The Trouble with Chickens: A J.J. Tully Mystery (J. J. Tully Mysteries)

by Doreen Cronin

Hardcover, 2011



Call number




Balzer Bray (2011), Hardcover, 128 pages


A hard-bitten former search-and-rescue dog helps solve a complicated missing chicken case.

User reviews

LibraryThing member smmorris
J.J. Tully, a retired search and rescue dog who lives out in the country with his handler, Barb. Vince is Barb’s pet dog. Vince is jealous of J.J. and wants to get rid of “The Hero Dog.” Vince kidnaps two of Millicent’s chicks, Poppy and Sweetie, causing the mamma to hire J.J. for the price
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of a cheeseburger. Together with Millicent’s other two chicks, Dirt and Sugar, J.J. makes plans to rescue Poppy and Sweetie. Soon the tables are turned and J.J. is in a dog cage. Vince is sending J.J. to the vet for the night. Poppy and Sweetie have been in on the kidnapping the entire time. They agreed to Vince’s plans because they wanted to watch television (but stayed to read the books). J.J. gets Dirt to “come clean” and learns he was set-up. Now he needs to find a way out of the cage. One-by-one the chicks join J.J. and Vince is defeated, caged and sent to the vet for his needed ear plugs.

J.J. is a sarcastic mutt who loves the rescue part of search and rescue. He helps Millicent, who he nicknames Moosh. In the beginning, J.J. finds the chicks annoying. The two young ones, nicknamed Dirt and Sugar, play in his water and sleep in his food. Mamma Moosh is jumpy. The story has two perspectives, J.J. Tully’s and Vince’s. J.J. sounds like a detective, somewhat sarcastic and questions most everything. He nicknames each of the chickens with unusual names. Millicent is Moosh, Little Boo becomes Dirt and Peep he calls Sugar. Vince is not happy J.J. is around and wants to get rid of him. He uses the chickens as pawns and what ensues is a funny, surprising, and a well thought out, old-fashioned, fake kidnapping. The dialogue snaps, the story never drags, and the illustrations, mainly of J.J., are spot on.

I really liked this. I am not one to read a mystery but I liked this one. The sarcastic J.J. Tully sounds like a detective in a film noir story. Even his name, “J.J. Tully,” sounds like a detective with a harshly lit, one room office. He can seem bigger than life as he sizes up each character. Sugar is a sweet as her name and ironically, her love of books is the cause of the entire incident. The chicks are like little mobsters. Vince is the leader who over estimates himself and his plan. The story and wonderful illustrations remind me of Tom and Jerry cartoons. I think middle grade kids will love this new J.J. Tully mystery. It is sharp witted, funny and cartoonish. Simply wonderful.

Note: received galley from Net Galley, courtesy of the publishe
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LibraryThing member alyson
Got this out of my mailbox at work and started reading while walking back to my desk and almost fell down the stairs laughing.
LibraryThing member jugglingpaynes
The Trouble with Chickens, from the author of Click Clack Moo, is a wonderful chapter book for young readers who enjoy mystery. Retired search and rescue dog J.J. Tully is hired by a mother chicken and two of her chicks to help find her missing chicks. The narration has the "Just the facts" quality
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of Dragnet, and we learn a bit about J.J. Tully's past as he reminisces about his experiences rescuing various people.

My only complaint about the story is that there is an occasional shift in narration that I found confusing. I would rather have the case unfold from Tully's perspective than to break the flow of the story. I did enjoy the story itself, and it was smart enough with subtle humor to keep this adult interested. The black and white illustrations add to the feeling of an old time detective show. I will definitely encourage my 8 year old to read this book.
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LibraryThing member kbarnes
Genuinely liked this book for the early chapter book reading crowd. The story is about a retired search and rescue dog (J.J.) who is now living with a lady who seems to take in stray animals. It is written in the old Dragnet style of talking, which makes it utterly charming, especially for kids who
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love a good mystery. Poor ol' J.J. is suddenly plagued by a mother hen who has 'lost' two of her chicks and has come to him for help. Moosh (mama chicken) and her two remaining chicks are real pains and J.J. is reluctant to help. Of course he gets drawn into the mystery and we soon find a culprit in the "inside"dog - a mean spirited dachsund named Vince who is forever resigned to wearing a funnel on his head due to ear infections. This has laugh out loud parts that the reader simply must share with whomever is in the room with them. A good ending - and I'm definitely looking forward to the next book in this new series.
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LibraryThing member vampireeat
What is the trouble with chickens? They talk too much.

