The Library of Legacy Baptist Church of Northwest Arkansas

This is the catalog for the physical, printed library of books, DVDs,
and other media which you can hold in your hand
and are hosted at our Meeting House

Please contact one of our church officers in order to be enrolled to check out books. You are free to browse books and look at them, but if you take them out of the library they need to be checked out.
It may be the case that the photo of the cover in the catalog doesn't exactly match or is completely different from the version in our library. We use a service to automatically generate these covers, and the service doesn't always have the exact version we have. Additionally, some cover photos are of a book's dust jacket, and many of our books don't have dust jackets. However, it should still be easy to find a volume if you know the author, because they are organized alphabetically by author.

Soli Deo Gloria!
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