On speaking out of the silence : vocal ministry in the unprogrammed meeting for worship

by Douglas V. Steere

Paper Book, 1972



Call number

CP 182/1


[Wallingford, Pa.] : Pendle Hill, [1972]

User reviews

LibraryThing member QuakerReviews
This is a reasonably useful, though a bit dull in style, explanation of some aspects of vocal ministry.
LibraryThing member kaulsu
What a treasure to assist in developing one’s vocal ministry. Steere quotes a wide range of experienced Quaker speakers on how they develop their themes, as well as how they deliver their thoughts. With amusing anecdotes and good advice on deepening a spirit-led life, this is a pamphlet
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worth visiting with a small group of others, perhaps in a second-hour forum or adult religious education classroom.

I did not write a review, but I see I read this first while attending seminary.
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Call number

CP 182/1


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