Junie B. Jones Smells Something Fishy by Barbara Park (Nov 17 1998)

by Barbara Park

Paperback, 1998



Call number



Random House Books for Young Readers


Frustrated because the rules for her class's Pet Day will not let her take her dog to school, Junie B. Jones considers taking a raccoon, a worm, a dead fish, and other unusual replacements.

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User reviews

LibraryThing member mrsleishman
Junie B jones I read everyday it was my first book that i read in third
grade and my faert cariter is juni b jones .and i red it evre day at
home and school and at pere but my farit plas is at the Library.
LibraryThing member phyllistinefoster
The book Junie B. Jones Smells Something Fishy is about a kindergartner name Junie b. Jones. her class is having pet day at school. The only pet that Junie B. has is a dog, but the teacher says there are no dogs allowed so therefore Junie B. does not have a pet to bring to pet day. her grandma
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suggesats she brings the raccoon that has been sneking into the garage, but it is too hard to catch. then, her grandma brings in a worm that Junie B. ends up letting out and is not able to find. Then, when Junie B. ends up staying the night at her grandparents house she finds the perfect opet to take to school in the freezer while looking for orange juice. She takes it and puts it into her backpack. When she arrives at school the teacher begins to call on the students to tell about their pets. When she gets to Junie B. she goe to her backpack and pulls out her pet. It is fish sticks. The teacher then pulls out her dictionary to see if junie B. pet matches the definition of pet and it does so Junie B. is hapy.

I enjoyed this book. I read it with my fourteen year old and we both laughed at the things Junie B. said and did.

After reading the book can have the children draw a picture of their pet, can be read during pet week, and can have the children bring their pet to school and do a show and tell.
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LibraryThing member kacu04
This book is about a little girl who has pet day at school. She would like to take a real pet instead of just a picture because she can not take her pet because it is not in a cage. So she searches for a real pet she can take. She first tries to take a racoon but her mom says no. Then she tries a
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worm, a fly, and a fish. None of these pets worked out but she found her own pet. She ends up taking a fish stick to pet day and wins the award of most well behaved pet.

This book was really cute and funny. This is a really good and easy for a small chapter book. Younger children should be able to read this book.

I think a really good idea to read this book to a class before you have a show and tell day. Or even if the class had their own bring your own pet day to school or a picture of their pet.
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LibraryThing member CrystalReed
Junie B. Jones Smells Something Fishy is a very funny book about a kindergartner who wants to take a pet to school for pet day. She doesn't want to take pictures of her dog, she wants to take a real pet to school with her. She goes through a series of misadventures while trying to find a pet to
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take to school for pet day.

I love this book. It is a really cute book. My son loves the junie b. jones series. He has the collection and this is one of my favorites.

I would use this book as a lesson on differences. This book is showing how all people have different ideas. We would read this book aloud and then discuss our pets with eachother. We might even have our own pet day.
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LibraryThing member e-bob
This is a pretty good book.
LibraryThing member Markell08
The reason why I gave this book a four because I really like this book. This book is very funny. This book is about Junie B. Jones having pet day at her school. Junie B. Jones would like to take a real pet instead of a picture of a pet. She goest through a series of misadventures while trying to
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find a pet to take to school for pet day. None of the pets she wanted to take to school would work so finally eventually she end of taking a fish stick pet day and end up winning for having the most behaved pet. This book was real cute and funny. You can use this book in the content area instruction by having the classroom bring pets or pictures of there pets and have a pet day in the classroom and also you can teach them about differents animals and pets that are in the world.
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LibraryThing member aubreycs
Students can connect with Junie about having a pet as well as what it feels like to not have a pet. Readers will see how Junie thinks outside of the box, uses humor, but also does what she can to fit in/participate.
LibraryThing member capiam1234
Another humorous outing from Junie B. And this time you'd be surprised at what she does.
LibraryThing member abenne6
Junie B. Jones smells something fishy is a very interesting book even for adults. This book was one that I would read again because it was very funny and entertaining. Even as an adult I would want to read more of these books just because of the humor and unpredictable ending. The book began with
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an introduction of the main character and why she likes to be called Junie B. instead of Beatrice. She also gave some background information on certain things in the story. For example, she says that she doesn't like her teachers Last name so she would rather call her Mrs. because that is the part of her name that she likes. She is a very opinionated child which I find rather funny and she is very clever as well. A lot of the language in the book that is used is written as if this young child is saying it. For example, there is not proper grammar (INSERT EXAMPLE). The ending caught me off guard because based on the cover of the book you would expect her to have taken a fish on a leash for class but when she took a fish stick it was really funny. This book was a good book over all.
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LibraryThing member margaritamunoz14
Junie B. Jones really wants a pet and she is begging her mom to get her one. One day her and her grandpa go fishing and she catches a fish and then she keeps it around.
LibraryThing member eearly15
A perseverant girl frustrated for not being able to take her dog for “Pet Day” at school, she is determine to find another one to take, attempting with a raccoon, a worm, a dead fish, and other substitutions. A funny sweet story emphasized in its text with big fonts when Junie or her mother
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raise her voice, and italic to stress in specific descriptions and actions. Pictures draw in pencil, show delightful interactions with characters trying to help Junie B. search for a pet. This is a great book for Kindergarten to talk about pet, and perhaps decide what would be a good pet to have at school and to take care of. A great opportunity to talk about science (compare mammals, reptiles, insects and amphibians), make listings of good pets or bad pets, etc. Entertaining chapters that self-explain with each title.
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LibraryThing member Galiana.Carranza
I feel bad for Junie in this story because Junie wanted to be a part of an event at school yet because of limitations she had to find a new way. Yet it is children can relate because most children have pets, i think another way children and families can relate is because parents end up helping
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children with events and projects. At the end of the story junies mom help her by bring her a dead fish on a dog leash.
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8.43 inches


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