Married with Zombies (Living with the Dead, Book 1)

by Jesse Petersen

Paperback, 2010



Call number




Orbit (2010), Edition: 1, Mass Market Paperback, 272 pages


Fiction. Romance. Science Fiction. HTML: A heartwarming tale of terror in the middle of the zombie apocalypse. Meet Sarah and David. Once upon a time they met and fell in love. But now they're on the verge of divorce and going to couples' counseling. On a routine trip to their counselor, they notice a few odd things - the lack of cars on the highway, the missing security guard, and the fact that their counselor, Dr. Kelly, is ripping out her previous client's throat. Meet the Zombies. Now, Sarah and David are fighting for survival in the middle of the zombie apocalypse. But, just because there are zombies, doesn't mean your other problems go away. If the zombies don't eat their brains, they might just kill each other..

User reviews

LibraryThing member thewalkinggirl
I'll admit it's been awhile since I've played D&D, but this reminded me of an extensive dungeon crawl, only with zombies and in book form. At the beginning, Sarah and David are attending counseling to help their troubled marriage, and while the tone the characters had was probably appropriate to
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the situation, it was a bit too strident and whiny for me to enjoy. Over time, as they got more involved in killing zombies (including people who were once close to them) their bonds with each other got stronger and the tone was less abrasive. The pace is unrelenting and the zombie battles and snarky humor will appeal to some, but for me, by the time I got to the end I was happy to be done.
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LibraryThing member thehistorychic
Read from January 02 to 04, 2012

Read for Fun!
Challenges: TBR Challenge, Zombie Challenge
Overall Rating 4.00
Story Rating 4.00
Character Rating 4.00

First thought when finished: Oh what a fun read!

What I Loved: Married with Zombies was just a tummy tickling giggle fest! I had so much fun reading the
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(mis)adventures of Sarah and David. From Noshing Marriage Counselors to Cults they dealt with a whole lot of crazy in the first few days of the zombie apocalypse and managed to pull the marriage back together. Funny how it is the small things like zombie killing that can make you appreciate what you have :)

What I Liked: This alternate world that Jesse Petersen has created will keep you laughing! It is just a fun place to get lost in for a few hours.

What I am looking forward too: I can't wait to read the rest of Sarah and David's Zombie Adventures!

What was super fun: Read the extras in the back---it will make you giggle.
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LibraryThing member kingoftheicedragons
It seems that I have been reading or will be reading quite a few zombie books early this year. Now, I’m not one who is normally into horror movies with lots of blood and gore, but if you combine zombies and humor, such as books like Paul is Undead, Night of the Living Trekkies, and now Married
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with Zombies, it’s a great combination for a quick, light read that does a good job of entertaining.

In this book, Sarah and David have been having marital problems, and at their most recent therapy visit, things in downtown Seattle just aren’t quite right when their therapist tries to eat them. So begins their adventure to get out of Seattle without getting turned into zombies and look for fellow survivors as they go, and hit a few snags along the way, including one at a casino that may cause you to never think of gambling the same way again. The zombie action is non-stop throughout the book, which should give zombie lovers their fill, and many of these encounters are also quite humorous as well, as Sarah and David rack up their kill count—both with zombies they once knew as well as others.

If I have one complaint about this book, it’s that there are some loose threads hanging out there, notably regarding some of the survivors that got left behind in Seattle that I was fully expecting to see again. This is the first book in a series, though, so they could still make a come back, and also clues you into the fact that things aren’t fully resolved at the end of this book.
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LibraryThing member littleton_pace
This book, for me, was a breath of fresh air :) I finished it in two days; it was just such a fun, easy read :) Who doesn't love killing zombies? This book makes me think this is the way I would act if a zombie outbreak occurred, just copy what you saw in Dawn of the Dead, etc, and hope that
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something works.

The characters are pretty cool, Sarah and David, marriage on the rocks and now forced to stick together to survive. One thing I was really pleased with is that you know the pair of them will stay together, and this won't be a series of will they/won't they hook up. The first night they sleep together, believing it's the end of the world, it's just a lot more realistic from a married couple, IMO.

Having said that, you don't get a lot of depth into either character really, since they're running for their lives for the whole thing. A slight mishap involving a weird religious cult provides some growth for Sarah as she has to care for David when he gets injured.

