Love and Leftovers

by Sarah Tregay

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Publisher Unknown, Kindle Edition


When her father starts dating a man, fifteen-year-old Marcie's depressed mother takes her to New Hampshire but just as Marcie starts falling for a great guy her father brings her back to Iowa, where all of her relationships have become strained.

User reviews

LibraryThing member EdGoldberg
When Marcie’s father declares he is gay and has a boyfriend named Danny, her mother uproots her from their Boise home and moves them to Durham, New Hampshire, near her mother’s family. The sixteen-year-old leaves behind her boyfriend, Linus, and her BFF, Katie. Thinking New Hampshire is short
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term, Marcie does not make friends. So she is surprised when JD, a cute jock, starts up a friendship. Starved for affection since her mother is depressed and stays in bed many days, Marcie grabs onto JD who is, not only cute, but a gentleman. As the semester progresses, she and JD essentially become boyfriend/girlfriend, all the while Marcie feels guilty about ‘cheating’ on Linus, 2,000 miles away. By Christmas break, her parents decide it is best for Marcie to live with her father and Danny. Home again, Marcie tells Linus of her ‘friendship’ with JD, causing a breakup.

This reader was pleasantly surprised by Sarah Tregay’s novel-in-verse, love & leftovers. She accurately portrays Marcie’s quest for affection, her confusion over her father’s announcement, her feelings for JD and Linus, and her need to help her mother while living her own life. Through poetry and chats, she and Katie ponder love and passion. Marcie is honest when she writes that she would like to do more than kiss JD or Linus and is happy when JD gets to second base. Although the words are simple, the themes of love & leftovers are not. The cover art will attract readers. It is worth the read.
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LibraryThing member ilikethesebooks
I read my first verse book this summer and I have really learned to appreciate the writing style. If you have never read a book written in verse, don't be afraid for one, and Love & Leftovers is a really great one to start with. I loved, loved, loved this book! I read it straight through in one
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sitting (okay... I may have gotten up for a snack).

Okay, pretend for a second that this novel wasn't written in verse... The plot would be awesome, the characters really likable and unique and the description hilarious. Okay, now take out all of the "fluff" and get the core of the novel and that is what verse gives you. By being written this way, the reader is able to quickly get to the meat of the novel, to what you are dying to read more of. I fell in love with the cute, whiteness of the language, but also the sarcastic and darker tones as well. The verse was simply beautiful.

I really liked this novel so much that I can't even say what I did like (and there was nothing I didn't like, so...). Really all there's left to do is say, read it!!! Get it from the bookstore, online (legally!), library, steal borrow from your friend - just get your hands on it, because it is definitely worth it.
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LibraryThing member BookSpot
When Marcie's parents' marriage falls apart, her mother doesn't take it well. It's coming up on Labor Day and their summer escape to Marcie's maternal grandmother's cabin in New Hampshire shows no sign of drawing to a close. With Marcie's group of friends - the 'Leftovers,' those who don't fit into
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any clique or particular social group - along with her emo-rocker boyfriend and her father left behind in Idaho, New Hampshire doesn't feel like home.

But when Marcie starts school in New Hampshire and leaves her Leftover status behind and a cute boy starts bringing her breakfast every day, she thinks the new state might not be quite so horrible. But is this new relationship love? Was her last? Will she ever know?

Love & Leftovers, is a great debut. Told in verse, it lets readers see just what we need to about Marcie and how she's coping with her move (that she does not at first realize is going to be a move) to New Hampshire and leaving her friends, boyfriend, and father behind. We see her mother who is dealing with her divorce very not like an adult, it would seem.

The different poems allows to see how Marcie feels about different situations as well as the most important things that happen to her - and without anything extraneous. I am sometimes wary of verse novels over prose but I think the form was perfect for this story. It allowed things to focus on Marcie and to some of the things (including pronunciation of her name/the accents) seem like they would have been harder, seemed more awkward to include in a book told in traditional prose.

While Love & Leftovers is marketed/reviewed as a love story, I didn't think that was the strongest part. I really loved Marcie figuring things out - what these new developments meant for and to her - and enjoyed her interactions with her friends and family, but the 'love story' wasn't that strong for me.

