Grace for President

by Kelly S. DiPucchio

Hardcover, 2008



Call number




Hyperion Book CH (2008), Edition: First edition., Hardcover, 40 pages


When Grace discovers that there has never been a female U.S. president, she decides to run for school president.

User reviews

LibraryThing member melissawiley
We pulled this from our Cybils to-be-read stack yesterday because of the title, and I wish I'd read it a little sooner so I could have shared it with you in time for you to hit the library before Election Day. Grace for President is an appealing story about young Grace's presidential race—in
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which votes are counted Electoral College-style. The book offers a simple and easy-to-understand look at the Electoral College in action.

The race begins when Grace learns, to her astonishment, that there has never been a "girl president." Her classmates snicker when she declares that she shall be the first, but her teacher takes her seriously and suggests a campaign for class president. Two classes, actually: her opponent is a charismatic boy from the room next door.

Their campaign is lively and, paralleling real life, somewhat all-consuming for a time. As voting day approaches, it becomes clear that the boys have an edge on the electoral map, and Grace's rival, Thomas, seems assured of victory...but could it be that the young man representing Wyoming is a swing state?

All three of my big girls enjoyed the book—Jane and Rose for its look at how the Electoral College works, Beanie for the fun story and the charming art, especially the surprise addition to Mount Rushmore at the end.
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LibraryThing member aprilcm
This story is about a girl that recognizes no woman has ever been president. She decides she would like to become president and the teacher thinks it is a great idea. So, the teachers sets up a class president election where Grace runs against an all-star boy in the same grade but different class.
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His slogan has to do with him being a man and hers has to do with making history. What I find interesting about this book is that it was written before Obama was president and the little girl in the book is black yet identifies only with being a girl. Anyway, the electoral college is introduced in this book and the author’s note puts it in detail. Very educational and a great book for the election process or even for equal rights.
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LibraryThing member kbsteel
Grace is an African American girl who wants to run for president at her school. However, she has a tough competetor. Grace works hard throughout the election and is chosen for school president because of all her hard work.
LibraryThing member KGraceKR
Wow! A cool, fun book about the electoral college? Yep! Grace Campbell is a spunky little girl who is shocked that there has never been a female president. She decides to run for class president, but there is also another nominee - a boy! The teachers run the election like a real presidential
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election and the children are assigned states and electoral votes. Grace campaigns tirelessly while Thomas, the other nominee, rests easy believing that he'll win since there are more boys than girls in their class. Finally, it all comes down to one boy, who has been assigned Wyoming and one electoral vote, to decide the winner. He chooses Grace, saying that it was because he felt she was the best person for the job. Grace vows to become the President of the United States!
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LibraryThing member tlwood
When Grace discovers that there has never been a girl president in the United States she is perplexed and decides she's going to change things. She decides to run for president of her class! The story of Grace's campaign is the story of the American election process.

This is a well-done story that
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explains a process that is an important standard for students to learn and an important process for students to be involved in to make changes in their lives through voting.
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LibraryThing member Jpeshke
Grace runs for the president of her class when she discovers there has never been a female president in the United States. This is a fun and humorous story about Grace's campaign for presidency. The story explores the idea of voting and explains the election process and the electoral college. This
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is a fun read aloud for both ELA and social studies.
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LibraryThing member RayJones63
• Grace is informed by her teacher that the United States has never had a women president, so sh d the power of independent thought.

• It gives students a great example on how to choose a strong leader.e decides to be the first.