I can't wait for the second book to arrive, as first novels in series go, this one was pretty good! :) I recommend it :)
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LibraryThing member cmwilson101
Married with Zombies by Jesse Petersen is the first book in the Living with the Dead series. It is a tongue in cheek, witty story about Dave and Sarah, a couple headed towards divorce who find themselves drawn back together by the common threat of death as their world becomes overridden by zombies.
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They decide to leave their home in Seattle and head for Longview, a smaller town where David's sister Gina lives. The story about their journey from Seattle to Longview, and the people/zombies/situations they encounter along the way, make this an interesting, fast-paced book. The story about their relationship, and how it changes as they band together against the zombies, is funny and sweet. Very enjoyable.
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LibraryThing member BookishBrunette
This book was absolutely hilarious, I loved every second of it and I can't wait to start the second one! MwZ started my love affair with zombie books and has been at the top of my FAV list ever since.
LibraryThing member elbakerone
Seattle couple Sarah and David finally admit that their marriage is on the rocks, and counseling seems to be the option to save their rocky relationship. However, when their therapist tries to eat them, they realize that keeping each other alive in the midst of a zombie apocalypse might be the
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common goal they needed to rekindle their love for each other.

Married with Zombies by Jesse Petersen was a great book that took a humorous spin in blending zombie horror into a story about a young couple trying to make their marriage succeed. A straight up zombie story or relationship novel would have been easy to pass by, but in combining the two - and poking fun and the stereotypes in each - Petersen weaves a unique and amusing tale. David and Sarah were well-drawn characters and came across as very real people. They're an everyday man and wife armed with knowledge from a heap of Hollywood slasher films that happen to do an above average job at battling the undead.

One of my favorite parts of this novel was the chapter headings. Each one combined cliche relationship adages with tips for surviving zombie attacks. A few examples were, "Balance the workload in your relationship. No one person should be responsible for killing all the zombies," and "Put the small stuff into perspective. It's better to be wrong and alive than right but eating brains." This offbeat humor might not appeal to everyone, but for those that are amused, Married with Zombies is definitely a fun book to read!
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LibraryThing member sithereandread
MARRIED WITH ZOMBIES, by Jesse Petersen, is a hilarious story about a couple who is on the verge of a divorce but have to work through their issues in the midst of a zombie apocalypse.

Sarah and David are hilarious together. It is easy to see that they belong together, even when they think they
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don't. When they discover that their city has been overrun by the Undead, they put down their differences (for now) and work together to survive. I liked how Petersen incorporated zombie movies and books into the couple's strategy for survival. This is definitely a book you would want during a zombie takeover!

I have to say that I am terrified of zombies, and if this book was not hysterical I probably would have had killer nightmares. The journey to get to David's sister seemed to take forever when it was just a matter of days. The obstacles they overcame were frightening and at the same time comical. This pair was truly made for zombie hunting and I would definitely want them on my side!
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LibraryThing member titania86
Sarah and David are having a hard time. They constantly fight over the most inane things and even go to couples’ counseling to try to salvage their marriage. Things really aren’t looking good. On their way to a routine session, things seem weird. There are very few cars on the road for the time
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of day. People are largely absent, like the security guard to the building. Their counselor eats another couple who then reanimate and try to eat them. Sarah and David must work together and put aside their lesser problems to be able to survive. Can they keep their lives and also save their marriage?

Married with Zombies is more of a romantic comedy than a zombie novel. Where many authors take the zombie apocalypse as very grave and depressing, Jesse Petersen takes it and makes it into a relationship strengthening exercise with lots of laughs along the way. Sarah and David both have their faults, but Sarah seems to fly off the handle more frequently over stupid little things. I understand her frustration sometimes, but other times she just loses me. I liked watching them go from normal people to zombie killing experts. Their first zombie kills are pretty funny and largely come from Sarah. She kills zombies with such random things as her high heel, a letter opener, and a toilet seat. All were worthy for the zombie kill of the week.

Although Married with Zombies was a light enjoyable read, as a hardcore zombie fan, I found some things annoying. First of all, it’s a very cliché story about a zombie outbreak that I have read countless times. Beyond the humor and relationship between Sarah and David, everything was very run of the mill. The zombies also urked me. Some of them ran, which I have a problem with (atrophying muscles and whatnot). The major bother for me with them was pain and fear. In several instances, zombies would flinch in pain or run away in fear. Zombies are dead. They don’t feel pain or fear or really anything at all. They won’t run away if fellow zombies die and they won’t stop coming for you until they can’t move because they lack self preservation. Every time this happened I rolled my eyes. It wouldn’t have been such a big deal except that those flinches of pain gave Sarah or David an opening to attack. Because of this, it was a bit of a frustrating read.