Love & Leftovers is a great verse (and IM and conversation) novel) that does a fantastic job getting the emotion across, I think you'll enjoy this quick, lyrical read.
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LibraryThing member knitwit2
Told in verse. Marcie's dad falls in love with a man and her mon fles to NH and sinks into a deep depression. She has to deal with lonliness, a new school and missing her boyfriend and best pals back in Idaho. She falls into lust with a "player" at her new high school, Oyster River in Durham, NH.
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Ms. tregay gets most of the details about the real life town accurate. Typical teenage angst compounded with a messy parental situation create a good story. I'm not sure that an only child would so easily forgive the cheating parent and happily move in with him and his new boyfriend. I found that aspect a little far-fetched considering how deeply she dealt with the other highly charged emotinal situations in the book. Overall I enjoyed it and will recommend to kids at the library.
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LibraryThing member nlsobon
I picked up “Love and Leftovers” for my Kindle after seeing the wonderful reviews posted by fellow bloggers. To be honest, before then, this was a book that I hadn’t given much notice to. But I’m glad that I ultimately decided to read this one, because I genuinely enjoyed it.

“Love and
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Leftovers” is a story about Marcie, a young girl seeking comfort as her family life crumbles. When her father leaves her mother for a man, Marcie is forced to step up as the adult after she mothers runs off with her and falls into a bout of depression. But being forced to move away by her mother, forces Marcie to leave behind everything that she knows and loves: her father, her friends, her boyfriend – her life.

As she struggles to care for her mother, while trying to adjust to her new life, Marcie seeks out comfort in the form of J.D., a fellow schoolmate, who is willing to provide Marcie with everything that she desires. Everything that her boyfriend, Linus isn’t able to give her while she’s away.

What I think I enjoyed most about “Love and Leftovers” is that Tregay doesn’t shy away from reality. The pain, the longing, the depression that the character’s face. Their lives are far from perfect, and that makes it easy for readers to lose themselves in this story about life and love. Did Marcie make the right choices? No. But when a person feels lost, as if they are alone, sometimes they make poor choices. And that’s exactly what Marcie does, because she’s desperate to feel, to escape the feeling that she’s being locked away in a prison. And even though I didn’t agree with her choices, I did understand them, and in the end, she did have to pay for her actions.

Would I recommend “Love and Leftovers”? Easily.
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LibraryThing member YABliss
Love & Leftovers is a delightfully poetic, written-in-verse novel that follows a girl's path through understanding her parents and ultimately understanding herself. It is not a very deep story through it does touch some strong subjects like homosexuality and depression.

I love the fusion of poetry
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and plot that verse novels provide. There's just so much weight and careful selection in each word, and such an elegant rhythm to the story, that they end up being almost a different category of books for me. I loved Marcie's voice and her journey through these tough times she's been forced into. The book is more like her poetry journal which made it even more special.

The characters were not fully developed, but it felt right in the short space that verse ends up providing. I really enjoyed the bits and pieces of her dad's new relationship, and her relationship with Danny. The ending left my heart full, and my head filled with gorgeous words. So, this one is a short sweet read that contemporary fans will enjoy. I can't wait to read more from Sarah Tregay.
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LibraryThing member _Lily_
* Hardcover: 448 pages
* Publisher: Katherine Tegen Books (December 27, 2011)
* ISBN-10: 0062023586
* Author: Sarah Tregay
* Cover Art: Very cute
* Overall rating: *** out of 5
* Obtained: My personal bookshelf.

Love and Leftovers by Sarah Tregay
Reviewed by Moirae the fates book reviews.

My wish
is to
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cranium over Converse
in dizzy, daydream-worthy

When her parents split, Marcie is dragged from Idaho to a family summerhouse in New Hampshire. She leaves behind her friends, a group of freaks and geeks called the Leftovers, including her emo-rocker boyfriend, and her father.

By the time Labor Day rolls around, Marcie suspects this "vacation" has become permanent. She starts at a new school where a cute boy brings her breakfast and a new romance heats up. But understanding love, especially when you've watched your parents' affections end, is elusive. What does it feel like, really? can you even know it until you've lost it?

Love and Leftovers is a beautifully written story of one girl’s journey navigating family, friends, and love, and a compelling and sexy read that teens will gobble up whole. (Synopsis provided by goodreads)

For me this book was just okay. I didn't love it, but I didn't hate it either. It's a book I will most likely forget about in a week or so. I've only read a few books in verse before. I liked the flow of this one the best so far, it got to the point and moved very quickly.
It should be said that this book is for older teens, there is a lot of talk about sex in this book, a lot. I'd say a good quarter of the book or so deals with it. There are no sex scenes just talk about it. If you are easily offended by homosexuals in books, then this book is not for you as there is a gay character in it.

