The Curse of the Pharaohs (Amelia Peabody, Book 2)

by Elizabeth Peters

Paperback, 1988



Call number




Mysterious Press (1988), Mass Market Paperback, 304 pages


Victorian gentlewoman Amelia Peabody Emerson and her archaeologist husband are busy raising their young son; yet Amelia dreams only of the dust and detritus of ancient civilizations. Happily, circumstances are about to demand their immediate presence in Egypt. Sir Henry Baskerville had just discovered a tomb in Luxor when he promptly died under bizarre circumstances. The tabloids scream of "The Curse of the Pharaohs!" Amelia and her husband arrive to find the camp in disarray and the workers terrified. A ghost even appears. It is not at all what Amelia considers an atmosphere conducive to scientific discovery. Thus the indomitable Victorian sets about bringing order to chaos-and herself close to danger. How Amelia triumphs over evil and those who would stand between her and her beloved antiquities makes for a delightfully spirited adventure.… (more)

User reviews

LibraryThing member atimco
The Curse of the Pharaohs is the second book in the Amelia Peabody series by Elizabeth Peters, and my first on audiobook read by the incomparable Barbara Rosenblat. After five years of domestic bliss (more or less), Amelia and Emerson are off again to Egypt to take over the late Lord Baskerville's
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last archaeological excavation. Amelia is determined to discover Lord Baskerville's murderer (assuming he was murdered, of course), but all Emerson cares about is the dig. Once in Egypt, the Emersons are joined by a mismatched group of possible suspects. There is Karl von Bork, a German scholar; Cyrus Vandergelt, an American archaeologist; Madam Berengeria, a delusional old woman, and her lovely daughter Mary; Charles Milverton, a young English photographer; Kevin O'Connell, the ubiquitous Irish reporter; and of course Lady Baskerville, beautiful, affected, and recently widowed. Everyone has something to hide, some ulterior goal. Who profits from the rumor that Lord Baskerville died as the result of an ancient curse?

The mystery is not bad, though I did guess the murderer (amidst, I confess, many other conflicting hypotheses). The murderer's method is rather creative. The characters are a lot of fun, and they are further fleshed out by Rosenblat's excellent narration. She voices each character distinctly, complete with accent — British, American, German, Irish, and Arabic, she does them all! I have a feeling that many of the characters introduced in this story will be back for more adventures later in the series, and I'm looking forward to seeing what Peters does with them. And I am sure we have not heard the last of the redoubtable Ramses. Not by a long shot!

Perhaps it is because of Rosenblat's narration, but I found Amelia more likeable than she is in the first book. The character seems much less anachronistic in her feminism, and Peters really develops Amelia's comic voice. However, this impression could just be an optical (auditory?) illusion, as Rosenblat's narration really is outstanding and certainly gives the character a more defined presence in my imagination.

For readers who are uncomfortable with references to sex, this series may not be for you. The frequent references to conjugal relations are for comic effect, and Amelia is never explicit about it (which is in itself a source of humor). I found it quite funny, but I'd hesitate to recommend the series to younger readers and I'm sure this won't please everyone's taste.

One thing I found hilarious, that had nothing to do with the story itself, was the back cover blurb. It was obviously written by someone who had no idea what the story is about. Besides the description being more than usually vague, the last line says, "Instead of digging up the treasures of a lost age, it appears that Amelia and her friend are excavating a deadly curse." Who, pray, is Amelia's little buddy? Could they mean... Emerson? Her burly bear of a husband? LOL!

Overall, this is an excellent follow-up to the first book, and it leaves me eager for the next story. I will certainly be raiding my local library in search of the audiobook version; I understand Rosenblat has narrated all the Amelia Peabody books. Great fun!
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LibraryThing member AuthorMarion
This book finds our heroine Amelia Peabody married to the archeologist she met in Crocodile on the Sandbank. They have made their home in England where they have put their first love (digging around in Egypt) on hold while they raise their son and Professor Emerson teaches archeology. But this life
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is not what they are suited for. When an opportunity presents itself to re-engage themselves in an expedition whose leader died (or perhaps murdered)they jump at the chance.

