In Honor

by Jessi Kirby

Hardcover, 2012



Call number




Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers (2012), 240 pages


Three days after she learns that her brother Finn died serving in Iraq, Honor receives a letter from him asking her to drive his car from Texas to California for a concert, and when his estranged best friend shows up suddenly and offers to accompany her, they set off on a road trip that reveals much about all three of them.

User reviews

LibraryThing member Bookswithbite
What an amazing book! I really adored it that I just want to read it over and over again!

What I loved most about this book is the amazing plot line. Let me tell you that right from the page, my emotions were deeply invested in the characters. Ms. Kirby makes it easy for the reader to fall into the
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shoes and step into the world that she created. Each new chapter brings the reader closer to Honor and Rusty, with a revelations of what really happened.

The characters of the book, even minor ones played a significant role in each other lives. I enjoyed that the reader is able to be a part of a large amount of growth within the characters. These character learn and grow from each other. They make stupids mistakes but live in every moment that they can.

The love interest is super awesome. It's not a love triangle or a lusty love. It's a love of a friendship that grew over grief. At the end of the book, their relationship is at a new level. After all that is said and done, their understanding and love has grown.

In Honor is a fresh story that delivers a new reading experience. This story is a rare occasion to follow the steps of loss, grief, and love. An awe-inspiring story, In Honor is moving.
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LibraryThing member ilikethesebooks
I'll apologize in advance, because while I read this book and really enjoyed it, I read it back in January and should have written this review while it was still on my mind. But I will try my best to remember everything I liked!

Road Trip books are becoming increasingly popular, and with that
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popularity arises the difficulty for a novel to stand out from the crowd. In Honor by Jessi Kirby definitely does. Honor's journey is not sparked from teenage rebellion, or lack of adventure, but rather from horrible loss. When her brother, Finn, dies in the military, Honor's world is destroyed. In the mist of her grief she receives a letter from her brother sent just before he passed. Honor makes it her mission to complete his final request, no matter how ridiculous and impossible it may seem. When Rusty, Finn's obnoxious best friend intercepts Honor's leave, they end up on the journey together.

Since I read Moonglass last year, I have fallen in love with Jessi Kirby's writing style. It is very simplistic yet it covers deeply emotional topics and creates great reader-charachter bonds. By simplistic I mean the atmosphere she creates is very fresh and natural feeling, something that is hard to describe. In addition, I felt for all of her characters, I really cared about what was going to happen next and how the story would end up.

I have this image in my mind of a beautiful beach, a beach that I've never visited - a beach that Moonglass left me with. With In Honor I am left with another image. A girl on a rock in the mountains: peace, serenity. I am sharing this because I feel that these images are able to translate how beautiful and intriguing Kirby's stories are better than my words have been. I'll admit, I don't remember everything that happened, but those two images have stayed with me since the moment I read them. That is showing something very powerful in her writing. I'd definitely recommend her works to contemporary lovers, or someone who is looking for an great, meaningful read.
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LibraryThing member elliedreams
I loved this book. Simply, that is all. The first thing that grabbed me in was the cover. I mean, that dress. I want that dress! Anyway, this book did such a wonderful job of showing what it means to grieve and still live. I also really liked that Honor acknowledged, in the book, that what she was
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doing was crazy and ridiculous, but she was doing it anyway, for her brother. Rusty, honestly, was such a fun character, because you knew he had to be an excellent person if Finn, Honor's brother, was his best friend, and watching him be cocky and annoying was worth it.
Anyway, this was my first Jessi Kirby novel, and I was surprised with how much I loved it, how much insight was in it, and the fact that I wanted to re-read it the second I finished. I would definitely recommend it!
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LibraryThing member RivkaBelle
Review originally published on my blog:

Right before she's supposed to leave for college, Honor's world is turned upside down when she found out her brother, Finn, was killed overseas. Days later, his last letter arrives - but Honor leaves it unopened until after the
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funeral. Inside, she finds a hand-written letter, and tickets to the Kyra Kelley farewell concert. On an impulse, Honor decides to pretend to leave for college as planned, but head west to California and the concert -- it feels like a fitting tribute to Finn's life, better than the military funeral. Everything starts out fine, but before she can even leave the driveway, Honor has an unexpected companion: Finn's ex-best friend Rusty. Drunk and hungover, Rusty climbs in the passenger seat and falls asleep, leaving Honor no choice but to take him with her.

