Hunted (House of Night, Book 5)

by P. C. Cast

Hardcover, 2009



Call number




St. Martin's Press (2009), Edition: 1, Hardcover, 336 pages


Fantasy. Young Adult Fiction. Young Adult Literature. HTML: The good news: Zoey's friends have her back again and Stevie Rae and the red fledglings aren't Neferet's secrets any longer. The bad news: Ancient evil with the face of an angel has been let loose � that and various other nasties (whose faces aren't so angelic). Grandma Redbird is in trouble. Heath is in trouble. The House of Night is in trouble. Okay, let's face it � Zoey's whole world is in trouble! But when the trouble comes from a being who appears to be beauty personified, will the world believe it? Especially when only a teenager and a group of misfits are the only ones who really understand the danger he brings. Will Zoey have the strength and wisdom to reveal the truth? Especially when, in the House of Night, the truth is often hard to come by... Hunted, the fifth installment in P.C. Cast and Kristin Cast's award-winning, New York Times bestselling young adult vampyre series is sure to keep fans hooked..… (more)

User reviews

LibraryThing member bookgal123
I enjoyed the first four books in this series, but I found this installment to be lazily written, boring, and insanely repetitive.

The story picks up fairly close to where UNTAMED leaves off. Zoey and her pals have reached the tunnels where the Red Fledglings live, and then, for the first hundred
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pages, NOTHING HAPPENS. They have to try to save Stevie Rae. Again. Then the crew sits around and snipes at one another. Again. Zoey and Erik continue to be attracted to another, but are still having problems. Again. By the time Heath showed up and, through a rather contrived set of circumstances, ended up Imprinting with Zoey yet again, I was out. I skipped to end, checked out the happily ever after, and moved on to bigger and better books.

If you've gotten this far into the series, this probably won't stop you from reading HUNTED, but don't say I didn't warn you.
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LibraryThing member jenreidreads
Another installment in this somewhat cheesy, juvenile vampire series. Fun and dramatic. If you've read the first four books, of course you have to keep going with them.
LibraryThing member Bibliotropic
While this book wasn't what I'd really call slow, it did seem slower than the previous books in the series, proceding at a calmer pace with few exceptions. The beginning was a bit tedious, and it seemed the amount of circular discussion was little more than padding for a higher page-count, but this
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was redeemed later when the generally sedate pace was shattered a few times by serious and chaotic events.

The ending of this book can be likened to a season finale. Most of the plot has been tied up, the immediate danger has passed, but there are still questions unanswered and things left unfinished, and there's still plenty of potential for the story to go on. That's why, I suppose, there are still two books out in this series that I have yet to read, though.

I admit the ending was a little cheesy, the power of love overcoming the power of darkness in a very obvious way. But from what I've seen of the series so far, that doesn't mean it was a "hammered home" moral message. This series does a good job of expressing realistic ambiguous morality. Jerks can be on the side of good, people doubt each other and their motives, and things are not always as good or bad as they seem. So perhaps the events at the tail end of the book will end up haing far-reaching consequences that are not as bright and happy as they may at first seem, and I'm interested to see how accurate that thought turns out to be.

One thing to note, though, and I'm not sure where the fault -- if it can be called so -- lies here, but the prophecies and poems that pop up frequently are getting much easier to interpret. I'm not sure if that's because I'm able to see things from the perspective of the outsider, the observer who isn't preoccupied with the fight to stay alive, or if it's because the authors are just making them really obvious to figure out. Yes, sometimes they throw me a little (I actually felt sure for a time that the "Night" in Kramisha's poem refered to Erik, what with his last name actually being Night and Damien mentioning that the aspects mentioned in the poem were likely to be people), but for the most part, I'm seeing well in advance what the characters realise only at the very last second.

Such is the way of prophecies, though. They're either ridiculously hard to interpret, or ridiculously easy. They may be an overused plot element, but they're bloody hard to pull off in a way that leaves the reader guessing at anything while still having them make sense in the end.