Doreen Cronin, with amazing interspersed images from Kevin Cornell, takes readers on a journey with J.J., a former rescue dog with a heart of gold. His current case is helping "Moosh" - a stressed out chicken who has lost two of her chicks.
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After turning down the case, J.J. changes his mind after he is promised a cheeseburger in payment. As J.J. takes point he soon discovers that not everything is as it seems... and a certain "inside dog" may have some diabolical plans in store for everyone involved...

I'm not a big childrens book reader, but I really loved this title. I don't think I'd ever describe a youth fiction title as noir, but there are definitely elements of a specific type of old timey detective language here. The back cover promises adults will enjoy this title with their children; as an adult (without a child) I can actually back up that claim: it was a joy to read. A must have for any childrens collection in public and school libraries.
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LibraryThing member emackey61
Review of The Trouble with Chickens by Doreen Cronin

Dog Sleuth Uncovers Henhouse Mystery

Doreen Cronin's first foray into chapter books provides readers with a Hank the Cowdog for the younger set. Former search-and-rescue dog J. J. Tully is trying to live a quiet life in the country when a chicken
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shows up wanting help to find her lost chicks. Though chickens make Tully nervous, he is soon on the case, putting together clues and investigating the sinister dachshund that lives in the house.

We've come to expect a lot from Doreen Cronin, the author of picture book classics such as Click Clack Moo: Cows That Type and Diary of a Worm. They are charming, inventive, and fun to read aloud. This new book revels in the language of the gumshoe with its attitudes, similes and apt phrases. Tully describes the chicks as "half yellow, half white – like fuzzy popcorn kernels with feet." When describing the weather he says, "It was raining. Hard rain. The kind of rain that makes grown men wear funny boots." The evil dachshund, who wears a cone, is described as "a cross between a dachshund and a lamp."

The book follows a traditional mystery novel arc: the detective pieces together the clues, comes up with a hypothesis, finds out the suspect didn't do it, and finds the real perpetrator in a surprising twist. The beginning-chapter-book-audience (usually third-graders) will find this an entertaining read, especially if they enjoy humorous narrators and mysteries. This series would be a good next step up for children who like reading "Nate the Great."

With all its strengths, this book includes a couple of things that could be puzzling to young readers. First, the author switches point of view to the dachshund in two of the chapters, but doesn't provide enough clues for the reader to figure out the point of view has changed until well into the first few sentences. It's a jarring technique even for experienced readers, and elementary students could end up pretty confused. There is also an episode in which Tully is trapped in the dachshund's cage, and he becomes panicked because he sees there is a note that the dachshund needs to go to the vet. His worry doesn't make much sense, because one would assume that the owners can tell the difference between a dachshund and their search-and-rescue dog. One wonders why the editors didn't have Cronin smooth out these head-scratchers for the benefit of beginning chapter book readers.

Still, all in all, expect this book to be popular with children who are drawn in by the witty turns of phrase and the ever-confident and endearing detective dog, J. J. Tully.
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LibraryThing member technodiabla
I read this book to my 5 year old daughter. She LOVED the characters. The very maternal chicken and her little brood were quite appealing. I personally liked the tongue-in-cheek old-school detective language, but it was largely lost on her. All the references to 1940s style P.I. films just aren't
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going to be understood by this generation of kids unfortunately. The plot was somewhat difficult to follow. This book is deceptively short (large print, wide spacing). It would be a great chapter book for a boy or girl reading at maybe second grade level. Overall, a nice book, but not memorable.
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LibraryThing member GRgenius
J.J. Tully is one serious dog in search of a little R & R. Normally those initials would mean "rest and relaxation" especially when considering J.J. is retired (he was a daring rescue dog, no less) but this dog isn't one to say no when trouble comes calling. He answers that door (no matter how
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reluctantly) and pursues the truth until the mystery is solved or the missing one found. This case though...may be more than meets the beady eye....after all, can you really trust a chicken?

If you're ready for a quick mystery suitable for all ages, listen closely...this one's for you. J.J. is given the voice of a detective from one of those old-timey black and white movies or television shows through his dialogue and narration. You can just picture him propping his little doggie feet up on a desk, fedora cocked back, lightning flashing in the window behind him when Moosh, the chicken in distress, walks in....wait, chicken? Oh yes....CHICKEN. Moosh, the mother hen (literally) is trying to solve the mystery of her missing children, errr...chicks. You see one by one they seem to be disappearing until *POOF*...Sweetie, Poppy, Dirt, and Sugar are all gone!

With the cast of characters already quite full of well, "characters", it's hard to imagine anyone else stealing a part of that limelight, but alas, one does. His name....Vince the Funnel. He's the dog that rules the interior of the house and whatever he says goes. He's quite funny actually and the reason for his nickname is easy to see ....but his scheming is the truly interesting part. For a dog, he is one devious little fellow! I might even venture to say that he may take the cake on a few of the stunts my own real-life fur babies have pulled on yours truly and with such calculated thoughts behind it too.

