City of Lost Souls

by Cassandra Clare

Paperback, 2012



Call number




London : Walker, 2012.


When Jace vanishes with Sebastian, Clary and the Shadowhunters struggle to piece together their shattered world and Clary infiltrates the group planning the world's destruction.

User reviews

LibraryThing member ViragoReads
A Very Low 3 Stars. If it wasn't for Simon in all his awesomeness it wouldn't have even gotten 2 stars.

Lots of rambling and possible spoilers ahead:

*ugh* Where do I even start?! This wasn't as terrible as a lot of people say it is...once you sift through the ridiculous amount of Clary whining over
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Jace. Can I just say that Jace under Sebastathan's control was much more likable than normal Jace?! CC really wrote him as an unlikable character. And it's funny because his love for himself and confidence could be compared with Magnus', but where Magnus is sassy and hilarious, Jace is conceited to the point where he seems like he's truly in love with himself, and it's just U.G.L.Y. (He ain't got no alibi!)

And is it wrong that I LOVE Sebastathan? Where I hated Valentine because he was just a crazy zealot, I love Sebastathan because he's just pure evil. Valentine mistook his crazy self righteousness for pure intentions. Sebastathan knows he's evil and is surprisingly okay with it. Although deep down I think he does wish he was capable of love and being loved--specifically by Jace and Clary. That just may be his downfall. Or maybe not. More than likely Jace and new his heavenly fire along with Clary's blind, dumb luck will be the end for Sebastathan.

And once again Clary races off into danger to save Jace without regard to herself or anyone else. Simon, Alec, Isabelle, and Magnus all risked their lives by summoning a greater demon and an actual angel of the lord, but at least they went in with a plan and they all worked together. Clary sees Jace in trouble and just goes running blindly into the unknown leaving everyone else to (potentially) pick up the pieces if her non-plan is an epic fail. Which it usually is. I get love, love so deep and passionate that you would potentially let the world burn to save your beloved, but that's only in thought not in deed. Once she stopped and thought about what was happening, she realized what a ginormously huge mistake she made by not letting Jace sacrifice himself. Jace knew what the cost of saving himself would be, and he didn't want to pay it. Now Sebastathan is on the loose with an Infernal Cup and revenge on his mind. He will very likely make a huge shadowhunter-hunter army. There will be a huge war and lots of people who didn't have to die, will in fact die. I'll say it again, Clary is selfish and thoughtless. It would have probably broken her to lose Jace, but the world would have kept on turning, Magnus is proof of it. I just feel like her selfishness is constantly rewarded. The amount of angst this couple exudes is just too much. I know it's teenage love, but DAMN!

Isabelle needs to get over herself and tell Simon how she feels. She's the first one to think men should be tripping over themselves for her--that no one is worthy of her greatness, so why would anyone feel like they could truly have her? Why would they express their undying love if they know they're unworthy of her? That they'll just be shot down? She's another one with just a little too much conceit for my taste. I love a strong, confident, badass woman, but there's a thin line between self assurance and narcissism.

And poor, sad, clueless Alec. I feel so, so bad for him. He's never done a relationship--even his familial relationships seem to be seriously lacking in the relationship department. Magnus was one hundred percent right to break-up with him--I sure as hell would have--but I still feel bad for Alec. He doesn't know what to do with these feels he's having, and quite frankly there isn't any one to talk to about them. His parents are useless, his sister is too self involved, Jace and Clary can't see past one another, and he has no other true friends--he'd ever go to Simon. He was scared, and jealous, and confused, but it didn't make what he did right, even if he did realize what a dumb ass he was and decided to do the right thing. It was so wrong to try to make such an enormous decision for Magnus. He should have spoken to Magnus about it; if he had been honest, he would have learned that Magnus was already considering it, and that would have probably been enough to ease his fears. But he didn't talk to the man he supposedly loved and ended up losing him. Poora, poora, pussy cat. (Anyone who gets that reference has my respect as a lover of old school!)

And poor Magnus! How must he feel being betrayed by someone he loves so deeply. He never wanted to, or thought he could be in love with a shadowhunter, but he made an exception for Alec--not that he could have stopped himself from loving him, but he could have stayed away from him. Magnus risked a lot getting involved with a young, inexperienced, closeted, shadowhunter. He risked his heart, his life, and quite frankly his sanity to be with Alec and he was repaid with treachery. And what's worse, he was actually considering giving up his immortality so that he could grow old with Alec. That's like the ultimate slap in the face!

