
by Anna Godbersen

Other authorsKatja Ruunaniemi (Translator)
Paperback, 2011



Call number




Hämeenlinna : Karisto, 2011.


As rumors continue about the untimely demise of Elizabeth Holland, an outwardly stricken Penelope Hayes determines to use any means necessary to claim her friend's pre-eminent place in 1899 Manhattan society and to get and keep the attentions of Elizabeth's former fiancé, the wealthy Henry Schoonmaker.

User reviews

LibraryThing member abbylibrarian
The Hollands, Hayeses, and Schoonmakers are back in this sequel to The Luxe. Again, the story is told through the eyes of many characters, allowing us a complete picture of socialite life in 1899 New York City. Rumors begins with the wedding of Mr. Henry Schoonmaker... but the identity of his bride
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is not revealed until much later in the book. Rumors start to fly as people suspect that Miss Elizabeth Holland might still be alive and the appearance of a new young face, Miss Carolina Broad, is intriguing to some.

If you liked The Luxe, you'll like this sequel. It ends on somewhat of a cliffhanger and I know from the jacket flap that Anna Godbersen is working on a third Luxe book.
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LibraryThing member km3scott
This new series is really heating up! We uncover what really happened to Elizabeth, and how Diana and her mother are getting along. Henry is in love, and Penelope wants to know who with.
This story is a bit mystery, a lot of romance, and many suprises along the way. I can't wait for the next one in
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the series.
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LibraryThing member mrsjason
I found these books to be a whole lot tamer than other secular teen fiction series such as Gossip Girl, The It Girl or The A-List. Maybe it's because of the time period but there is almost no cursing and while there is teenage sex it is not as frequent as in the modern books. This series is being
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touted as the 1900s version of the aforementioned series. The premise being that the lifestyles of the rich and famous are always the same no matter the time period. However, regarding sex, it does make one think. This story takes place during a time period where there is no form of birth control. It appears that the characters who are having sex are doing it frequently. They seem to have no concern that they could possibly get pregnant. It just seems a little irresponsible of these teens to not think about the consequences.

Parents seem to exist only to provide the lavish lifestyles for the main characters to partake in. There is not one single grown up who is a role model for the teens. I don't know exactly how the wealthy exactly lived but I would have thought perhaps a childhood nanny or teacher could have been there to provide some sort of positive influence. It's a jarring absence that seems to enhance the surreal lifestyle. It's hard to get attached to any of the characters as I felt that they were too involved into their own drama. The only one I felt any feelings toward to was Diana and that was because she was the only one who wanted to not act like society. I was highly disappointed at the ending of the book but I can hardly say I didn't expect it. I had a feeling that situation was going to happen as there were too many events that kept leading up to that incident.

I do enjoy the covers of the books, the dresses are simply to die for although I felt that the necklines are too low for the Victorian age. That much skin would NOT be shown at all by a well-bred young female of that time period. I will read the next book in the series because although this is not the best writing that is out there, it is rather addictive.
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LibraryThing member callmecayce
I don't actually like the Luxe series all that much, the problem is that I just have to know what happens. This is the second of Anna Godbersen's Luxe series. The story centers (mostly) around Elizabeth's sister, Diana and the young man she's in love with, Henry. The problem, of course, is
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Elziabeth's best friend, Penelope Hayes. While that appears to be the main issue, Godbersen does do some things right. Diana Holland and her mother must battle their increasing lack of wealth, the loss of several of their servants, and their grief for Elizabeth. Rumors is full of double crossing, heart break (and heartache), and a surprising wedding at the end. As much as I don't want to keep reading, I will because I need to know what happens to the Hollands.
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LibraryThing member adpaton
Anna Godbersen’s two ‘Luxe’ novels – Rumours and Envy – are truly guilty pleasures, very much in the fantastical Barbara Cartland style of bodice-ripper, although better written and certainly more sexually explicit.

The Holland family is at the apex of fin de siecle New York society and
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the two daughters of the house, fascinatingly fair Elizabeth and bewitchingly brunette Diana – are the toast of the town.