Married with Zombies is a light, fun read. It’s perfect for an introduction to zombie books that’s not too heavy or depressing. Seasoned zombie fans might find it frustrating like I did.
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LibraryThing member ImBookingIt
A light but funny read.It was my first zombie book (and I've never watched a zombie movie either), and I don't think I'll ever be a fan of the genre. However, the fight against the zombies made a great backdrop for this couple working through the issues in their marriage.The highlights of this book
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are probably the chapter headings, which feature some fairly standard relationship advice, modified slightly to be relevant to the situation at hand: "Never go to bed angry. Terrified is OK.". "Plan romantic getaways. Or just getaways".As I think back on it, there's several aspects of the book that seem even weaker than I thought while reading it, but I don't care. I had fun while it lasted, and that's what I was looking for!
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LibraryThing member krau0098
This is the first book in the Living with the Dead series by Petersen. The third book in this series (Eat, Love, Slay) was just released in July of 2011. This was a fun series; pretty typical zombie stuff but the main couple involved in the story is hilarious.

Sarah and David have been going to
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couple's counseling for months. Things just aren't working out: Sarah is still working her butt off to make ends meet and David is still lounging around playing video games and hoping to "find himself". Well their most recent counseling session changes all of that when their counselor tries to eat them. Yep, she's turned into a zombie. Now Susan and David are forced to work together to stay alive in a zombie infested world; who knew zombie slaying could bring a couple closer together?

This book is well written, fast moving, and makes for a fun read. Sarah and David come across as your standard dysfunctional couple on the edge of divorce. They are constantly irritating each other and letting small things drive them crazy. They are both snarky and sarcastic and fun to read about. It is only when they have to stand side by side and fight together in life-threatening situations that they finally begin to remember why they got married in the first place.

This whole book brings to light that whole philosophy of "don't sweat the small things" in your relationship. Really when your life is on the line who cares if your husband put the stupid Whitesnake album in the CD player again? Petersen also touches on how much better things can be when you think every day might be your last. I love how each chapter name consists of some couples counseling advice but with zombies added.

The zombies in this book are pretty standard. The whole scenario is an infection gone awry type of thing. The zombies are your typical mindless brain-eating variety, so the book doesn't really cover anything new and creative from that aspect.

The book was a quick read and well paced, it was engaging and hard to put down. For those with weak stomachs it does get pretty graphic; there is a lot of discussion of blood, black vomit, brain matter, and various stages of rot. There is also quite a bit of swearing, so definitely targeted at an adult audience.

Overall a fun, fast read. I read the book quickly and found it to be funny and engaging. Sarah and David are both funny and tough. It was sweet and fun to watch how they worked through their marital issues via zombie therapy. A good book for zombie fans that like humor and engaging characters. This book doesn't really cover any new territory as far as zombie theory goes; these zombies are the same mindless brain-eaters you know and love. A great summer read, with a lot of laughs and a bit of heart too. I will definitely be reading the second book in the series: Flip This Zombie.
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LibraryThing member LeanneSF
Funny, witty take on the zombie apocalypse with a twist! A married couple on the edge of divorce go to their therapist appointment, only to find their doctor munching on the couple scheduled before them. Hilarity ensues as they manuever their way through the zombie hordes and patch up their
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relationship at the same time. I was delighted to find that Petersen was able to intersperse the action scenes with the emotional ones. In addition, I especially loved how each chapter is titled with a marriage and zombie survival tidbit. Great, fast read for zombie lovers.
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LibraryThing member Loyet
Cute, quick read. A very different type of romantic comedy since the couple is already married, although they are having problems. Sarah kicks butt, which is always nice in a female lead. Not a very realistic look at what might happen in a zombie apocalyspe, but it is fun.
LibraryThing member samantha.1020
So let's start this review off with the fact that I don't care for zombies all that much. Or maybe at all. So I can't say that I was expecting to like this book all that much. I cannot even begin to tell you how pleasantly surprised I was to find that Married With Zombies was a fast, fun read!