Now with all that being said, Alec didn't mean any harm, and he really had come to his senses before he did anything irreparably stupid. I truly hope Magnus doesn't take too long to realize this and they get back together. But I'm sure the road to a Malec reunion will be long and full of *shudder* angst. I never knew there could be too much teenage angst in an YA series and yet we have this series. I'm committed now; five books deep, there's no turning back. There had just better be an epic reunion of Alec and Magnus in the next book...and less Clace wangst!
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LibraryThing member Liz-C
Okay, let me start by saying that I think I just found my all time favourite book cover. IT IS BEAUTIFUL. The red of Clary's dress and hair again the blue background is stunning as well as the way Jace is holding her. I love, love, LOVE it! I also didn't noticed until I was holding the book in my
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hands is that if you tilt the book into the right light, you can see the runes on their bodies. It's so damn awesome!

The book picks up right from where City of Fallen Angels ends, jumping straight back into the story. I was hooked from the very first few pages, I was just completely drawn back into this incredible fantasy world of Shadowhunters, Warlocks, Vampires, Werewolves and all the evil lurking about. I had a really hard time putting the book down because all I wanted to do was to continue reading. I really, really enjoyed it.

So it starts off with everyone wondering where Jace and Sebastian have gone since they randomly disappeared from the rooftop in City of Fallen Angels. But of course, none of them have fully comprehended what exactly happened between the two boys. As we already know, Jace and Sebastian are now bound together by blood basically meaning that Jace is now enslaved by Sebastian. Anything that the latter wants, Jace wants too and it just so happens that Sebastian is planning on burning the world to the ground. Literally. We jump into this action packed novel, joining Clary, Simon, Alec, Isabelle and Magnus as they try to find and save their best friend from a fate worse than death.

There was SO much action and adventure in this book. All of the fight scenes were beautifully written and not even a single bit of detail was left out. I could picture everything as clear as day just as if I was watching a movie instead of reading, it was incredible! We meet some old faces throughout the story. There was also a hell of a lot of twists which had to gripping onto the edge of your seat dying to read more. That is what a good book should be like!

Clary is so bad-ass, seriously. She takes matters into her own hands, determined to get the on boy she loves more than anything in this world back. She has so much dept, everything about her is just amazing. I definitely feel attached to her whenever I pick up a book from The Mortal Instruments. Whatever she was feeling, I could feel it too. She's a strong, loyal, witty, headstrong girl who will literally go to hell and back for those few people that she loves. It's really beautiful. All of Cassandra's characters in this series have the same effect on me. I got so emotionally attached to them: Clary, Jace, Alec, Isabelle, Simon, even Sebastian. He is the perfect bad-guy. The way his character was portrayed was excellent, which had you hating him at all the right parts.

It did take me a few days to read this book because it was pretty long, over 500 pages. One thing I disliked mainly was how long the chapters were, which was also my only problem with City of Fallen Angels too. I wish they were shorter. But regardless, it was still a fantastic read.

Overall, this was definitely my favourite book from the series so far. It had just the right amount of action and adventure and you eyes were glued to the pages from the very beginning. The writing was beautifully planned out and the plot line just keeps getting better and better. The ending of the book was really, really good, leaving a huge cliff-hanger which has you falling off your seat in anticipation for the next and final book of the series. I highly recommend this book if you're looking for an amazing fantasy story packed with vampires, werewolves, faeries, warlocks!
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LibraryThing member Abibliophobic1
Welp, this is the last of the reviews for The Mortal Instruments books... until next year when I get to read Clockwork Princess (eep!). While it makes me sad I will no longer be reading Shadowhunter stories, I'm also sure that you, the readers, are utterly sick and tired of my Cassandra Clare book
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reviews. Don't worry, there are some new and exciting books I've been dying to read and they will be up on the blog as soon as my little eyes can read them.

Once again, I'm not going to give too much of a synopsis for City of Lost Souls, just in case we have some Mortal Instruments virgins out there. I would hate to ruin any part of these stories for anyone. Basically what you need to know is that Jace is in trouble... and I mean big trouble. It's not only the Clave that he's in danger from, but Sebastian has become the largest threat in his life and it's up to Clary and the gang to find a way to save him from Sebastian and himself. They'll have to search for help from the most dangerous of sources. As any family would, they'll do anything they can to save their Jace.

