Hollow City: The Second Novel of Miss Peregrine's Peculiar Children

by Ransom Riggs

Paperback, 2015



Call number



Quirk Books (2015), Edition: Illustrated, 416 pages


Having escaped Miss Peregrine's island by the skin of their teeth, Jacob and his new friends must journey to London (circa 1940), the "peculiar" capital of the world.

User reviews

LibraryThing member mckait
Beginning right where Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children left off Ransom Riggs Brings back Jacob and all of children in the sequel Hollow City. This is the second novel of the Miss Peregrine's series, and I think that I can safely promise you a third. Keep in mind that this is not a book
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for children, but a book that features children as it's strongest characters. It is a great book for young adults of any age, however. One of the most enjoyable and unique features of both of these books is that the story is written around many positively enthralling vintage photographs. There are more in book two, than we found in book one, and the way that they are used to create a story is simply genius. I would want to pick up either or both of these books for the photographs alone, as who doesn't enjoy looking at photographs from long ago. The people featured in these would most likely have been found in museum or circus side shows. The certainly would be described as peculiar. There are even more of these in Hollow City than there were in the first book, all very interesting.

Jacob, Emma, Olivia and the rest are on the run from their Island. They have brought along Miss Peregrine who has been magically bound in her black bird form, their mission is not only to stay alive but to find her some help. If she stays in this form for too long, she will be unable to change back to her human form. She is only one of many European caretakers of peculiar children, and the children realize that there are many others in jeopardy.

Among their many problems, since this is all happening in a timeline that would be long ago for us, is communication and transportation. It doesn't help that they had to flee with nothing but the clothes on their backs. What a dilemma. This book is a page turner for sure, as they swim, hike and battle not only the elements, hunger, and nature itself, but of course the evil so called soldiers who want to capture them.

Be prepared to journey backwards and forwards in time. You will meet kindly gypsies and more Peculiar children and adults as the group tries to save their beloved Miss Peregrine. The bombshell ending left me on the edge of my seat.

And more good news! Not only can we look forward to another book in the Miss Peregrine's series, the author has a coffee table type book coming out in October! Riggs describes this book on his blog this way: "if Miss Peregrine was a story I made up about photographs I found, then Talking Pictures is photos that already have stories attached to them, written by anonymous hands years ago" and that sounds good to me.
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LibraryThing member emily.s
I like the first book. Just liked. It wasn’t mind blowing or incredibly creepy. It was exaggeratedly descriptive in a beautiful way (which meant that I was constantly re-reading paragraphs).

Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children was interesting enough that I read it fairly fast and then
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passed it on to my friends and family who enjoyed it very much.

And now we’re here, Hollow City. And this one, I adored just enough that I plowed through it. I took in every beautiful description like it was the last book I’d ever read. I fled right along with our peculiar friends and met many new (more interesting ones tbh) along the way.

Hollow City starts out very slow. Nothing much happens and I was afraid I’d be back in the same boat I was with the first one. But, it soon picks up and we’re traveling through time! Literally. Away from the ruins of their beloved lighthouse on the island.

And so much happens, but it all happens very quickly. And there is almost too much to take in.

Peter-and-Joel. The only reason you’ll need to read this book. They’re my favorite adorably peculiar boys!

I could really do without the “romance” between Jacob and Emma. It seems to be adding nothing to the story.

If you can take in all the back story and keep up with every little thing that is going on in these books, it really is an interesting and magical thing.

End note: I’m ready for the movie. I can’t see it being anything more than amazing.
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LibraryThing member fyrefly98
Summary: After the attempted kidnapping of the ymbryne Miss Peregrine by the wights, Jacob Portman and the peculiar children of Miss Peregrine's loop leave Cairnholm island. They're seeking other loops, with other ymbrynes, hoping that the one in London can help Miss Peregrine, who is stuck in bird
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form. But it's not going to be an easy trek. Neither Jacob nor the peculiar children, who have been living in their loop for 70 years, are used to traveling through England in the midst of World War II. They are being tailed by the hollows, who feed on the souls of peculiars. And if they don't reach help soon, Miss Peregrine may lose her humanity and be stuck in bird form forever.

Review: I was so excited for this book. Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children was something so new, so unexpected, so original, that it won me over completely, and I was hoping that Riggs would be able to recapture the magic in this sequel. But unfortunately, that didn't quite happen, and a lot of it has to do with how he utilized the photographs in the first vs. second book.