As the Emersons set about to dispel the idea of the Curse of the Pharoahs (a trumped up idea) they meet with a plethora of strange characters, each a possible suspect in the death of Lord Baskerville who was the original archeologist. There is the tabloid writer, the brash American investor, the superstitious Egptian natives, two other archeologists who are assisting the Emerson team, a young woman and her mother (Madame Berengeria) who believes that she is the reincarnation of a high-ranking Egyptian queen and that Professor Emerson is her long-lost love. There is also the appearance of the white veiled figure who threatens the group during the nights and leaves danger in its wake.

All in all a captivating story for mystery fans. The plot moves along rapidly and it would behoove the reader to pay attention to the details as set forth in order to find the true culprit.

I would say this is a most satisfying story either as a summer read or one to curl up with by the fire.
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LibraryThing member paradoxosalpha
This second Amelia Peabody book is even funnier than the first. Peters deftly makes her heroine an intrusive narrator with much less self-awareness than she arrogates to herself. There are laughs on nearly every page.

I'm beginning to think that the mystery element in these novels is
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"self-spoiling"--largely as a consequence of the integrity of Peabody's character. She wants to impress the reader with her acumen as an intuitive sleuth, and so she retrospectively emphasizes her first distaste of the actual culprit. In a conventional mystery, such strong early suspicions would nearly disqualify a character from being the chief evildoer, but in these stories, they have been a reliable indicator.
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LibraryThing member KalessinAstarno
I love the narrator, I love how you don't get the solution until everyone does and I especially love how you see the narrator sometimes fake it, like "'yes, of course I know what you're planning.' I didn't.".
LibraryThing member wyvernfriend
While occasionally Amelia Peabody can be an irritating character this is also her strength. She's a believable character, full of flaws and foibles and quite likely to deliver a stern lecture to you about stepping in the way of danger while efficiently bandaging you.

Sir Henry Baskerville has
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discovered a tomb in Egypt but after his find dies under bizarre circumstances, Amelia and her husband Radcliffe Emerson are summoned to continue his work. Amelia applies herself to this work and also to the work of finding out the truth, as the bodies stack up.

I enjoyed the story, there were times when Amelia irrited me with her superior attitude but it was still a great deal of fun.
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LibraryThing member brodeurbunny30
After I had smoked through the debut novel of Elizabeth Peters' Amelia Peabody series, Crocodile on the Sandbank, I was extremely excited to start the sequel.

Only thing was, after 50 pages I was still scratching my head.

Where was the hilarious banter between Amelia and Emerson? Where was the
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adventure and excitement?

Truth be told, the first few chapters are beyond terrible, and are a complete flip from where we left off with Emerson and Peabody.

We re-join their life-in-progress in perpetually rainy England where the Emersons read as the worst parents in existence who seem to begrudge the presence of their young toddler son, Ramses.

Emerson does nothing but work as a professor, complain and huff about not being in Egypt. Amelia berates her family at will, hates the neighbours, is nothing but sour towards her husband, despises being a housewife and admittedly feels animosity and bitterness towards her own offspring.

This does NOT motivate me to read further, it doesn't even read as dysfunctional, it's just plain AWFUL. gets better.

No really, in a matter of 30 pages or so, they accept the offer of a rich widow in Egypt to take over the excavation duties of a supposedly cursed tomb...

...and then the party starts!

They leave their young son in the capable hands of relatives and rush off to the beautifully characterized landscapes of Victorian Egypt.

And then Elizabeth Peters rolls into what she does, classic mystery storytelling and clever humorous dialogue.

We meet a cast of quirky characters that quickly turn into suspects in a murder case. It's so very 'Colonel Mustard in the Library with a candle-stick' but you don't care, it's funny and you want to roll through to the end to see if your guess was right as to who was the true killer!

In keeping with Crocodile, it's not just a murder mystery, it's a study in Egyptology and it's hard to not at least learn a bit about the Ancients while reading such intelligent and enthusiastic passages about mummies, tombs and elusive burial chambers.

Lastly, the relationship between Amelia and her temperamental bull-like husband is one worth reading alone. They're loving, doting, argumentative and competitive, all while keeping to their Victorian English mannerisms.