• The purpose of the story is show the value of hard work,
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courage an
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LibraryThing member YMcMillion
I think this is a great book. It helps children learn that if you put your mind to something that anything is possible even if the odds are against you. Also this book helps teach a little about politics and how the elections work. Great book.
LibraryThing member KelseyPrentice
This book is about a girl named Grace who wants to be the first girl President. They decide to have an election in their school and Grace ran against Thomas. Grace worked very hard at her campaign and did everything she could to win, which she found out was not going to be easy. The students as
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each state's representatives got to choose who their electoral college votes would go towards. Grace ended up winning when the last state called out his vote. Grace's class now believed that she could actually become President one day.
Critique (Genre): Realistic Fiction- This is a great example of realistic fiction because an election like this can and does happen in many schools. The idea that a student can want to be something in life, and a teacher showing them what that possibly looks like, is very beneficial and crucial to the classroom today. The setting, including place and time, is believable and very possible anywhere in the country today.
Critique (Style): The illustrator/author's use of juxtaposition in this book is phenomenal. Not only are words different sizes and fonts, the way they are organized on the page give such additional detail into the story. The emphasized words compared to the non emphasized words really catch your eye and show the reader what is important to Grace's campaign and help move the reader to better understanding of the story.
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LibraryThing member jbeliel10
Review: "Grace for President" is an empowering story about a young girl named Grace who becomes confused as to why all of our past president's have been men. She wishes to change this trend, so in turn she runs for class president at her school versus a popular boy named Thomas. Using the system of
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Democracy and electoral votes, the school fairly chooses a winner which after a debate and long road of campaigning, turns out to be Grace.

Genre: Realistic Fiction

Genre Critique: This story is very realistic because women are allowed to run for President in our country today and young students all over our nation really do have the power to make a difference if they choose.

Character Critique: Grace is a very inspiring character which the author uses to really communicate a lot about women in roles of leadership. I see Grace as being a character who symbolizes a lot of change and dynamic possibilities for the reader to possibly relate to.
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LibraryThing member mkcampbell11
A wonderful story that shares the process of running for presidential office.
LibraryThing member TaylorOgne
This story is about a little girl who wants to become the president of her class and finds out what it takes to become a good president. I love this story because it teaches kids how to preserver and shoot for the stars. This book would be great for story time in a first through third grade class.
LibraryThing member law2110
When Grace's teacher reveals that the United States has never
had a female president, Grace decides to be the first. And she
immediately starts off her political career as a candidate the
school's mock election. But soon, she realizes that she has
entered a tough race. Her popular opponent claims to be
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"best man for the job" — and seems to have captured all the
male votes — while Grace concentrates on being the best
person. **SRC Quiz**
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LibraryThing member JenJ.
I loved this book. The story moves along quickly without skipping over any of the important parts about how the electoral college works. Grace is a spunky heroine who, in the tradition of our best politicians, works hard to fulfill her campaign promises to the best of her ability. Her opponent
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counts a little too hard on the votes splitting along gender lines and gets his deserved comeuppance. LeUten Pham's illustrations are vibrant with lots of red, white and blue in the mixed media. The final endpapers with Grace's face on Mt. Rushmore cracked me up and I loved the final full page illustration of Grace as a grown-up being sworn in as President. DiPucchio also includes an author's note further explaining the Electoral College's function in our government. Grace for President would be a great introduction to the Electoral College for grades 2 and up, but works just as well as a fun story for storytime.

