The kandy-kolored tangerine-flake streamline baby

by Tom Wolfe

Hardcover, 1965




New York, Farrar : Straus and Giroux, 1965.

Original publication date



The trends and idiosyncrasies characterizing America's status-seeking new cultures are observed in this collection of articles.



Call number




User reviews

LibraryThing member pbirch01
Tom Wolfe gives us a collection of snapshots from America in the late 1960's in this collection of short stories. He introduces us to such characters as Murray the K, Phil Spector, Jimmy Johnson, as well as a slew of stories about New Yorkers. All are non-fiction and all are told in that
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characteristic Wolfe style. A must read for any fan of Wolfe or anyone looking to gain insight into America at that particular time period.
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LibraryThing member megrockstar
I was very excited to read this book. The first third I loved it. It has a definate flow. you need to get into the flow to read it. It definately had a very close feel to the works of Hunter Thompson; very descriptive with humerous undertones. As I flew through the first third, I looked forward to
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reading it and picked it up every night.
Entering the second section I found it dropped off dramatically. At times it was even hard to follow. Im not sure if I lost the flow or if the second and third sections were just completely diff. I actually had to push myself to finish this book, which was sad due to my passion at the start.
either way, I definately recommend this title. Maynbe I missed something?
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LibraryThing member RDHawk6886
Wolfe's interesting exposé of various aspects of the early 60's. Very interesting read, particularly with the amount of time has passed. It's a contemporary look at that period of time.
LibraryThing member dbsovereign
You may not always agree with Wolfe's take or understand why he has chosen a particular subject for one of these essays, but his voice captures the flavor of whatever he's trying to describe quite clearly. His perspective allows us a peak underneath the rug of the American Dream.
LibraryThing member DinadansFriend
Mr. Wolfe is a stylist, and he is completely devoted to it. This set of essays have a basic theme: That there is a genuine Working Class American culture separate from that of its bourgeoisie, and it is almost certinly based on the automobile. This is its primary artefact, and much stems from it
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being based on an artefact of mobility, and public display. Considering, unless this group buys into the idea of moderating Climate change, there will be a very hard struggle ahead for the world. But this is the defining study of that culture, and thus still bears the rereading.
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Physical description

xvii, 339 p.; 22 cm
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