Hellboy Volume 5 : Conqueror Worm

by Mike Mignola

Paperback, 2004



Call number



Dark Horse (2004), Edition: 2nd, Paperback


The Bureau for Paranormal Research and Defense has sent Hellboy out on what will be his final mission. At the end of World War II, Lobster Johnson led an Allied attack on Hitler's space program, but not before the Nazis were able to launch the first man into space. Now, after sixty years, Hellboy and Roger the Homunculus, who's been implanted by Bureau scientists with a bomb, travel to the ruined castle in Norway to intercept the returning capsule, and its single passenger... the conqueror worm!.

User reviews

LibraryThing member Crowyhead
I just love Hellboy. The artwork, the mix of action, humor, and humanity, the fact that in this collection one of the villains is a disembodied head in a floating jar...
LibraryThing member regularguy5mb
The introduction to Lobster Johnson, which occurs here as part of his final adventure, is one of the many things that makes this story great. I think this was actually the first Hellboy story I read. Dark Horse had yet to release numbered collections of trades at the time, and this one just piqued
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my curiosity. It's got everything that makes Hellboy great; Nazis, Lovecraftian terrors from deep space, pulp action, and Roger the Homunculus.

Also, I've always been a fan of Herman Von Klempt as a villain. Who doesn't love a floating head in a jar? Nice to see him take the reins as the lead villain in this piece.

There are themes and concepts that will return in later works featuring the Bureau of Paranormal Research and Defense, and those are some spin-off works that are worth checking out.

But here we have Hellboy in all his grandeur. This is why he's one of my favorite characters at the moment.

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LibraryThing member JonathanCrites
This was the end (seemingly) of the Ragna-Rok cycle of stories. The last of the Nazi evil scientists and his scheme is defeated and Lobster Johnson makes his mark. The art was a little loose at the beginning but I thought it got back where it needed to be by the end.
LibraryThing member KateSherrod
Nazis! Mad scientists! Heads in jars! Monsters from beyond space and time! Edgar Allen Poetry! Roger being awesome! Pretty much everything you read Mignola for is right here!
LibraryThing member bibliosk8er
Really liked this one. Roger the Homunculus proves himself. So good.
LibraryThing member asxz
This was the second of two volumes of Hellboy that I picked up cheap and it was the less satisfying of the two. Collecting a four-part miniseries, this felt a little padded and of all the kinds of darkness I've encountered in comics the Lovecraft-influenced stuff is my least favourite. So this one
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was a bit meh for me. I like the Hellboy mythology and if I could pick up more of these early collections at a reasonable price, I would consider adding them to the collection.
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Eisner Award (Nominee — 2002)


Original publication date


Physical description

168 p.; 10.22 inches


1593070926 / 9781593070922
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