while Edward looks on and reads Jacob's thoughts. Um, yuck? Not surprisingly, Meyer's endorsement appears on the front cover of Enthusiasm.

The writing is all right, nothing special. It starts off well ("There is little more likely to exasperate a person of sense than finding herself tied by affection and habit to an Enthusiast"), but the Austenesque tone is not sustained. I laughed at a couple missteps (like the "bevy of guys" (6), ha). Overall I have to confess myself disappointed after all the rave reviews. In short, I didn't hate it but I was glad to be done with it. With apologies to the Enthusiasts — I don't see myself ever revisiting or recommending this book.
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LibraryThing member beserene
This modern YA novel cleverly honors Jane Austen, not by aping her style or pretending to be a sequel, but simply by showing us modern girls who are... enthusiastic... about Austen's work and who have no trouble getting into romantic twists and turns, like Austen's characters. The entire novel is a
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friendly homage, not only to Austen's novels, but also to the many editions, retellings, films and other manifestations that have sprung from Austen fandom over the past two hundred years. By presenting us -- the likely readers of such novels -- with, essentially, echoes of ourselves (for some of us, our MUCH younger selves) as the main characters, Polly Shulman has created an instantly affecting novel.

The two main characters are indeed a couple of Everygirls, with just a little more of the socially acceptable, positive traits than most of us have at age 15. The narrator, Julia, laments that she is too tall, too gawky, while her best friend, Ashleigh, is short and curvy and bouncy, on many levels. Ashleigh is the Enthusiast mentioned in the first line of the novel -- "There is little more likely to exasperate a person of sense than finding herself tied by affection and habit to an Enthusiast" is a clever little homage in itself, of course -- and when she discovers 'Pride and Prejudice', a book that has long been quiet Julia's favorite, she decides that they both must start living the novel, as much as might be possible in 21st century New York. What ensues is a fun, sweetly romantic adventure between friends. Boys are, of course, involved very quickly, and become the source of trouble between these two friends -- though the trouble is not so dramatic nor so over-the-top as in other teen literature currently oiling the shelves.

In fact, much of the trouble comes, as with Austen's work, from misunderstanding and miscommunication; in using those themes delicately, Shulman has created a kinder, gentler YA novel -- one that feels refreshingly light and even more refreshingly empty of zombies, vampires, fallen angels, or, in fact, anything trendier than Austen herself. There are a few points where the adult reader must roll her eyes, of course, since much of the novel is completely predictable -- teenage girls, fictional or not, have acted much the same way for many generations and it isn't hard to guess who likes who or who will end up with who -- but the experience of the story is pleasant, often funny, and satisfying. In addition, Shulman's characters occasionally express themselves in literary forms and through literary references, so English majors of all stripes will chuckle at the charm of the oft-silly but always entertaining allusions.

While there is nothing exceptional about the writing, nor anything unusually brilliant about the plot, I still must express a hearty recommendation for this charming novel. It is especially perfect for Austen fans who might enjoy a flash of pleasant nostalgia -- a reminder of what it was like to first discover Austen's novels, as a young person -- as well as for young ladies who would like a modern pathway to their own such discoveries. In short, 'Enthusiasm' is quite satisfactory.
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LibraryThing member bell7
Ashleigh is an Enthusiast, the personality type that jumps into an interest wholeheartedly, much to her best friend Julie's embarrassment. Now, Ash is into Jane Austen. She's not just reading the books, which would suit Julie just fine as Pride and Prejudice is her favorite book. No, Ashleigh wants
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to dance a quadrille, wearing dresses only, and - most importantly - finding True Love. Ashleigh's plan: to infiltrate the upcoming boys' school dance to meet their very own Mr. Darcys. And of course, she's going to drag Julie along.

This was a fun teen romance that could appeal to teen lovers of Austen as well as those who have never read the books (or seen the movies). While there were some nods to Sense and Sensibility and Pride and Prejudice that I picked up on, Julie and Ashleigh's story stands well on its own and doesn't need any prior familiarity with either to be enjoyed. I liked Julie as the narrator, and could relate to her love and loyalty towards Ashleigh as well as her exasperation with some of Ash's more drastic schemes. Julie's romantic troubles were believable, if somewhat predictable and quickly wrapped up, but it was a nice, quick light read that I would easily recommend.
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LibraryThing member cmbohn
This was a fun teen romance that was neat little twist on Jane Austen. Julie's friend Ashleigh is always having these phases, or 'enthusiasms.' Suddenly Ashleigh discovers Jane Austen, and decided to go all out. Julie finally persuades her not to wear long dresses to high school, but agrees to go
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along to a boys' school dance, where they can meet their Mr. Darcys.

