An experiment in faith : Quaker women transcending differences

by Margery Post Abbott

Pamphlet, 1995



Call number

CP 323/3


Wallingford, Pa. : Pendle Hill, c1995.


0875743234 / 9780875743233

Local notes

signed by the author: Margery Post Abbott July 7, 2016.

User reviews

LibraryThing member QuakerReviews
This pamphlet is wonderfully and perceptively written, and very interesting. Abbott tells of her experience of ten years of meeting in a group of both evangelical and liberal Quaker women in Oregon; they discuss readings and provide spiritual support to each other; they listen deeply. They learn
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from each other and together, and accompany each other on their spiritual journeys.
Abbott describes differences in and learnings about vocal prayer, worship forms, vocal ministry, acting out our faith in missions and other ways, wholeness/holiness, and articulating our beliefs. She describes the commonalities she has found. She shares how she has been affected, her understanding deepened, and how she has been drawn further into her own tradition (of liberal unprogrammed Friends). Abbot offers some queries for the group members or others who would seek to enter a similar experiment.
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Call number

CP 323/3


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