While I know it's always the feeling after reading the next installment of a book sereis to say that it's your favorite, but this one tops my list of Mortal Instruments books for a few reasons:

For me, the best part of this book was the fact that there was a lot of world travel. For some reason, this aspect of the story took it to a whole new level and I could hardly put the book down. We get to see Venice, Paris, Prague and a lot of other really cool places and I loved every minute of their worldly adventures. It showed you that no matter where our characters were in the world, Shadowhunters existed and so did Downworlders and Demons. While I know what you're probably saying, "Well duh, how could you not have known that?" Well of course I knew this, but it was awesome to see our characters somewhere other than New York City.

Next, there was a lot more "sexy time" in this book. And I don't mean just from Clary and her man Jace, but really everyone! We saw couples and non-couples throughout the whole book cozying up to one anther and demonstrating their love to each other. "This was one of your favorite parts of the book," you ask? Yes. Yes it was. I'm a girl and a sucker for a good book romance so who could blame me for being excited to see a little bit more snogging and dark-corner snuggling?

I think the last thing I'm going to talk about is Sebastian, our evildoer. I love Sebastian. I know your all gasping in your seats and wondering how a seemingly nerdy, but nevertheless normal girl like myself could possibly say that they love Sebastian. I'll tell you why... he's one of the best villians I've seen in a while. Unlike many of the evil masterminds we see today, he isn't just some demented figure bent on world destruction who rubs his hands together menacingly and has a maniacal laugh. No, Sebastian is truely a super evil person. He is not only trying to hurt our main characters (which we will never forgive him for), but he is quite literally trying to oppose heaven and heavan's survants. Who does that? In this way, I love Sebastian in that he is one of my top villians of all time. Gotta love that evil little bastard.

Clare really hit this one out of the park for me. I enjoyed this story and I cant wait for everyone to read it!

10 out of 10

Happy Reading :)


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LibraryThing member baystateRA
Jace is not himself for most of the book. Unfortunately, he's the most interesting character. Simon, Clary, Alec, Jocelyn, and Magnus team up to save him, but a lot of their usual quick repartee (usually my favorite aspect of The Mortal Instruments sequence) falls flat without Jace to play off of.
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A serviceable continuation of the story, but sadly, doesn't live up to the first two books. Still, City of Lost Souls is a must-read for Shadowhunter fans!
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LibraryThing member jennrenae
In City of Lost Souls, there'll be hell to pay
The Shadowhunters' world is in disarray.
The reality is blurred between friends and foes,
And in this game of anything goes.

For Jace is lost and his will is on loan
And if Clary's not careful, all will be blown.
Will their love be strong
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enough to withstand
The pain and destruction from Sebastian's hand?

And then there is Simon, with the Mark of Cain,
Will he be Heaven or Hell's, and can he be slain?
And Isabelle Lightwood who stole Simon's heart,
Will losing Max and then Jace tear her apart?

And what about Alec who loves Magnus Bane,
Is immortality possible for him to obtain?
Or will he grow old and thus wither away,
Perhaps he should bargain with the Queen of the Fae.

To burn down the world is Sebastian's goal,
But even more, he wants his sister's soul.
To make her love him is his greatest need
Through blood and death, will he succeed?

Through broken hearts and minds and dangers untold,
For fighting heaven and hell, they will pay tenfold.
At the end of day, they must all stand and fight,
Or else they fall victim to Sebastian's dark might.

This is the BEST book in the Mortal Instruments series!!! I read it in one day, and then I went back and read and re-read my favorite parts--there were quite a few! I'm actually tempted to stop writing right now and go re-read them again!!!

You know how there are certain moments that change your life? Well, reading City of Lost Souls was one of those ( much more than a moment, but still) moments! I was swept away into Cassie's world--if only I could live there permanently. most people who are going to read this book already love Cassie Clare and TMI, so I'm just going to go with a few reasons why you should read this RIGHT AWAY! (We'll do a countdown)

5. I love when the Fae interfere--I mean, they are just so cunningly evil! Anytime the Queen is around, you know you are in for something dark and twisty!

4. We get to see into Magnus's world! His world is quirky and fun, but with an air of mystery and danger. It divides the line between good and evil, and it's nice to ride that line with the warlock. Magnus has been in so many of Cassie's books, but I really love seeing him get personal in this one!

3. I love the world that Sebastian, Jace, and Clary get swept away in. I won't say much because it would be too spoilery, but there was so much grey there that I didn't know who to trust--and I didn't care! I just wanted more!