And now, on to book 6. I'm so close to the end of this series I can taste it!
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LibraryThing member RuthiesBookReviews
Okay, well to finish my last sentence would be...this book by far was wonderful. It was an edge of your seat thriller and I had to keep reading (well, as much as could at to find out what was going to happen at the House of Night and if Zoey was going to be able to save everyone,
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including herself.

This book really gives you an idea of what Neferet was really like....and boy, she was one evil little boogey! But now Zoey is having nightmares, which include Kalona telling her that she called to him, but how is she going to stop him and his evil flying Raven Mockers. Which by the way, accidentally attacked her and she was wounded pretty bad. But with the help of Darius, Eric and all of her wonderful friends, she was healed, ubt not quite fully recovered. With all that's going on, there really isn't much time for sleep - okay, when you have some evil man visiting your dreams, who wants to sleep, right?

P.C. and Kristin Cast are out doing themselves as each book in this series moves along. And it all revolves around Zoey Redbird - the Marked child with special abilities to control all five elements. This makes her different and it seems that the evil finds her one way or the other! If you haven't started reading this series, then you really are missing something wonderful. The Hosue of Night novels are YA novels and one of the best series I've ever had the pleasure of reading. You'll be coming back for more!
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LibraryThing member London_StJ
I have very low standards when it comes to judging popular fiction - especially popular fiction intended for teenagers. I have always viewed the genre as a rather simple form of entertainment and try to judge it as such. Likewise, when I read young adult fiction I always keep in mind that I am
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actually seven to ten years beyond the intended audience. That being said, the most recent novel in the "House of Night" series is atrocious. The quality of the writing - which was not great to begin with - seemed to deteriorate as the series proceeded, and the latest installment supports this observation. Mrs. and Miss Cast seem to have very little faith in their readers, and as such write far below the typical expectations of the genre. Despite her reported intelligence (and other positive qualities), Zoey Redbird is written like a thirteen-year-old as opposed to the seventeen-year-old she is supposed to be. The text itself moves awkwardly between standard fiction and the amateur scrawling of an overly romantic and naive preteen, and the first twenty pages or so of the novel are completely useless. The language itself, which is intended to create a sense of familiarity for young readers, is already dated and out of touch, and it won't be long before it will completely fail to connect readers to the characters. While the conclusion is more satisfying than previous novels, Hunted does little more than illustrate the weaknesses obvious in previous novels, and will do little to recommend any further additions.
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LibraryThing member BlondeBibliophile
I am so, SO tired of the main characters boy problems. Actually, I was tired of her boy problems TWO books ago. And yet, they are still here, being completely dragged out and irritating me to death. Someone please make it stop. I do not even care who she ends up with at this point, just please
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freaking PICK ONE.

Also, there were quite a few errors in this book. First, in the book cover synopsis Erik is spelled Eric. During the book a characters name is switched with another. And there were a few places where words were obviously left out of sentences. Kind of frustrating.

Even though am I complaining, I do like the series. It is interesting enough, but I feel like it is being drawn out. And if the boy issues are not resolved soon, I may lose interest. This book was hard for me to get through because of it.

Oh, and I have come to adore the character Aphrodite. :-) (shockily) She is by far my favorite. Heath would probably be my second favorite. Even though he is a little slow. (I would really hate to see him get the boot). All of the other characters are just.......there.
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LibraryThing member Krissa7
Please!!!!! Please!!!!! Please!!! Please, never stop writing!!!!! Ive read all your books in this series (Tempted included) and LOVED THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!! Im so sad, the thought of this series ever ending makes me want to cry!!!!! I LOVE THESE BOOKS!!!!!!!!
LibraryThing member Faitmaker
This is possibly the 3rd book that I have asked myself "why am I continuing to read this series." I recognize that this series is aimed at a younger audience but that younger audience is not dumb and doesn't deserve the kind of dialog in this book. No teenager that I have ever met,including when I
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was one, talks like this. None!I am going to read the last book simply because I've come this far, but I know I'm going to regret it.
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LibraryThing member dbhutch
The mother and daughter team of Cast have done it again. Hunted, the 5th book in thier House of Night series delivers non-stop action, twists, and conflicts for Zoey Redbird. A fledgling Vampire, marked by the goddess Nyx , zoey finds herself hidden away and regrouping after an old fallen angel is
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brought back to Earth by Neferet, and who belives that Zoey is his A-ya, an maiden created of old magic by the indians to trap Kohlona in the Earth for eternity. Old relationships flare up - and not only does zoey have to deal with the threat from Neferet and Kolona, but also has to manage the Red Vampires, and fledgings, and 3 guys she has feelings for, leaving her life incredibly complicated. her frineds return as well to help her in what is becming an epic battle for the good of both human and vampire, in a world besieged by those who whould have it a world of human fodder for the Vampires.
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LibraryThing member krau0098
This is the fifth book in the House of Night series; all in all this series has been very inconsistent. The third book was kind of ho-hum, the fourth book was excellent, and the fifth book, well, it kind of sucked.

