Take a Bow

by Elizabeth Eulberg

Hardcover, 2012



Call number




Point (2012), Hardcover, 288 pages


Emme, Sophie, Ethan, and Carter are seniors at a performing arts high school in New York City, preparing for the senior recital and feeling the pressure to perform well and take the next step in their careers and their lives--whether they want to or not.

User reviews

LibraryThing member thehidingspot
For me, reading an Elizabeth Eulberg novel is like cleansing my mental palate. After I've read something particularly heavy, it's nice to give my brain a break by picking up a lighthearted novel with a quick pace and engaging characters, characteristics synonymous with her novels.

Take a Bow is the
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quintessential Eulberg novel... and it might be my favorite so far. Actually, I feel like this newest release had a bit more depth than The Lonely Hearts Club and significantly more than Prom & Prejudice. I really came to love Emme and Ethan and I don't think I've ever felt particularly attached to any of the characters in the other books, though I've definitely enjoyed them.

As a completely non-artistic person, I always find novels about those who are talented in this area fascinating. I know academic pressure, but competitive performing arts schools are a totally foreign concept to me and are a bit awe-inspiring. I find myself drawn to books and movies with this theme.

Despite being totally non-artistic, I closely identified with Emme. She's extremely shy and often overshadowed by the bossy and overbearing Sophie. I wanted Emme to step out of Sophie's shadow so badly... somebody had to take that girl down a notch!

Take a Bow has some darker elements that weren't present in Eulberg's first two novels. This offering addresses substance abuse and, to some extent, the ill effects of childhood celebrity, whether it be actual big-screen fame or hometown fame. I think the depth present in Take a Bow is what, ultimately, made it shine.

If you're a fan of Eulberg's novels, or you haven't read one but think you might like to, be sure to pick up Take a Bow.
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LibraryThing member TheBookLife
I'm not always a fan of books that have so many poing of views, but I love Elizabeth Eulberg's books, so I decided I had to give this one a shot. We first meet our four main characters as they are about to audition for their freshman year at CPA, they all have different reasons for wanting to be
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there, and none of them know what to expect. Then we jump right to the beginning of their senior years. They've all been in school together for three years and this year is when their futures will be decided. Emme and Sophie have been best friends since they were eight, but they are starting to drift apart. Emme has her band and her songwriting, and Sophie has Carter and the spotlight. Ethan and Emme have become really close since they became part of their band freshman year, but something happened over the summer and things are tense between them. Carter is a former child star who wants out of the spotlight, he just wants to be a normal guy.

Even though we alternate between these four characters, they are in each other's lives enough, that we get a pretty full picture of what is going on from day to day at CPA. My favorite character was Emme. She had the most going on in her story and she also had the most compassion. She was definitely naive, but had the biggest heart and worked so hard to keep things together. My next favorite is a tie between Carter and Ethan. I really liked getting to know Carter as a person, because he was learning about himself at the same time as I was, while reading. Deep down he's just a normal teenager who wants to be left to his own devices. I really enjoyed the friendship that formed between him and Emme, she really helped him see that getting what you want doesn't have to be so difficult. Ethan was so misguided and broken, through most of the book I either wanted to smack him or hug him. He was great with Emme, so careful with her feelings and taking care of her when something was wrong. He was so devoted to her and it was clear to anyone who was looking, except Emme. I hated Sophie. I know she's technically the villain of the story, so you aren't necessarily meant to like her, but I couldn't stand reading her chapters. If they hadn't been necessary to the flow of the story, I probably would have skipped them. She was manipulative, cruel and only cared about what everyone else could do for her.

This was an exceptional read. I loved how music tied into almost every part of the story and I am so enamored with most of the characters and the way they related to one another. As far as contemporaries go, this one should move up to the top of your wish list. If your reading experience is anything like mine, you won't want to put it down until you are finished :0)
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LibraryThing member ilikethesebooks
Elizabeth Eulberg. That is really all that needs to be said here... If you like contemporaries, I highly suggest you get yourself acquainted with that name. Her first two novels, The Lonely Hearts Club and Prom & Prejudice were adorable and wonderful and completely worthy of a babbling run on
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sentence. Take a Bow was no exception! It is everything I hoped it would be.

Take a Bow follows the senior year of three teenagers: Emme, Ethan, Sophie and Carter, during their stay at their elite performing arts school in NYC. Senior year is tough already, but when you add fierce competition for the senior showcase, huge college auditions, backstabbing, crushes, band gigs, and a soap opera role... what you get is a whole lot of drama. But in the best way possible?

The format of this book really reminded me of shows like Modern Family in the way that the characters go about their own lives, but then they also kind of address the reader (like the show characters do on the interview sessions). It was pretty hilarious in this way.