Overall, if you ignore the presence of the first few chapters in England which were utterly out-of-character, the book is a winner and definitely worth the read.
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LibraryThing member ursula
In the first book of this series, Amelia Peabody was an amusingly practical and unemotional woman, far ahead of her times (the late 1800s). She had a sort of Tracy-and-Hepburn back and forth bantering relationship with a male Egyptologist, and you just knew they were going to fall in love. They
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did, and got married. This book picks up a bit later, when Amelia and Emerson have a small child and are living in England, waiting until said small child is old enough to take with them on excavations in Egypt.

The child is obnoxious, and precocious, of course. His nickname is "Ramses," which is supposed to suggest his charming stubbornness. A few pages of Ramses was enough to hope that he and his speech impediment would fall down a very deep well. So in a way, it's lucky that the reader isn't subjected to much of young Ramses. Why not? Well, in short order there's a mystery in Egypt that simply must be solved, and since Ramses is too young to accompany them, Amelia and Emerson leave the toddler at home with his aunt and uncle and venture off without him for months. Now, I don't blame them, kind of, because like I said, the kid is annoying. But I'm a reader and they are his parents and in theory, they should maybe be more attached to him than this? Also, they chuckle about how he bullies his cousins and they're all terrified of him and boy is everyone going to have lots of "fun" with Ramses while we're gone, hahaha. On the other hand, Amelia's parenting of the child is like Ayn Rand raising a baby in a Skinner box. The less influence she has in his life, the better he will probably do.

The rest of the book, in Egypt, is tolerably interesting. The mystery is fine, all accidents and deaths that the natives think are related to a curse on the tomb Amelia and Emerson are excavating. Amelia and Emerson are less enjoyable sniping at each other now, and I don't really think it's Emerson's fault. I think the fault is partially that Amelia is telling the story and she thinks she is oh-so-clever and oh-so-charming, of course, and partially that the "hate meet" is charming for a courtship, but should probably have the edge taken off for a marriage. It's not cute little jabs - it seems like Amelia doesn't like or think much of Emerson, really. I suspect that this is why Peters adds in frequent references to all the sex that Amelia and Emerson are having - they can't keep their hands off each other, so obviously 1. they actually do like each other and 2. Emerson forgives Amelia for her constant malicious remarks. But I don't buy it.

If the child were the only problem, I could maybe see going forward with this series. In fact, I'd been looking forward to doing so because it's nice to have something light and entertaining to read interspersed with heavier books. But I find that I just can't stand Amelia. She's turned from a spirited, sarcastic woman into a harpy.

Recommended for: the virulently childfree (after the first 30 pages or so), women who mistake being a harridan for being strong.

Quote: "Only one ripple mars the smooth surface of my content. Is it concern for my little son, so far from his mother's tender care? No, dear reader, it is not. The thought that several thousands of miles separate me from Ramses inspires a sense of profound peace such as I have not known for years."
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LibraryThing member justchris
The Curse of the Pharoahs had a better plotline, in the sense of having a much larger cast of potential suspects and motives for the three mysterious murders. It left me guessing until close to the end. This book also did an excellent job portraying the racism inherent in British colonialism and
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ex-pat upper crust society. Both books include generally sympathetic portrayals of Egyptians and Muslims.

The story takes place several years after Crocodile on the Sandbank. Amelia and Emerson have a young son whom they leave in Evelyn and Walter's care while they take over as expedition leaders when the original sponsor mysteriously dies. This time it is a mysterious "lady in white" who appears to be haunting the dig, then there are the bodies with no apparent cause of death but a hieroglyphic on the forehead suggesting nothing natural.

The cast of characters include the widow of the original expedition leader, a rich American Egyptology enthusiast, an Irish tabloid journalist, a German Egyptologist, a young British girl and her wacky mother who thinks she's a reincarnated Egyptian Queen, a young British photographer, and various Egyptian field staff (some of these minor characters from the first novel) and local villagers. My major issue--once again a fat woman is portrayed as the worst person in the story--selfish, drunken, greedy, bizarre, emotionally manipulative--while just about everyone else is various degrees of nice, at least on the surface (and ignoring the blatant racism of the day).

