Last Seen Wearing

by Colin Dexter

Paperback, 1976



Call number




Toronto: Bantam Books, 1989


Morse was beset by a nagging feeling. Most of his fanciful notions about the Taylor girl had evaporated and he had begun to suspect that further investigation into Valerie's disappearance would involve little more than sober and tedious routine. The statements before Inspector Morse appeared to confirm the bald, simple truth. After leaving home to return to school, teenager Valerie Taylor had completely vanished, and the trail had gone cold. Until two years, three months and two days after Valerie's disappearance, somebody decides to supply some surprising new evidence for the case.

User reviews

LibraryThing member nakmeister
Morse is given the case of a missing girl who didn’t return home from school one day two years earlier. The case had gone very cold, but then a letter arrives from the girl, Valerie Taylor, saying that she’s fine and no-one should worry about her. Morse is convinced though that she’s dead,
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and sets out to find her killer. And there seems to be a lot of people with something to hide…

This is the first Morse book that I’ve read, and it’s one of Dexter’s earlier ones. I really like the characterisation of Morse, he is a well rounded and interesting character, and certainly not your average detective. His sidekick Sergeant Lewis, hard working, methodical and rational family man, is the complete opposite of Morse’s character, and I think they compliment each other very well. Last Seen Wearing has many of the elements of the classic detective story (lots of suspects with motive and opportunity, lots of clue scattered everywhere), but also has great characters, and the fact that Morse is infallible and often gets things wrong helps a lot too. Recommended, particularly for fans of classic detective fiction that are after a bit more.
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LibraryThing member Noisy
A much more assured outing in this second book in the Morse series. Morse has a case foisted on him that he thinks isn't his thing at all: it's a missing girl case from the past that is resurrected because of some anonymous communications.

As the layers of red herrings are peeled back (I can mix
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metaphores with the best of them, you know), Morse's character and his relationship with Lewis are developed: the music, crosswords, beer and eye for a woman are all there.

As to the plot, well things progress in a pretty haphazard fashion. It's a while since I've read much detective fiction, but there is no structure to this book in the way of (a) crime gets committed, (b) suspects are revealed, (c) clues are uncovered, (d) detective reveals all and arrests the bad guy in a spectacular denouement. No, no, no. Morse talks to someone; fires off an enquiry; then has a beer or does a crossword or just sits and thinks. Then he heads off in a seemingly random direction. How Lewis copes with him I don't know - I certainly don't understand him. And I think that's what it's all about, because Morse is starting to grow on me, even though I don't think the book is particularly wonderful.
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LibraryThing member ishtahar
The one with the girl who may never have died at all and the headteacher who should never have slept with her.
LibraryThing member the.ken.petersen
I suspect that this might have scored a five, had it not been for the television series of, 'Morse'. The book is, as I am already beginning to expect from Colin Dexter, excellently written and the plot twists and turns with admirable regularity. It is so well crafted that, despite, as
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aforementioned, having seen a television version of the story, I was convinced with twenty pages left, that the denouement had been changed from the book!
The novel Morse is much easier to understand as a character than the televised version: he makes mistakes, swears and does the football pools. Whilst I thoroughly enjoyed the character created for the small screen, it was difficult to understand why this paragon of detective skills with the intellect and breeding of an Oxford don was still a relatively humble chief inspector.
Since hitting on the amazingly novel (pardon the pun) idea of reading the books in order, it is fascinating to watch the development of the character and the relationship between Morse and his Watson, Lewis. It is too soon to expound upon this yet, however.
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LibraryThing member Othemts
A man who likes his pints, a total hornball (without even being suave or attractive to women like James Bond), and far from a Sherlock Holmes leaping from wrong conclusion to wrong conclusion (and thinking he’s wrong even when he’s right). Inspector Morse is a great character because he’s so
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fallibly human. There sure is a lot of sleaziness in Oxford too.

“He musn’t jump to conclusions though. But why the hell not? There was no eleventh commandment against jumping to conclusions, and so he jumped.” (p. 17)
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LibraryThing member Eamonn12
I liked the TV 'Inspector Morse' series and so I decided to try the books. But I found this one very tedious as to story/plot and irritating as to the way Frost's 'cultural' snobbery is harped on throughout. This was also irritating on TV but (mercifully) was somewhat restrained by the medium.
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Here, we have pretentious little snippets from 'the classics' heading up each chapter and literary allusions sprinkled throughout the text. Yawn. And both Morse and Lewis bring their reader down so many cul-de-sacs and on so many wild-goose chases that, well... I kept going to the end to see what was the end, but it was hard going. And all this inefficiency on (British) tax-payers' money?

There is also in this book the well-worn recurring male dream: that older men are very attractive to young women. On at least two occasions in this book women considerably younger than Morse find him very sexually attractive. One in particular goes out of her way to try to lure him into her bed. As in Hollywood films, men can grow old, wrinkled and obtuse but the females have to be young, attractive and attracted to the wrinkles. As a male, I do of course wish this were true. It isn't.