What I really enjoyed about this novel is that the voice is really different from Eulberg's other two novels. I have the immense pleasure of knowing the author personally, so I can say that the voice in the first two novels is similar to her own voice (hilarious). That is not a bad thing, but with Take a Bow she breaks from her own voice and is able to create four dynamic and very different characters with distinct voices. The characters continually frustrated me, but that just goes to show that I cared enough about them to get angry with them. Except maybe Sophie.... She is not a very nice person (keeping this review rated G, folks).

I'm a cynic, I'll admit it. I often enjoy when books do not end with a "happy ending". To me they seem more realistic. Not giving anything away, but the ending in Take a Bow is on the happier side. I actually really liked it! It was because the whole plot is very realistic. Even when the characters eventually get what they want, they have a tough road before they reach that point. Nothing is just handed over to them, which is something I find in more than a few contemporaries.

This seems unnecessary... But overall, I loved it! Should you read it? Definitely.
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LibraryThing member ShaEliPar
I'd been excited to read Take A Bow ever since I first heard the premise for it. I generally love books that deal with the arts; be it music or theater and author Elizabeth Eulberg definitely didn't disappoint me.

The story follows the lives of 4 teens during their senior year at a performing arts
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school and I really loved how the novel alternates between each of their perspectives. Emme and Sophie have very different personalities so it was never confusing when the POV changed and the same thing can be said about the two guys. In fact I think the changing narrative gives you a better sense of exactly who this young people are and the pressure they are under.

Emme was easily my favorite character, she's just so sweet and likeable. Watching her confidence grow as the novel moves along was really great. She's truly the heart of the story and much of what happens with the other 3 characters has a direct link back to her.

Since Emme's in a band with Ethan I loved how the novel focuses a lot on that dynamic, both romantically and otherwise. Thankfully the novel doesn't leave their other 2 band mates, Jack and Ben, out in the cold with nothing to do. As supporting characters go they added a lot of humor to the novel and were as memorable as the main quartet.

The novel's pacing is quick and while there is of course loads of drama between the characters, the story itself is light and fun. It reads a lot like a TV series or film, making you care quickly and holding your attention throughout. If I had to complain about anything it would be that at 278 pages the novel was just too short for me. I wanted to spend so much more time immersed in that school with Emme and her friends.

As you can read from this review I'm basically trying not to gush about how amazing it is and how much you all should read it. However when it comes right down to it, I am gushing, you should read it and I hope you think its as wonderful as I do.
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LibraryThing member lacikcrawford
I received this book at NCTE this past year. I had so much fun. I meant some really great authors and some really great people! I am currently thinking about going again this year in VEGAS but we shall see because I just recently bought a house. :)

The book is about a group of friends that go a high
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school that focuses on music and creative arts. They have to audition every semester to stay in the school. It is very difficult to just go and apply, and then attend this high school. Now Emme doesn't think that she is good enough to attend the high school because all she wants to do is write the music, not sing it. On her first day of school is meets the group of guys that are going to be her best friends all through high school. They are going to be there until the end. I think that this aspect of the book made me really love it. You usually read about the girl that has the best girl friend and they are together through the whole book. It made the book more interesting to know that she was having conversation with boys that looked at her as one of the guys instead of a girl that they want to be with.
But you need to understand that this is not a normal high school. Everyone is out to get each other. They all want to be on top. But one thing will keep them all close, the fact that they are really close friends.

If you want a great easy read about a group of friends that stick together until the end, this book is defiantly for you. I really liked this book. It was different and that kept my interest. Elizabeth did such a great job with this book. I would defiantly recommend this book to anyone that loves the music world, yet also loves the book world.
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LibraryThing member thebumblegirl
What a wonderful, well-written and entertaining book!
I love it when an author is able to write a book with more than one characters point of view - and in this story, we get FOUR of them! Four realistic characters that are fun, quirky and ambitious. And Elizabeth Eulberg nails it! Not once did I
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get confused as to who was talking or what was going on and it made the story flow so swiftly and perfectly - I loved it!

Meet our four headliners...
Emme is a very talented songwriter who works hard and is very organized. But her lack of confidence and unsupportive friend keeps her from fully coming out of her shell to sing and steal the spotlight...
Sophie is the singer. She knows that shes got it all and will do anything to get what she wants and make it all the way to the top.
Ethan is swoon worthy but as a songwriter, he feels that he needs to create drama and chaos in order to write his songs, unlike Emme who writes from the heart.
And last, but certainly not least, Carter aka the child actor. He's been there already and no longer has the drive to continue being an actor and wants to be able to just be himself and finally do what he really loves to do.

It was amazing to see how their senior year unfolds - who grows and learns from their mistakes, and who doesn't. Most of all, what I loved was being able to live vicariously through all of these characters - I am no songwriter, not an aspiring actress and definitely cannot hold a note even if my life depended on it, lol; but, at some point in our lives, we have all dreamed about it. And Elizabeth definitely gave me my spotlight!