Fast forward to the final scenes and all I can say is that I love the twist near the end of the story. It reveals why the one behind the schemes did what they did...and trust me, it's not exactly what or who you might think but anyone with a bookish heart will certainly appreciate it (and be left with a me). Now did I mention the illustrations because really, they are too much fun to miss. First thing I thought when I saw the cover was...hmm, did I miss a new Disney movie coming out or something? It just has that clean animation look to it that they are known for. Could it be made into one? Certainly...there's a lot of fun to be had but in the mean time the expressions on J.J.'s face as the events unfold, Sugar and her chicky crews looks as things get dicey and the ever frightening presence of all priceless.

It's short and it's sweet. It's perfect for adult readers as well as a read -a-long for the young ones with a little help from nearby adults to conquer a larger word here and there providing entertainment AND a little learning all in one....and it's so sneaky about it, they won't even realize it. Happy reading....
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LibraryThing member DragonLibrary8
My thoughts:
I wasn't sure what to expect from a children's book on the Kindle, but it was great! I don't doubt that the illustrations are better in color but they are still wonderful in black and white!

The story is about a former search and rescue dog named J.J., a chicken, four chicks, and
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another dog they call Vince the Funnel. Two of the chicks are missing and the chicken hires J.J. to find them.

The Trouble with Chickens was a fast, fun read! The author does a great job of giving the animals personalities that pull the reader in. The writing is so descriptive that the reader is able to create the characters easily and the actual illustrations only enhance the reading experience!

The story was well thought out and creative. I enjoyed the perspectives of each of the characters and of course I loved the fact that the chicks were after books!!!

Three of my favorite quotes:

"Make like a sponge mister."

"She may have looked fluffy and new, but this chick had already learned that life outside the shell was not all it was cracked up to be."

(favorite!) "Sometimes you find yourself exactly where you belong."

I would recommend this book to everyone! I loved it! It would be a fantastic read-aloud, a wonderful read alone for young readers, and and great, fun read for all ages.
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LibraryThing member mysterymax
“It was a hot, sunny day when I met that crazy chicken. So hot that sometimes I think the whole thing may have been a mirage. But mirages don’t have chicken breath, mister.”