In the first book, the vintage found photographs were part of the story in a very literal way. It read almost like a scrapbook, with Jacob seeing a photograph in the story, and then that photograph being reproduced for the reader. The fact that these photographs were real objects made it seem like the rest of the story could be real as well, and it wove everything together into a much more cohesive and special whole. In the second book, however, the images are mostly no longer physical photographs from the story, but are instead used almost exclusively as illustration. For example, Jacob & Co. meet the girl on the cover, in the circumstances pictured, but nobody stops to take a picture of her, and yet that image appears in the text as if they had. The disconnect from the way the photos were handled in the first book constantly made me stop and wonder about the context of the photos in the second book - why does this image exist? No one had a camera! - and made the overall effect much less cohesive… which is a shame, because that was a large part of what made the first book so effective.

(It also occasionally felt like Riggs had used up his best pictures on the first book, and then had to scramble a little bit to find more and weave them into a story for the second book - a lot of the pictures don't have the same visual impact, and don't seem as seamlessly connected - even leaving aside the question of context - as the pictures from the first book.)

But despite all that, this was still a fun read, and I still quite enjoyed it. The story continues to be imaginative and fast-paced, and I enjoyed learning more about the wider world of the peculiars and their history, and meeting new characters with new abilities. I also enjoyed seeing the familiar characters develop and grow. Emma's and Jacob's relationship has never been a huge draw for me - I'm a little weirded out by the fact that not only is she technically in her eighties, but also that she was in a relationship with his grandfather - but watching them and the other characters interact with each other and with their trying circumstances was handled with a deft emotional hand. But really, this story is mostly just fun - kids with strange superpowers being chased by monsters through the London Blitz. What's not to like? 4 out of 5 stars.

Recommendation: Definitely not a stand-alone - it picks up minutes after the first one ends, with almost zero recap of the first book. But for fans of the first book, while this one doesn't quite recapture the magic of the first one, it's still a fun read with plenty of twists and turns.
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LibraryThing member Mwsberg
Not half the book of the original. The plot is predictable and the book appears to be a set up for the next book. It is not a stand alone story. I won't be reading the third.
LibraryThing member keebrook
the peculiars are in the thick of it here. fantastic stuff. Riggs really is coming into his own in creating this world of loops, peculiars, corrupted, and normals. the background and context deepen as you would expect it to in this book as the history becomes more clear, characters’s
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personalities evolve, and the story grows organically.

the use of the photographs as launch points for characters and plot really make this tale feel old and well-loved even though he’s only just written it. that is, there is a certain, asynchronous, eclectic quality to the best stories because it seems that “real life” is like that. just when you think you have something locked in and understood, something else comes along to challenge what you thought you knew. associations between the most obscure things can and do exist in the minds and behaviors of human beings and Riggs’s story feels just like that. you never know exactly what shape the next piece of the story will be or where it will fit.

i can’t wait for more...
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LibraryThing member erinfanning
Endlessly inventive and magically entertaining: exactly what one would expect from Ransom Riggs and his peculiar children. It captures the joy of reading--that combination of the new with the old as the modern world collides with Riggs' fantastical universe. "The Mournful Kingdom of Sand. The Land
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Made in Anger. A High Place of Stars." I recited the places in wonder, looking forward to the next installment, where these destinations might come to life.
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LibraryThing member BellaFoxx
This is a follow-up to Miss Peregrine’s Home For Peculiar Children which I liked, and I liked this book just as much. This book begins where the first one left off so there is no break in time or action.

There is continuiety in this novel, no one really acts out of character, and things that may
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seem to be odd or unreasonable are explained at the end. I don’t want to risk giving anything away if you haven’t read the first book. But if you liked the first book, you will like this book.

The story advances, the bad guys are still pursuing, the children find friends in unexpected places, and since they are children, at times make childish mistakes. The ending is not an ending, there is going to be a third book. Overall, an enjoyable read.

The next book is due to come out in 2015. It takes Mr. Riggs so long to write these books because he’s a coal miner by day (I don’t know if he really is, that is just what it says on his website).
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LibraryThing member avanders
Wasn't blown away... thought it was a disappointing sequel, but still good.

What I didn't like:
I was disappointed in the pace and the plot.. it felt artificially manufactured to create tension, as opposed to those stories where the tension feels real... And I think that might have been in part
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because of how I felt about the pictures this round... it felt that at many points, the author was creating words to fit a picture he wanted to add--when it didn't really add to the plot or the characters or the pacing or really anything.

