Alex Rider Ark Angel

by Anthony Horowitz

Paperback, 2015



Call number




Walker Books Ltd (2015)


After recovering from a near fatal gunshot wound, teenage spy Alex Rider embarks on a new mission to stop a group of eco-terrorists from sabotaging the launch of the first outer space hotel.

Media reviews

Horowitz, a clunky, uninspiring prose stylist, is most effective when attempting to recreate the violent ambience in the James Bond books, even introducing a recurring gadget-mad scientist who is clearly a clone of Fleming's Q. But unlike "Blood Fever," "Ark Angel" has zero intellectual content: it
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is merely a ripping yarn, one that resembles yarns we have read before... Readers of Horowitz's mechanical page-turners are expected to believe that the oddly bland, humorless Alex Rider will eventually morph into a tough hombre like James Bond. Sorry, Alex. We knew 007. 007 was a friend of ours. And you, sonny, are no 007.
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User reviews

LibraryThing member hatemyahya
Ark Angel, an action book written by the author Anthony Horowitz, is about a 14-years old schoolboy name Alex Raider, he works with MI6 which is sort of CIA but British version . He was shot by sniper and woke up in a luxury hospital, he was forced to stay there for a while because of his injuries.
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Alex met a boy next room, his name was Paul Drevin, Alex didn’t knew that Paul Drevin is a son of a Russian multimillionaire named by Nikolei Vladimir Drevin. Now the real action happens, four men arrived in the hospital, they were a member of a “Force Three” mafia group, and their target was to kidnap Paul Drevin. Alex knew that they were dangerous and managed to understand their plan, finally he managed to disable them but was kidnapped by a 5th which was the driver. Alex managed to escape from Force Three and was rewarded by Nikolei Drevin for saving his only child, the reward was the free accommodation to his mansion, and a trip to see Nikolei’s new hotel “ARK Angel”, since then Alex has felt that there is something unusual about this hotel and then Nickolei’s true plans for the hotel named “Ark Angel” unfold.
The main character Alex Raider is a very competitive 14 years old boy, his courage and will power is unbelievably high as he managed to ruin a multimillionaire’s plan. The most thing that attracted my attention and changes the way I think was Alex’s thinking strategy, he was able to solve problems, very complicated problems easily with a short notice.
The theme was in England and the island where the hotel was launched into the space. The start of Alex adventure and his escape from “Force Three” was in England and after that, he was shifted to the island with Nikolei Drevin and his son. The author has done a spectacular job finding the perfect theme for his story. One of the best writing techniques in this story was the author’s ability to create an image of the theme in reader’s mind, he was describing briefly and in detail the themes and the characters.
I like how in every book; the missions are complicated and amazing and I like how Alex has been in many life or death situations and always finds a way to get out. I think there are just too many situations where he will die but everyone is very exciting.
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LibraryThing member SupaMaori
The sixth book in the Alex Rider series. Alex Rider is in a hospital, recovering from a bullet wound suffered at the end of Scorpia. One night he goes to the reception for a walk and sees four men walk in, members of an eco-terrorist organization "Force Three". They demand to see Paul Drevin, the
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boy in the room next to Alex. After the receptionist informs them where Paul is, he is shot. Alex changes the door signs of his and Paul's rooms and the men are tricked into thinking that Alex is Paul. Alex incapacitates them using hospital equipment, but is knocked out by the men's driver. When he regains consciousness, he is being held hostage by Force Three, who believe Alex, is Paul. Another excellent choice to read if you love spies, action and sci fi reads.
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LibraryThing member WaimeaCollegeLibrary
enjoyble book, easy read with a few suprises, one of anthony,s best.
LibraryThing member caro488
Horowitz-Ark Angel - Alex in hospital thwarts the kidnapping of a boy whose father is super rich, and is invited to a Caribbean island for the launch of a space satellite part.
LibraryThing member POOAN
just like every single other anthony horowitz book ive read an absolutely fantastic book that youll never want to end
LibraryThing member JM512
The story line reminds me of some of the James Bond Stories. Alex uses sophisticated gadgets, such as an inhaler which is knock out gas, an iPod that can detect voices 50 yeards away, and more.
LibraryThing member isaac.eck
Once again another fantastic book by Horowitz! Would recomend to any person who likes action.
LibraryThing member callmecayce
While not the best of the series, Ark Angel introduced us to another side of Alex. In previous novels, he'd spent time around boys his own age (even in Scorpia), but it was interesting to see how he interacted with a spoiled rich kid who clearly only wanted to love, not unlike Alex himself. I found
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this book a little slow going, but the build up to the end was fascinating. And of course, what happened at the end was so ridiculous that it could only happen to Alex.
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LibraryThing member Kushaan97
This book's story felt like it flew by, every-page had suspense squeezed into itm and every time I opened the book, I had to cross my fingers, because of how realistic it is. I couldn’t wait for the end, but I wanted it to continue forever, it is very hard to find a book that good.
I found the
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author very imaginative, and the book had a wide arsenal of weapons and vehicles, and it even goes to the extent of sending a teenager to outer space, and then send him crashing down to a suspending end. I eccomend it.
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LibraryThing member cranbrook
In his sixth adventure Alex Rider runs afoul of a group of murderous "eco warriors" and befriends Paul Drevin, the lonely son of venerated multibillionaire Nikolai Drevin, who isn't what he seems. In fact, neither is Paul, as Alex finds out when he accompanies the father and son on a vacation to
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the family's luxurious home in Flamingo Bay, which happens to be the launching site of a rocket that will carry the observation module for Drevin's hugely publicized Ark Angel, the first hotel in space.
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LibraryThing member DF1A_ChristieR
Ark Angel is an action packed book about a 15 year old boy who joins MI6. MI6 is sort of like the British CIA. Alex must stop this project Ark Angel before it goes into space because the person in charge of the hotel (Ark Angel) is a crazy man bent on destruction. Alex must stop him or lives will
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be taken. I like this book because I really like action books.
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LibraryThing member yarmando
In "Eagle Strike," the bad guys try to kill Alex by sticking him in a bullfight ring. That was so ridiculous I nearly stopped reading. In "Ark Angel," Horowitz takes Alex even farther -- so far it becomes a delightful joke. When it became clear that "Ark Angel" was going to be Alex's "Moonraker," I
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just laughed and enjoyed the ride.
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LibraryThing member missmath144
An Alex Rider novel. Although Alex's actions are implausible for a 14-year-old, the book is an edge-of-your-seat series of actions, all the better for being narrated by Simon Prebble!
LibraryThing member jessb8
This book is about a 14 year old boy that works for a spy agency in England. He has to travel a lot and in this one he goes to an island. He has a lot of death encounters including: he almost runs out of air under water while scubadiving. Very Exhilarating!
LibraryThing member JohnD4
Kikolai Drevin has a son that had a hospital room next to Alex and 5 people try to kidnap him but Alex stops them. Alex starts to hang out with the Nikolai's son.
Action Packed and a lot like James Bond.
LibraryThing member dretallick
another great book in the Alex Rider collection. I thought it ended with the last book I am look forward to the next Alex rider adventure!
LibraryThing member laxhslr9599
Another successful novel that illustrates the wonder that is Alex Rider. While not being an educational read, it does provide some great excitement and adventure for book lovers who love a James Bond styled story. Overall while not the best out of the previous Alex Rider adventures, still action
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packed and fulfilling enough to make me go out and by the next book in the series. Happy Reading!
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LibraryThing member LAteacher
People who like adventure should certainly read it.I liked it on the first time through. The coolest thing is Alex went to space.
LibraryThing member TLHelen
This book is an action packed book filled with adventure and mystery. It is about a 14 year old teenager as a spy. He works for M16. Its like his other books, saving the world again. But this time it is in space. This book is great and everyone should read the whole Alex Rider series.
LibraryThing member John.Kaleb
Ack Angel is another great novel in the Alex Rider series. Ark Angel is a space hotel that is a billon dollars over buget. The designer of Ark Angel, no longer wished to keep up with the cost so he decides to blow-up the hotel using a fake eco-terrorist group. Kid spy, Alex Rider ruins the plan by
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saving the designers son who had been kidnapped and held for ransom. I recommend this book to those who like adventure, thrills and suspense.
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LibraryThing member Rosemarie.Herbert
This review has been crossposted from my blog Review from The Cosy Dragon Please head there for more in-depth reviews by me.

