Walk with me : nonviolent accompaniment in Guatemala

by Peg Morton

Paperback, 1997



Call number

CP 333/1


Wallingford, Pa. : Pendle Hill, 1997.


0875743331 / 9780875743332

Local notes

Pendle Hill Pamphlet 333

User reviews

LibraryThing member QuakerReviews
Informative, interesting, and moving, this pamphlet is about the nonviolent accompaniment carried on by Peace Brigades International, Witness for Peace, Friends Peace Teams, and others, to provide safety and support for nonviolent activists for justice in various places around the world. It is
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specifically about the author's experience as an accompanier in Guatemala in 1994.
Morton also addresses the meaning for her, as North American, of this opportunity to support and learn from courageous, nonviolent and poor Guatemalan campesino refugees, as they returned to their land, from which they had been brutally driven by the Guatemalan military supported by U.S. government policies.
She concludes that there are no borders blocking oppression, and as she supports these Guatemalans seeking justice, she will also live and work in her own community in North America in solidarity with the homeless, the workers, the discriminated against, the poor.
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Call number

CP 333/1


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