2. Sebastian is the absolute best villain ever! I mean--bold statement coming--I think I like him better than Voldemort! (Please don't strike me with a lightning bolt...) He's charming and sexy and manipulative at first, and I just can't help but have a weird crush on him, but then we witness one scene that shows his true depravity. There is nothing better than a truly insane, sexy, yet oh so creepy villain! (Brief Statement: The scene in question has gotten a lot of rumble over the past week, and in my opinion, there was nothing wrong with it. It was there to show how truly vile Sebastian is, and it worked.)

1. Jace--of course! Even though he's not the Jace we all remember, he is still to die for! He's just as sexy, just as scandalous--even more so because Sebastian's pulling the strings, and just as kick butt! I dare you not to completely fall in love with him!

So...if my wonderful poem didn't convince you and my wonderful countdown did not convince you, then I have to conclude that you are just crazy! May Jace's stele strike you down!
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LibraryThing member booktwirps
This review is probably not needed as most everyone remotely interested in this book has probably already read it. If you’ve not read the book, or any of “The Mortal Instruments” books, you may not want to read further. This is the fifth book in the series, so I can’t guarantee that this
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review will be 100% spoiler free when it comes to the previous four books.

I’ve really enjoyed this series, especially the first three. The fourth book was a nice addition to the series, and it was obvious that Ms. Clare was taking her characters in a new direction, which I welcomed. For some reason, I felt that this book kind of fell flat when compared with the others. Anyone else have that feeling? I didn’t think it was bad, but it felt like there was a TON of setup happening here and not a whole lot of payoff. I felt the last chapter and the epilogue were the most interesting parts of the book. I can’t really say it suffers from “second book syndrome”, because, technically, this is book five, but it felt that way.

There’s a lot of relationship development going on in this one. Characters are pairing up, or if they’re already paired, strengthening their relationships. It was nice to finally see these characters reach this state. There was so much of this happening though, that I was sure there was going to be a devestating end to one or more characters. (I won’t say whether or not this actually happened).

I finished this book a day ago, and I’m still torn between finding it just okay and really liking it. There were some really good scenes here, but there were several fairly slow scenes as well. There was also a point in the book where I seriously wanted to pimp-punch Clary in the forhead. She has always kind of gotten on my nerves anyway, so when she pulls a stunt about 3/4 of the way in, I seriously hated her. I ended up forgiving her, but it wasn’t easy.

Alec also did something that kind of pissed me off, but in the end, unlike Clary, he had to pay a steep price for what he’d done. I actually felt a little sorry for him.

All in all, I liked the book, but not as well as I liked the others. Will I read the next one? Most definitely. Every series has a book that is more of a filler book, and in the case of “The Mortal Instruments”, I felt this was just that – the “build-up” book to the epic conclusion. My only real complaint is Ms. Clare’s overuse of “Incredulously”. It seriously started to drive me crazy after a while.

Should you read it? Yes – if you are a fan of the series you most definitely should. Despite the slow areas, there are things you need to know for the next installment. There are also a couple of really interesting twists that take place in the epilogue that are definitely worth reading.
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LibraryThing member monsterofbooks
I do not think there has been a single Cassandra Clare book I have not liked. Each and every one she writes get better and more exciting. I sometimes wonder how she continue on with the Mortal Instrument series so long and still have plot twists and plot ideas that boggle my mind and catch me off
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FIRST OFF.... if you have not read the others books in the series then I suggest not reading this review for it will probably contain spoilers of the last 4 books.

In the fifth book of the Mortal Instrument series, City of Lost Souls , Clary has learns that both Jace & Sebastian are missing. The Clave does not really seem to care about Jace.Worse of all is that the two boys are bound. Meaning the newly Jace thinks like Sebastian. Wants what Sebastian want. Does what Sebastian wants. So now with Sebastian cooking up an evil plan and Jace following along it up to Clary, Isabelle, Simon, Alec, Magnus, Jordan, Maia and a few others. However it must be noted that if you kill Jace then Sebastian will be killed. Kill Sebastian and Jace will die. They are bound. You cannot harm one of them without harming the other. Making it a intriguing plot mix in with all of Cassandra Clare's Specialities: Battling, Plot Twists, Emotional roller coaster, amazing description, setting and lets not forget memorable characters.

