Fearless Fourteen

by Janet Evanovich

Paper Book, 2009



Call number




New York : St. Martin's Paperbacks, 2009, c2008.


Personal vendettas, hidden treasure, and a monkey named Carl will send bounty hunter Stephanie Plum on her most explosive adventure yet.

User reviews

LibraryThing member BookLover69
Just finished the ARC. Unbelievably disappointing addition to the Plum series. From #1 to Twelve Sharp, Ms. Evanovich has consistently delivered top notch characters and funny situations along with a healthy dose of mystery. In this book, she butchers her characters, fails to deliver any type of
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mystery and memorable bad guy, and recycles old plots. 4 guys rob something and years later they are being killed off, one by one. Sound familiar? Well, it's the plot of Eleven on Top.

Steph is staying at Joe's house because he may be the father of a teenager she's somehow currently responsible for. Apparently he's not too bothered by that fact, nor is he very interested. He states that he can't remember if he was "with" the mother (a relative of his) or not. He had good luck with sluts back then, he says with a smile. Since Steph was one of his women back then, I was offended for her, even if she wasn't. If you like Ranger, you're in for a big disappointment - he's just about nonexistent. She does call him for help a couple of times, but it's very forced and artificial-sounding.

Lula's character is unrecognizable - she's itching to get married and decides that trickery and lying will get her what she wants. Hello? Independent Lula? Strong, brought herself up from nothing Lula?

If this is Janet's way of seeing if Joe and Steph can headline a book on their own, let it be known that they can't. They bumble, they stumble and it's all so boring and aggravating that you just want the damn thing to end. I hate to say this because I love this series and the characters particularly. LMT was bad enough - this is a complete travesty. Save your money.
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LibraryThing member 5amontuesday
Stephanie Plum, America's favorite New Jersey bounty hunter, is back in her fourteenth adventure, along with a monkey named Carl, fan-favorite Mooner and his own brand of 'Homegrown Security', and a dead guy in boyfriend Joe Morelli's basement. Compared to other installments in this immensely
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popular series, FEARLESS FOURTEEN is dead weight. While Evanovich has never been known for heart-pounding thrillers or groundbreaking mystery plots, this foray into the softer side of cozy mystery fails to generate anything other than boredom and apathy when tested against the standards Evanovich has set for herself. Her writing, once clean and concise, is sloppy and amateurish, lacking the trademark humor, romantic tension, and suspense of the other books. I couldn't shake the feeling that the whole thing inconvenienced Evanovich somehow. It was like she really didn't want to be there, and neither did her characters. And if I'm to be completely honest, neither did I. This is the only book in the series that I feel like I could've stopped reading at chapter 9 and not really missed anything except 200 pages of...nothing. Oh well. Points for minimal effort, but disappointing nonetheless.
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LibraryThing member susanamper
Fearless Fourteen--Janet Evanovich (2008). Talk about by the numbers. Evanovich seems to have sleepwalked or sleeptyped her way through this one. The only new thing about this book is that Plum's car doesn't get blown up for once. She's turned Stephanie's mother into a pill popping near alcoholic.
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Lula and Tank's storyline needs to be tanked. If Evanovich can't find something to do with Ranger's character then she should blow him up or something. If you want to take a nap while you read, this is the book for you.
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LibraryThing member wdwilson3
The Stephanie Plum mystery-comedy formula is familiar to most everyone by now – a little mystery, a little sex, a bunch of lovable screw-ups on both sides of the law, a bit of danger, and some laughs at everyone’s expense. Fearless Fourteen doesn’t move an inch away from the formula. Why mess
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with success? Now, this is not highbrow stuff – the characters are one-dimensional, the “sight gags” are strictly Three Stooges, the sex hard “R”, the plot turns don’t stand up to much scrutiny, and the detecting is strictly elementary. It’s appalling to me that a sophisticated, sensitive, intellectual (like me) would find any appeal in a book like this. So why couldn’t I put it down? I guess it’s simply because it made me laugh out loud at the frequently inept Stephanie and her odd collection of co-workers, family, lovers and friends. I’m not sure I’d want any of these eccentrics in my house, but they’re fun to read about. I gobbled this book up like a bag of potato chips.