Like I said, it was a fun book. Ashleigh reminds me of several people I know, but fortunately, not quite so obsessed. And just about every reader will spot where the story is going almost from the beginning. The fun is in seeing HOW we get there.

Julie is a good character, with a complicated family, complicated emotions, and I really wanted her to get what she deserved. Recommended for teens or adults.
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LibraryThing member breakingdownslowly
Lemme just say, I am biased.

1.) This is a Pride and Prejudice retelling. Duh.

2.) This girl's name is Julie. *looks at bottom of post*

3.) Julie loves Pride and Prejudice. A lot. As does Ashleigh. *examines self*

4.) This story takes place across a river from where I live. Not even exaggerating. It's
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one county over.

But really, this was an adorable read. I loved how it wasn't just Pride and Prejudice, there was also an element of my favorite Shakespeare play, A Midsummer Night's Dream. Some people were just a tad confused about who they should be with (*cough*ASHLEIGH*cough*). So we're mixing Midsummer's and Pride and Prejudice and THIS Julie is really happy.

Story Julie was fun and entertaining and she kind of reminded me a lot of myself, except better. And I look more like Ashleigh than Julie. I also LOVED our Darcy and Bingley. Especially the Darcy. And the Bingley. ...Yeah, I went there.

This was just a fun, entertaining read about Pride and Prejudice and teenagers and love and boarding schools and balls (get your mind out of the gutter, you!). Do not let the Stephenie Meyer blurb dissuade you. I loved this book. A lot. Go get it.
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LibraryThing member mmillet
This book completely engrossed me. Being a Jane Austen junkie myself, I could completely sympathize with Julie when her best friend, ‘the enthusiast,’ hones in on her favorite author. The characters in the book are so life-like that I found myself laughing out loud at the troubles of being a
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LibraryThing member nmartone
Loved it. It started off a bit slow, then took off. Very sweet, very innocent story that makes your heart smile with memories of first loves and crushes. Great book!
LibraryThing member stephxsu
From the book jacket description, I had expected that ENTHUSIASM would follow the general plot of Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice. However, Pride and Prejudice is merely the starting point for this charming book.

At the start of their sophomore year, best friends Ashleigh and Julie are obsessed
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with Jane Austen’s world. That is, Julie had always loved Austen, and Ashleigh, who was famous for her constantly changing wild obsessions, decided that it would be her latest craze. However, Ashleigh takes Austen to another level, wearing Victorian clothing, speaking like the characters in the books, and setting off on a quest to find the ever enigmatic True Love.

Like all of Ashleigh’s crazy plans, this latest quest involves the friends crashing a formal dance at the all-boys’ boarding school, Forefield Academy. There, they are rescued from the clutches of a rule-loving teacher by C. Grandison Parr and Ned. Ashleigh believes that the two young men are, in fact, their True Loves—the Darcy-like Parr for Ashleigh and Ned, the Bingley of the story, for Julie.

Julie feels the same way…just not exactly as Ashleigh had imagined. Julie finds herself falling in love with Parr, but she keeps her feelings to herself, not wanting to be disloyal to Ashleigh. Keeping silent turns out to be harder than she thought as the four friends participate in a school musical together and Julie must see Parr every day. Will Julie ever find her True Love without losing her best friend?

In the style of most teen romances, Julie and Parr’s circling may have readers frustrated at the characters’ obliviousness and awkward situations. ENTHUSIASM is a nice read, but Parr doesn’t have anything on the real Mr. Darcy, of course.
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LibraryThing member Polo.Pony
This is a fabulous book about to best friends and love, difficulties, changes, and experiences. I really enjoyed reading it and its the kind of book that a few months later, you probably wont mind reading over!
LibraryThing member jessidee
I love Jane Austen. I have read all of her completed novels at least twice. I've read quite a few JA para-lit novels, and this is by far the best of the bunch. It includes allusions to not only P&P, but Emma, Persuasion, Sense and Sensibility, and even a little Mansfield Park, too. Although she
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borrows from Austen's characters, Shulman does a great job of making them (and the story) fresh and unique. There was never a doubt in my mind as to the ending (it is, after all, a romance, and a YA one at that), but getting there was so much fun! I wanted to read it all over again after I finished, and I probably will at some point in the future. I'm loathe to give out any details of the book, because I want everyone to discover it for themselves, but I will say that musical theater (more specifically, a musical version of A Midsummer Night's Dream) comes into play. There are also sonnets, chocolate turkeys, fun new words (like "igsome" - "ig" for short - which is used to describe something/someone bad), romantic mix-ups, and all the usual high school drama.