In this book Zoey and friends are hiding in the tunnels with Stevie Rae and her red
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fledglings. Somehow they need to get back into the House of Night to face Neferet and Kalona and somehow break the influence they are having on the vampires and fledglings of the House of Night.

The above is basically the whole story. Sadly the first 2/3's of the story are spent in the tunnels with not a whole lot happening. Zoey spends a lot of time whining about Erik being too possessive. Then, of course, Zoey has to get involved with Heath...again. And because Zoey wouldn't have enough to whine about without being involved in a love triangle, Stark is drug into the picture too. This story felt like it was almost a repeat of the third book; at least in the relationship aspects. Seriously nothing exciting actually happens until the last section of the book. This section was pretty good and dealt with Zoey and friends going back to the House of Night and facing Neferet and Kalona.

This has been a very inconsistent series for me. Some of the books I love and some I hate. I feel that there has been more hate than love for this series for me. There are so many interesting things that could be happening with these characters and this world; it seems though that the majority of page space islent to Zoey so she can whine about relationship troubles. All of her whining makes me think that maybe she is not the special Priestess that everyone thinks she is; I mean she is one of the weakest heroines I have ever read about.

I had a tough time getting through this book. I am finding that I don't really care about many of the characters all that much. The plot wasn't very exciting or griping. Believe it or not I though Aphrodite was my favorite character of this book; her actions are much more heroic than any of the others. I am not sure I will read the 6th book. My overall reaction when I finished this book was, "Thank goodness I am done, I can read something good now!"