I was also annoyed by the romantic aspect, but disregard that if you like that kind of thing ;) To me, it's always annoying when it's over-the-top cheesy, and I had a hard time finding it realistic in the atmosphere -- ya know, life or death.

I thought that the characters spent WAY too much time NOT using the peculiarities they've spent a LONG time having when they were confronted with danger... I know, in some cases it made sense, but in others it was like this weird inexplicable delay. And I felt that the development of Jacob's peculiarity, while the rest of us could see it coming 100 miles away, took WAY too long to FINALLY show its face.

And I'll say, I just did not like the near-ending. But what and why are spoilers :)

What I did like:
It's still just an interesting concept and I like the idea of having a story with realistic (ish) pictures accompanying it. I really liked some of the development of characters (Bronwyn and Olive in particular), and I liked the addition of some of the new characters (Peter-and-Joel and Joel-and-Peter). I also thought that Riggs had good ideas and some of his plot development was really interesting. Although I felt the pace was off and forced at times, there were other times when it flowed quite nicely -- particularly when they meet.... Althea (I'll say no more).

If you just loved the first, it's likely worth it to read the 2nd. If you can ignore some of the deficiencies, my guess is you'll probably even really enjoy the second! (a lot of people sure have :)) Otherwise, the above notes may give you just the amount of "managed expectations" needed to enjoy the book anyway :)
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LibraryThing member indygo88
I regret that the first novel in this series wasn't as fresh in my memory as I wish it had been. If I were to go back & do it again, I would've re-read that one prior to starting this. But nevertheless, things began to come back to me gradually after delving into this 2nd book of the Miss Peregrine
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series. Overall, I think I enjoyed this one a bit more than the first. I never really felt invested in the first one & was a little disappointed after all the hype. But this one kept me engaged from the beginning. Such odd little photos incorporated into these stories, yet Ransom Riggs is able to take a seemingly random assortment of photographs and write a coherent, enjoyable story with them. And like the first, there's a cliffhanger ending. So how long will we have to wait until book #3 comes out? I suppose I'll have to re-read them both before then!
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LibraryThing member jphamilton
This volume is the follow-up to that most-unique book, Miss Peregrine's Peculiar Children. If you liked Peculiar Children, Hollow City will be a good experience for you. I get a distinct young adult vibe going with these books (nothing wrong in that), and the writing is able to develop situations
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cleanly enough that the bizarre collection of characters have a good canvas upon which to have their grand adventure. I love some of these odd characters, and their unique powers, and it's pleasurable to know that Riggs is already working on the third book.
The process of the writing interests me. Does he search for photos to support a possible plot line already developed in his mind, or do the strange photographs nudge the story this way and that? However he does it, it's working for him with good book sales and increasing backing from his publisher. The books are special and they deserve attention.
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LibraryThing member wearylibrarian
The long awaited sequel in the story of Miss Peregrine and her peculiar children has finally arrived. It took awhile for me to become familiar with all the characters again but when I did, I felt as if I was visiting with old friends.

Jacob is still determined to defend the peculiar children as
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they travel away from their island in search of help for Miss Peregrine. In their travels they meet up with peculiar children from other loops as well as hollowgasts and wights.
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LibraryThing member georgiapeach47
I found "Hollow City " a great follow up to the first book "Miss Peregrine's Peculiar Children" series.

It took a long time for this 2nd book to come out but well worth the wait.

The character's where well developed. We meet both the character's from the first book but also some

new ones. They have
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come along ways from in the first book. I just loved the pictures that have been

included into the book.

There is plenty of action though out the story to keep you interested. It will pull you to make you feel

that you could be there. This book picks up the action from where the first one leaves off.