I bought my copy through Scholastic's Book Club, and if it's ever made available again I'll probably buy a few more. Even if you're not a fan of Austen, I'm pretty sure you'd enjoy this book - it's just that wonderful.
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LibraryThing member kayceel
From Julie’s point of view, she’s always been on the voice-of-reason side of Ashleigh’s obsessions. When Ashleigh grabs onto Pride and Prejudice, one of Julie’s favorites, and bullies Julie into crashing the all-boys prep school’s dance, Julie is a bit resentful when, in her enthusiasm,
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Ashleigh falls for the one boy Julie’s been secretly pining for. Julie tries to keep her feeling secret to avoid hurting Ashleigh, but finds it more and more difficult as her Mr. Darcy seems to be showing interest in her… I loved this – it’s so heartfelt and sweet and well written, and now I want to go out and read Pride and Prejudice…
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LibraryThing member Twilight-fan_4life
This book was really cute. It was fresh, funky and funny.It was a little annoying and you could really kind of see what was happening but it was an okay read.I don't think I'd read it again but it was nice to read the first time.
LibraryThing member framberg
I have to disapprove on principle of any book that promotes the idea of finding true love in high school, but Enthusiasm has enough redeeming qualities for me to pass it on to my students. The heroine, Julia, and her friend, Ashleigh, are charming if flat characters, as are their respective love
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interests. Nothing particularly bad happens, few big discoveries about self and life are made, but the story is well written and amusing. Not a bad way to spend a couple of hours.
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LibraryThing member taramatchi
Here it goes...
I probably should have given it 3 stars since it was very predicable... to the point I could have just read the first 4 chapters and predicted the end.

But I gave it 4 because the book was so charming. The main character could have been modeled after me when I was in high
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school/college. Much of her choices mirrored mine, and I even had a mysterious stranger once upon a time. The author did a wonderful job depicting the teen angst of trying to guess if a boy li...more Here it goes...
I probably should have given it 3 stars since it was very predicable... to the point I could have just read the first 4 chapters and predicted the end.

But I gave it 4 because the book was so charming. The main character could have been modeled after me when I was in high school/college. Much of her choices mirrored mine, and I even had a mysterious stranger once upon a time. The author did a wonderful job depicting the teen angst of trying to guess if a boy liked you or not, and what to do if your best friend liked the same guy.

Now if I was 16, it would have definitely gotten 5 stars. It was so much like "Clueless" there is even a joke about the movie's plot right in its pages. I loved "Clueless" when I was in high school.. and well I hate to admit this but I still have the DVD.
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LibraryThing member JRlibrary
I picked up this book because on the cover, Stephanie Meyer, author of Twilight, recommended it. Julia and her best friend, Ashleigh, crash a dance at a boys school, and there Julia meets the boy of her dreams. Unfortunately, her friend feels exactly the same way, so Julia keeps quiet.
LibraryThing member JaneB1
Ashleigh is an enthusiast and her best friend Julia struggles to keep their friendship alive.
LibraryThing member ut.tecum.loquerer
Quick fun read. The author is actually quite good at faux-Austen dialogue. The hero is a bit of a paragon, but who doesn't want that in fiction?
LibraryThing member novellavialli
You know you're in trouble when you and your best friend. Only problem is you keep this fact away from your friend.Julie is in quite a dilemma when she finds out that her best friend since forever considers Grandison Parr, the super-cute boy, to be her Mr. Darcy. Doesn't everyone want to find their
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Mr.Darcy at some point in their lives? The problem is that Julie had always had her eyes set on him but due to loyalty she suppresses the ever obvious feelings and let her friend take the lead. But the chemistry between both Julie and Grandison is ever evident. Not to mention its extremely hard to not feel anything for a person if you're with them 24/7.Overall this book was a super light and easy read. Definitely recommended for those who just want to relax and not rack their brains too much. I actually enjoyed reading this book and there came a point where i was super eager to find out what happens so i finished the book overnight. The first thing that attracted me to this book was the cover. I have always been attracted to books that depict a certain old story or is based on one, like this one. Did you know that Jane Austen's niece Anna wrote a novel named Enthusiasm which she sent to her aunt. Miss Austen then changed the name and said that it should be Who is the Heroine? Such was the case in this novel. One definitely wonders who actually the heroine is. (not really)
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LibraryThing member thehidingspot
I read ENTHUSIASM shortly after its release in 2006 and, when I went searching for audiobooks for a recent roadtrip, I felt compelled to bring it along. Before I'd even finished the first disc, I remembered just how much I adore Polly Shulman's debut. I was so engrossed that I compeletely missed
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one of my exits and continued onward for about half an hour before I noticed. In fact, when I realized my error, I didn't even mind... it meant my trip was extended and I would have an entire extra hour before I'd have to give up ENTHUSIASM!