I won't be reading more of this stuff any time soon.
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LibraryThing member msteketee
i enjoy irascible inspector morse with the best of 'em .. his drinking and moroseness and erudite ways ... but truth be told i own this volume solely for the quotation that begins Chapter Eight ... [dexter tends to do this .. draw from the world of letters and politics for quotes that set up his
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chapters or maybe just give him a chuckle]

source: Harry V. Wade ["American columnist" and my maternal grandfather ..]
"Gypsy Rose Lee, the strip-tease artist, has arrived in Hollywood with twelve empty trunks".

Gotta love the quip. And the squib. oh right .. and gotta love a good mystery.
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LibraryThing member otterley
I remain firmly convinced that Dexter would have lapsed into obscurity without the far superior TV adaptations. The Morse of this book is a disagreeable, slightly pervy middle aged man with a crossword obsession - much less appealing to the predominately female fan base of the detective genre than
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John Thaw's tortured romantic. Positives about the book are its depiction of a rather broader and more realistic Oxford (comprehensives and rubbish dumps didn't feature in the TV adaptation of this one!) and its deft plotting, largely translated without change to the screen.
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LibraryThing member kaulsu
Weird mystery. Every single person except the Head's secretary is a suspect more than once. There are more red herrings than one can shake a stick at.

Additionally, Morse's over-ripe libido got a bit boring--that and the quantity of beer he consumed. I will read one more in the series, but my guess
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is that will be the last.
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LibraryThing member ecw0647
It’s always a pleasure to return to the wonderful stories of Colin Dexter and Inspector Morse, that all too-human English detective who drinks too much and realizes he needs to place his collection of Victorian erotica in a less conspicuous place on his bookshelf.
In this case, Victoria Taylor,
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an attractive seventeen-year-old disappeared two years ago. Morse is handed the case following the death of Inspector Ainley who had just become interested following receipt of a note that Victoria was alive and did not want to be pursued. Morse is convinced she is dead and that possibly the real killer was sending the notes in hopes the investigation will cease. Lewis, Morse’s sergeant on the case, can’t understand Morse’s obsession with the case that Lewis believes is open-and-shut: the girl is alive and well in London and doesn’t want to be found. To his mind, Morse just insists on taking a simple case and making it into a complicated mish-mash.
This case has numerous false leads and Morse swings from a feeling of ecsatitic success at seeming to arrive at the solution only to have his idea dashed to the ground when the evidence fails to support his conclusions. In the end, one of those “false” inspirations proves to be the correct one. The coincidences are seemingly too much for Lewis, but as Morse points out, “It’s an odd coincidence, Lewis, that the forty-sixth word from the beginning and the forty-sixth word from the end of the Forty-sixth Psalm in the Authorised Version should spell ‘Shakespear.’ “
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LibraryThing member jen.e.moore
So the subplot for this book is Morse's weird obsession with pornography? Lovely. That aside, I really enjoyed this one, particularly Lewis's exasperation with Morse's overly-elaborate theories. The ending was pretty weak, though. I think Dexter tried to cram one too many plot twists in for the
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page count.
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LibraryThing member Andrew-theQM
This was a very enjoyable read and quite an intriguing and complex case. It certainly showed up Morse's vulnerabilities and faults. However it lost half a star as I was disappointed with the ending. 3.5 Stars.
LibraryThing member smik
I read most of the Morse novels over 30 years ago and then followed them up by watching the Morse TV series. I really hadn't realised, until I listened to this particular book, the extent of differences between the original books and what was done for television.

I got a little confused towards the
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end (or did I momentarily drop off to sleep?) with the result that I had to listen to the last hour again to be sure that I knew the way it all finished up.

LAST SEEN WEARING is #2 in the series and is full of red herrings and false threads. Morse leaps from one idea to another, often operating on a few dodgy facts, and drawing some shaky conclusions from them. He becomes very despondent after one theory after another bites the dust, but in the end he does get it right. It is a very wasteful way of doing detective work, and there is not much logic to it. All of this does make reading the novel a very academic exercise, and I guess that's what sets Colin Dexter apart from the rest.

But don't go away thinking that this Morse is the one you've seen John Thaw play.
He is a much coarser person, but I think by the time we get to later in the series some of these cruder bits have been toned down.
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LibraryThing member hobbitprincess
I enjoyed this second of the Inspector Morse books almost as much as I enjoyed the first. I like that Morse is somewhat a flawed character - much like all of us. I did get a little lost in all the misconceptions that Morse had during the course of the investigation, so I was confused at times. I
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think Lewis and Morse make a good pair, and I look forward to reading the remainder of these books.
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287 p.; 21 cm

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