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all begins when Sarah and David head to couple's counseling. Sarah and David are having major relationship issues when the book begins but their entire life changes when they walk in on their counselor attempting to eat one of her clients. Now they are not only working on their relationship problems but also fighting zombies and attempting to stay alive and away from the undead.

I was instantly drawn into this book from the very beginning. Sarah and David's relationship isn't perfect and comes across as very real. I loved how we got to see from the very beginning how their lives changed from the outbreak of zombies, as well as how they learned to cope with all of the changes. It made me wonder at times what I would do and how I would react if placed in similar circumstances. The book itself was very fast-paced and I found myself turning the pages with ease. One of my favorite parts of the book was the zombie/relationship advice found at the beginning of each chapter. These were both quirky and clever and definitely fun to read. The book doesn't take itself too seriously which made for a few laughs at times. But there were also some more somber moments which realistically would be the case all things considered. And of course there has to be the warning fact that parts of the book are slightly gory (if I can handle it though, I'm sure anyone could). But all in all a fun, easy read and I'm definitely looking forward to reading book 2 in this series!

Bottom Line: A fun, fast read that I wouldn't hesitate to recommend to zombie lovers!
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LibraryThing member crazybatcow
This book was on my wishlist for quite awhile, then I saw it on sale and snapped it up. I thought I'd finish it before buying the others in the series (also on sales) and... once I finished it, I declined to purchase the rest. I'm not saying it's a bad book, it's not... it's just not good enough to
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snag me into reading two more in the same vein.

It has a bit of humor, I suppose... if you like humor based on spousal discord. And the characters act in not-normal ways a couple times just so the author has an opportunity to explore a new 'theme' (i.e. they do things, or go places, or split up when no normal person in the same circumstances would do the same thing). And, of course, there's the typical and not-very-interesting "religious fanatics" segment where women were being collected for reproduction purposes (nearly all zombie books fall back to this stock activity - a pet peeve of mine and a sign of a lack of originality in the author).

Anyway, it's fine for what it is: a light and not particularly original zombie story. If you want similar zombie stories that are a bit more serious and a bit more engaging, you could try the Day by Day Armageddon series, or the Undead Situation.
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LibraryThing member DarkFaerieTales
Quick & Dirty:

Fun-filled zombie hunting therapy… need I say more?

The Review:

There are so many self-help books out there that they have their own section in bookstores. But how many couple self-help books use zombie killing to strengthen a marriage? This is the best book idea, EVER!

David and
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Sarah’s marriage is in trouble. Like most couples, they have sought professional help to work out their marital issues. Unfortunately in this particular session, their therapist seems more interested in eating their brains than talking through their feelings. A plaque has broken out in Seattle that makes people act like zombies. It’s hard to harp on your partner never doing the dishes if you have to dodge becoming the undead. Kind of puts petty differences and complaints in perspective, doesn’t it? David and Sarah may have their problems but they make a great zombie killing team. And while they still don’t have the most perfect marriage, they are a lot more understanding of each other. Who knew a zombie outbreak could be so beneficial to struggling marriages?

When zombies are real and your friends and family are out to eat you, where do you go for information on keeping yourself safe? It’s not like there is a course on this sort of thing at the local community college. Our heroes are forced to rely on less credible sources, like movies and stories. Of course, there is also the time honored tradition of “on the job training.” David and Sarah use a more trial-and-error method, finding weaknesses and trying out more “unique” weapons than just plain old guns. The longer they work together toward a common goal, surviving, the better they get along. I guess there is something to couples having a hobby they both can enjoy.

The self-help format of Married with Zombies is as unique as it is hilarious. Each chapter starts with a helpful zombie/marriage saying and then the story provides the example supporting it. Anyone who has read a self help book can recognize the style, if not the content. What this book offers is something far more entertaining though. Let’s face it, if a zombie outbreak did happen, it would happen at the most inconvenient time and we as people would have to improvise. I love how this book provides the comedy in times of crisis, both personal and global.