This book is not for young children. The book is a young adult series but I would say many adults would enjoy it. If you enjoy a book with some darkness and horror this is the book for you. I would say to read the first book before reading this one...
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LibraryThing member JBD1
An excellent sequel to the first volume in the series. More adventures with peculiar children, and a good cliffhanger to boot. Will look forward to the next with great anticipation.
LibraryThing member TheMadHatters
After their loop is destroyed at the end of "Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children", Jacob, Emma and the other peculiar children start a long journey toward London, where they hope to find another ymbyrne that can change Miss Peregrine back from the bird state she’s trapped in before
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it’s too late. Along the way, the children continually find themselves threatened and attacked by wights and hollows, who are determined to capture them and keep them from reaching London. "Hollow City" is an exciting and, at times, terrifying novel that left me wondering what will next be in store for these peculiar children and what Jacob’s role will be among them.
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LibraryThing member RussianLoveMachine
Sequel to Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children. Jacob has stayed in the past in order to help the peculiar children rescue Miss Peregrine, who can return him to the proper time--but she's trapped in her bird form, and every day she's losing more of her humanity. The children have to pass
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through different time loops to find out who has been kidnapping Miss Peregrine's peers, all while avoiding the creeping, predatory hollowgasts that are invisible to everyone except Jacob.

Don't expect much in the way of closure here, as the story is a middle portion of the series. The photographs seem to play a larger role in the story, and while most of them fit very well into the narrative, there was an occasional feeling that Riggs was relying almost too heavily on the bizarre images to carry the story. Still, I'm very much looking forward to the next book in the series.

Again with the surprise-awful-clown picture in the middle, though. This is turning into a theme...
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LibraryThing member mountie9
The Good Stuff

Not stop action. Big change from the first story which I found quite slow at times. I was on the edge of my seat and didn't want to put the story down
Some good surprises that I should have seen coming but didn't
Deliciously strange and truly unique
Fabulous cover and the use of
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antique photographs is fabulous
World building is out of this world - Mr Riggs you have a hell of an imagination
Great to see more development into what seemed to be more caricatures in the first installment
Appreciated the Personae at the beginning of the book, helped to jog my memory since I had read the first book so very long ago
Got a kick out of the scene where Jacob longs for the comforts of home like toothbrush and deodorant
Heck of a cliffhanger - how long do I have to wait now for the next book

The Not So Good Stuff

Creepy Clown picture and I thought Tim Curry as Pennywise was creepy LOL!
Felt the ages of the characters were off at times felt like middle grade with teen scenes added in - hard to explain - not a bad thing really, just kind of jarring for me personally

Favorite Quotes/Passages

"It was dead, of course: wet, chargeless, and fifty years from the nearest cell tower."

"But you can't feel bad every second, I wanted to tell her. Laughing doesn't make bad things worse any more than crying makes them better. It doesn't mean you don't care, or that you've forgotten. It just means you're human."

“Do you ever find yourself climbing into an open grave during a bombing raid and wish you'd just stayed in bed?”

4 Dewey's

I received this from Random House in exchange for an honest review
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LibraryThing member Stardust_Fiddle
Picking up where “Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children” left off, this stunning sequel takes readers on a journey even more electrifying than its predecessor. The cast is varied and talented, including the pyrogenic Emma; robust Bronwyn; invisible and studious Millard; visionary
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Horace; cynical resurrectionist Enoch; light-as-air Olive; apiarist Hugh; little Claire; and horticulturalist Fiona. September 3, 1940 finds the peculiar children escaping from their former island sanctuary with their headmistress, Miss Peregrine, after their loop has been invaded. Led by their newest addition, Jacob Portman, they embark on a frightening and danger-fraught odyssey to war-torn London to restore Miss Peregrine to human form while avoiding capture by the wights and hollows trying to destroy them.

“Hollow City” is another epic tour-de-force by Ransom Riggs. As a first-person narrator and the most relatably normal of the characters, Jacob brings the story to life for readers and invokes sympathy for both the individual and collective fates of the other characters. Riggs presents an intricately complex and thrilling tale that is nevertheless easily read and understood. Mild profanity, slight adult references, and mature content indicate a young adult or adult target audience. The vintage, often bizarre black-and-white photographs interspersed throughout the novel coalesce seamlessly with the storyline and enhance the reading experience. In this second book of the “Peculiar Children” series, Riggs creates a unique adventure of both fantasy and horror set in the land of peculiardom, and the ending will leave readers craving more.
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LibraryThing member WiseYoungFools
The second book in the series was not a disappointment. Ransom Riggs tells a fantasy time travel story while getting inspiration from vintage photos. This book surprised me and was full of action. I can't wait for the next.
LibraryThing member DeweyEver
The second book of Miss Peregrine's Peculiar Children finds Jacob and the other peculiars on a desperate mission to save Miss Peregrine.