I enjoy City of Lost Souls just as I have with about any other Cassandra Clare novel. In this novel I cried (at the end), I gasped at shock and hit myself for not realizing something sooner. I also through my book across the room quite a few times out of frustration. In all Clare has a way with emotions, descriptions, character development and creating. She knows how to create a believable character in a fictional world (like the Shadow Hunters) and make it work. Throw in some surprises, make her characters go through hell and you've got a work of art. Admit it there has not been a single Cassandra Clare book that has not shattered part of are heart then have us long for the next book to fix it back in place.

Cassandra Clare also has a way with imagery. Her writing is flawless and is easy to imagine. It easy to dive into her books and not have a single moment of boredom.

What I liked most of this novel was that it did not just stay in one place. We got to see Paris, Prague and Ireland. As I read the novel I always felt like I was beside the characters, being where they were (even though I have never been there).

The humour also gets me every time. There is not a single novel without the unique humour that each and every characters shares with one another.

THERE IS ALSO SO MANY UNANSWERED QUESTIONS 0_________0 I have so many questions digging in my brain. I have so many conspiracies. DAMN IT!! Cassandra Clare what are you doing to your readers. Now I must wait a year until the six and final book of the Mortal Instruments come out, and the third and final book in the Infernal Devices trilogy.

ALSO I HATE SEBASTIAN. I thought I could love him...however nope. Though there is parts of him that I sympathize with. However I still hate him.

Also I think a lot of readers will be sad by the end of the book .Something happens that a lot of fans will not want to happen.

Ahh I really hope the sixth book isn't the final one T_T
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LibraryThing member Dc1p1
Loved this book! I loved that we get to see more of Sebastian and really get to see what makes him tick! Also, we get to see more of Clary's mother, which I like too! Overall great book!
LibraryThing member Liz_S
I am totally enthralled by this series! Fast paced action with just enough romance! I love the direction Ms. Claire has taken with all the characters! Especially Simon! I eagerly await the next installment!!
LibraryThing member ShellyPYA
Sequel to City of Fallen Angels. Lilith has been destroyed, but now Sebastian and Jace are bound in such a way that if one dies, the other does too. Clary still loves Jace, so she's determined to figure out Sebastian's evil plan and find a way to save him. She enlists Simon's help, and, with
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Magnus' help, he obtains an angel's sword, which may be the one weapon that can dissolve the bond.
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LibraryThing member dihady
Entertaining thriller with a strong plot, funny, realistic characters who grow and develop as the series continues.
LibraryThing member natalieleclerc
very exilerating. i recommend it to all
LibraryThing member nocturnewytche
This one started off a bit slow for me but steadily picked up to the point I was left with my jaw dropped and a lot of fan girl, OMGs escaped me! The storyline continues to show why Clare is such a talent and has created a wonderful world! I enjoyed the different POVs and usually I do not like that
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too much. My love for Jace and Clary just continues to grow and I have even found new love for Simon! I could do without Maia's parts but all the same, her parts were the steamiest, which was good! I was only hoping for a few good Jace/Clary scenes as such but with the storyline it's understandable. I don't know whether to scream at Clare or hug her for this one... I am not excited about the wait for the final book but until then I can stare at this beautiful cover (and hopefully watch an MI movie!) to hold me over! Good book!
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LibraryThing member Bookswithbite
Being that this is my first audio book, I was a little nervous. I have never listen to one so I thought I give it a try. I LOVED It!!!

I was afraid that being that this is an audiobook that I would not be able to get into it. I was wrong. The reader, Molly Quinn did a superb job reading the story so
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intensely I found myself getting into the book faster than what I thought. She change her voice well the fit all the characters, so I didn't have to worry about not recognizing the characters.

The plot over all, two thumbs up. The story is so exciting with compelling action that at times I did not want to stop listening to it. I mean, really, This book is so amazing. The characters have grown up so much and are so much wiser. Clary is smarter in what she does. She thinks things through and does her best to once again, save the one that she loves.

The love interest in the this book is just crazy. CRAZY! Ms.Clare wrote the love interest so intense that you can't help but root for them till the end. And once you get the end, you are in agony. (At least, I was. So sad.)

Take it from me when I say that this book totally rocks. Mind blowing and explosive, City Of Lost Souls is simply divine. Written so heated with many kisses, action, heart-ache, City Of Lost Souls is epic!
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LibraryThing member pianofreak95
I'm in love with Cassandra Clare's writing style and characters. For that reason (and also because I need my yearly dose of Jace's amazing snarkyness) this was one of my most anticipated reads of 2012. The Mortal Instruments Series has long been one of my favorites, and this book was just another
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great addition to an already great series.