Used for October "Vote for Your Favorite Book/Election Theme" program.
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LibraryThing member MSittig
This book is about a young girl who learns that there has never been a female president. She takes the step to become president at her school's mock election. This book has a very fun introduction to the American electoral system and teaches readers what it takes to become a female president. The
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illustrations show hard work, courage, and inspiring young people about their future.
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LibraryThing member matthewbloome
I like reading this story for the fact that it applies pretty well to presidential elections. It even brings up the electoral college, which is a kettle of worms that can be pretty tricky to bring into focus. One shot to the story could be if a woman was elected in the next presidential election
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because a pretty central motivation to Grace running for class president is the fact no women have been president. Good book though.
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LibraryThing member fwaldm1
I really liked the story Grace for President for a number of reasons. First, I liked how the story pulls you in and opens up with a fun introduction about the American electoral system. The main character, Grace, was in shock when she realized there has never been a female president. “NO girl
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president? EVER?” Grace asked. Next, I really liked the illustrations in this book; each page depicts the process Grace goes through, as she decides to run for class president. Grace’s character is well developed and through the illustrations you can see her emotions and how eager she is to take on the role of being her school’s class president. Finally, I liked the plot of the story. It teaches the value of hard work, courage and motivation. This book inspires you to chase after goals. For example, “My name is Grace Campbell, and when I grow up, I’m going to be president of the United States”. Overall, the main idea of this book is President’s day and leadership.
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LibraryThing member mingra2
I enjoyed reading this picture book. My favorite part was the main character and how intuitive she was. After learning about the presidents she noticed that there were no woman presidents. This planted something in her to want to do something. I connected to this because I enjoy learning about
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history and it makes me passionate about certain issues today. Also, the illustrations added a lot to the story. At the point in the book where Grace was campaigning their were very detailed illustrations about the posters and tactics she used. I liked it because the text would sometimes lead off and the sentences would be finished by words in the poster. It helped to visually connect the text to the illustrations. The big message of the book was to aspire to be anything you want to be.
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LibraryThing member ryckecraw
Grace For President is an empowering story of a young girl who realizes there have been no female presidents of the USA. She decides that she will run for President of her own school. She thinks she has it easy until her teacher announces that in order for it to be fair she has invited the other
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class to join the election and she now has a running mate. The two of them campaign, in quite opposite manners and they hold the election via the "electoral college". Grace squeaks by as the winner!
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LibraryThing member Kc3133
This book is about a girl who is astonished to find out there has never been a female president. She sets out to be one, by first running for class president. She ends up having to run against a boy, but ultimately wins with hard work and effort. She then has the dream of becoming the first woman
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president of the United States when she grows up.
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LibraryThing member kbuffum13
In class the teacher reveals that there has never been a female president and Grace is not happy about this. She decides that she will be the first female president but people did not believe her. So her teacher creates an election and she runs against a popular boy and she realizes it not going to
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be easy to become president. She against the odds wins her school election because of Wyoming who was a swing vote. She then on career day tells the class that one day she will be president of the USA and her classmates believed her.
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LibraryThing member dluby17
The book starts off in a classroom where they are talking about president in the US. Grace immediately angry, asking where are the girl presidents. She is explained to that there has never been one and decides she would like to run for president. The teacher comes up with a way for all the
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electoral votes to take place and campaigning begins. They make campaign slogans, posters, and promises after listening to issues. Election day came and she as elected president by having 270 electoral votes. She was declared the best person for the job. On career day she told everyone she wanted to be the real president of the United States, and everyone believed she could. This would be great for upper elementary grades. It is informational fiction.
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LibraryThing member mpotts1
I really liked this book for a variety of reasons. First, I liked how the story immediately engages the reader with a little history on past American presidents. The main character, Grace, was in shock when she realized there has never been a female president. When shown the list of all the past
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Presidents Grace asks “Where are all the girls?" The reader can tell that Grace is confused as to why there were never any girl presidents and this is where her motivation stems from. Next, I really enjoyed the illustrations in this book. Each page depicts the process Grace goes through, as she decides to run for class president. All of the illustrations clearly support the text and I liked to see the variety of characters throughout the book. Grace’s character is well developed and through the illustrations the reader can clearly see her emotions throughout the process and how eager she is to take on the role of being her school’s class president. Lastly, I liked the overall plot of the story. It teaches the value of hard work, courage and motivation. This story inspires readers to chase after goals. For example, “My name is Grace Campbell, and when I grow up, I’m going to be president of the United States" and then throughout the story she goes through the process of learning how to become class president. Perseverance is a main theme of the book in accordance with leadership and motivation and it would be a great addition to a classroom library!
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LibraryThing member sarahetuemmler
Genre: realistic fiction
This book is a great story about a girl who decides to run for president in her elementary school. No girl has become president yet and she wonders why this is the case. She decides to run for president in spite of the fact that her competition is the most popular boy in the
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school. She campaigns and comes up with many different things that she can change at the school. Grace does end up becoming president. The book shows a great message that anyone who sets their mind to something and never gives up, can accomplish anything.
age group: 2-4th
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LibraryThing member BethWal94
In this realistic fiction, we see a young girl develop a dream to become the president of her class. Her teacher sets up a whole system in order to run elections, and makes it like a real candidacy. She is racing against another kid, and the race got close. When it came to voting, they even voted
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using the electoral college, and one state was the deciding factor. He voted for Grace and she won!
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Original publication date


Physical description

40 p.; 11.05 inches


0786839198 / 9780786839193
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