I was a little disappointed with this book, since I enjoyed the first one so much. Now that Jacob knows about and is traveling with other peculiars, the mystery
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and suspense that was so fun about the first book is gone, replaced with a more constantly-on-the-run action-based tone. Also, while I still enjoyed looking at the pictures in the book, it didn't make as much sense plot-wise to have them this time around. In the first book, the pictures were the same ones Jacob was seeing over the course of his adventure. In the second, it was just pictures used to illustrate what the characters were experiencing, as if they had had time to take snapshots of their otherwise rushed and dangerous journey. It felt gimmicky rather than enriching.

Still worth the read--it was nice to read more about the peculiars and the clever ways they used their abilities to survive, and I'm curious what happens next. I just didn't like it as much as the first.
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LibraryThing member sjbraun
So, on to the sequel, Hollow City. Jacob and his peculiar friends are off on an adventure, trying to save Miss Peregrine from an eternity in the form of a bird. Similar to the first book, they come across a variety of spooks and creepy situations, but they always overcome. And just like in the
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first book, they use a lot of profanity for a group of kids. And sure enough, at the end of the book -- there's a build up for yet another adventure! Which is coming in January 2015! And the the Peculiar Children movie will be out in July 2015!

Again, the book was based around a series of vintage black and white photos. Like I did with the first book, it felt like the author did an exercise where he put the photos in a stack and then moved from one to the next, making up a story about what he saw. This would be a fun thing to do with kids, but seemed like an odd method for writing a book. I even got to a point where I'd begin to recognize when another photo was coming: there would be a specific description of something, I'd turn the page, and sure enough: there it was, in a vintage photo!

And ... I just lost interest. These books have content that would appeal to kids or teens, but language that I even cringed at as an adult. Still not sure of the target audience, and still not real interested. Book 3 will have to happen without me.
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LibraryThing member bookwoman247
Hollow City is the sequel to Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children.

In this installment, the peculiar children face perilous hollows and wights in a desperate attempt to save their ymbryne, Miss Peregrine - and the world.

This was an excellent follow-up to the first book in the series. Rigg's
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imagination is set on fire by the wonderful, odd photographs he includes in the book, just as in the first book.

I reommend this series for anyone who is looking for a unique, exciting, riveting reading experience. I also recommend that you begin with the first book in the series.
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LibraryThing member radioactivebookworm
Goodreads Synopsis: The extraordinary journey that began in Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children continues as Jacob Portman and his newfound friends journey to London the peculiar capital of the world. But in this war-torn city, hideous surprises lurk around every corner. Like its
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predecessor, this second novel in the Peculiar Children series blends thrilling fantasy with never-before-published vintage photography to create a one-of-a-kind reacting experience.

My Review: This book was... Interesting. It was a fun read, sure, but I'm kind of bored of the characters, If you can believe that. They haven't changed at all since the first book. They're still sheltered, skittish, and don't like anything that isn't like them. It's not really that cool. Sure, they have peculiar differences, but some of them aren't really that nice of people. The ending caught me by surprise though, I definitely didn't expect it. I don't know. It seems pointless that I read both of the books to be left with that. Sure, it's cool, but I dunno. It's not my favourite. It was a pretty good read though. Adventurous, mostly. Got to know a lot of new people, read things I didn't think would happen. I think that's all I have to say about that, though I probably shouldn't have paid what I did for it. It wasn't that great. Thanks for reading anyways! I know the rating makes no sense. I can't make up my mind about this book.

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LibraryThing member Alithebooklover
I bought Hollow City while I was still reading the first one, because I thought I was going to love this series and I was right. I loved this book just as much as the first. I love the little romance between Jacob and Emma. Olive is still just as adorable. I also, liked that there were some more
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peculiar introduce in this book. I can not wait for the third book to come out and see what happens. I really got to know a little bit more of each child and how they brought their talents to life when they needed to. I also would recommend this book to anyone, but it is a you either love it or hate it type book. I loved it and again I can't wait for Ransom's third book!
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LibraryThing member TeamDewey
Did not like as much as first book because I felt the story was written too much to the pictures and not the storyline. I still enjoyed the book and I am looking forward to the next one.
LibraryThing member SJCapps
I loved Hollow City. The book was fast paced and full of action. Riggs continues to develop his characters and his world in part 2 of the Miss Peregrine's series.


CLMP Firecracker Award (Finalist — Young Adult — 2015)


Original language


Original publication date


Physical description

416 p.; 8.18 inches


1594747350 / 9781594747359


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