All of you who are big fans of Glee, High School Musical and (here's where I show my true age!) Fame - will enjoy and devour this book over and over again! It's a must read!
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LibraryThing member denisa.howe
Take a Bow was an enjoyable read with characters that you found yourself loving, hating and simply in disbelief at times. The book is written by the unique voices of the main four characters. Transition between the characters was fairly easy to do and had a nice easy flow. The plot is that of four
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young adults and dreams as high as the moon with competition as fierce as a hurricane and friendships that struggle to survive.
Carter is simply the lovable, pleasant one. His actions are to make it in an artistic way and yet his real dream might be to be a regular person. Emma is the peacekeeper and easily looks past her friends actions. Ethan is the silent one but has compassion for humankind. Sophie is the one you love to hate. This was a storyline that took you into the hearts, minds, spirits and desires of young adults not quite an adult and not a child. The seek notoriety in their artistic dreams. Romance lingers in the air to add to the delight of the reader. This was an enjoyable read.
I received this book via goodreads and enjoyed the opportunity to read it.
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LibraryThing member bibliojunkies
Take a Bow is a sweet story about people learning to stick up for themselves, all in different ways. Emme is by far the central character, but each of the four main characters go through major life changes in the span of the story. Despite it's relative short length, Eulberg makes you feel for
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these characters and gives a surprising amount of depth to Emme, Ethan and to a lesser extent Carter. Sophie's character lacks depth, but that really is the point of Sophie's character.

If you are looking for a story about the perils of love and friendship that will leave you feeling contented, then Take A Bow is a perfect fit.

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LibraryThing member slay621
Take a Bow is a sweet story about people learning to stick up for themselves, all in different ways. Emme is by far the central character, but each of the four main characters go through major life changes in the span of the story. Despite it's relative short length, Eulberg makes you feel for
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these characters and gives a surprising amount of depth to Emme, Ethan and to a lesser extent Carter. Sophie's character lacks depth, but that really is the point of Sophie's character.

If you are looking for a story about the perils of love and friendship that will leave you feeling contented, then Take A Bow is a perfect fit.

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LibraryThing member loveofreading
Take a Bow is my third Elizabeth Eulberg novel and it will certainly not be my last. I recommend Elizabeth Eulberg's books to anyone looking for quality teen chick lit or for a sweet summer read. Eulberg is an incredibly talented author whose stories combine social issues, romance, friendships, and
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drama for a charming, yet addictive story that comes with a satisfying happily ever after.

Take a Bow is told from the point of view of four characters who attend a highly competitive arts school. There's plenty of struggling to find one's identity, but there's also a slightly painful, but delicious 'unrequited love' dynamic that's built up throughout the novel. Be warned that this book may disrupt your life. I had a hard time putting it down towards the end as I needed to know if Emme and Ethan would end up together, if Carter will finally be able to do what he wants, and if Sophie will get what she deserves.

I love that Take a Bow features musically talented characters with realistic musical ambitions. It's not a book about a group of teens who form a doomed rock band. It takes a look at all the hard work required of a student perusing a career in music, at ambition, and at what it takes to make or break your dreams for the future. Moreover, teens can relate to the pressures of being accepted into post-secondary education, and about the fears about the future that accompany the end of one's high school career.

Take a Bow is a charming, heartfelt, and surprisingly powerful story that could only come from the brilliant writing of Elizabeth Eulberg. Elizabeth Eulberg is my go-to recommendation for YA novels for girls, and one of the top chick lit authors for girls ages 13 & up.

4 Stars
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LibraryThing member sunset_x_cocktail

This book immediately appealed to the fan girl in me who was obsessed with the first 3 seasons of Glee.

A most enjoyable fun light hearted read about a group of teens in a prestigious school for performing and creative arts in New York. Centres on four characters, told from four different points of
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view. Each character had their own discitinct voice and personality . The only character I really did not like at all was wanna be super star actress Sophie who took backstabbing bitchiness to new level of obnoxiousness.

Wonderful, full bodied and fleshed out characters. The plot focuses on their senior year, something about the end of term show case which is a really big deal and college auditions. There's drama, a will they won't they romance, audition drama, an awesome band with a troubled lead singer, the bitchy actress, backstabbing, and the quiet but very talented and pretty girl who needs to come out of the shadow into spot light.

Well written and concluded realistically. A very good read.

And crosses off my second square for Bookish Bingo Summer Card - music or dance themes.
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LibraryThing member t1bnotown
My biggest complaint is that it actually looks like Sophie on the cover. Actually, I really enjoyed the way the characters' stories wove together, and I was really happy with the ending. I'm not sure whether Sophie will get the message Carter was giving her though,

Original publication date


Physical description

288 p.


0545334748 / 9780545334747

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