Ariosto : Ariosto furioso, a romance for an alternate Renaissance

by Chelsea Quinn Yarbro

Paper Book, 1980



Call number



New York : Pocket Books, 1980.


In an alternate-world Italian Renaissance where the Italian states have formed a federation, the great epic poet Ludovico Ariosto is writing a fantasy adventure set in the New World that reflects the difficulties besetting his patron, Damiano de' Medici. While the Cerrochi in Ariosto's fantasy battle the evil wizard Anatrecacciatore with the help of a heroic version of Ariosto himself, politics and skullduggery plague the Florence-based court of Italia Federata, in which Ariosto becomes enmeshed when he chooses to support the Medicis against those seeking to fracture the Italian union.

User reviews

LibraryThing member Antares1
In spite of the St. Germain in parenthesis in the listing this is not one of Yarbro's St. Germain novels. This book is more of a Walter Mittyesque escape. The mundane life of the title character goes from actuality to what he is fantasizing about. I found the book tedious and never finished reading
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LibraryThing member juniperSun
Noted during my 1980's attempt to read every book in my small town library.
LibraryThing member Treebeard_404
I tend not to re-read books. But this is one I read multiple times in HS and college. Sadly, I don't have a copy to re-read today. Yarbro does a masterful job juxtaposing the real-world life of the poet Ariosto against the imaginary, alt-history world of his imagination, the subject of his epic
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Original publication date


Physical description

361 p.; 18 cm


0671832948 / 9780671832940
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