Let's start with the characters. I have absolutely love all of them. Jace and Magnus are my favorites because of their wit and humor, but every single character this author puts on the page has something that I love. The depth to her characters astounds me; it's like a onion that has endless layers to peel off. I have no idea how she keeps it all straight. She must have endless notebooks full of traits for all of her characters or something. I would love to ask her how she develops her characters. Also, how does she think up the funny as hell dialogue?? I bet she could write for a stand-up comic.

Pacing and plot: the first was okay and the second was great. The pacing was the only problem I had with this book. I felt like the first 200 or so pages were kind of slow, and the only thing that had me keep reading was the characters and the dialogue. Thank god it didn't last that way forever. By the middle of the book I was on the edge of my seat. If fact, I finished that last 250 pages all in one sitting. I was even posting chapter updates on Twitter because I was so excited. The plot was definitely great. Clare is great at crafting an amazing story. The twists and turns in the plot have me guessing all the time, which is super important in a book that is as long as this one is. I was sad at the end though because of a certain thing. Maybe this will be worked out in book six though. I sure hope so!!

This wasn't my favorite book in the series (City of Glass is) but it's still good book to read. Now all I have left to do is wait for book six to come out. A WHOLE YEAR. I'm going to die. Definitely pick this up if you are a fan of the series. Stick with the beginning and I'm sure you'll love it. :)
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LibraryThing member ChayseBWB
Okay this book is one that I wasn't to sure about since I was going to be listening to the audio version. However, let me give you one word that describes how amazing this audio was. EPic!

Molly Quinn was such an amazing reader. She was able to tell the story with such perfection and I ws able to
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fully undersatnd. T he thing I lvoed most about the way she told it was the different voices that she had for the different characters. So props to her!

The plot was never stopping and every page turn I wanted more. Clary is a whole different person. She was thinking more about the choices she made (sometimes). Getting the love of her life back. The othe characters as I continued to love them as well. The ending will be a big shocker though!

This book was such an epic read and words are really hard to describe this book. Cassandra Clare is such an awesome writer and everyone needs to totally check out this book.

I give this book 5 souls!
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LibraryThing member JRlibrary
Jace is psychologically bound to Sebastian as a result of Lilith's spell. What Jace feels, Sebastian feels, and what happens to one, happens to the other. They have vanished and seem to be untrackable, but even though the Clave has made finding Jace a low priority, Clary, Simon, Isabelle, Alec,
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Magnus, Jordan and Maia have decided to continue to try to not only find him, but separate him from Sebastian.
Usually by the time I get to book five of a series, I am not very interested because the author seems to be spinning things out and dragging them along, but that was not the case with this story. There are enough subplots; Alec's jealousy and worry about Magnus' immortality, Jordan and Maia, Simon and the rejection from his mom as well as his relationship with his sister Rebecca, Luke and Jocelyn's marriage and even more... that it was quite interesting.
I thoroughly enjoyed book five and am looking forward to the next in the series.
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LibraryThing member YABReviews
**WARNING: Spoiler alert if you haven’t read City of Bones, City of Ashes, City of Glass or City of Fallen Angels!**

Are things finally looking up for Clary and Jace? She thinks so, but then he disappears. Sebastian, her brother, is also gone and nobody knows where they are. This bothers Clary to
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know end. She loves Jace and wants them to be together. Jace cannot stay away from Clary. He drags Sebastian into it and wants her. He thinks his new life with his “blood brother” is amazing. He wants Clary to be a part of it.

Jace and Sebastian are bound by blood. This happened when Clary asked the angel Raziel to save his life. Lilith explained how this works to Clary when she tried to bring Sebastian back. Everyone is saying to just kill Sebastian and we will be rid of the problem. The catch is that you will also kill Jace. It is up to Clary, her family and friends to determine if you can break the blood bond between the two brothers. Will Jace survive being with Sebastian? What will happen with him and Clary? Will they finally get to be together?