Janet Evanovich not only has mastered a genre that is very difficult to be consistent in, but she has avoided one of my cardinal sins in serial mysteries, trotting out all her past characters in each new book. You’ve seen it before, when characters from previous installments come into the current book for a few pages just so we catch up on their lives or something. Spare me. Evanovich has left behind her annoying sister and a host of other characters and I say bravo! I’m sure we’ll hear about them when Evanovich concocts a plot where they’re useful, not just ornamental. I’ll be waiting.
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LibraryThing member bugeyzz23
I am a huge Stephanie Plum FAN, but this book was one of the least funny, in my opinion. Needed a little more of her Grandmother in it and a lot more Ranger!!! :)
LibraryThing member robindc63
I can't get enough of Stephanie Plum! This latest novel by Evanovich featuring the girl next door (if you happen to live in Trenton, NJ) bounty hunter Stephanie Plum is just as entertaining as the previous 13. The witty dialogue, the colorful characters (gotta love Grandma Mazur and Lulu!!) and the
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always pivoting romance line between Stephanie and on again/off again boyfriend, Joe Morelli and the darker, how can she resist him Ranger keeps this one hopping from the first page to the last. Now, this is truly a book I have to read in one sitting........it's almost impossible to put down!! Loved it!
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LibraryThing member LibraryOMidas
I have read all the novels in the Plum series, and while I enjoyed this particular book, because it was easy to read, I feel that her writing is getting very predictable. It's good for a couple laughs, nothing like when she started. It seems to me that the stories are all becoming a lot alike, just
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change villain's names and ta-da! new story.
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LibraryThing member riverwillow
I read some bad reviews of this book - I love this series of books even though they very formulaic. Stephanie and Lula are a fantastic bungling female version of Batman and Robin. This book is certainly not the best in the series and I wonder if Janet Evanovich is beginning to run out of steam, but
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there are some nice moments with Lula and Tank and at least Stephanie doesn't blow up another car this time!
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LibraryThing member Bumpersmom
Stephanie Plum is one of my favorite characters. This latest book is right up there in keeping with the great story lilne of her adventures.
LibraryThing member wirtley
Not up to others. Not as many LOL scenes. Ending a little boring.
LibraryThing member Stacey42
This had it's funny moments but it almost seemed to be 2 books badly woven together. Guarding the super singer Brenda, watching the skips son with the unknown father, people digging up treasure in Morelli's backyard, an angry ex bankrobber, assorted online gaming geeks, suddenly Brenda is a reality
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TV persona, no wait she is a news reporter, Grandma Mazur briefly leaps into the gaming world & then disappears from the plot. Ranger makes a short appearance & then mostly disappears from the book as well. Mooner roams around the background. It felt as if there were 2-3 books worth of plot crammed, undeveloped, into this book. There were plenty of LOL moments, but overall it just wasn't very good for me.
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LibraryThing member TheLibraryhag
Stephanie is babysitting a skip's son, helping a friend plan a wedding, body guarding an aging music star and trying to solve a 9 million dollar mystery. Just another day in the Berg.

I really enjoyed this book. It is not as laugh out loud funny as some of the books but there is still lots of
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funny. I enjoyed the story. It was outrageous as ever with new characters and old favorites.
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LibraryThing member meditatinglibrarian
This is my favorite Stephanie Plum series title to date. What a hoot! I loved her new characters, and the familiar ones, too.
LibraryThing member lrobe190
Stephanie Plum finds herself in charge of the teenage son of Loretta Rizzi when Loretta skips bail. Mario, who calls himself "Zook", hangs out at Joe's house after wearing out his welcome at Stephanie's parents' house. Meanwhile, strange things are happening at Morelli's house...people breaking and
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entering, digging holes in his backyard and even a dead body in the basement. Stephanie is once again in the middle of all the excitement. The usual cast of characters are featured in this latest Plum novel, including Grandma Mazur, Lola, Tank and Ranger. The plot is as zany as ever. Even though they are getting a little formulaic, it' s still fun to get together with our friends in the Burg.
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LibraryThing member Kathy89
Stephanie and the gang babysit Morrelli's geeky 15 yr cousin while trying to find his kidnapped mother being held for ransom (the money from an old bank robbery) believed to be buried in Morrelli's basement.
LibraryThing member maribs
I know! This came out ages ago. Okay, not really, but it always feels that way with these books. You buy it, read it and pass it on to the next person within 2 days and then it is time to wait another year for the next one. Well, waiting this time around won't be too much of a problem. I suppose
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that is what happens when you have read the same book 14 times.

