
by Anna Godbersen

Other authorsKatja Ruunaniemi (Translator)
Paperback, 2011



Call number




Hämeenlinna : Karisto, 2011


Two months after Elizabeth Holland's dramatic homecoming, Manhattan eagerly awaits her return to the pinnacle of society. When Elizabeth refuses to rejoin her sister Diana's side, however, those watching New York's favorite family begin to suspect that all is not as it seems behind the stately doors of No. 17 Gramercy Park South. Farther uptown, Henry and Penelope Schoonmaker are the city's most celebrated couple. But despite the glittering diamond ring on Penelope's finger, the newlyweds share little more than scorn for each other. And while the newspapers call Penelope's social-climbing best friend, Carolina Broad, an heiress, her fortune, and her fame, are anything but secure, especially now that one of society's darlings is slipping tales to the eager press. In this next thrilling installment of Anna Godbersen's bestselling Luxe series, Manhattan's most envied residents appear to have everything they desire: wealth, beauty, happiness. But sometimes the most practiced smiles hide the most scandalous secrets.… (more)

User reviews

LibraryThing member callmecayce
I keep telling people that I don't really like these books, but that's a lie. I love the Luxe novels. Not for any exciting or deep reasons, but because, no matter how frustrating they are, they're really fun. And I cannot not read them -- I need to know what happens. Evny is the third of four (or
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more) Luxe novels by Anna Godbersen and to me, it was the best of the three. While nothing was quite resolved, and things got seriously out of hand, the character development of Elizabeth, Diana, Penelope, Henry and Teddy has expanded exponentially. Without going into too many spoilers, the end of Envy is probably one of the most surprising aspects of all three novels, and probably the most interesting. I'm pleased with the path Godbersen chose for Henry and Diana, and I cannot wait to see what happens next.
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LibraryThing member millett23
This is the same as all the other books, evil Penny getting her way, and poor Henry and Diana being the end of the evil. I was finally glad that Henry maned up and joined the Army, although it didn't have to be that way. I really hope that Elizabeth finds some happiness in the 4th book, and Henry
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and Diana better get together in the end or this will be a stupid series.
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LibraryThing member stephaniechase
Candy for the mind -- and most definitely set up for a fourth novel. I can hardly wait!
LibraryThing member francescadefreitas
The sparkle has gone off this series for me, and I found this final volume a little tedious. Elizabeth's troubles are obvious, Diana is too easily manipulated, and Penelope is too one dimensional. Other characters are cardboard as well. I am relieved to find that there is only one book left to
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complete the story.
I'd only give this to fans of the previous volumes.
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LibraryThing member xdiitzitsseumsx
By far, I would have to say Envy was the best book in the Luxe series. Blackmail, romance, and of course, gossip! Penelope blackmails Henry into marrying her, and since karma's a b*tch, they have a VERY unhappy marriage. How better to rub it in (to Diana)that she married Schoonmaker than by
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suggesting everyone (and by everyone, I mean EVERYONE) come on a trip to Florida with the newlyweds. Meanwhile, Elizabeth finds out she's pregnant with Will's child, and feels guilty after feeling sparks with Teddy. Ooh, big surprise ending, TEDDY AND HENRY JOIN THE ARMY! And shocker, Diana cuts her hair and joins too.
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LibraryThing member adpaton
Anna Godbersen’s two ‘Luxe’ novels – Rumours and Envy – are truly guilty pleasures, very much in the fantastical Barbara Cartland style of bodice-ripper, although better written and certainly more sexually explicit.

The Holland family is at the apex of fin de siecle New York society and
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the two daughters of the house, fascinatingly fair Elizabeth and bewitchingly brunette Diana – are the toast of the town.

Elizabeth’s betrothal to the divinely beautiful millionaire playboy Henry Schoonmaker seems pre-ordained – until the bride-to-be is kidnapped, presumed dead, leaving her fiancé bereft and her family destitute.

Like soap operas, Chick Fic’s most endearing quality is its sheer unlikeliness: Elizabeth isn’t dead, just eloped with the groom; Henry is not bereft because he is in love with Diana, and a cast of amoral vixens and adventurers haunt the pages with little better to do than thwart the cause of true love.

The villain Penelope blackmails Henry into abandoning Diana and marrying her and at the same time Elizabeth’s groom is spotted by the police and shot dead, since they believe he has kidnapped his mistress – and so ends Rumours…

Envy is even more unexpectedly absurd and the Holland girls are invited to go on holiday with the newly wed Schoonmakers and, naturally, Henry and Diana resume their relationship much to the fury of the evil Penelope.

The book ends with Henry heading off to war: when dainty Diana hears this she cuts off her long, lustrous curls, puts on an old army coat, dons a man’s bowler hat, and sets off to enlist with him, posing as a man.