Sorry this is such a scalding review, but I am sooo disappointed that this series can't be more consistent!
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LibraryThing member KrissZane
Zoey had been marked and had to move to the house of night. She then begins the process of becoming a Vampire. Zoey had a lot to learn but she has the help of Nyx and her friends to get though it. Zoey also had a lot of boy trouble.
This is my favorite book of this series so far.
LibraryThing member Awesomeness1
It had potential but fell utterly flat. The series started out okay, with a flawed heroine that we felt would progress, and an interesting take on vampyrism. But as the series went on, the books got worse and worse, as you can see because after the third book, they no longer put critic's praise on
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the cover. Zoey our "heroine" became more and more self-absorbed and slutty. I don't see why she is so darn special, she isn't exactly a nice person. For one, she is kinda slutty, no matter how much she denies it. Having four love interests at the same time, and telling all of them that she loves them just isn't cool. She never learns and just makes the same mistakes over and over. And she brings up her attractions all the time, even when she is in peril. She would be lying there dying and still think "god, he is so hot, but don't tell my other boyfriends I said that". She brags about her powers, which I think are pretty underserved, and is completely shallow. She is immature, as are the other characters and are completely inappropriate. If there is a big bad vampyre coming after you don't you think you should be focused on that, instead of joking around and getting caught up in your own personal drama? Also, about 90 percent of the novel is dialogue, most of it not even relevant, just your average teen banter. The other 5 percent was reserved for Zoey fretting about her problems, without doing anything to solve them. The authors also tried waaayyy to hard to make this story relatable to the modern teen, by putting in so many pop-culture references (Zac Efron, I Am Legend, Project Runway, etc.) that it isn't in the least bit timeless, and will be out of date in the next ten years. The authors must have been held at gun point to put "brown pop" on every page, because I don't know any people in their right mind that would talk about that much otherwise. The time frame was small, probably a couple days, and I just wish it would get on with it. The plot went absolutely nowhere, just added more drama to Zoey's life without any resolution. The authors at this point are just trying to get money, and it is painfully obvious. They even went as far as to issue this one in hardcover, which in my opinion, isn't worthy of it. However, I did get caught up in it, and read it in a matter of a couple of hours, and have a new favorite (Stark). The original concept was good, but the authors got led astray. If you read the rest of the series, read it, but if you haven't started the series yet, don't invest your time in a series that isn't worth it.
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LibraryThing member flemmily
So far this series is still going strong, they've managed to keep the plot interesting and the characters likable. Every now and again I wish Zoey was a little less perfect, but she is kind of refreshing as a non-angsty paranormal heroine.
LibraryThing member lwatson1120
This by far has been my favorite House of Night book (that is currently released for public reading). By my previous judgment that I had given at the beginning of this series, I really did not think I would enjoy this series so much. But finally after about the third installment of this series, the
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story line and characters have dramatically improved. The editorial work still needs some work, but keep in mind that this is a young adult book. Overall, I am very pleased with this series, and will continue to read to find out what happens to Zoey next. Highly recommended book, non-stop action in this installment. Caution- be prepared to finish in one sitting! A++ for a young adult novel.
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LibraryThing member MonicaLynn
Wow what an awesome continuance of the House of Night. I once again truly enjoyed another book in this series and am really looking forward to reading more. Zoey takes the bull by the horns in this one and even though unsure of herself at times realizes her true strengths that everyone else has
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been seeing in her. She learns alot about herself and finds good inside herself and others. She also learns to fight evil with good. Don't wanna give to much away. Repeating myself here but I really enjoyed this one and am looking forward to the next installment in this series. :-)
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LibraryThing member 8F_SAM
This book was pretty awesome. The ending wasn't that good in my opinion, because it was really loose ended. There wasn't really a solid ending, and it sort of leaves me hanging. A lot of part were really predictable too. But still, the story plot of the book was really good, and it was pretty nice
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to read. But it did seem to go on and on. There were too many mysteries that weren't really explained in the end too, and it was kind of a disappointment.
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LibraryThing member 4sarad
This book certainly had some problems, such as the repetition, some typos, etc. but it was still interesting. It was a lot like the second book where I feel like it was just a bridge between two interesting books filled with stuff they just had to get in there before we get to the real action.
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Let's hope that's true! I'll be picking up the next book as soon as it comes out. I'm interested to see a real fight between the kids and Neferet/Kalona.
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LibraryThing member kperry
HUNTED is book 5 in the House of Night series. It is important that you read the others before this one. These novels do not stand alone.The book order is:MARKEDBETRAYEDCHOSENUNTAMEDHUNTEDHUNTED picks up exactly where UNTAMED leaves off. Zoey and the gang are regrouping in the tunnels that the red
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fledglings have been calling home after escaping from the House of Night. An ice storm has crippled the city, making any further retreat impossible. Stevie Rae is badly injured and while Zoey, Aphrodite, and Darius try to save her, Damien, Erik, Jack, and the twins try to secure the tunnels.Zoey’s main concern is stopping Neferet and Kalona from gaining anymore power. They already have the House of Night under lock-down and are taking focus away from Nyx and if Zoey’s visions are correct, things are only going to get worse.After a near fatal attack, Zoey has to be rushed to the House of Night for proper healing. While there, she reconnects with Stark and gets some valuabe information about the situation of the school. HUNTED seems like a “bridge” book in the series. The plot advancements must be needed to set up the next book in the series. So, needless to say, there isn’t a lot of new information in this book. However, Zoey does fall victim to her difficult love life again. *smirk*
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LibraryThing member glanecia
Despite the typos and plot holes, I actually liked this book. The whole Kalona/A-Ya (Zoey) thing was interesting to me. The interaction between those two characters was somewhat enticing, enough to keep me wondering if Zoey would cave in. She has a habit of making bad choices with males, so I
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wouldn't have been surprised. I kept expecting her to blunder, but she held strong. I'm relieved that not every twist and turn was predictable in this particular book.