This story isn't as predictable as the first, but it also has a few holes left wide open at the end. It was perfectly enjoyable though. And their son Ramses was hysterical in every scene where he appeared, either in person or via his letters. I expect to continue with the series.
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LibraryThing member dragonasbreath
Emerson and Peabody, having met in the tombs - end up married and having a child whom everybody calls Ramses due to his coloring.
Leaving Ramses at home with her friend Evelyn and Emerson's brother Walter they're back to Emerson's beloved Egypt - and once more The Father of Curses and the Sitt
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Hakim find themselves in the midst of a murder - as Abdul would say in the coming years - another year, another dead body.
Even without Ramses antics, Peters crafts a good story.
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LibraryThing member alana_leigh
The Curse of the Pharaohs is the second installment in Elizabeth Peters' Amelia Peabody series... and does anyone else think it's weird that it's only the second book and she's married, thus is no longer named Amelia Peabody? It's Amelia Emerson now, though her husband Radcliffe Emerson (usually
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just called Emerson) uses "Peabody" as a term of endearment. At the close of The Crocodile on the Sandbank, we knew what was in store for the Emersons -- a few years of happy excavations and the promise of a baby, perfectly planned to arrive after their working season with enough time for Amelia to be ready to return to work the following season. Well, here we learn that their blessed bundle of joy turned out to be a boy, named Walter for his uncle... but unsurprisingly is quite precocious and is turning out to be a bit of a tyrant, thus more frequently referred to as "Ramses." Indeed, after their first season away from the boy, Radcliffe found he couldn't bear to be parted from his offspring, and since even the Emersons realized one should probably not take an infant/toddler out to the deserts of Egypt, they spent five years in England, slowly going out of their minds with boredom.

Thank goodness for mysterious deaths and Egyptian curses, because it's the combination of these two things that give the Emersons the excuse they need to return to Egypt. Ramses is left with his capable Aunt Evelyn and Uncle Walter while the Emersons go to take over a famous excavation that has captured the attention of the tabloids due to the mysterious death of the expedition leader, Lord Baskerville. Without an apparent cause of death and the sudden disappearance of a trusted crew members goes missing, the tabloids naturally assume that this chap must have killed Lord Baskerville. This is all interesting to Amelia, of course, who considers herself to be a bit of a sleuth in addition to an uncertified lady doctor. Emerson, however, is much more concerned with the tomb... and possibly a little bit with the widow of Lord Baskerville, who evidently has known Emerson for a long time. While we the readers know that Emerson would never go astray, the woman in question is certainly one to keep an eye on. Mix in the expedition photographer (who is really Lord Baskerville's estranged brother's son in disguise and thus the heir and new Lord Baskerville), a vile drunkard of a woman who fancies she can remember her past lives (which happen to include Emerson as her husband and lover), the woman's lovely daughter, a German expedition member who worships Emerson's brother's work, and an American amateur Egyptologist looking to get in on all the action... well, once again, we have a work that is far more entertaining for the characters than the mystery.

