Queries as prayers

by Ronald B. Rembert

Other authorsChel Avery (Editor), Mary Helgesen Gabel (Designer)
Pamphlet, August 2013



Call number

CP 423 c2


Wallingford, PA : Pendle Hill Publications, 2013.



Other editions


As a participant in an ecumenical workshop where he was the only Quaker, Ron Rembert found himself experimenting with new uses for the traditional Quaker practice of responding to queries. This effort to deepen his own prayer life launched further explorations into the value a Quaker may find in such traditions of prayer and contemplation as lectio divina and the Igantion method of examen. In adapting these practices to a Quaker sensibility, Rembert finds new ways of using queries and explores the significance of writing our prayers. --

User reviews

LibraryThing member kaulsu
The title of the pamphlet led me astray and I never found my way back to what, I think, Rembert had to teach us. Such a shame. But his premise was not that queries are prayers, or that we should approach queries as prayers. Of course, I would agree with both of those statements, so readers of this
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review need to take my criticisms with that in mind.

Rather, it seems to me, Rembert should have titled the pamphlet, _Using Queries to Write Prayers_, or _Approaching God more Intimately Through our Written Words_.

It is true, surely it is, that some people "think through their fingers." The old quip, "I won't know what I think about that until I can write about it," seems to reflect Rembert's muse. Perhaps it isn't fair to down-rate his pamphlet because of semantics, but a title needs to convey at least something of what lies between the covers.
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LibraryThing member QuakerReviews
Rembert writes in useful detail about a spiritual practice he developed of writing his own prayers in response to his use of the queries. He explains what he does and why, and gives several lovely examples of his prayers that show how deep this discernment can take him. He also considers the
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possible effects of the practice, including intensification of his prayer life and growing awareness of his relation to God.
In the process of his description, he explores what prayer is, as focusing all our attention on God, and how prayerful self-examination (as with a query) opens us to active cooperation with God in continual discernment. He cites the self-examination processes of Friend Renee Crauder and of Ignatius of Loyola as well. Rembert's useful and wise description of this spiritual practice will be helpful to many Friends.
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Call number

CP 423 c2


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