Elizabeth’s betrothal to the divinely beautiful millionaire playboy Henry Schoonmaker seems pre-ordained – until the bride-to-be is kidnapped, presumed dead, leaving her fiancé bereft and her family destitute.

Like soap operas, Chick Fic’s most endearing quality is its sheer unlikeliness: Elizabeth isn’t dead, just eloped with the groom; Henry is not bereft because he is in love with Diana, and a cast of amoral vixens and adventurers haunt the pages with little better to do than thwart the cause of true love.

The villain Penelope blackmails Henry into abandoning Diana and marrying her and at the same time Elizabeth’s groom is spotted by the police and shot dead, since they believe he has kidnapped his mistress – and so ends Rumours…

Envy is even more unexpectedly absurd and the Holland girls are invited to go on holiday with the newly wed Schoonmakers and, naturally, Henry and Diana resume their relationship much to the fury of the evil Penelope.

The book ends with Henry heading off to war: when dainty Diana hears this she cuts off her long, lustrous curls, puts on an old army coat, dons a man’s bowler hat, and sets off to enlist with him, posing as a man.

That exquisite face, that swan neck, those perfect breasts, that delicate yet deliciously curvy little body is magically transformed by just a change of apparel – but that is how things work in the world of Chick Fic and you either accept it or don’t bother reading it at all.

Great fun – total tosh of course but the ridiculously entertaining pages are peopled by beauties with great grey eyes, magnificent clusters of wild curls, tiny, plump pouting mouths and pearly teeth, floating along an absurdly small feet, in a flurry of fur, feathers, frills and flounces. Fabulous.
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LibraryThing member stephaniechase
It's like "Gossip Girl: 1899" -- and a lot of fun.
LibraryThing member simplykatie
i'm loving this book series. and i'm also loving the fact that i could give this to a teen who watches "gossip girl," but is on the young side without worrying about what a parent might think of the drugs and alcohol in the "gossip girl" series. i'm definitely bummed about the ending of the book
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and i have to admit that i didn't see it coming because i was so wrapped up in the story. third book is coming out soon, i hope!
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LibraryThing member nutti72
This is the sequel to "Luxe", a Gossip Girls like book set at the turn of the 20th Century. It offers a truly interesting view of life for the upper crust in NYC. The book focuses primarily on the Holland girls, but it's a book told by alternating chapters by the main characters. Each chapter
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introduction is a news clip or other tidbit.
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LibraryThing member kakumadepew
A bit slow at the begining but picks up a lot at the end.
LibraryThing member deslivres5
I loved the continuation of the story with these characters from the first Luxe novel. I absolutely hated the twist at the end! But I can't wait for the third novel to see how the events evolve...
LibraryThing member insertbooktitle
loved this book. Every aspect was twined into together perfectly and I was never bored. I also love her sense of character. You can actually believe this is happening. Elizabeth is dead, and Diana is left to pick up the pieces of the family. But she has no desire for the beau that her mother keeps
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thrusting at her. She wants only Henry. Unfortunately so does Penelope and she will stop at nothing to capture him. Even blackmail is not out of the question for her. How will Diana get Henry to herself and KEEP him?
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LibraryThing member mmillet
Much better than the first in the series, 'The Luxe'. Characters were a lot more dynamic, yet realistic, and I actually found myself wanting to know what was going to happen. I think they also did a better job reseraching the rules of society for this one, which were often insightful at times.It is
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a pretty sad story however but teen girls will probably gobble this one up. I'm actually interested to read the next one -- Envy. When's it coming out?
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LibraryThing member iwriteinbooks
I haven’t reviewed many books contained in series on the blog and find it incredibly hard. It’s almost like reviewing the middle of a book, right where the juicy part is but still trying to maintain a veil of secrecy.

Nowhere is this more difficult to accomplish than in the second installment of
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Anna Godberson’s four part Luxe set, Rumors. Staged in turn of the century Manhattan and essentially the wilderness of California, the second book finds our party of revelers and mourners garter deep in more trouble than they can manage.

There is nothing like good scandal to keep readers guessing which is why it is incredibly difficult to lay it on the line for review dissection.