I LOVE this series. It has so many twists and turn. Just when you think that Clary and Jace will be together, something else happens that prevents that from happening. I also like the way that Clare weaves the other characters into the book. She not only does this in The Mortal Instruments, I also noticed in her other series as well. I loved watching the book trailer for this and hearing Sebastian aka Jonathon say “I’m going to burn down the world!” I’m very excited for City of Heavenly Fire to be released in 2014 and see what happens in this final chapter.
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LibraryThing member lms8esmith
It took me long enough to finish City of Lost Souls, and thankfully I did enjoy it. When I first starting reading this installment of the Clary/Jace saga, I was really not impressed. I think I felt like I had already read this part of their story, so I put it aside and came back to it. I'm so glad
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I came back to find out what happened to Clary/Jace among other beloved characters. Clare always knows just when to produce a hot sexy romantic moment, and I relished them. :) Hopefully, I'll be able to devour the last book in this series when it is released.
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LibraryThing member MickyFine
With Jace bonded to Sebastian, Clary must fight to get her Jace back while attempting to avert a battle between the Nephilim and the demons that could burn the entire world down.

The fifth novel in the series, this book is definitely an entry where everything has expanded. There are several more
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character perspectives included and far more relationships to explore and Clare deftly juggles all of them while also building an ultimate conflict that suddenly dashes through the last hundred pages. A satisfying entry in the series for readers with some loose plot ends that should lead to a very dramatic concluding novel.
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LibraryThing member clobo123
An utterly amazing book!!!! Which doesn't end the series and leaves you wanting more!! I would recommend the series to lots of people!! If you like this series then you should read the clockwork angel series, which is about shadow hunters in the 1800's!!!!
LibraryThing member LibraryGirl11
Clary follows Sebastian and a possessed Jace to learn their evil plot and hopefully to rescue Jace, leaving the others behind to figure out a way to rescue her. Unfortunately, this volume has a Twilight feel to it--all the couples are busy hooking up, or, in the case of Magnus and Alec, splitting
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up, and the main story line gets a bit lost in the romantic entanglements. A sequel is planned.
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LibraryThing member norabelle414
I don't know if it's just been awhile since I read a Cassandra Clare book, or this one was genuinely better than the others, or I was just in the right mood for it. But I enjoyed this a lot.
LibraryThing member MissAliGirl
First off, let us get this out of the way...

City of Lost Souls is not as good as City of Bones, City of Ashes or City of Glass. Sorry.
City of Lost Souls is better than City of Fallen Angels. You're welcome.

The story picks up right where Fallen Angels left off. You remember? That horrific cliff
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hanger that the wonderful Ms. Clare made us all so angry with. Jace and Sebastian have vanished. Clary and the Scooby pals are distraught and the Clave has launched a search, though more for Sebastian than for Jace.

The tale skips around from person to person quite often. You know what is happening with Clary, Simon, Izzy, Alec and Magnus, and even Maia and Jordan get good coverage. It became less and less the story of Clary & Jace the star-crossed lovers. It became everyone's story. Jace actually gets less play in this installment than any other.

So, if you are a Jace fan (like me), you may be disappointed. I wasn't. Jace was obnoxious. I like him broody and egotistical. Not brain dead and carefree. Which is the effect Sebastian has on him. I was all right with the lack of Jace.

On the other hand, if you are a Simon fan, you may get great satisfaction here. Simon was less whiny, in my opinion. Still just as hilarious as always. He is finding out where he belongs and with who (wink, wink), who cares for him, where his relationships lie and what his place in the Shadowhunter world is. Maybe he isn't the outsider he thought he was, only linked by his long friendship with Clary.

I know there are many, many Magnus fans out there so he earns a mention, right? Magnus, as always, delivers. There seems to be no end to the sacrifices he is willing to make for this band of misfit demon killers. Especially where Alec is concerned. Or is there a limit? You'll have to read the book to find out what the heck I am talking about!

There are so many love stories taking place simultaneously here, romance fans will be drooling over it. But, for me, that was the downfall. So much lovey lovey, not enough fight fight. I expected a big epic battle to save Jace's soul. There was a battle. It wasn't very epic. There was a moment that reminded me of the most memorable Buffy/Angel moment. I apologize to those who won't get the reference. But we will have to wait for City of Heavenly Fire for this epic battle. Since it is earmarked for release in spring of's going to be a long wait.

All in all it's a good read for TMI fans. It actually renewed my love for the series and I think I will be revisiting each book before the release of the final installment.
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LibraryThing member elie26reads
Amazing...what a freaking roller coaster of emotions I went through! I don't know how many times I wanted to throw my book at the wall but I still loved it!!



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Physical description

542 p.; 19.8 cm



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