Doreen Cronin is the author of the popular Click, Clack, Moo: Cows That Type picture book. Cronin is one of my favorite
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children’s authors because she is so imaginative with the real world around us. ( I even have a Click, Clack, Moo t-shirt.) She now introduces junior fiction readers to the world of the hard-boiled detective, J. J. Tully. He isn’t really “hard-boiled”, he is a retired search and rescue dog, but he does have the hard-boiled detective’s outlook on life. Only the promised payment of a cheeseburger entices him to take the case of two missing chicks. The illustrations are wonderful. (Cronin’s books always have absolutely perfect illustrations.) Kids will love the book and grown-ups should find a kid to read it to, or just sneak it into their book bag and pretend they have a kid to read it to! Aimed at a younger audience than Nancy Drew, this book (and we hope it becomes a series) will easily addict a kid to the mystery genre and will give any adult mystery lover a warm and fuzzy, laugh out load, read.
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LibraryThing member LibraryGirl11
A farm-yard mystery featuring a retired search and rescue dog as the hardboiled sleuth and a chicken as the dame in distress. Very cute--and the book club kids loved it.
LibraryThing member asomers
This is one of those mutli-layered books that it meant to appeal to a wide audience. The format and plot would appeal to those children that are beginning to read chapter books, but there is quite a bit of humor and word play that would appeal to a much more mature reader. It reminded me of Mark
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Teagues', Dear Mrs. LaRue. Kids think it's silly and parents chuckle at the innuendo.
This would be a great addition to a school library where students are transitioning between picture books and chapter books. They will recognize Doreen Cronin's name and immediatley be drawn to her books because of their love of her picture books. Ms. Cronin does not disappont her readers. JJ Tully's escapades with Dirt and Sugar will keep the students turning pages. I hope that she is planning to create a series. I know they will be hard to keep on the shelves in my library.
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LibraryThing member scote23
A cute potboiler mystery for the early chapter book set.
LibraryThing member MzzColby
The trouble with chickens is that they keep bothering you while your trying to take a well-deserved nap. At least that’s what J.J. Tully, former rescue dog, has to say about a rather aggravating chicken and her bothersome brood. When a mysterious ransom note appears, and J.J. is tapped to find
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Mama Moosh’s bird-knapped babies, he soon learns his annoyance with the feathered creatures (and the secretive indoor-dog he has never met) is just beginning. A transitional chapter book for readers in grades second through fourth, Cronin’s canny noir-like wit makes this an enjoyable read-aloud book as well. Perceptive readers will notice the change in narrators as the book progresses as identified by different chapter number icons. Cornell’s animated gray scale watercolor and ink drawings interspersed throughout the book cleverly hint at the action to come without giving away too many clues for readers to unscramble the amusing mystery. The trouble with chickens is that they will keep you wanting for more, and this entertaining series does just that.
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LibraryThing member KimJD
When mama chicken Moosh asks retired search-and-rescue dog J.J. Tully to solve the case of her two missing chicks, hilarity ensues. J.J. Tully comes across as the best 1940s noir-style detective, and his nemesis Vince the Funnel oozes New York gangster. Add in the zany chicks who both help and
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hinder the investigation, and you've got a chapter book that begs to be read aloud. This first in a series has plenty of quirky illustrations that make it a great choice for beginning chapter readers.
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LibraryThing member lindap69
J. J. Tully, former search and rescue dog, is trying to enjoy retirement when he is called in on the case of the missing chicks - how fun can a mystery be! Great read-aloud especially for those who remember Dragnet and can use the tone/pacing from that show.
LibraryThing member cscapp1
I absolutely loved this book. It was interesting to read a Doreen Cronin book that wasn't a picture book. I found myself smiling at her humorous text and engaged with her writing. This book is based on her siblings and father but the book follows a traditional mystery novel arc. If this book was
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around when I was beginning to read longer books, I would have loved it. The plot twists and relatable characters, even though they are animals, made me want to keep turning the page. I enjoyed how it switched point of view but I felt that it was unnecessary because it was only for two chapters. If it was for a longer section, i think it would be more appropriate. The main themes in the book was what length will you go to for a friend or family member. I think this is a great beginner novel for a theme like this.
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LibraryThing member ddbrown201
Cute, short mystery. Loved the illustrations! Good for kids that need shorter books and big text. On the Iowa Children's Choice Award List 2013-14
LibraryThing member Salsabrarian
An amusing mystery for young readers with more plot twists and complex humor than one might expect.
LibraryThing member Sheila1957
JJ Tully, a retired search-and-rescue dog, is called on by a mother chicken who wants him to find her missing chicks. He sets out to train her remaining chicks on search and rescue skills but he must become move involved than he wanted to find those chicks as well.

I loved this story! JJ talks like
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a 1940's film noir gumshoe. The villain, Vincent the Funnel (is that not a great nickname?), talks like a 1930's gangster. The story is hilarious. Mama chicken and her chicks are precious. It's not just the chicks that learn. I look forward to more in this series.
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LibraryThing member aarchamb
What do you get when you mix chickens with a retired search-and-rescue dog? A humorous tale with some mystery and shenanigans thrown in! JJ Tully is asked to hunt down two missing peeps from mama Moosh in exchange for a cheeseburger. It's more than he bargains for when he runs up against Vince the
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Cone! Short and sweet, this is a great read for any age and a great re-aloud for grades 2-5!
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LibraryThing member jothebookgirl
Cute story. Good read aloud.
LibraryThing member MontzaleeW
The Trouble With Chickens (J.J. Tully Mystery #1) by Doreen Cronin is such a cute story that even I enjoyed it. It is about a retired search-and-rescue dog that lives on a farm now, chickens that have him on a mission to find lost chicks, and a sneaky inside dog. It is clever, funny, and very
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witty. I couldn't help but smile several times throughout the book. Well written, fun book for kids. This should be a movie for kids! It would be adorable.
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LibraryThing member trinker
Asher and I are currently reading this and finding it to be hilarious.


Young Hoosier Book Award (Nominee — Intermediate — 2015)
Sequoyah Book Award (Nominee — Children's — 2014)
Monarch Award (Nominee — 2014)
Pennsylvania Young Reader's Choice Award (Nominee — Grades K-3 — 2013)
Buckeye Children's & Teen Book Award (Nominee — Grades 3-5 — 2012)
Nutmeg Book Award (Nominee — Elementary — 2015)
Sunshine State Young Reader's Award (Nominee — Grades 3-5 — 2013)
Grand Canyon Reader Award (Nominee — Intermediate — 2016)
Iowa Children's Choice Award (Nominee — 2014)
Virginia Readers' Choice (Nominee — Elementary — 2013)
Maud Hart Lovelace Award (3rd Place — 2014)
Chicago Public Library Best of the Best: Kids (Fiction for Younger Readers — 2011)

Original publication date


Physical description

128 p.; 8.03 inches


0061215325 / 9780061215322

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