That exquisite face, that swan neck, those perfect breasts, that delicate yet deliciously curvy little body is magically transformed by just a change of apparel – but that is how things work in the world of Chick Fic and you either accept it or don’t bother reading it at all.

Great fun – total tosh of course but the ridiculously entertaining pages are peopled by beauties with great grey eyes, magnificent clusters of wild curls, tiny, plump pouting mouths and pearly teeth, floating along an absurdly small feet, in a flurry of fur, feathers, frills and flounces. Fabulous.
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LibraryThing member mjmbecky
That delightful mix of high society in NYC at the turn of the century and Gossip Girls-type plots make this a great read. I couldn't put it down, and although book 2 ends in a way that has you reaching for the next book, it is a great, engaging read!
LibraryThing member stargazing
This was definitely not a very thought provoking novel, but quite enjoyable if you're interested in beautiful dresses, high society parties and scandles.

I enjoyed the whole series so far, although I have not read the fourth installment.
LibraryThing member kikistina
This was my favorite book in the series. I love the whimsical quality of the writing and descriptions; you're able to immerse yourself in the story and setting, from Manhattan to Palm Beach. The characters are uniquely lovely in their own ways and also very well-crafted and are able to make you
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sympathize, hope, and love with them. And, of course, I love the beautiful cover...
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LibraryThing member iwriteinbooks
This review may make little sense to anyone who has not read the first two installments in Anna Godberson’s YA Luxe series. You’ve been warned.

Also, there is this: Godberson’s books fulfill, for all intents and purposes, the same place in my heart as my Friday cupcake dates with my son. We
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eat well all week. We go to mom and baby classes. I go to the gym and he plays on the playground. We like tofu and V8. Look here, we also like cupcakes from The Library Coffee Company.

Likewise, I am thoroughly enjoying Godberson’s little four-part series on life between the centuries in (sometimes) lavish Manhattan. It’s full of gossip and scandal and, really, I just don’t have to defend myself to you people.

Enough of this and on with the story.

For those of you have read the first two books, this, again, will make much more sense.

I didn’t realize how little I liked the second book until I finished the third. If Rumors was lacking anything, it lacked the speed and feeling that started in The Luxe and returned in Envy. I thought the series would flounder sans a few key characters from the first and second volumes but Anna managed to keep interests elsewhere.

While the same romance and intrigue abounded in the most recent book, I did find myself cringing often for the same reason I never fully loved Harry Potter: There were just too many scripted moments where I, as a reader, found myself yelling, “No! What are you thinking?!” I know it would have been far less dramatic without certain precarious situations but it did require some suspension of disbelieve in the “credulous actions” category.

All in all, though, it was a fun progression of the story. For those who have kept up with the other three books my character allegiance lies as such after this story: I adore Miss Diana, can’t stand Carolina and am bored to death by Elizabeth without Will.
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LibraryThing member CrystalJoy04
Envy is the third book in the Luxe series and also the second to the final book. Our characters are up to their usual and the drama continues. This book offers a nice change of scenery because everyone ends up on vacation in Florida. Penelope's brother, Grayson Hayes, has a bigger role in this
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installment as does Teddy Cutting. Elizabeth spends most of the book depressed of the death of Will and basically feeling guilty and sorry for herself. Again, her storyline is predictable and boring. Carolina is still trying to play the role of a rich socialite but also may find herself wrapped up in a love triangle all her own. Henry, Diana, and Penelope are still playing their roles in a love triangle despite the marriage at the end of the previous book. There are a lot of misunderstandings that cause a lot of the drama.

One thing I like about this series is that the titles have all stayed true to the contents of the book. As the series progresses, you begin to notice some parallels in some of the stories and some are not as obvious as others. Similarly, some things are very, very predictable but there are some twists to hold your interest. Diana Holland has been and still is my favorite character in this series. She is young and naive and she reminds us girls of how we were when we first fell in love. You can't help to be on her side and hope that everything works out between her and Henry. Speaking of Henry, he is very frustrating but seems to be trying to do what he thinks is right. Just when you start to like him, he does something to make you dislike him all over again. This book was good but I'm hoping the last book blows me away. This series has been good but not spectacular and not a page turner.
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LibraryThing member kariannalysis
As we travel back to NYC, quite a bit has changed. Elizabeth is back, Diana is still in love, but now it’s with a married man, Penelope is unhappily married but will do anything to fix it and Lina, well she now goes by Carolina and has climbed the ranks quickly.

It’s time for Elizabeth to put
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her past in the past and get back into society. This means she must accept a trip to Florida with “the group”, including her former fiance Henry, who is now married to Penelope and had a tryst with Di. WOWZA love triangle!