The mystery is, indeed, quite easy to figure out -- at least this time, Emerson and Amelia write their respective guesses and leave them in a sealed envelope, proving that our dynamic duo each at least solved the case around the same time as the reader. I would have to admit that I didn't enjoy The Curse of the Pharoahs as much as I had hoped, though it was a perfectly pleasant and quick read. I was warned upon starting this series that I should brave it out for a few books before things picked up -- and I believe this might be the book to spark such a warning. It isn't that anything is particularly wrong, it's just not terribly fresh. Emerson and Amelia are charming in their banter -- it's nice to see a couple that can feud well and you still believe that they can be in love at the same time. I predict that Ramses will be quite a handful and, indeed, perhaps a bit annoying if we have a few books where he's still quite young... so I'm thankful for at least this book where we can still enjoy Emerson and Amelia on their own. Again, a quick read and an amusing installment, but I must admit I'm looking for Peters to sharpen her sleuthing skills so that we have some more interesting cases to which we can look forward.
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LibraryThing member eenerd
This was my second dip into the Amelia Peabody series, just to solidify my opinion. Amelia & her husband (grouchy, dark & handsome Radcliffe Emerson) are back in Victorian England, raising their genius archaeologist toddler "Ramses". An eminent Egyptologist gets murdered and his partner goes
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missing, leaving a greiving widow to pick up the pieces and continue the expedition. The Emersons travel back to their beloved Egypt to solve the mystery, debunk the superstitious and complete the dig. Very light reading, suitable for any age.
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LibraryThing member mauveberry
I enjoyed this book even more than the 1st book of the series. Amelia's commentary is hilarious as usual. Her son Ramses is also proving to be an interesting character. I liked how Amelia Peabody is a strong female character. I did guess the identity of the villain, but I wasn't always sure and
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enjoyed watching the story unfold.
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LibraryThing member GTTexas
Oh, but I love Amelia Peabody and look forward to reading every book. One of a dozen or so I read on a Mediterranean cruise.
LibraryThing member lexxa83
I did like this book more than the first. Amelia and Emerson's relationship is quite amusing, and (perhaps sadly) I can relate to Amelia's unusual relationship with her son Ramses, and her reticence to place him before her life work. It will be interesting to see how this series progresses, and
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what other fantastic situations Amelia and Emerson find themselves in.
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LibraryThing member riverwillow
Set some five years after the events of "Crocodile on the Sandbank" Amelia and Emerson are now happily married, have settled in the Kent countryside and are doting parents to the tyrannically charming Ramses. The sudden death of Lord Baskerville the day after he opens up a tomb in Luxor, which is
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closely followed by the disappearance of his assistant, Alan Armadale (I love the literary references here) fills the press with rumours of a 'Curse of the Pharaohs. So Emerson and Amelia travel to Luxor determined to excavate the tomb, discover why Baskerville died and in the process dispel the myth of the curse. Along the way there are some hilarious encounters and some wonderfully funny and witty asides from Amelia. Its really nice to see that marriage and motherhood haven't diminished Amelia's sense of humour or her ability to wield a parasol. Superb.
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LibraryThing member cathymoore
Amelia Peabody returns in the second in Elizabeth Peters' series set in Egypt towards the end of the 19th century. Peabody is now married to her archaeologist love Emerson and they have a son, Ramses who they rather heartlessly leave in England with family while they go off rampaging round Luxor,
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digging up mummies and solving murders. Amelia Peabody is a character and a half, written with a great deal of affection by Peters. The dry and dusty surroundings of Egypt during the period are also captured perfectly and the muder mystery at the centre of the plot keeps the reader guessing right up until the final chapter where there is an almost Agatha Christie-like "grand reveal."
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LibraryThing member Jaguar897
This is the second in the Amelia Peabody series. In this one Amelia and Emerson have settled in their new home in England with their little terror son Ramses. Amelia is not very motherly at all so it is funny seeing her interact with the very precocious Ramses. After a few months of settlement
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Emerson and Amelia both begin to get the itch to go back to Egypt for another excavation except with Ramses to consider future excavations are at a halt. That is until they get an offer they can’t refuse from the newly widowed Lady Baskerville.

Lady Baskerville’s husband found a new tomb believed to belong to royalty. However, as soon as the tomb is open the Pharaoh’s curse reins its ugly head. All those associated with the tomb start dropping dead or seeing the white lady which in Egypt is the symbolism of death. The story of the Pharaoh’s Curse makes its way into the gossip paper and of course no one wants a part of it for fear that the Curse will get them. Of course, the Pharaoh’s Curse is no match for the fearsome duo- Amelia and Emerson. When Lady Baskerville asks them for their help they both pretty much jump at the chance. Leaving Ramses behind with Walter, Evelyn and their terrified children Amelia and Emerson go off on a new excavation filled with mystery and murder.