The next few days are jam-packed with unexpected adventures (and misadventures!), fights, taunts, reminiscing and confessing. Honor and Rusty are both dealing with the heartbreak of losing best friend and brother, and dealing with all the hurt existing between the two of them from the falling out that Finn and Rusty had when Finn enlisted. Along the way, healing slowly starts happening. Slowly being the key word, and not without many setbacks and new bruises in the process. Driving cross-country, in her brother's old Impala, with the now very-grown-up-and-handsome Rusty, Honor is forced to "grow up" and come to terms with her own responsibilities and life.

In Honor is a story that's tough to read at times - Honor's sadness is raw and real, compounded by the ongoing tension (and chemistry) between herself and Rusty. And Rusty is his own colorful, sometimes mysterious, character - even though he was a smart alecky jerk at times, I really liked him. And the adventures that Honor and Rusty have were enough to make me want to take a little road trip myself -- though I am definitely glad to not have the same incentive.
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LibraryThing member thehidingspot
Jessi Kirby's sophomore novel, In Honor, is a quick, satisfying read, but it isn't without depth. I actually ended up enjoying it more than Kirby's first novel, Moonglass. Like her first novel, In Honor is contemporary YA, but I think I felt more kinship with Honor than with any of the characters
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in Moonglass.

Honor is close to leaving home for college when her brother, serving overseas in the military, dies. Honor and her brother, Finn, are incredibly close and his death hits her hard. Finn is more than a brother to Honor, he's one of her best friends, her confidante, and he helped raise her after the loss of their parents. I'm very close to my brother, so Honor's pain resonated with me. In addition to Finn's death being a terrible thing all on its own, Honor is dealing with the confusion and anger she feels over Finn joining the military in the first place.

In Finn's last letter to Honor, he sends tickets to the concert of one of her favorite performers and jokes that she should tell her about him. Honor takes this flip comment seriously and embarks on a road trip to tell celebrity idol about Finn, her real life idol. Along for the ride is Rusty, Finn's estranged best friend.

Rusty is an interesting character. It's clear from the start that he's a good guy, but he's dealing with some pretty intense demons... and he isn't doing it in a healthy way. He's the quintessential tortured bad boy with a heart of gold. Perhaps a bit cliche, but also familiar.

There weren't any crazy plot twists within In Honor's pages, but it was well told story about a girl dealing with intense grief and finding herself after her pillar of stability is lost. Featuring a road trip, a good looking guy, a colorful cast of characters, and neatly wrapped up ending, In Honor is definitely worth a read.
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LibraryThing member BornBookish
Jessi’s first book, Moonglass, was just an okay read for me, so I wasn’t expecting much going into this one. Good thing, because this was actually worse than Moonglass. In Honor is a contemporary romance that had less than likable characters and a romance that lacked any sparks.

The two main
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characters, Honor and Rusty were neither likable nor relatable.

Honor spends most of the book acting like a child or crying about something. She is always blaming others for her problems and never takes responsibility for herself.

As for Rusty, he is pretty much an alcoholic at the ripe old age of 18. He’s talked about as if he’s this drop-dead gorgeous heartbreaker, which I couldn’t understand because there wasn’t a single thing about him that I liked. His humor reminded me a lot of Tim Riggins from Friday Night Lights, only less likable.

What really bothered me about this book were the parts that were extremely unbelievable. Would you really go scuba diving in the middle of the night with someone you’ve known for less than 24 hours? No. At least I wouldn’t. It was these types of scenarios along the way that made the whole road trip seem absurd.

The plot, the characters, it was all just so-so.
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LibraryThing member TheBookLife
Jessi Kirby made an excellent debut last year with Moonglass, so as soon as I heard about her sophomore novel, I couldn't wait to have my hands on it. In Honor is, without a doubt, the best book I have read this year and very possibly, ever.

Kirby has a real knack for writing characters that you
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really get invested in. Honor and Rusty are so real and broken, and they are both dealing with their grief in very different ways. Their journey starts with a specific purpose and destination, but as they say, sometimes the journey is the destination. Along the way they begin to discover how to let Finn go. Honor also learns some hard truths about things she always believed or never understood, and in turn has to figure out some things about herself.