The stage set by The Luxe was a gaudy one but also one that hinted toward a lust for the other side of the tracks. When we meet them again, both Holland girls find themselves in over their heads in love and in life. Their passions can’t be contained within the walls of the society in which they were born and raised and this, inevitably, leads to trouble.

The usual suspects return, starring debutante extraordinaire, Penny, reluctant millionaire heir, Henry; social climbing but clueless ex-maid, Lina, handsome and wholesome oil-hopeful Will and of course, that lovable entity, the gossip column.

I enjoyed the sequel as a welcome diversion from real life drama. I won’t get into the specifics of the small things that irked me because it involves listing unforgivable spoilers. Let’s just say several people show up dead, alive and, more dramatically, married. But, well, that’s just Manhattan in 1899.
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LibraryThing member vhoeschler
And I’m Done with the Series
I knew what I was getting into with Rumors after having read Luxe but this book proved too vapid even for me. (This is saying something considering I was looking to read something light; this was the Diet Coke of light reading) Again, for the Gossip Girl lover, you
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might find some entertainment value here but all you’re really doing is picturing Chase Crawford in a top hat and Leighton Meester asphyxiating herself with a corset.
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LibraryThing member Anabelguiffre
When this book came out I was super excited. I had read 'The Luxe' and just adored the setting, the people, the problems, all of it was just so intriguing. Yet Rumors, which I waited on pins and needles for, was a complete let down, The only character i really wanted to hear from was Diana. The
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rest were either to boring, to whinny or just to normal.
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LibraryThing member sensitivemuse
Ok I tried. I even went past my 100 page limit. Then I noticed, I kept getting tired of the endless running in circles routine. It was starting to drag. Will and Elizabeth were pissing me off because they were so sickeningly sweet together they started to give me cavities. The intrigue and plotting
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were there but it just wasn’t enough anymore to capture my attention. I simply couldn’t read any further.

To add more injury, I simply looked up this book and the remaining book summaries (Envy and Splendor) and was left satisfied with that. I didn’t need to read an extra 400 pages about what gowns they were wearing, what rumor was next, what Penelope was thinking (the answer was usually Henry) what Diana was thinking (answer is..guess what? Henry again!) and if goody girl Elizabeth was going to come to the rescue. *sighs* I didn’t have the patience anymore and found my thoughts wandering off. I simply couldn’t go any further. Oh well. At least I now know what happens after.
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LibraryThing member AngieBrooke
I am loving this series. They're like historical soap operas gorgeous dresses, betrayal, love and all.
LibraryThing member CrystalJoy04
This is the second book in The Luxe series. If you have not read the first book, it may get confusing. There are more scandals, more drama, and more secrets. It is a lot to keep up with but this it's easier in this book now that we are familiar with the characters and their personalities. Penelope
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is up to her usual games chasing Henry and trying to get people to notice her and accept her as much as they did Elizabeth. Henry is dealing with his feelings for Diana and trying not to feel guilty for betraying Elizabeth. The Hollands are still trying to figure out their financial problems. Lina is trying to move up the social totem pole. And I can go on and on.

I enjoyed this book more than the first which is always good when reading a series. The only problem I had was that it started off a little slower than I would have liked. I think the parts about Elizabeth were a little boring and her part in the book isn't as interesting as it could have been. With that said, the rest of the book is pretty good. Diana is still my favorite character although she goes through some changes. I find it interesting how in the first book Elizabeth is more worried about their financial woes and in this one the roles were reversed. I liked how the sisters essentially end up in the same situation by the end of the book. The ending was okay but leaves the reader a little sad but hopeful for the next installment.
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LibraryThing member jasmyn9
(minor spoilers if you haven't read the first book, The Luxe)

In the second book of the Luxe series we are focused a bit more on the younger Holland sister Diana. As society reels from Elizabeth's death and speculates on possible alternatives, Diana must grow up quickly to save the family. They are
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quickly running out of money and things to sell for money. Her best hope is to marry her sister's former fiance, Henry Schoonmaker, who is mourning for Elizabeth. But it isn't a simple as all that. Penelope Hayes, who played a part in Elizabeth's death/disappearance, has her eyes on Henry as well, and she is not afraid to use every underhanded trick she can think of to win him over.