Amelia has definitely not lost her wit in this second book and the chemistry between her and Emerson still has fire in it. There is a whole new set of colorful characters and Peters does a beautiful job describing the setting which puts the reader right there in the story. I hope that the rest of the books contain the same magic as the first and second book.
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LibraryThing member thornton37814
Amelia and Emerson go to Egypt to take over a dig after Lord Baskerville dies, leaving their son with an uncle. More deaths occur after they arrive. Both Amelia and Emerson are trying to solve the murders which the locals blame on a curse left by a Pharaoh. Not my favorite series, but a quick read.
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After beginning it, I realized that I had read this book when it was fairly new. It had been dedicated to one of my favorite authors Phyllis Whitney. I remember being quite disappointed in the book at that time because to me it was nothing like a Phyllis Whitney book. I wasn't at all enthralled with the setting. I just did not enjoy it at all. I pretty much quit reading any of Peters' books with an Egyptian setting. I recently read another book in the series and enjoyed it more. I have now re-read this one. I liked it more than I did the first time. I think it helped that I knew who some of the characters were and such. I just think this is one of those series that will never become a favorite.
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LibraryThing member hoosgracie
Now married, Amelia and Emmerson live in England with their son Ramses, and are frankly quite bored. After the death of Lord Baskerville in Egypt, Lady Baskerville approaches Emmerson to take over the dig. They of course jump at the chance. This propels them into Luxor and mystery. Thoroughly
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enjoyable. Peters is excellent at describing Victorian-era Egypt and her characters are very well developed.
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LibraryThing member fiberfool
After several seasons away from active digs in Egypt, Peabody and her husband find themselves off to complete the dig of a colleague who suddenly passed. Peabody is convinced the death is suspicious and of course starts to dig not only into sand, but into the lives of those at the site trying to
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uncover what is really behind "the curse" the locals are going on about.

So far, both Amelia Peabody books I've read have been real slow starts for me. I don't know if it is when I'm reading them or if that is just how they are written. It takes me a fair bit of time to get wrapped up in the book. That isn't to say I don't enjoy the beginnings. I just love Peter's writing style and I almost always learn a couple new vocabulary words too (many Egyptology related of course). I'm very much looking forward to the next read in this series.
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LibraryThing member LARA335
Even better than the first novel in the series. Full-steam-ahead Peabody and her gruff husband Emerson - who I imagine as a bluff Bill Travers or young Peter O'Toole. The series has been described elsewhere as a Victorian Scooby-Do, which I think sums it up, plus you get an Egyptian tomb excavated,
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and the identity of the serial killer keeps you entertainingly guessing.
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LibraryThing member delphimo
Amelia Peabody loves to talk and explain in detail all that is happening. Sometimes the detail is too much and the reader gets lost in all this description. The story takes many twists and turns, but the overcome and exposure of the killer is very trite. Amelia openly praises the character of her
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husband, her son, and herself, too much. I enjoy the description of the exploration into the Egyptian tombs, and can feel the heat and hard work necessary to uncover history. Of course, Peters hints at an active martial relationship between Emerson and Peabody. Isn't the hint more seductive than the blatant description of most authors?
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LibraryThing member slvoight
This is the 2nd book in the Amelia Peabody series and is in my opinion much better than the 1st one. Amelia and her husband are back in Egypt taking over a dig from the previous archeologist who had died-some say from the pharaoh's curse. As the body count and mishaps continue to add up can Emerson
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and Amelia find out who is behind the trouble..? I like reading and watching shows about Egypt and Archeology so these are fun books for me.
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LibraryThing member FMRox
Amelia Peabody has married her adversary, bore a son and returned to Egypt for another round of adventures.
This one is just as good as previous novels in the series. The back drop of Egypt and even England is well described. The characters are fun even if over the top at times. And, I did not see
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the end coming. On to the next one!
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LibraryThing member caittilynn
I have been working my way back through the series after many many years. I have read all of the recent books as they come out, but some of the more recent books haven't been so good and I started to forget what I like about the books. For these books, it really is more about the characters and
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less about the mystery which is often somewhat predictable. I am excited to have finished this one, because this means that the master criminal is about to enter the scene.

Amelia and Emerson have reluctantly settled into life in the English countryside with their young son. Emerson is teaching and Amelia is trying to be friendly to the oh so proper country matrons. Into this scene, Emerson and Amelia are invited to return to Luxor to take over dig after the death of the patron and the disappearance of the former excavation leader. Journalists have latched onto the story of the death of the patron linking it to a curse connected to the tomb he was excavating.

As more events seem to add to the veracity of the curse, it is up to Amelia and Emerson to apply cool logic and figure out what is actually behind these event.
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Original publication date


Physical description

285 p.; 4.25 inches


0445406488 / 9780445406483
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