The servant church

by Ricardo Elford

Other authorsJim Corbett
Paperback, 1996



Call number

CP 328


Wallingford, Pa. : Pendle Hill Publications, c1996.


0875743285 / 9780875743288

Local notes

Pendle Hill Pamphlet 328

User reviews

LibraryThing member QuakerReviews
Elford and Corbett write with insight, wisdom, elegance, and clarity about the covenant community that enacts the reign of the Peaceable Kingdom on earth, by faithful service; this is the servant church. They note particularly that this community includes people of all faiths and also no faith; it
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is those who hunger and work for truth, justice, and love. They illuminate the prophetic way of Isaiah, both what it is and how to follow it. The radical nature of this covenant is brought out: nonviolence, allegiance only to God and not to any state or social order, turning servitude into service, poverty and sharing, radical equality and universality. Evil must be creatively transformed rather than destroyed in the prophetic faith. They also related this to Jesus' teachings. This is a radical covenant and Way.
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Call number

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