I didn't laugh out loud as much as I have with the previous Stephanie Plum books by Janet Evanovich. There were a couple funny Grandma Mazur incidents but that is all. Even the Lula bits disappointed. It was just as fast a read as ever, quick paced and action packed, but it seemed repetitive. I had seen all this before and was really hoping for something new. Something different but just as hilarious would have been good.

It was the same ol' Stephanie Plum, getting herself into trouble, with a couple new characters thrown in. It was okay but definitely not the best in the series.
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LibraryThing member miyurose
I think this is the best installment in the series out since it hit 10 or so. Really solid and entertaining. The cast of secondary characters in this one is exceptional, from Brenda to Moonman. Lula is in stellar form as she plans for a wedding. Grandma Mazur gets a new hobby. And Stephanie and
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Morelli seem to be moving further down Commitment Road — poor Ranger! Overall, I loved it. Also, this is the first of the numbered books I’ve listened to on audio, and I believe that will be my preferred method of "reading" these in the future… great audio production!
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LibraryThing member MissReadsTooMuch
Stephanie Plum mysteries are always entertaining but as the numbers grow larger, the books seems more and more predictable. I have been feeling with the last few that Janet Evanovich is just pushing them out without truly caring about the story very much.
That said, I really liked Grandma and her
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friends becoming gamers, as well as the graffiti everywhere. I didn't like that there was less Ranger or how he and Stephanie interacted. I liked Joe Morelli as always.
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LibraryThing member Alera
This isn't your typical Stephanie Plum novel, it does what none of the others have ever done. For once, Stephanie isn't in constant mortal peril. She isn't the one being stalked. She isn't the one receiving threatening notes. She isn't even completely torn between her two boys. This time she
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actually gets to tag along and try to clean up the messes of both of her boys in typical Stephanie style. Granted the beginning mess with Ranger is mostly just for comic relief, the later deal with Joe I loved a lot. It's nice to note that Stephanie isn't the only one that can stumble into things unknowingly. Also, of note in this novel, Tank. Poor man. Lula really is just too much for him.

This wasn't my favorite in the series but I appreciated it for going a bit of a different way. In fact, come to think on it... a car didn't even blow up. I liked it. It was a quick read. And I still love these characters.
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LibraryThing member sunfi
A fun novel in the continuation of the Stephanie Plum, female bounty hunter series. Stephanie has gotten herself in trouble again and has folks trying to kill her. However, this time her love life isn't nearly a chaotic as it usually is. Is Stephanie finally going to start settling down or is she
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still trying to chose? I'll guess we'll have to wait for the next installment to see if she finally makes a decision.
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LibraryThing member Donna1123
Good, but not as good as the first few of the series.
LibraryThing member cal8769
The series is starting to get old. This book was better than the last couple Plum books.
LibraryThing member mikitchenlady
I love this series as much as anyone out there who's an Evanovich fan, but I must say I'm disappointed with this volume. It seems like she's phoning it in, without offering anything new to advance Stephanie's life or that of her cohorts for that matter. Perhaps Evanovich has been watching too many
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Seinfeld re-runs, where the characters never change. Even Morelli seems only in it for the sex now - when Stephanie has to run a sting, he's there to wire her but otherwise not worried or involved despite the fact that this whole mystery involves his house and himself.

I'm hoping for more with the next outing, but perhaps like another review suggested, I should save my money and wait to borrow a library copy.
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LibraryThing member phyllis2779
This book had me laughing out loud as many of Evanovich's books do. Some of the usual characters were missing -- Stephanie's sister and brother-in-law and nieces, for example, and others made short appearances, e.g., Grandma, but that was fine. The mystery was a little stronger in this one.
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Although as usual, stretching credibility quite far -- but it's all meant to be funny.
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LibraryThing member SunnySD
It's Stephanie Plum. Cars are going to explode, Lula is going to squeeze herself into something too tight and neon-bright, Gramma Mazur is going to test everyone's patience, and Ranger is going to say "Babe" in varying tones. It may be predictable, but it's still funny.

Enter the new characters: a
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man-hungry, aging rock star, a teenage video game addict, his missing mother and homicidal uncle, a stoner, a stalker who has vision (of pizza), and of course, to make it all interesting, 9 mill in missing bank money.

Evanovich doesn't disappoint often, and she hasn't here. A fast, and fully fabulous Stephanie fix.
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Physical description

334 p.; 17.2 cm


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