But it’s not all drinks and the beach, because of a death, one guest leaves early, two join the military, a marriage is all but br0ken and at least one society girl has a baby on board.

I love this series because I love diving into the past. I’ve never been one good with history, but anything involving royalty and the wealthy, I am in. The beauty and luxury of this series keeps me gripped. The writing is amazing and makes me feel like I’m 100+ years in the past. But what I love about it most is that although we are in a completely different century, there is still the same drama. There are still the catty girls and the drama love triangles.

I do admit I made a boo boo here. Envy is the 3rd in the series. I skipped over Rumors, which I’ll make next on my list and will surely be angry because I’ll already know the outcome. Oh well.

I give Envy 4 bookmarks.
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LibraryThing member aurora2615
This is the amazing third installment in one of the best series I have read in a long time. See my reviews of the other books in this series!
LibraryThing member insertbooktitle
Two months after Elizabeth Holland's dramatic homecoming, Manhattan eagerly awaits her return to the pinnacle of society. When Elizabeth refuses to rejoin her sister Diana's side, however, those watching New York's favorite family begin to suspect that all is not as it seems behind the stately
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doors of No. 17 Gramercy Park South. Farther uptown, Henry and Penelope Schoonmaker are the city's most celebrated couple. But despite the glittering diamond ring on Penelope's finger, the newlyweds share little more than scorn for each other. And while the newspapers call Penelope's social-climbing best friend, Carolina Broad, an heiress, her fortune—and her fame—are anything but secure, especially now that one of society's darlings is slipping tales to the eager press.

Envy was just as excellent as the other two installments in the Luxe series. Every chapter held gorgeous historic details with twists and turns. I fell in love with Diana and Henry's forbidden love story all over again. Penelope goes a step too far in her "relationship" with Henry, and Lina is brought to an all time low.

I was surprised, however, by being equally captured by Elizabeth's story.

Her do-everything-my-family-wants do gooder ways never really caught my attention. She was more like a background character to me than a main one. But I found myself rooting her on in this book and hoping the best for her. (I really want her to be with Teddy Cutting).

All in all, this was a excellent book.
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LibraryThing member MaQu0315
This series is the only reason I've ever even looked at historical fiction books. Enough said.
LibraryThing member abbylibrarian
Envy continues the scandalous adventures of Penelope, Diana, Elizabeth, Carolina, Henry, and the rest of New York society in 1900. It's delightfully addicting and I couldn't put it down! I'm already looking forward to the next one.
LibraryThing member Jaguar897
Just like the other two books in the series this one was just as catty-licious. This one focuses more on the relationships between Diana, Henry and the evil Penelope. I really love the drama, even though the character reactions and events were a bit predictable. I can’t wait to get the next one-
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LibraryThing member PatienceFortitude
This entire series was, indeed, Gossip Girl for the 19th century set. Or a soap opera. Godbersen's positively a sadist regarding her characters though, one tragedy after another! Definitely a good guilty pleasure.
LibraryThing member PatienceFortitude
This entire series was, indeed, Gossip Girl for the 19th century set. Or a soap opera. Godbersen's positively a sadist regarding her characters though, one tragedy after another! Definitely a good guilty pleasure.
LibraryThing member PatienceFortitude
This entire series was, indeed, Gossip Girl for the 19th century set. Or a soap opera. Godbersen's positively a sadist regarding her characters though, one tragedy after another! Definitely a good guilty pleasure.
LibraryThing member katie1802
Go, Diana, Go!!!!! It's strange, hers is not usually the type of character that ends up as a favourite, but I love her to bits. Change of scenery this time, still as exciting as ever, and it is nothing like that steaming pile of shit, Gossip Girl!
LibraryThing member CaitlinAC
As always, the cover is beautiful. I only wish I loved the book as much as I love the cover. I hate to say this, but the ending just wasn't satisfying for me. Maybe my problem is that I think things weren't resolved well for the characters. Yes, there's another book, but I just couldn't see how
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anything would be fixed from this point on. Also, what were these characters thinking? I know they're flawed and that's fine, but I honestly couldn't understand why they did what they did. If the author can't make me completely believe in characters, then I can't be as attached to the story as I should be.
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LibraryThing member Rosa.Mill
This is the third novel in the Luxe series. In this book each of the characters seems to be getting further and further away from what they want, even if it appears that they are getting all they want.
LibraryThing member Rosa.Mill
This is the third novel in the Luxe series. In this book each of the characters seems to be getting further and further away from what they want, even if it appears that they are getting all they want.
LibraryThing member Rosa.Mill
This is the third novel in the Luxe series. In this book each of the characters seems to be getting further and further away from what they want, even if it appears that they are getting all they want.


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Physical description

428 p.; 18 cm


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