Enthusiasts like Ashleigh are high spirited, stubborn, and, sometimes, crazed. When Ashleigh zeros in on the one thing Julie is actually passionate about, in her quiet, reverent way, she knows there's no use trying to dissuade her. Ashleigh plans on finding love. No, not just love, but true love, like Elizabeth Bennett finds in the scowling Mr. Darcy.

I didn't have a friend like Ashleigh in high school, but I imagine my attitude would have been similar to Julie's. Though Julie often complains about Ashleigh's shenanigans, it's clear to the reader that she's fiercely loyal and loves Ashleigh despite her eccentricities. ENTHUSIAM celebrates a healthly relationships between best friends. Hurrah! I definitely don't take issue with the books that showcase dysfuntional friendships, but they do seem to crop up more often than than the former, so I'm always excited to find a relationship like Julie and Ashleigh's.

It's difficult to discuss the romance in ENTHUSIASM with out spoilers, so I'll keep it brief. Swoon. To be back in high school experiencing my first kiss... This aspect of the novel was absolutely adorable.

Julie's enthusiastic adventures are sure to keep readers (or listeners!) of all ages entertained.
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LibraryThing member laruby
A contemporary, high school version of the classic Pride and Prejudice, this book is a fun, light read. It chronicles several months in the life of Julia who goes along with the enthusiastic whims of her best friend, Ashleigh. Ashleigh's current craze is Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen, and in
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this story they each set about finding their own teenage Mr. Darcy's with great enthusiasm.
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LibraryThing member Bduke
I have issues with any books that mess with my Jane, let's just get that out of the way right now. I think the only ones I have truly enjoyed are the Fitzwilliam Darcy, Gentleman books. So when I started this book and saw lame comparisons like Forefield Academy and "Charles Grandison" Parr, I was
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worried. However, it turned out to be pretty cute. Not fabulous, but enjoyable.
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LibraryThing member StefanieGeeks
Cute high school love story. I usually prefer characters to be a bit more drawn out, but this fit the bill for a quick and cute brain candy story. The prep school boys, Parr and Ned, are adorable and the story reminded me of my chaste and sweet feelings in high school.
LibraryThing member hawaiianmermaid701
I really enjoyed this book. It was a quick and easy read, with just enough Jane Austen to make me happy. Parr, where are you and why aren't you in my life?
LibraryThing member Thea-Ploetz
Enthusiasm will appeal to Austen fans who have always secretly felt more like Jane Bennet than Pride and Prejudice’s charming protagonist, Elizabeth. Sometimes Julie Lefkowitz can’t help but feel overshadowed by her best friend, Ashley, whom she considers an “Enthusiast.” As an Enthusiast,
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Ashley is prone to falling deeply, obsessively, and briefly in love with an array of people, media, and hobbies. So when Ashley’s newest enthusiasm is for Julie’s favorite book, Pride and Prejudice, she should be thrilled, right? Even though she’s reluctant to let her favorite novel become one of Ashley’s crazes, before long she finds herself answering to “Miss Lefkowitz,” learning the quadrille, and crashing the dance at the local boy’s boarding school, all in the pursuit of True Love. The ensuing miscommunications, tests of friendship, and romantic hijinks deliver the romance Austen is known for, along with a double-dose of comedy - perfect for teens looking for a lighthearted romantic comedy.

4P, 3Q
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LibraryThing member reader1009
Teen fiction. Sweet story written for fans of old-fashioned (Jane Austen) romances. Easily enjoyable.

Original publication date


Physical description

212 p.


0399243895 / 9780399243899

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