Diana is a girl after my own heart. She mocks society and all it's silliness as she attempts to play along - if only for appearances sake. She loves Henry deeply and passionately, and prays for when it will be considered appropriate for them to leave mourning and become engaged. Meanwhile, Elizabeth and Will have settled in California and are looking for oil when a letter from Diana causes enough concern for them to risk returning to New York to try and help, for Elizabeth's mother is quite ill and the financial situation is becoming even more dire.

Penelope is a very mean person (I'd like to use a different phrase, but my daughter reads this). While I respect her will to fight and do whatever it takes to get what she wants...I hate to see how she treats the people around her in order to get it.

This book moved a bit more slowly for me than the first in the series. There were many small details that became large ones and I'm hoping they are all made relevant in the third book. I'm far too attached to Diana to give up on her now and will be ordering the next in the series, Envy as soon I can.

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LibraryThing member dfullmer
Short sequel to The Luxe. Liked it as much as the first, my only complaint is that they are too short and make you wait for another sequel.
LibraryThing member francescadefreitas
OK, this series is addictive. I don't much like any of the characters barring Diana, I thought the real ending of this was dreadful, the teaser ending at the start did add to the suspense. This seemed to be more of a setup for a third instalment than a book on its own, nothing is resolved here. And
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I will keep on reading, because I must know what happens to Diana.
I'd give this to people who enjoyed Luxe.
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LibraryThing member AllAndAnyBooks
Brutal but sweet love, jealousy and gruel fate. It's the three major things in this books. I loved it and I hated it. I still have a hard time to understand all that happened in this book. And I can't do anything but to read the next book because this series totally have me in its claws.
LibraryThing member kariannalysis
In Anna Godbersen’s second novel in the Luxe series, the New Yorkers are finally starting to move on from the mysterious death of Elizabeth Holland. Her sister, Diana, is going on numerous dates with the city’s finest bachelors, her fiance Henry is coming out of his mourning phase and her best
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friend Penelope is waiting in Henry’s shadows. But what some know, and others wonder about, is that the story they heard about Liz, may not be the truth and it will soon all be crystal clear. And what a better way to end the 19th Century than with an amazing wedding with a happy bride and a bribed groom? A love square that became a triangle is now back to two.

Ok, so if you’ve been following my posts, you already know I accidentally read Envy before Rumors. While it wasn’t on purpose, it kind of worked out. I understood that I missed some things, like Elizabeth coming back and Henry’s wedding, but there wasn’t so much missing that I was confused. Going back and reading this after the 3rd one filled in all the holes. It was different, but nice. There are many books in a series where this wouldn’t work.

The thing I like least about these books are they are extremely long. Each book is 400+ pages and I catch myself, numerous times, skimming. I love the fact that I feel like I am there, in 1899 in a hand made dress in the plum middle of NYC winter. But, I just find myself not caring about all of the small details and wanting to get to the juice.

The drama, as with the rest of the series is great. I love how she starts the book with the ending, then goes back to a previous time and works back to the ending. It keeps me guessing how we will get there. I also like, as I have said before, at the beginning of the chapters how she has little snippets from the society pages. I am still on a quest to get in touch with Godbersen to see if these are real snippets and if the characters are based on real life events.

I give Rumors 3 bookmarks. I liked it, but didn’t love it.
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LibraryThing member PatienceFortitude
An addictive historical fiction series. After wolfing down two books, I conclude that the author's a sadist- to her characters AND to her readers. There was a plot twist where I just looked at the words on the page and exclaimed "WHAT?"
Still, I'll read the next!
LibraryThing member xXlovelyxladyXx
Mini Review
Alright. I'm officially unsatisfied with the ending. Really. I know that not every story can have a happy ending but at the same time, some characters are killed off or taken away some how and it really does not add to the shock value. I still loved this book and all but the end was not
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good. That's really all I have to say.
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463 p.; 18 cm


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