I'm a bit surprised that Zoey seems to be on the way to living an life of polygamy. I don't approve or disapprove, but it was really bold of the authors to lead Zoey in that direction.

Hmm. What else? All in all, I like this series. I don't think it'll ever be worth four or five stars, but it's still worth a read.
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LibraryThing member SheilaDeeth
I confess, I’m probably hooked. Hunted, by PC Cast and Kristin Cast is the fifth of the House of Night Novels, and it’s just come out in paperback. It resolves the issues left unfinished in the previous novel and ends at a much more satisfying point, so maybe I’ll cope better with the wait
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for number six (i.e. for the paperback number six).

I like the way the authors (a mother and daughter) have created a world in these books that’s only slightly offset from our own. Comparisons are encouraged as the story progresses. Catholic nuns prove themselves open to seeing there’s more to eternity than they fully understand. Other groups view divergence from religious norm as pure evil. And the heroic vampyres, far from being one-dimensional good or bad guys, are painted with mixed temptations and abilities, to heal or destroy the world. Indian culture and myth weave in and out the tale, and the whole is a delightfully intriguing, thought-provoking creation, nestling under a story of teen angst, teen love and rejection.

“Will anyone believe the power evil has to hide among us?” the back cover asks—a question as valid perhaps of our own reality as of this fictional one, and one that lends strength and depth to the story and characters, raising this series above other books of its genre. Yes, I’m definitely hooked.
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LibraryThing member OodsAteMyDingo
Hunted is the fifth book in the House of Night series by P.C. Cast.
First off, as I might have said in reviews of the other books, Zoey just gets on my nerves. Zoey is the main character by the way. She always has all these boys around her and she can never decide who to choose, and it seems when
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she loses one boy she gains another. What? A girl isn't normal unless she has a flock of boys around her? Zoey also whines alot, and is poorly written.

I'll admit that I like the rest of the storyline, finding out what is going to happen next. And I love Stevie Ray's character. If you can over look Zoey (which you can't) This series is enjoyable.
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LibraryThing member Astallaslyons
A friend of mine reccomemded this series to me. It took me about 2 years to actually pick up the first one, and i have to say i wish i never did... Zoey is overly dramatic about her "boyfriends" i just can't stand it. She's like the slut of the vampire world. (and she calls Aphrodite a slut) Zoey
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really needs to just become a lesbian with her best friend stevie rae and get it over with already.
Ugh, now that I've started this series i have to finish it. Which i wish i didnt have too, but i need to know how this pathetic story ends. P.C and kirsten and milking this series with all they have. They should have ended it 3 books ago. I guess thats what happens when you write one book, you automatically think there needs to be 20 more.
Atleast it isnt Twilight, but it really does remind me of it. I'd much rather read this series then Meyer's. It's more interesting and they arnt shiney. Lol.
Don't get caught up in this series, you cant get out. Even though it sucks.
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LibraryThing member Maicibmoua27
The novel, Hunted by P.C. Vast and Kristen Cast encompasses the theme, girl power such as anything a boy can do a girl can do too. In the beginning, Zoey, struggles with an immortal, Kalona getting into her dreams and trying to seduce her . Throughout the middle she perseveres through getting her
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friends back and trying to see the good side of the red fledgings. By the end she has learned that even though Kalona and Neferet are banished from Tulsa, her and her friends will not be getting a break. 336/336 pages
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LibraryThing member bookluvrmindy
** spoiler alert ** I have been sick for the last few weeks and these books have kept me entertained.

I like this series, but I really wish Zoey would stop playing all these poor guys and pick one already. Does she have some type of power making her irresistible? On top of that does she fall in
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love with just about every guy that shows their attraction to her? Lets hope that she finally picks a guy in the next book...I am hoping Stark. I thought from really early on that she should be with Eric but now I am thinking Stark would be better for her.
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LibraryThing member Maxx2
I loved the book. i liked the four books before it. i think this one had more action in it then the other four i liked it alot nit i hate how they ended it but over all it was avery goood book i couldnt put it down.

Original publication date


Physical description

336 p.; 8.45 inches


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