Alex Rider just can't keep out of trouble. Recovering from a chest wound in hospital is never easy when you need to save your mate next door. Another gripping tale from
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Horowitz. Hit the jump for more...

Alex has been sniper shot when leaving MI6. He vows to himself that he will go home, rest and recover. He makes a friend in the hospital though, and when he seems threatened, Alex finds himself in action. Once again Alex must try make a case against a powerful man who has the potential to destroy the world.

Alex doesn't seem to have many gadgets this time, although he ends up working with the CIA, it is his favourite pal at MI6 that brings him the gadgets he can use. For once there is another agent undercover with him who is able to save his skin when he gets into trouble!

Horowitz makes the book end on a cliffhanger - totally predictable to the canny reader by now. But he does make an effort to change up the plot, bringing in different spy elements. Alex is again likable, but I didn't see that much change in his character from Scorpia. Sure, Alex wants to go home and is longing for the easy life - but this is Alex, he never does things the easy way.

I'd recommend this book for teenagers. If they have read the rest of this series, the conclusion won't be much of a surprise, but it will leave them hankering after the next book in the series.

I have to wait now until I get my hands on the final three books... I didn't order them in my last 10% off offer I took advantage of, and now I have to wait!
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LibraryThing member tjsjohanna
This were some outrageous parts of the storyline - but maybe that is what makes an Alex Rider book particularly amusing. Alex should learn that if something seems too good to be true it probably is.
LibraryThing member weisser4
Steady storyline but predictable. Not bad for adolescent literature today.
LibraryThing member smg-brichards
It gooooood
LibraryThing member TomasJefferson
The book Ark Angel by Anthony Horowitz is a great addition to the Alex Rider series. Ark Angel starts by continuing where Book 5 ended. Alex Rider is in the hospital with serious injuries that could be fatal. Anthony Horowitz keeps up the suspense by adding a couple of muscular gangsters and guns.
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Alex has to rough it out in the hospital and somehow he is the only one standing at the end. The book goes on and it really gets you hooked. Alex saves the life of a multibillionare's son and he is invited to live on their private caribbean island with them. Then, the book brings in a terrorist group, a space hotel with a bomb in it, and antigravity fighting. The only way to find out how it ends is to read the book yourself! The 1st book of the series (StormBreaker) is what got me hooked and this book is just as good as the first if not even better. I suggest you read this book if you enjoy crime solving, fighting, and a whole lot of reading. I would recommend this book to anyone who just loves a good crime story.
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Soaring Eagle Book Award (Nominee — 2008)
Audie Award (Finalist — 2007)
British Book Award (Winner — Children's Book — 2006)


Original language


Original publication date


Physical description

7.72 x 0.79 inches


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