I have always been a fan of road trip stories, because it's always fun to get to see glimpses of the country that you might never see otherwise. Honor and Rusty definitely have some unique and crazy experiences and I wonder if Jessi Kirby has actually done or seen some of the things the two of them did. She painted an amazing portrait the country and their stops along the way. Since reading, I have been trying to figure out a way to make a trip to Arizona. I've never been, but I'd love to see some of the places they visit on their trip.

This book is honest, heartbreaking, hopeful and full brilliantly flawed characters. Honor and Rusty are excellent road companions and by the end of the story they will feel like friends. Jessi Kirby has cemented herself as one of my favorite authors and I will gladly read anything she writes in the future. I recommend this book to everyone, it's a road trip you will feel like you were a part of and a story you won't soon forget!
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LibraryThing member kayceel
Honor and her brother have lived for years with their aunt after their parents' deaths, and Honor has always idolized Finn. She's looked up to him, and known that he would always be there for her. But when he's killed while serving in Iraq, her world is derailed. An impromptu road trip to complete
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a trip he suggested to her in his last letter, she struggles to come to terms with her loss, and with her anger at Finn's former best friend and Honor's current road trip partner, Rusty.

A sweet, sad and just a teensy bit romantic story. Recommended.
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LibraryThing member MVTheBookBabe
Due to copy and paste, formatting has been lost.

In Honor is one of those books that I've been waiting to read forever. So when I finally got the chance, I snapped it up like it was a cupcake. Seriously, I wanted it that badly. (I have a weakness for cupcakes, but who doesn't?) I ended up really
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enjoying it.

Honor was a character that I could relate to-- she was spunky and prone to making snap decisions, as well as being a little impetuous. But that's not the best part; she needed to grow. And she grew throughout the book, becoming more mature and understanding-- and I loved it. She started taking more into account before she made decisions, and I just wanted to cheer for her!

But my favorite part was definitely the road trip element-- I LURVE road trips, and this one was definitely a mish mash of mistakes and problems that just seemed to fit together perfectly. They met new people and had lots of adventures...even if the new people tended to be two-dimensional.

I did really enjoy Rusty's character, though. He sounds like such a hottie, and his emotions and such are all right up on the surface. I loved him when he teased, and I loved how Honor and him interacted. They are so sweet together! I said before that Honor grew throughout, but I think that in his own way, Rusty did too.

And I can't imagine the ending being anything else, to be honest. It was perfect. All in all, I think that In Honor is a read that will make you feeling like going on a road trip. It sounds fun, don't you think?
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LibraryThing member brandileigh2003
Even the subject matter screamed to me: read me. I am a sucker for emotional books like this, and the road trip is an added bonus. It is so important that it talks about the death of a marine, and how the family feels after the loss from the one they loved that made such a sacrifice. I know this is
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fiction, but there are so many true stories, and feeling the emotion and getting inside Honor's head--if it makes me understand even a little bit, then it has done an important service.
Being inside Honor's head was amazing ride. She experienced grief but she also was trying to work through it in a way to remember and honor her brother. That lead her on quite and adventure and she discovered so many things, about herself and about life, even about Finn, her brother.
Rusty, oh Rusty. He is so rough around the edges and there were moments when he was so insensitive and I just wanted to smack him. And then the next he was deep or kind and I wanted to hug him. I realize that he was going through the loss of his best friend as well, and that brought out to extremes the rough edges that were there before, but not as hurting to other people.
I loved the interactions with Wyatt, a random, very sweet, understanding guy that takes her on an adventure. The possibility of love was palpable, but it wasn't meant to be obviously since they meet in the middle of nowhere and are going different directions. It was sweet, and also helped Honor learn about herself.
The ending itself was also well done. The secrets that Honor found out, and the guilt that she felt were all an emotional roller coaster. But there was a sweet friendship with hope of more, something that I wasn't sure I wanted to happen, but ended up being thrilled about.

Bottom Line: This is a sweet, yet emotionally packed book about loss, love, grief and healing.
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LibraryThing member cjmidt
Realistic fiction. The story was not predictable including the ending.
LibraryThing member Kristymk18
A story about a girl whose brother dies in combat and the road trip she takes with his best friend as a way to grieve over him and honor him. A sweet, quick read.

Original language


Original publication date


Physical description

235 p.; 5.5 inches


1442416971 / 9781442416970

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