Overall, I think that this book is zombie-licious! There was action, suspense, and relationship tension with a humorous angle. David and Sarah’s journey offers several different reactions to the crisis that gives a sense of realism to the fantasy. I would recommend adding this book to your zombie apocalypse preparation kit.
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LibraryThing member akmargie
Once again a "funny" book I thought could have been funnier. I also thought it was a bit too focused on the gore and action and not as much on the characters. But it served it's purpose as a quick, beach read. Literally.
LibraryThing member stacy_chambers
This one was for Evil Editor's book chat. If you're into zombies, you might like this one (I'm not, though I enjoyed SHAUN OF THE DEAD). The twist is that Petersen uses the zombie trope to bring together two people in a broken marriage. It takes 3/4 of the book to like the main characters; they
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snipe at each other long after the danger has started, and the healing of the marriage feels a little ham-fisted. There were a few places where Petersen does the thinking for the reader. But this is a comedy and it's not meant to be deep. It's pretty gruesome too, so if you like blood and guts, this may be your thing.
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LibraryThing member rayneofdarkness
An interesting take on the whole zombie fetish that everyone seems to have right now. I enjoy that it isn't "happily ever after" of the main characters and it seems like if something happened tomorrow and there it was an everyday couple who had to fight to survive. The main character Sarah was a
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bit of a hard case to get over - she was just annoying and I caught myself sometimes skipping over her annoying rants at times. Not a bad book - quick easy read.
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LibraryThing member fairyhedgehog
I enjoyed this book and I don't even like zombies! It's a light-hearted and funny romp where marriage guidance is mixed with zombie killing and the two big questions are will Sarah and David survive and will they stay married?

Evil Editor had it as his book of the month and I think everyone who
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read it enjoyed it - which doesn't often happen
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LibraryThing member kayceel
Diverting and fun, a story of how a zombie apocalypse helped save Sara and David's marriage. Full of plenty of gore and death to satisfy a zombie fiction fan, but also funny and sweet.
LibraryThing member Akaria
I liked this book more than I thought. Quick paced and light hearted, it was a welcome change to the other more serious zombie books I've read. I liked Sarah and David from the start. I found them both easy to relate to. Anyone who's been in a long term relationship knows the rose colored glasses
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don't stay on forever and you're left to deal with the real person you committed to.

There was a lot of running around and bad decision making but it sort of worked. Sarah and David were well versed in zombie lore but putting that knowledge into action wasn't as easy as they make it in the movies. I don't think I was meant to like her very much but Amanda was a character that grew on me immensely. A combination of simplicity and practicality packaged inside a perky cheerleader.

I had a real problem with the casino scene. After so much time learning from mistakes it seemed really stupid for them to try to take shelter in a place with such high potential for zombies. It screamed of plot device and I'm sure we'll be seeing those unhinged cultists again. I also didn't like the over dependence on guns. They talked about conserving ammo but every other page has them firing off the shotgun and somehow in three days Sarah has become an expert marksman. The way they kept stumbling upon supplies after losing their entire stash twice was a little unbelievable.

In the end I forgave the book it's quibbles. As Sarah and David have learned, nothing works out as planned in the zombie apocalypse.
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LibraryThing member zyphax
Fun and serious all at once.
LibraryThing member mcelhra
David and Sarah are a couple on the verge of divorce when the zombie apocalypse starts. Now their survival depends on working together.

This is a very light-hearted story as far as zombie books go. Even though people die, it’s never really sad. Or scary. And I don’t think the author wanted it to
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be sad or scary. It’s fun and suspenseful with bad humor that will make you groan more than laugh. Both the banter between David and Sarah and Sarah’s snappy inner dialogue were mostly funny but could get a bit grating at times.
Despite the fact that this review is coming off critical, I did in fact enjoy this book. It’s the definition of brain candy. The Lifetime movie equivalent of a zombie book – turn off your brain, read and have fun.
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LibraryThing member Maydacat
There is nothing quite like a zombie apocalypse to save a marriage in trouble. At least, that’s what Sarah and David discovered, after seeing their marriage counselor attacking another couple who definitely weren’t going to save their marriage. Or themselves. As Sarah and David unite against
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the zombies, they realize just how much they still care for each other. Now, if they can just protect themselves from roaming zombies, find a way to survive, locate other humans, and develops a plan that will facilitate a somewhat normal life, they might find out that they still love each other. Who knows? If the zombies don’t kill them, the zombies might just have saved their lives! Filled with equal parts of horror, suspense, and humor, this is pure entertainment from beginning to end. And a word to the wise: keep in touch with Sarah and David - you’ll want them close by. Just in case.
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Physical description

272 p.; 4.15 inches


0316102865 / 9780316102865
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