I really wanted to love this book, when I picked it up, I knew it was a book in verse and set in two different places in the USA and that I liked the cover. That was it. I read this book in a few hours and while I don't regret reading it, I also am not overly glad I read it. It's just a middle of the road average okay story.

I did have an issue with the ending, it felt forced and it all wrapped up a little too neatly. In a normal high school age group the issues that were brought up and the obstetricals the characters had to over come would never have just gone away that easily.

That being said, I would pick up another book by this author again, if they write another, however, I'd get it from the library.

Due to how much talk of sex is in this book and the fact that a character is gay, I expect this book to be challenged through out the next few years.
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LibraryThing member MaryinHB


I am so in awe of authors who can write in free verse and so far, I have been very lucky with my choices in this genre. This is truly a heart warming story that is a bittersweet and will have so so emotionally involved by the end of the first chapter your head will spin. Marcie's
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parents have been breaking up and the final straw is her father announcing he is gay, while her mother proceeds to fall apart. She is dragged off to a family vacation home in New Hampshire for the summer while her mother tries to collect herself. With no friends and the school year fast approaching, Marcie finds herself in the middle of new school far away from the safety of her nerdy friends known as the leftovers. She is also without her wonderful boyfriend who composes songs in her honor for his band to play.

While stuck in New Hampshire, Marcie finds that to get anywhere she must walk, so when the walking turns into an enjoyable run, she find that she is losing weight. She also get all of the long hair she used to hide behind cut off and discovers that she has become someone all together new. Which doesn't go unnoticed by the new boy that turns out to be one of the popular kids and the total opposite of her school life in Idaho. With mixed feelings, she must now return to Idaho and her old life to live with her father since her mother is not quite capable of caring for her. With some truly awkward moments, she reunites with her old friends and boyfriend that is now her ex.

There were so many emotional issues discussed in this book about divorce, learning to trust yourself, depression that, at times, it seemed like such an endurance trial that Marcie is forced to live through. She has to become the caregiver for her mother, that she can't face the fact that she was dishonest to her boyfriend and the feelings that she has for her father even though she thinks he has destroyed his life as well as her own. The ending nicely brings together all these complicated feelings that Marcie is having and shows how much she has grown.
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LibraryThing member Dukiebri
Marcie is forced to leave everything she knows behind when her parents split. She has to say goodbye to her boyfriend, Linus, her friends (affectionately known as The Leftovers), and even her father and his new, younger boyfriend. She has a hard time fitting in at her new school in New Hampshire,
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and with her mom wallowing in depression as a result of the divorce, Marcie finds herself trying to find friends at school and be a normal teenager while playing the parent at home and watching over her mother. Her boyfriend keeps talking about how much he misses her, which causes Marcie to be more upset. She feels alone and left out, and all she wants is someone to pay her some attention and hold her. When a boy at her school starts showing some interest in her, she finds herself spending more and more time with him, and soon things start to escalate physically. But what about the love she has for Linus? Is what they have real, or will their love crumble like her parents’ did?

I have to say I was pleasantly surprised by Love and Leftovers. The story is told from Marcie’s point of view, and consists of her entries in her poetry journal. I do not particularly care for poetry, so I had some reservations when I started reading, but those reservations quickly vanished and I really got drawn into the story. This book is beautifully written and I really enjoyed reading it. Maybe I should try giving poetry another shot?

I really felt for Marcie. After trying to start afresh at a new school, she finds herself unable to fit in, and she feels isolated from everyone. She starts having doubts that many girls have. Is there something wrong with her? Is she socially awkward? She also starts thinking about her relationship with Linus. He never made a move on her, but doesn’t every 16-17 year boy want to get intimate with their girlfriend? Could Linus possibly be gay like her dad, which could explain why he never tried anything? Or is she just unattractive? Her emotions came across really well through her journal, and I felt like I understood Marcie. All the pain, sadness and happiness she feels, and even the doubts she has about herself, really make her character easy to connect to. Through her journal, the reader gets to see how Marcie matures and learns from the mistakes she makes, and I really liked her growing process.

Overall, this was a really well written, cute story, and I really enjoyed reading it. I had a big smile on my face at certain times and there were other times where I laughed out loud. I would definitely check it out if you haven’t already! This was an excellent debut by Tregay and I am excited to see what she comes out with next!
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LibraryThing member skaohee
Love and Leftovers follows Marcie as she gets used to the idea that her "summer" vacation to New Hampshire has become her new permanent residence, after her parents get separated. This is mainly the story about how Marcie deals with this move; how her friendships and her relationships are
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My FIRST VERSE novel! I was SO excited. I didn't know what I'd be in for, but I really enjoyed it and I feel like this really set the bar high for future verse novels. I was amazed at how easy it was to follow the story of Marcie even though each page has a concise and tight thought.

