Gratuitous Epilogue (Touchstone, #Extra)

by Andrea K. H??st

Book, 2011





Andrea K. H??sth (2011), ebook


Science Fiction. Young Adult Fiction. NOT A STAND ALONE NOVEL. An extra for The Touchstone Trilogy.What happens when the plot ends? A relentless barrage of weddings, babies, and planetary colonisation! Meandering through the two years following the conclusion of the Touchstone Trilogy, this self-indulgent collection of family reminiscence is more saccharine than dramatic, with the most action to be found in snowball fights.For those who truly just want to know what happens next, no matter how mundane, read on for the everyday, ordinary lives of psychic space ninjas playing house.

User reviews

LibraryThing member Scoshie
Just what it says it is. If you are one of those people (like me) who just wants to know what happens after the excitement hs died down and the threat of impending doom has lifted. Pleasant follow up to Cass and Zaorens new lives as family and was a sweet way to spend an afternoon in the sun.
LibraryThing member Herenya
Pretty much what it says on the tin. It is very, unashamedly self-indulgent.

I wasn't super thrilled with the turn the story takes in Caszandra (some of it is just personal preference but part of it is that I think the story shifts gears too abruptly) but given that that all does happen and I've had
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some time to accept it, Gratuitous Epilogue is enjoyably fluffy.

I'm not sure if I want to consider it canon but it was fun to read.
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LibraryThing member tldegray
This was pure wish fulfillment and I loved it so very much. This series speaks to my id.

Original publication date

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