I liked the story of Marcie and I really liked how much she grew throughout the novel. Did she make the "right choices"? No, not by any means but she learned from her mistakes and I appreciated her honesty (at the end). Also, the theme of the book is one that really resonated with me: Can you truly know what love is, unless you've lost it? An age old question tackled in a modern world and I loved it!
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LibraryThing member Andreat78
Oh, wow. Talk about a sleeper! Love and Leftovers took me by complete surprise. Being that it was written in verse, I wasn't sure what to expect from this book. I guess I thought the verses would be little separate stories that didn't necessarily tell a linear story, but it so does. Love and
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Leftovers was a complete, beautiful, full story told in these small, heartbreaking segments that completely drew me in.

The entire story is told from Marcie's point of view. The book is actually her poetry journal. A journal that chronicles Marcie's struggles with the split of her parents, her cross-country move that separates her from her boyfriend and friends, making friends in her new home, a new relationship, and all the way back around in a complete circle. It documents her confusion with her parents, her mother's debilitating depression, her need to be wanted by a boy... just on and on.

Love and Leftovers would be a fabulous read for teens, especially reluctant readers. The tiny segments keep the pages turning, trying to learn what Marcie will address next. Teen sexuality, the confusion and the importance of timing, is a big theme to the story. This book is the perfect book for teens, but really, I think it's perfect for anyone. I read this book in under two hours; I literally could not put it down. All around, I couldn't recommend Love and Leftovers more highly.

Favorite Quote:
(Choosing one quote was nearly impossible.)

"I let my dream eyes
connect the dots between the freckles
that spill over his shoulders
as if he stood in pink lemonade rain."

* I received an ARC from Harper Teen, in exchange for an honest review. *
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LibraryThing member Bookswithbite
I just love the way this book is written. Written in a beautiful format of verse poem style, the reader gets a great connection to the main character Marcie and watches her world fall apart. I love getting to know a character through short paragraphs but filled with so much emotions.

Right from the
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start, we the meet Marcie who's world is turn upside down by her parents. Struggling and coming to terms of her parents split, Marcie learns more about love than she thought she would. I love that Marcie is wise but also has a lot to learn about love. Marcie is just at that age where nothing is seems as it is. She is struggling within herself longing to find what is the meaning of love? What is love?

I adore when a character goes through a major change but also finds herself. At such a young age, Marcie had to come to terms with her parents decisions and you can see how if affected her. Parents don't realize what affect they have on their children. Just because this happens to her parents she thought it would happen to her. I like that the reader got to see and experience Marcie making her mistakes and learning from them.

The love in this book is well all about love. The one thing I enjoyed about this book is that there was no fake love in here. We are people. People who make mistakes and keep secrets. I like that love is not some phenomenon but something that is work at, like Marcie found.
This is a great book of what love really is. Making mistakes and forgiving. Not comparing someone's else's mistake to another making them pay for it. It's about love. Love is patient. Love is kind.
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LibraryThing member edspicer
It is a quick and fun read. The only critisism I have is that the author needs to be consistant with the poem titles. Either have them part of the poem verses or leave them seperate but pick one. Doing them both made it a little confusing. Q&P unrated AHS/Katleen R.

Yes, if you like books about
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relationships, people who like reading books they can relate to, and it has shocking moments for people who like to be suprised when reading. Q3P3 AHS/Logan R.
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LibraryThing member A_Reader_of_Fictions
Although I am an avowed Apocalypsies fan, I have to confess that I was skeptical about this one, because I'm really not a poetry fan for the most part. It just never has moved me so much as prose, although I will admit that the best prose does seem to have a lyrical quality to it, so I suppose one
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could make the argument that all writing is poetry in some sense.

Anyway, this book totally worked for me, and I will definitely be keeping my free copy in my collection. A big part of the reason that I don't like poetry most of the time is that it seems so pompous and self-congratulatory. That totally is not the feeling I got from Love & Leftovers. It's more like Marcie just thinks in poetry; it's who she is.

In fact, I think the poetry is what made the book really work. I didn't much like Marcie, because she did some things that are completely unforgivable in my opinion. She's not a great person by any means. However, because of the format, which totally seems like a window into her character, I could help being drawn in and caring about her, despite wanting to give her a serious shake most of the time.

Love & Leftovers is a beautiful book and, because poems are short, can be read in just a few hours. If you like Sarah Dessen, I think you'll like Love & Leftovers.
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LibraryThing member readingdate
Love and Leftovers caught my eye with its cute cover and title, and discovering it’s a verse novel just clinched the deal. I’ve only read a handful of verse novels so far but have really fallen for the format. Usually the stories are quick but fulfilling reads, and impactful with the
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expressive, sparse prose. The style works well for this book because the main character Marcie writes short poetic entries in her journal, which becomes the format for the book.

Marcie and her mother beat a hasty retreat out of Idaho one summer and head to New Hampshire when her parent’s marriage dissolves. Marcie leaves behind her rocker boyfriend Linus and group of friends they have dubbed the Leftovers. Summer turns to fall and soon Marcie is starting a new school year in her new adopted home. She’s out of the Leftover group at her new school when popular football player JD starts to pay her some attention. Marcie has mixed feelings about her new life and her father and friends she left behind and tries her best to hold it together.

I like the idea of the Leftovers, the group of friends who don’t fit into one particular group. I always liked the Leftover, or Floater group in school and think that’s a fun group to be in. Marcie, though, makes it sound kind of negative and would rather join the popular group in her new school. Things get questionable when Marcie is less than honest with her loving boyfriend back home about her new life in New Hampshire.

Marcie is flawed and realistic, and I could relate to her even though I didn’t always agree with her way of handling things. I liked how she grew as a person throughout the book, and the way the relationships with her friends and family evolved. There are some great emotional and heartwarming scenes with the adults and friends in Marcie’s life.

Love and Leftovers is an enjoyable book, perfect for contemporary fans or for fans of verse novels. The characters, witty writing, and story are entertaining and make it a quick read. I would love to read more from Sarah Tregay.
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LibraryThing member TeamDewey
Marcie has to deal with her parents split up, learning her dad is gay, moving, and trying to maintain long distance friendships and relationship
LibraryThing member chaoticbooklover
I have fallen in love with books written in verse, and this one, while written in verse left me wanting. The writing was awesome, the plot a great one and it was a very quick read even being over 400 pages. I just didn't really relate to the characters at all. Being thrown into the story in almost
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the middle was kind of confusing, but there was enough info there, so I wasn't totally like "huh???"
The basis of the story is that Marcie the main character is dating this guy, her mother figures out that her father was cheating with another guy and she takes Marcie to the "summerhouse" that the family owns. Only it isn't just for the summer. They up and moved from Idaho to New Hampshire, and Marcie isn't the least bit happy about it. You can tell that her mother is depressed and throughout the whole book she is just about the worst mother to Marcie. Marcie is still in contact with her friends from Idaho and her boyfriend, but she starts to fall for a townie while attending school.
One thing leads to another and all of a sudden mom tries to actually act like a mother and calls in Marcie's Dad. Dad takes Marcie back to Idaho and while Marcie tries to slip tight back into her old routine, she ends up confessing to her boyfriend Linus about J.D. They break up and all of her old friends pretty much turn on her.
They get their happy ending, and everything is tied up in a nice and neat bow. I started and finished the book in a day (6 hours total, with time for dinner and kids' baths), so it is a very quick read if you have time.
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LibraryThing member HeatherLINC
Whilst I enjoyed the actual writing in "Love and Leftovers", I found it difficult to connect with the main character. The story was told through the poems fifteen-year-old Marcie wrote in her notebook dealing with her loneliness since moving, her gay father, her mother's depression since the
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divorce and her longing for love and affection.

Unfortunately, I didn't think Marcie was a good protagonist and she frustrated me with the bad choices she made, the main one being that she cheated on her boyfriend. She was also selfish, annoying and she lied constantly. Most of the story focused on her self=pity and guilt, and wondering why her friends (known as the leftovers) no longer liked her. Duh! By the halfway mark, I didn't like her either.

Linus, on the other hand, was a sweetheart, and far too good for Macie. I loved the swoon-worthy songs he wrote her and his interactions with his little niece were touching and extremely cute. Basically, he was the perfect boyfriend - kind, forgiving and adorable. It was just a shame his girlfriend was nowhere near as nice.

"Love and Leftovers" was a quick read and I like most of the characters except for Marcie who spoilt the story.
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